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  Nr. 3130 de luni, 27 septembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Bucharest hesitation gives birth to local monsters
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
It is high time we faced the naked truth. Romania has proved to be unable to give replies corresponding to the spirit of Ukrainian challenges. If things go on like this, as far as Insula Serpilor and Bastroe canal are concerned, there are consequences to come from four sides: Bucharest looks...   (3 afisari)
Bastroe - Ukraine defies NATO
-- Defense Minister Ioan Mircea Pascu: The National Defense Ministry has got no order to get involved in dispute
By building Bastroe canal, Ukraine wants to show it can do what it pleases, although Romania is member of the North - Atlantic Alliance, has recently stated Romanian Defense Minister Ioan Mircea Pascu, quoted by Mediafax. Romania is NATO members and this is why it must react to Ukraine's "aggressive" measures, continued the Romanian official. "We can't...   (1 afisare)
Scheele informed on TVR
Yesterday PD (The Democrat party) deputy Adrian Gurzau from Cluj stated he intended to write an open letter to Jonathan Scheele, Chief of the EU Delegation to Bucharest. The letter was to inform the latter on the attitude of TVR (The Romanian Television) towards the MPs who voted against the institution's report, considering it to be " serious attack against democracy". Gurzau is accusing TVR leading board of having started TV focussed "blackmail" and "discrediting"...   (1 afisare)
Dreadful prison house
One underage citizen is dead and 4 others are in hospital in serious condition. This is the outcome of the revolt in PMT Craiova (the Craiova Prison House for Youth and Underage). The mistreatment of underage and young detainees in the prison house in Craiova made some of the latter revolt, at the cost of one life. Viorel Constantin Stamate died. The other four rebels were seriously injured after their room on fire.
The incident brings to the foreground again one of...   (1 afisare)
   (2 afisari)
Eugen Dijmarescu replies the World Bank
The recent analysis accomplished by the Foreign Commerce Department (FCD) shows the risk of corruption during procedures for the release of import - export license has constantly diminished due to the elimination of administrative obstacles since 2002. According to analysis, only 99 out of the 11.000 fee positions in the Customs Nomenclature Register need import license now. Only 201 need export license. As for 2002 - 2004, FCD has received no complaints...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
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