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  Nr. 3007 de joi, 6 mai 2004 
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Current Scenarios
Transdnistria against Moldavia
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Moscow has come up with a somehow shocking hypothesis, having echoes in Bucharest, Chisinau and, more recently, in Tyraspol. The outstanding Russian politician Stanislav Belkovski, representative of the Russian Council for National Strategy, has placed a new element in the Transdnistria conflict issue, starting from...   (5 afisari)
2004 - the year of failing reforms
We have lately witnessed a strange media show performed by he Romanian Government. As the economical deficit keeps on growing, the Executive's promises are getting more and more generous. Government representatives take every opportunity to promise double salaries, much higher pensions, modernization of hospitals, scholarships for children, fiscal decreases for after elections. But at the same time the negative tendencies in Romanian...   (1 afisare)
Low admission
There is doubt on negotiations with view to EU admission. PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) is taking a very dangerous step for Romania, by choosing Ministers Geoana and Rus as candidates. The two ministers are politicians indispensable to the foreign affairs. Minister Ioan Rus is responsible with completing chapter 24 on "Justice and Internal affairs". This Chapter is an incomplete one, which has been noticed in the evaluation report written by the EU Commission last year....   (1 afisare)
Kremlin trying again federalization of the Republic of Moldavia
Replacing the Russian Ambassador in The Republic of Moldavia is one step in Kremlin's strategy to increase measures to counter attack Western influence over Basarabia. At the end of last month The Moscow representative in Chisinau, Iuri Zubakov was sacked from his position by a decision signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kremlin decided to bring the Russian Ambassador back to Chisinau "because Moscow was dissatisfied...   (4 afisari)
The Ministry for Internal Affairs has received the documents on rehabilitating General Pacepa
The last step
Yesterday the Juridical Department in the Ministry for Internal affairs received from the specialised institutions the documents necessary to rehabilitate ex General Mihai Pacepa in military rank. The Juridical Department staff will study the documents, among which there is the sentence reached by the Supreme Court (CSJ). It asks that Mihai Pacepa be given back his rights, including...   (1 afisare)
The Executive admits the Amnesty International Report to be generally correct
Amnesty International (AI) published a report criticizing the deplorable state of Romanian mental hospitals and showing the patients' rights have many a times been disobeyed. It asks Romanian Officials to reform the system in order to obey international rules in the field. According to AI, patients in most Romanian psychiatry hospitals are broken...   (1 afisare)
"The Red Scorpions" in serious trouble with fighting techniques in Iraq
Iraq battlefield, where Romanian troops are present, is still going through hard times. The Radio Romania reporter Radu Dobritoiu is reporting that, apart from security issues, there have come up technical difficulties for the armor vehicles of our troops.
In the three months since their arrival to Iraq, Troop 26 Infantry has completed hundred missions in the responsibility area to insure freedom of move for the...   (3 afisari)
In EU 80% of Romanian companies would go bankrupt
For the time being only 15-20% of Romanian companies are able to compete on the EU market, considering its conditions, was declared yesterday by Ion Hobana, vice president of UGIR - 1903, as there was published a study on the new industrialization of Romania with view to EU. This study was completed in 8 months by 100 specialists in research, education and business. One of the top problems identified by the authors refers to the way certificates...   (1 afisare)
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