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  Nr. 3162 de miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
The election campaign role of the Church
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Some public controversial statements by some representatives of the Romanian Orthodox Church have lately caused scandal. Some politicians, civil society members and even clergy representatives consider these statements...   (3 afisari)
Romanian Patriarchy accused of involvement in political competition
Yesterday His Holiness the Archbishop of Cluj issued a press release accusing the Romanian Patriarchy of "bias involvement into political competition, which makes our priests notice that interdiction can operate on them, but not on the institution they represent". The reaction of the Archbishop of Cluj was caused by a release by the Romanian Patriarchy, issued on October 28. The release was showing: " While they were on...   (2 afisari)
Cozma set free
-- Victims of 1990 -1991 miners' attacks in Romania: "Coup against Justice and democracy"
Iliescu is preparing election move and ransom for an old ally: the acquitting of miner leader Miron Cozma. The Presidency intention is included in the answer to the letter written by the French unions, asking that the miner attacks' leader should be set free. PSD (The Social - Democrat party) Senator Adrian Paunescu and PRM ("Great Romania" Party) Deputy Doru Ioan Binde have already prepared...   (1 afisare)
Mutu: "I am not giving up football"
-- Bosnich defends Mutu
The "Brilliant" denies all rumors about his eventual withdrawal by means a press release issued by the lawyer company defending his interests. Today the Romanian player is to be heard by the FA Discipline Commission, which will announce he verdict tomorrow the latest. (M.G.)
Former Chelsea goalkeeper, Australian Mark Bosnich stated the British group should rediscuss the decision to sack Mutu's contract, who was discovered on cocaine...   (1 afisare)
   (1 afisare)
Iodine salt by force
It is indeed true that the lack of iodine in the human organism might jeopardize health. But from this point to forcing an entire country by absurd Executive decision to consume only iodine salt seems to amore than stupid, as people have no choice left. This is as absurd as the law "banning" pickles and other canned food, under the pretext that we have too many citizens suffering from tyroid troubles.
Hyper tyroid persons, patients suffering from tyroid cancer...   (3 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Liste electorale (1181 afisari)
 Sare iodata cu de-a sila (390 afisari)
 Botez in Portul Constanta (25 afisari)
 Contradictii privind discernamantul criminalului care si-a ucis sora (21 afisari)
 Cum isi aleg americanii presedintele (20 afisari)
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