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  Nr. 3156 de miercuri, 27 octombrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Premature storm? Or has the war really begun?
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Traian Basescu's latest public statements have caused high irritation among his adversaries. Ion Iliescu has hurried out of Cotroceni to confirm Octav Cozmanca's announcement on Iliescu's participation to the parliamentary...   (1 afisare)
Don't vote for them!
CPC (The Coalition for Clean Parliament) is asking PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) +PUR (The Romanian Humanist Party) Union and PNL (The National Liberal Party) - PD (The Democrat Party) Alliance to remove several Parliament candidates from their lists for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate. Lists include 11o politicians representing the ruling party and 12 from PNL - PD Alliance. Some of them are current names in Romanian politics: Nicolae Vacaroiu, Viorel Hrebenciuc,...   (2 afisari)
Russia fights USA for Ukraine
-- Putin shares popularity rate with Ianukovici
Yesterday evening all Ukrainian TV companies cast Vladimir Putin's "talk-show" in Kiev live. It included answers to the questions asked by citizens who managed to get into phone or Internet contact. This is a common procedure taking place towards the end of the year. But this time Putin was in Kiev, informs Izvestia in an article called "Putin changed his nation to be on TV".
The newspaper underlines that Leonid...   (3 afisari)
UNESCO analyzes Bastroe
These days the UNESCO headquarters in Paris is hosting a special reunion of the "Man and Biodiversity" program. Romania will take this opportunity to bring to the foreground one more time its position on the destructive canal Ukraine is building through the middle of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Ukraine is again playing with ecologists' patience as well as with international law. Ukraine is using all means to change the positioning of the Danube Biosphere Reserve...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
   (1 afisare)
Constitutional Court in PSD campaign
-- Iliescu and Nastase paid election visit together with judge Ion Predescu
Yesterday President Iliescu made one more huge blunder and broke the Constitution one more time. While on election visit to Craiova, accompanied by PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) candidate to presidency Adrian Nastase, Iliescu showed himself in the presence of Ion Predescu, judge working for the Constitutional Court. Former PSD senator, Predescu was chosen judge for nine...   (2 afisari)
Podgoreanu attacked Basescu
Radu Podgoreanu, President of the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Chamber of Deputies and PSD (the Socialist - Democrat party) representative will ask Parliament commissions of foreign affairs to debate Traian Basescu's statements on Ukraine and on the EU admission in order to decide if they affected Romania's interests, informs Mediafax. Yesterday Podgoreanu criticized the statements made by the PNL (The national Liberal Party) - PD (The Democrat party) Alliance...   (5 afisari)
Romanian specialists analyze hypothesis of claiming Insula Serpilor back
-- The Hague trial might last four years and costs 1 million Euro, without success guarantee
On Monday Shi Jiuyong, President of the International Court of Justice, had a meeting with Romanian and Ukrainian representatives in Hague. The meeting referred to the process of delimiting Romania's and Ukraine's continental plateaus and exclusive economical areas in the Black Sea. According to a press release by the...   (7 afisari)
Nastase wants to help Mutu and talk to Blair
-- @ Romanian PM mistakes the championships of Mitica Dragomir for Premier League and informed he would talk to UK PM about the Chelsea player
On Monday evening PM Adrian Nastase participated on the "Nasu'" TV show on B1 TV, produced by Radu Moraru. As for Adrian Mutu, he said the latter "had probably made a mistake" and that he would pay for it. But the PM said it was important to take into account the fact that Mutu was leader of the Romanian...   (2 afisari)      1 comentariu
Euro 2013
According to central bank estimations, the current account deficit will be lower than 6% of PIB (the raw internal product). The 5,5% initial target represents the minimum for 2004, stated Cristian Popa, Vice Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) yesterday in Dubrovnik, informs Mediafax.
The central bank estimates current transfers (money coming mainly from Romanian working abroad) reaching more than 2 billion Euro this year.
As for the state of the Romanian banking...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Candidati ai Uniunii PSD-PUR Judetul Alba (69 afisari)
 "Romania libera" revine la Senat (36 afisari)
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