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  Nr. 2977 de miercuri, 31 martie 2004 
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Current Scenarios
Bivolaru twice
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
All this seems to be fiction. A particular person is searched for in December 2002 and the Police can find no trace. But there is no registration of him crossing Romanian borders. This is the famous Gabriel Bivolaru, former deputy of the present ruling party and proved by definitive decision to have caused the Romanian Bank for...   (2 afisari)
Legalizing and taxing corruption
Octav Cozmanca is stating that the barons sacked by the party will be able to candidate. Viorel Hrebenciuc is saying the opposite.
Adrian Nastase, President of PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) is saying that one way to fight corruption is to put a 90% tax on illegal fortunes. Ion Iliescu, father of PSD, thinks the only thing to do with illegal fortunes is not tax them, but confiscate.
For the time being the ruling party is in a dilemma:...   (3 afisari)
The scandal of London - Bucharest visas
Yesterday British Minister of Internal Affairs, David Blunkett decided to put an end to all visa requests of the Romanians and Bulgarians, as the London Opposition presented a document informing that several citizens of these countries had got UK visas on false papers, Reuters is informing. The scandal comes after Romania has just got the promise from UK on the possibility of visa sacking this year.
Tony Blair's Executive has been caught in a tough...   (1 afisare)
Civil society suing the PM
Theoretical free access to information
Yesterday FSD (The Foundation for an Open Society), IPP (The Institute for Public Policies) and CRJ (The Center of Law Resources) have underlined during a press conference the difficulties of the civil society representatives when asking state institutions for public information. According to Renate Weber, FSD President, the three non- - Government organisations have constantly addressed the court to make state institutions...   (1 afisare)
SRI (Romanian Information Services) and SIE (Foreign Information Service) are still under Parliament control
-- Dorneanu considers Predescu's project a "mistake"
Yesterday Valer Dorneanu (PSD - The Socialist - Democrat Party), President of the Chamber of Deputies stated SRI and SIE would no longer be under the control of the Commission for Defence, as included in a project to change Reglementation of the Parliament common sessions. The project belongs to Ioan Predescu, PSD Senator, Dorneanu...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief:
-- Radu TUDOR reporting from Washington
Romania is out of the gray zone
At the NATO ceremony at the White House, President George W. Bush stressed on Romania's military contribution to the war against terrorism, specifying that "Romanian troops have sacrificed lives fighting terrorists in Afghanistan. Terrorists hate all that our Alliance means; they disdain our freedom, are afraid of our unification and want to separate us. They will fail. They will fail in splitting us. We will...   (3 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 De ziua ei, Naty Badea si-a fi dorit o excursie in Italia (661 afisari)
 Cea mai bogata romanca are 50 milioane de dolari (87 afisari)
 Mitingul MISA in fata Parchetului (65 afisari)
 Dinamo vine de la greci (30 afisari)
 Alegeri de ochii lumii la Universitatea Transilvania Brasov (26 afisari)
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