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  Nr. 3124 de luni, 20 septembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Vadim defeats PRM
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The spectacular alliance between PRM ("Great Romania" Party) and BNS (the National Union Federation), which we reported a long time ago - is, in fact, a political combination not with the anti - system party, but with Vadim. The same goes for Eyal Arad, Israeli election strategist, brought to Romania on serious money not to...   (1 afisare)
The most recent commentary in Project Syndicate's Islam and the World series
Pakistan's war of all against all
The alliance in the fight against terrorism between Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf and the United States is imperative not only for America, but for Pakistan-a Muslim-majority nation whose social fabric is being torn apart by militancy and lawlessness. But will an exclusive focus on military
power ultimately prove to be counter-productive?
The Human Rights...   (2 afisari)
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Ukraine opens bank in Insula Serpilor
On Saturday Aval Ukrainian Bank announced the opening of a branch in Insula Serpilor (Snakes Island), an almost uninhabited island in the Black Sea, informs Rompres. The announcement made by the private bank Aval on opening a branch in Insula Serpilor is a premier against the background of " projects to develop infrastructure" by Kiev. Ukraine is taking pains in conferring inhabited territory status to this island. Aval Bank underlines in a press release...   (3 afisari)
The Danube Commission asks that Bastroe building operations should stop
Ukraine must obey Sophia conventions on the protection of the Danube River and must interrupt operations on Bastroe canal till analyzing the consequences of the project, is shown by a resolution adopted by the reunion of the permanent work group of ICPDR (The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River), informs a press release from the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Bucharest. The reunion was held in...   (1 afisare)
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Political analysts criticize the PRM - union alliance
At the end of last week, PRM ("Great Romania" Party), PBND (The National Democrat Front Party) and BNS (The National Union Front) signed a pre - election, election and post - election collaboration protocol. According to the document, PRM will include on candidate lists those persons recommended by PBND and supported by BNS. PRM and PBND will also have common election campaign for presidential and parliamentary elections and the sides...   (1 afisare)
-- Excerpts from the Liberal businessmen Dinu Patriciu's explaining the silence of PNL - PD Alliance and the philosophy of the Liberal ruling program
"Now we are busy we something else: We must win elections"
ZIUA: PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) has reproached to the PNL (The National Liberal Party) - PD (The Democrat Party) Alliance that it is incoherent and lacks program...
Dinu Patriciu: "(...) There is need to restore normality in social partnership. There is also need...   (2 afisari)
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A r h i v a
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 Macaulay Culkin, arestat pentru droguri (42 afisari)
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 Analistii politici critica alianta PRM-BNS (38 afisari)
 Embargoul, o solutie diplomatica la agresiunea Ucrainei (32 afisari)
 "Acum avem alta treaba, trebuie sa castigam alegerile" (20 afisari)
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