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Rezultatele cautarii: 61 comentarii.

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-29 18:30:16

Re: Porcul pe microfon

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-29 13:34:11

Re: UNESCO - Asa-i toni. Si daca intra dracu in ei trebuie exorcizati pe cruce. Neaparat!!!

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-29 05:13:42

Cum e cu banii

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 19:58:59

Re: Directiva Bolkenstein s-a aprobat!!!

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 19:55:56

Re: Asta este inca o absurditate a birocratiei... N-ai inteles nimic

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 19:10:07

Directiva Bolkenstein s-a aprobat!!!

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 18:59:29

Re: Ticalosia UE - A cui ticalosie??? Mai incearca...

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 15:35:09

Re: Nici vorba de discriminare! Umorul

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 13:30:47

Re: O idee tampita. - nu ideea, articolul!!! e mai mult decat tampit articolul

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 12:09:20

Re: O idee tampita. - nu ideea, articolul!!!

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 11:05:07

Nici vorba de discriminare!

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 04:10:12

Re: Prostie sau manipulare?

Tom Sawyer
2005-11-23 02:11:46

Prostie sau manipulare?

Tom Sawyer
2005-10-28 11:12:43

Re: Daca limba romana se distruge , nu-i nici o scofala - Really? ndc :)))))))))))))))

Tom Sawyer
2005-10-18 21:07:11

Draga Miruna, ce rost au toate lucrurile acestea?

Tom Sawyer
2005-10-14 12:13:26

Legitima aparare - luati de-aici cowboy-lor

Tom Sawyer
2005-08-09 12:00:44

Saracu' Bibic!

Tom Sawyer
2005-08-03 22:48:56

Re: Dacia Logan pentru tiganu

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-30 13:03:48

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-27 22:03:22

vorbeau altii mai destepti

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-27 19:36:16

Re: EVOLUTIONISMUL - o mare gogoasa "stiintifica".

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-27 19:34:39

Re: EVOLUTIONISMUL - o mare gogoasa "stiintifica".

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-24 18:20:41

Re: uite, eu sint greu de cap....

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-24 17:59:42

Re: Eutanasia..

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-12 22:45:15

Re: Guantanamo - You can't handle the truth!

Tom Sawyer
2005-06-12 17:28:44

Guantanamo - You can't handle the truth!

Tom Sawyer
2005-05-26 22:48:56

Re: problema

Tom Sawyer
2005-05-26 19:07:34


Tom Sawyer
2005-05-26 18:10:31

Re: Testul Turing / amesteci lucrurile / tz tz tz /inchistat mai esti ...

Tom Sawyer
2005-05-26 17:47:14

Re: Testul Turing

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