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  Nr. 2980 de sambata, 3 aprilie 2004 
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Current Scenarios
The first trap
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
There are several possible threats on the correct development of local elections. If we identify them, we might avoid them. Today I will discuss the most significant trap: absentee rate. From one election campaign to the next, the democrat enthusiasm of Romanian citizens has gone down. Indifference and scepticism have seized more...   (3 afisari)
Project Syndicate, exclusively for ZIUA
A conservative Europe
Europe's leaders have met and restarted the process intended to bring the European Union a constitution. But instead of reviving a failed effort, the EU needs a new direction.
I say this as leader of the party, which has been at the forefront of Britain's engagement with Europe. It was a Conservative government that first applied for membership in the early 1960's. A Conservative government took the United Kingdom into...   (1 afisare)
NATO from the plate
Starting with yesterday, Romania is officially NATO full member. The importance and meanings of this event are familiar to all of us. For short, while under NATO umbrella, we are protected against external aggression and have place at the table where they take the most important decisions on the Continent's security and not only.
Of course the present situation is much changed as compared to 7 years ago, when at Madrid we had the first attempt to reach...   (1 afisare)
NATO supervising Russia through Romania
ZIUA special reporters Radu TUDOR and Victor RONCEA from NATO general headquarters
Brussels, April 2: Romania's most important event after 1989, December 1989
NATO will be considering Romania's position with view to the relation with Russia, is yesterday's hottest news, after the touching official ceremony by which 7 ex - Soviet countries passed under the Euro - Atlantic umbrella. "Admitting Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia and...   (2 afisari)
Cults' properties incoherently returned
The Center of Resource for Ethno-cultural Diversity has published the study "To Half Extent"
The process of returning properties that belonged to Romanian cults is lacking coherence and functional legislation. These are some of the conclusions reached in the study "To Half Extent", written by The Cluj Center of Resource for Ethno - cultural Diversity. The book was released yesterday at the Romanian Institute for Recent History in Bucharest. it analyses...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
-- Consensus reached by the Israelite election experts of Nastase and Vadim
"Romania is in our hands"
Yesterday the most important daily newspaper in Hebrew form Israel "Tel Aviv", published by Yediot Haharonot" published on the first page the pictures of Vadim Tudor and his election adviser, Israelite Eyal Arad, hugging and smiling. Tudor is showing the V (Victory) finger sign, while Eyal is bowing his eyes, in pre - established modesty. Behind them we can see the architect of...   (5 afisari)
Free ROL deposits for foreigners beginning with March 2005
The National Bank (BNR) will adopt free ROL deposits for foreigners in 2005 the soonest, as opening market attracts to Romania funds estimated to $6 milliard, stated BNR Chief, Mugur Isarescu, Mediafax informs.
"Famous institutions we trusted confirmed our estimations. If this chapter had been liberalized, the country would surely have been entered by $ 6 milliard as hot money", stated Isarescu. The foreign capital flux would...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Clanul Duduienilor, in curs de lichidare (705 afisari)
 ANA BLANDIANA (700 afisari)
 Ceausescu si Loja "Propaganda Due" (574 afisari)
 Harta lui Piri Reis (501 afisari)
 Ziarul ZIUA a mediat conflictul dintre Cna Si prima Tv (420 afisari)
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