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  Nr. 2951 de luni, 1 martie 2004 
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Vladimir Pasti won't give up
Current Scenarios
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
After my editorial published on Tuesday, as a reply to Vladimir Pasti's attacks to the press, he sent a right to reply that we'll publish entirely in this edition. Not because Pasti is right. On the contrary. He insists on asking a series of questions, some of them rhetorical, some not, meant to make even...   (4 afisari)
Triple somersault - PSD (Social Democrat Party)
Until recently, the ruling party and the government run by Adrian Nastase seemed to give value to all the advantages favoring our joining NATO, the UE and the winning of the 2004 elections. The success seemed inevitable. The Prime Minister declared 2004 to be the year of the EU accession. Being a goal of national importance, he asked for a kind of moratorium on the accession, to avoid it becoming a controversial electoral subject....   (1 afisare)
Ivantoc: I hope the releasing day is close
-- The action of the Romanian Civic Initiative upset Transdnistria and Russia
The campaign goes on
Andrei Ivantoc's wife, Eudochia, declared yesterday that the special edition of ZIUA daily newspaper dedicated to the releasing of the three Romanian detainees in Tiraspol reached the cell with the three detainees were in Tiraspol - Andrei Ivantoc, Tudor Petrov Popa and Alexandru Lesco. Eudochia Ivantoc told us exclusively that her husband was very pleased...   (1 afisare)
Romania - frontier of the freedom of the press
The journalist Bayer Zsolt, from Magyar Nemzet, was refused on Saturday the access to Romania. He had criticized UDMR (Union of the Democrat Hungarians in Romania) and made favorable comments regarding the creation of the National Sekler Council. The interdiction was placed on him after the last CSAT (Supreme Defense Country Council) meeting, following the recommendation of SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service). Adrian Nastase declared that the...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Europe will monitor the freedom of press in Romania
The Dutch Social-Democrats and Populars watching us
"Western Europe will create independent groups of experts to monitor the freedom of speech and the freedom of press in Romania", said on Saturday Henk Kool, president of the Labor Party in the Municipal Council of the Hague, during a debate organized in Bucharest by the Dutch Foundation TransFORMA. The freedom of the press in Romania is seriously restricted and it's difficult...   (3 afisari)
The Snagov peace
It's become a real fact. Ioan Talpes has been nominated by the Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, after the Snagov meeting, for the office of minister secretary of state, along with Dan Ioan Popescu and Ioan Rus. Unlike the other two, (ministry of industries and ministry of internal affairs), Talpes becomes vice Prime Minister without portfolio, having as remit the European accession, Justice and Defense.
Interesting to notice that Talpes, the reliable man of president Ion...   (1 afisare)
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