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  Nr. 3174 de miercuri, 17 noiembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Nastase might gain advantage
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The latest national opinion polls show that Traian Basescu is still behind Adrian Nastase and can't manage to reach the same score, despite the fact that the former has got superior quality electorate in cities, in terms of age, education...   (1 afisare)
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-- Private conversation with Gorbaciov: Iliescu complaining about IFM and the West
Vladimir Bukovski is unveiling the truth about Ion Iliescu @ KGB and PCUS (the Soviet Union Communist Party) secret archives are opening to ZIUA readers by means of the "treasure" of the anti - Communist dissident @ Iliescu negotiated with Mihail Gorbaciov about preserving Romania under USSR influence @ "Ceausescu defiled the noble ideals of scientific socialism", Iliescu went on after confiscating the...   (7 afisari)      1 comentariu
Hoyer calms down Verheugen
Yesterday during a press conference held at the PNL (The National Liberal Party) headquarters, Werner Hoyer, President of ELDR (the European Liberal - Democrat Party), expressed hope that the fulfillment of Romania's EU admission negotiations had nothing to do with November elections. Hoyer specified: "I am appealing to the European Commission and to Gunther Verheugen to avoid creating the impression that fulfilling negotiations with Romania has got anything to...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
Iliescu - Nastase couple attack civil society
Yesterday Ion Iliescu, former and future leader of PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) and PSD candidate to presidency Adrian Nastase attacked CPC (The Coalition for a Clean Parliament) again. Iliescu visited Ialomita with view to the ceremonies of opening the Lehliu - Drajna segment in Soarelui highway. He was accompanied by Adrian Nastase, in his prime - minister hypothesis, not in his candidate one, as he himself claimed. In a conference set...   (1 afisare)      1 comentariu
Emergency restitution
The Archbishopric of Suceava and Radauti will get the 90,000 hectares of forests it is entitled to. Actually it is he damages set by the law on land property. Yesterday Eugen Bejinariu, Minister of the Executive Secretary Department, stated that the Executive withdrew the law project promoted two weeks before and referring to the restitution of lands to the Archbishopric of Suceava and Radauti and added the Executive adopted emergency ordinance on the topic. The...   (1 afisare)      2 comentarii
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Cine pregateste farsa altuia... (79 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (23 afisari)
 Vanzatorul (21 afisari)
 Nastase poate lua avans (21 afisari)
 Intre patru ochi cu Gorbaciov (18 afisari)
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