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  Nr. 2949 de vineri, 27 februarie 2004 
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A storm in a glass of water
Current Scenarios
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
In order to behead Nastase, the Opposition is giving a new vote of non-confidence. To be successful, along with the votes of PRM (Greater Romania Party), PNL (Liberal National Party), PD (Democrat Party) and PUR (Romanian Humanist Party), 50 more votes are necessary, which ca only be obtained from PSD, UDMR...   (1 afisare)
Sweet basil: usage instructions
The effort to give the right usage to the sweet basil, as the Romanians say, is obvious: it's the effort to turn the biggest admonition ever given to a candidate country into the biggest victory of PSD (Social Democrat), which has broken all records of political nonsense. For one week, we've been communicated all kind of trivial things about the European Parliament and its lack of importance (beware, parliamentarians, the scornful attitude of...   (3 afisari)
After Europe, America's blow
The 2003 Report on Human Rights of the US Department of State to warn that the situation in Romania has become worse
The 2003 Report of the Department of State on Human Rights in Romania emphasizes again the acute problems of our country, signaled several times over the last 14 years, both by the US authorities and by the EU. The main aspects of concern are related of course, to the generalized corruption, lack of freedom of justice, control of the political...   (1 afisare)
"Stupid reaction"
One of the most important journalists in the US, Arnaud de Borchgrave, special editorial writer of United Press International, cites from a declaration made by an official of Radio Free Europe who stated that president Ion Iliescu had a "stupid reaction" to General Pacepa's case. As a result of this reaction, the US Senate prolonged the programs of Radio Free Europe in Romanian language until October 2004, and there are chances to prolong the programs after that date. Arnaud...   (1 afisare)
Transdnistria, the black hole of Europe
-- The US Report underlines the political imprisonment of Ivantoc group
The 2003 report of the American Department of State on human rights draws attention on the fact that "Transdnistrian authorities keep on practicing arbitrary detention as if it had been normal. It is applied to persons suspected of criticizing the regime". The report mentions the Ivantoc group "which has been in jail since 1993" and "no decision has been taken by the European Court...   (1 afisare)
Salvation list
Prime Minister to present the Parliament the top priorities of the Government by June 2004
Yesterday, on the occasion of his speech in the Parliament on Romanian's joining NATO, Nastase gave details about the results of the "European counterstrike". The Prime Minister presented the journalists the list of priorities for the Government by June 2004, when the Association Council Romania-EU will meet. It seems however, that the PSD president hasn't understood very well what...   (1 afisare)
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