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  Nr. 2993 de marti, 20 aprilie 2004 
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Spit on Mihai Viteazul!
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
In Alba Iulia, a few meters next to the stone cell where Horia and Closca got ready for the ordeal, some masters are placing a statue to the memory of Hungarian General Basta, who betrayed and then beheaded Mihai Viteazul (Michael the Great). Very close to this, under the indifferent eyes of Romanians, hundred thousands...   (3 afisari)
Fighting political migration
In public law books you will not find discussion on political migration - a rather new concept, widely used at the present in Romania. Just like there are migrating birds, we have got a scandalous high number of political migrators - people who let themselves be elected on one party's list, then they join another party, lured by other promises and so on. During a 4 - year mandate, they change parties without giving up, due to some basic moral...   (3 afisari)
The local press is obeying barons
The Freedom House Report on 2004 confirms the frail condition of freedom of speech in Romania
Yesterday freedom House Foundation made public the report on 2004 on the independence of the Romanian local press. The document shows a high degree of obedience of local media to local Officials especially and to the ruling party generally. The report is part of the project "Growing basis of the local independent press", in partnership with the Romanian Office for...   (1 afisare)
Journalists aggressed in Giurgiu
Liberal Senator Radu F. Alexandru coming up with real cases
PNL (The National Liberal Party) Senator Radu. F. Alexandru presented in a political declaration several cases of province journalists aggressed and prevented from doing their job. The Liberal is asking PM Nastase "so sensitive to the Opposition's accusations on the tricks of the rulers, to urgently order investigation" on several cases of journalists from Giurgiu.
Last week, two journalists from...   (6 afisari)
UK asking Romania not for words, but for facts
"The EU world is dominated by skepticism about Romania", warned yesterday UK Ambassador in Bucharest Quinton Quayle, in a press conference on the report of the Group of Applied economy concerning the sticking to the Lisbon agenda. Constructing a new image for Romania and new credibility is the Executive's vital task, considered the London representative. But Romania's credibility will only increase by facts, not by words, was the message sent...   (1 afisare)
-- CERF 2004 - opening today
120 companies coming up with products launched at CeBIT Hanover
Today the 13th edition of CERF - International IT and Communication Exhibition - is opening at Romexpo. Companies attending the event will come up with about 200 new products and IT&C solutions recently launched at the CeBIT exhibition in Hanover. CERF 2004 takes places in April 20 -24, including on a surface of 10,000 square meters 120 companies, representing at least 400 national and...   (1 afisare)
-- AMR denouncing collapse of Justice
On Friday AMR (Association of Romanian Magistrates) had a meeting with Minister Cristian Diaconescu, to whom they denounced the serious flaws in Justice. The Magistrates unveiled the gloomy face of Romanian Justice, showing that the majority of courts and trials were poorly administered that the staff lacked efficient, fir qualification and that the independence of magistrates was but an illusion. AMR is also claiming that files are distributed...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Dunarea se varsa in Siret (79 afisari)
 Bebelus mort din vina medicilor (42 afisari)
 Povestea unui faliment planificat (26 afisari)
 Presa locala e aservita baronilor (18 afisari)
 Jurnalisti agresati in Giurgiu (17 afisari)
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