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  Nr. 2982 de marti, 6 aprilie 2004 
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Putting blame on Blair
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The visa scandal has taken unexpected turn, which was noticed by yesterday's press. Author of the initial revealing, UK newspaper "The Telegraph" is informing readers it has got proves showing at the origin of the vast operation to fake papers there is no more and no less than an agreement between UK and Romanian PM's, secret...   (3 afisari)
Project Syndicate, exclusively for ZIUA
Promoting Democracy in the Greater Middle East
This enthusiasm for reform marks a paradigm shift. In the past, other interests, such as securing a steady flow of oil or obtaining cooperation on counter-terrorism, assumed priority. But, despite flourishing rhetoric about promoting democracy, promoting it is still not backed with concrete plans of...   (1 afisare)
The power sources
According to a wide spread opinion, there are oligarchs, power owners in Romania, only among the clients of the ruling party and its associates. Only political power owners are capable of corruption, that is the criminal turning of money or of public service into private profit.
If things are so, we all should vote for the PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party), as their barons - who are public and somehow fed up - are preferable to the latent Opposition...   (1 afisare)
Poker on Basarabia
Experts in the Russian space have recently searched for "a solution to the Transdnistria problem", during a conference in Odessa. Representatives of non - Government organizations, of specialized institutes and state structures from Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Transdnistria and OSCE met on the Black Sea shore, in 2004, March 22-23 at the initiative of the Ukraine Council for National Security and Defense in collaboration with the Local Branch of "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation.
Danila...   (2 afisari)
In exchange for Transdnistria Russia, is offering Basarabia to Romania
The Moscow solution bringing new questions
Yesterday the News, Information and Comments Agency "Russia Today" presenting a crashing report quoted by the Russian Agency "Marketing I Konsulting". The document is an analysis of the political situation created during the last years by separating Transdnistria from The Republic of Moldavia, but the Russian agency show in a fake way realities from Moldavia. Although The Republic...   (2 afisari)
Bush congratulated Romania for the Iraq contribution
Iliescu got a letter from the White House
Yesterday Romanian President Ion Iliescu received a letter from the US President George W. Bush, which expressed on behalf of the American people admiration for the Romanian support in the Iraq and Afghanistan missions. "Now, when we are rejoicing at the start of the campaign to free Iraq and Afghanistan I would like to express, on behalf of the American people, admiration for your brave contribution...   (1 afisare)
Blair is trying to control visa scandal
UK PM Tony Blair summed a meeting for today in order to decide if the problems have partially been caused by the target of the London Cabinet Chief to reduce to 50% the number of requests for residency, is written in yesterday's "The Independent". The meeting will be attended by Minister for Internal Affairs David Blunkett and others, as well as by heads of secret and security services.
In the last days Blair has been the target of press charges, but...   (1 afisare)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 A inceput Pastele iudaic (67 afisari)
 Tarom-ul lovit de stres (43 afisari)
 "Suflet japonez" reeditat (42 afisari)
 Iliescu a inaugurat ACCES PRESS (34 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (25 afisari)
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