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  Nr. 3071 de marti, 20 iulie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Stir them up!
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Cyclically, every time an electoral campaign approaches, certain information and documents having diversionist nature, are put in the open by who knows who. Usually, they are meant either to reduce the degree of credibility of some political leaders, or to attack the interest groups the latter are counting upon. When these types...   (1 afisare)
Iliescu strikes on Rosca
The article "The Red Comrades", published by ZIUA on July 19, has determined president Ion Iliescu to write a right to reply full of invectives and accusations both addressed to the director of our paper, Sorin Rosca Stanescu and to Vladimir Bukovski. We are presenting you the right to reply signed by Ion Iliescu, Sorin Rosca Stanescu's reaction and the letter in which Bukovski confirms his approval to the published form of the interview.
Addressed to Mr. Sorin Rosca...   (3 afisari)
     2 comentarii
Sorin Rosca Stanescu: "I'm amazed by the poisonous tone, hardly fitting a chief of state"
I find it hard to understand the reason that determined Mr. President Ion Iliescu to use in his right to reply so many invectives at my own and my newspaper's (ZIUA -"The Day") address. I'm amazed by the poisonous tone he used in the letter we have published, to what I consider an inadequate tone for a chief of state. I'm informing our readers that ZIUA newspaper had done nothing but publish the points...   (4 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
-- PSD decentralization judged in Congress
Ioan Rus claims his project stands great chances of being adopted
Ioan Rus, PSD (the Social Democratic Party) leader in Cluj, stated yesterday that his project regarding the party decentralization and restructuring project, submitted to the PSD leadership is included in the program of the Congress. According to the PSD leader, his project that is presently worked at with "peace and calm", stands all chances of being adopted at the Extraordinary...   (2 afisari)
Eyal Arad contested at negotiations for Israel Government
Shmuel Rainish, CEO of H.O.R. Haifa, former mayor of Nesher, stated yesterday that in his quality as member of the Labor Party, he demands the leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Shimon Peres, leader of the Labor Party, to immediately cease coalition talks, as long as one of the members of the negotiating teams appointed by the PM Ariel Sharon is Eyal Arad, the image counselor of the "Great Romania Party". Shmuel Rainish reminded...   (3 afisari)
Stop Rosia Montana
Romanian Academy demands urgent ceasing of the auriferous exploitation project at Rosia Montana. The prestigious institution solicits state authorities to "carefully" look into the deal, with the help of independent and disinterested experts, European organisms included. Members of the Academy bring as support to their statement arguments of legal, economic and cultural matter. The exploitation "doesn't represent a work of public interest in the interest of national...   (5 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Olivia Steer si Andi Moisescu fac nunta la toamna (147 afisari)
 Dosarele Palatelor Cotroceni si Victoria (57 afisari)
 Rezidentiatul se organizeaza in noiembrie (31 afisari)
 Stop Rosia Montana! (17 afisari)
 Constitutia Europei (16 afisari)
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