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  Nr. 2976 de marti, 30 martie 2004 
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"The Work" of Ciomazga
Motto: "You don't want to know how saints live? Or how the devil kills? Or how can you really reach hell or how can some one escape eternal death? Don' t you want to learn about these?"
Here's a ray of light in times ruled by the three B - barons, Bivolaru guys and Big Brother - This ray is called Cornel Constantin Ciomazga and gets substance by "The Work". It is the title of a book breaking patterns we are used to. Launched yesterday...   (19 afisari)
U.S. Mission to NATO Ambassador R. Nicholas Burns, exclusively for ZIUA
NATO is at a very interesting time in its history
I want to make a few remarks about that to put it into context for you and then I'll be very happy to take your questions on that or other issues pertaining to NATO. But let me say first that we are on the verge of a very important event in the life of the NATO Alliance and certainly in the life and history of Bulgaria and Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and...   (1 afisare)
Option time
The process of adopting the EU Constitution is dramatically delayed by the coming EU Parliament elections and the end of the present EU Commission ruling. As long as the Convention's produce for the future of Europe has not been turned by EU Council from political compromise into legal instrument, it is only involving the persons of those who contributed to the creation of it. So there is the risk that the new Parliament and the new Commission do not feel...   (2 afisari)
Money Picture
The state is daring
The new Fiscal Code, initiated by The Ministry of Finance is meant to rule fiscality. It shows us the dimension of Romanian fiscal pressure, as the citizen is forced to pay a lot of taxes and fees.
Fiscality is an important tool in the hands of the Officials for gathering state funds, necessary to expenses in public interest and for developing activities of state institutions, as well as for stimulating national economy.
Normally, most of the funds collected...   (1 afisare)
The Law on fortune laundry
The 90% tax proposed by Adrian Nastase considered to be tax on theft
PM Adrian Nastase came up with the idea of adopting a 90% tax on illegal fortunes. The initiative of the PSD ( The Socialist - Democrat Party) could is thought of as one effect of the EU critiques, if this were not election year. Politicians are claiming that Nastase's suggestion can be considered from different points of view, but the conclusion is sticking to the idea of election gesture. Democrats...   (1 afisare)
Romania introduced the documents for joining NATO
-- The change of strategic balance in the Black Sea area is the most important consequence for South - Eastern Europe
Radu TUDOR reporting from Washington
"March 29 is a historical day for Romania and will become a vital reference for our national security", declared PM Adrian Nastase yesterday in Washington, before the official ceremony of NATO admission. Yesterday President George W. Bush received at the White House the Chiefs of the 7 Eastern-European...   (1 afisare)
Ureche was part in the Political Police
-- SRI (Romanian Information Services) and SIE ( Foreign Information Service) Parliament Commissions are being sacked
Yesterday the members of CNSAS ( The National Council for the Study of the Communist Secret Services Archives) decided by vote that the ex chief of SIPA, Marian Ureche was member of the Political Police before 1989, stated Mircea Dinescu, CNSAS member.
SRI and SIE will from now on send their reports straight to the Chamber's Commission...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
-- Farewell to political migration
During the debate on the Law for local elections PNL (The National Liberal Party), PD (The Democrat Party) and PRM (The Romanian Nationalist Party) MP's pleaded for sacking political migration, but the majority disagreed and the proposal was rejected. PM Adrian Nastase took over the issue, even if after the Parliament adopted the Law, and on Saturday, at the meeting of PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) youth stated he would suggest the restriction...   (1 afisare)
Ion Iliescu doing lobby for The Stock Exchange
A more "friendly" business world and listing at the stock exchange some stock bunches of state companies are the means by which Officials could support the development of capital market, stated Ion Iliescu yesterday. "Officials should be more interested in supporting the development of capital market. I have noticed the offer of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce to list bunches of 5% of stocks from state companies", Iliescu added....   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Art. 118 Cod Penal - Confiscarea speciala (200 afisari)
 "Lucrarea" lui Ciomazga (123 afisari)
 Zeci de chelnerite aspirante au fost filmate dezbracate (56 afisari)
 Spitalul Coltea sarbatoreste 300 de ani in ruina (35 afisari)
 Gregorian Bivolaru, urmarit penal (33 afisari)
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