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  Nr. 3155 de marti, 26 octombrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Reserve play
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Yesterday in my editorial I was noticing that Adrian Nastase's campaign was making no progress without Iliescu's powerful involvement. This remark has been very alarming for some. This is because Nastase has attained the point of fullest growth in...   (1 afisare)
The problem of young University members from Goethe to Iliescu
This is not the first time that highest Senate officials have expressed concern about the famous "migration of brilliant minds". The Romanian Cultural Institute has recently organized a seminar in Sinaia. Held juste before elections, the seminar only took up one more time a topic that exhausted our ears for years. Its is one theme developing multiple variations. Emil Constantinescu, for instance, thought...   (2 afisari)
Double Iliescu
Iliescu is changing politics @ He is going to play double role: he will get involved in the PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) election campaign and he will not give up Romanian president position @ The President stated he would go and talk to the crowd in his "leisure time" @ He added: "I shall see how I can plead for my Senate candidacy. The institution is not getting involved in this election campaign". @ "There is a law on parliamentary elections. I have agreed to participate...   (2 afisari)
Future EU Commissioner for regional policy warns Bulgaria outclassed Romania
Indictment by Danuta Huebner: "Bulgaria - Romania on the Way to EU" tandem might be annulled in favor of Sophia
It is up to Romania if in January 1st 2007 there are two new EU members and if Bulgaria's and Romania's admissions get delayed, stated the future EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, Danuta Huebner. It was the answer to a question on the chances to obey the January 1st 2007 date set for the EU enlargement.
Bulgaria...   (1 afisare)
Basescu and D.A. Alliance under accusation
Yesterday D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance, made up of PNL (The National Liberal Party) and PD (the Democrat Party) and presidency candidate Traian Basescu underwent a series of negative reactions and accusations. UK daily newspaper "The Economist" showed the possible parliamentary victory of D.A. Alliance as Romania's failure on the way to European integration. Moreover, the Alliance was compared to CDR (the Romanian Democrat Convention) and...   (4 afisari)
Election campaign rules for TV channels and radio posts
Yesterday representatives of TV channels and radio posts met with CNA (The National Council for Audio and Visual Media) representatives to talk about election campaign regulation. CNA President Radu Filip warned that, unlike in the local elections campaign, CNA would give sanction "to the first act of disobedience" to election legislation. Candidates with Executive or administration positions will only be presented if they participate...   (1 afisare)      1 comentariu
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