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  Nr. 2986 de sambata, 10 aprilie 2004 
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Current Scenarios
The bay called Iraq
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
"The summit triangle" has joined the Shiites. Pentagon strategies have failed one by one. In Iraq, the famous coalition led by USA is at bay. It is hard to suppose it will get over it soon. As sign of despair, USA is asking for UNO back up, although, when the Security Council opposed their intention to attack Iraq, they threatened...   (1 afisare)
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Exclusively for ZIUA, the most recent commentary in Project Syndicate's Against the Current series
Living with insecurity
I have often wondered why Karl Popper ended the dramatic peroration of the first volume of his Open Society and Its Enemies with the sentence: "We must go on into the unknown, the uncertain and insecure, using what reason we have to plan for both security and freedom." Is not freedom enough? Why put security on the same level as that supreme value?
Then one...   (1 afisare)
US adoptive families against the Nicholson Report
This week the US Embassy in Bucharest have organized a teleconference attended by several US families who have adopted one or several children for Romania, releases Rompres. The Americans were vehemently against the accusations brought by EU Parliament Reporter to Romania, Baroness Emma Nicholson, according to whom children adopted abroad lose their cultural and ethnic identity, as well as relations with the native country. The adopters of...   (2 afisari)
The Shiites preparing the anti - American "revolution"
Bloody celebration in Iraq
Exactly one year after the collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime, the coalition forces led by the USA have not managed to discipline Iraq and are confronting violence resembling those before the fall of the Iraq dictator. One year ago, in 2003 April 9, US soldiers were entering Baghdad and occupying the capital of Iraq, making Iraq leaders leave the city and give up power. One year later, yesterday evening...   (1 afisare)
-- Basarabian Journalists forbidden by Voronin ended hunger strike
The more than 20 journalists from media channels Antena C and euro TV declaring last week to go on hunger strike as Communist Officials had banned their emision informed they had given up this type of protest on Thursday. The two channels' employees gave up strike after the CCA (The Council for Audio and Visual Coordination) from The Republic of Moldavia had reintroduced their licenses, releases FLUX agency. The Head...   (1 afisare)
FINANCIAL (Analysis)
Fiscal dictatorship
During the last years, fiscality has become a form of aggression and isolation of the taxpayer. This makes a great number of companies is pushed outside market. The State deviates the behavior of companies to a dangerous tendency. Because of burdening fiscality, the condition for a company's survival is exactly nit paying the state taxes. Understanding fiscality as obstacle in the way to survival and growth of economy shows how far we are from open, market...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Programe pentru ortodocsi si catolici la TVR 2 (54 afisari)
 Tranzitia Securitatii de la comunism la NATO (52 afisari)
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