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  Nr. 2966 de joi, 18 martie 2004 
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Current Scenarios
Phony Repentence Gives Birth to Monsters
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The statistics published yesterday shows a new decrease of the PRM (The Romanian Nationalist Party). Of all the people questioned, for the PRm only 10% will vote, that is 14% of the expressed vote options. As in the previuos market research, Vadim has now got a score lower than his party's and it diminishes...   (6 afisari)
It Is So Good To Be a State Employee!
The evaluation of the average raw income for 2003 gives some clear conclusions about the specificity of Romanian transition.
The average raw income for last year was 4,868 thousand ROL, that is almost 130 Euro. There are big differences among fields and economical branches and they show, on the one hand, lack of uniformity in national economy, and on the other hand they show income discrepancies, labor productivity and social importance...   (1 afisare)
Exclusively for ZIUA, the most recent commentary in Project Syndicate's Worldly Philosophers series
After The Death of Utopia
A decade ago, people spoke of the end of history, meaning the ultimate triumph of a liberal capitalist political order. Nowadays, many scoff at that notion as too simplistic. Nonetheless, we are at both the end and beginning of something remarkable.
In the wake of the death of the utopian - and often bloody - certainties of the 19th and 20th centuries...   (4 afisari)
Scheele insisting: Romania's problem is corruption
-- There is need for efficient Justice in order to get efficiency from the fight against corruption, the EU Ambassador for Romania stated
Corruption is still one of the main problems Romania has, as international reports show that this is a spread phenomenon affecting all Romanian social layers, stated yesterday Jonathan Scheele, Chief of the EU Delegation for Bucharest during the forum "Romania getting ready for the EU", set at the Marriott...   (2 afisari)
Romanian Mission for the EU - giving wrong information
Yesterday the Deputies in the Commission for Culture criticized a document of the Romanian mission for the EU, considering it included wrong data on the discussions at Brussels of the CNA (The National Commission for the Audio and The Visual) members. It was done by Theodora Mircea, Secretary III at the Romanian Embassy in Brussels and press agent and it had on it the name (not the signature) of Ambassador Lazar Comanescu. The CNA members...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Verheugen is warning us again
-- Patriciu criticizes underground...
Gunther Verheugen, EU Official for Enlargement warned that Bulgaria and Romania could miss the 2007 EU admission, if they did not manage to apply the Justice reforms, released yesterday the Bulgarian press agency BGNES and Rompres took over. "Romania and Bulgaria might get into trouble as for as the 2007 admission is concerned unless they manage to apply necessary reforms to their Justice systems", Verheugen stated.   (2 afisari)
The Nation Cathedral accepted without a place
Basescu doesn't want to destroy Carol Park
Yesterday during a meeting at the Parliament Commission for Abuse MP's, architects and members of the civil society were against placing the Cathedral of the Nation's Redemption in Carol Park from Bucharest. The Church representatives were not invited, Ciucianu stating that The Church could not attend Commission debate".
The building of such an edifice was supported, but they suggested a different...   (2 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Luminita Gheorghiu, acuzata de abuz in functie (504 afisari)
 Bertrand Cantat vrea sa convinga ca a comis o crima pasionala (229 afisari)
 Stapanii Politiei (98 afisari)
 Afacerea "Sopronul" (73 afisari)
 Geografia luptei anticomuniste (68 afisari)
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