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2006-09-21 23:12:08

The Qana Conspiracy Theory

The Qana "conspiracy theory" poses this question: If Israeli shells landed near the building that collapsed between midnight and 1 a.m., why didn't reports of the collapse emerge until about 8 a.m.? One site pushing this question on Tuesday was the Israeli Insider, published by a Tel Aviv company that bills the site as a "an independent, nonpartisan online publication that aims to provide an 'inside perspective' on the latest news, analysis and commentary from and about Israel."

Mai mult la: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/worldopinionroundup/2006/08/the_qana_conspiracy_theory.html?zsacategory=opinions

2006-09-21 23:33:37

Re: The Qana Conspiracy Theory

2006-09-21 23:54:56

Re: The Qana Conspiracy Theory

2006-09-22 00:04:25

Gata, te-ai pus de acord cu tine insuti?

Gata, te-ai pus de acord cu tine insuti?

La 2006-09-21 23:33:37, achile a scris:

> La care as adauga: conspiratia care a determinat pierderea razboiului
> psihologic de catre Israel. Ca sa vedeti cat de ticalosi pot fi
> amicii pacii, si nu ma refer la Israel aici.
> La 2006-09-21 23:12:08, achile a scris:
> > The Qana "conspiracy theory" poses this question: If Israeli
> > shells landed near the building that collapsed between midnight and 1
> > a.m., why didn't reports of the collapse emerge until about 8 a.m.?
> > One site pushing this question on Tuesday was the Israeli Insider,
> > published by a Tel Aviv company that bills the site as a "an
> > independent, nonpartisan online publication that aims to provide an
> > 'inside perspective' on the latest news, analysis and commentary from
> > and about Israel."
> >
> > Mai mult la:
> > http://blog.washingtonpost.com/worldopinionroundup/2006/08/the_qana_conspiracy_theory.html?zsacategory=opinions
> >

2006-09-22 03:02:33

Limba moderna...

Saracii de mulahi ! Sunt intr-un loc ingust ! Chiar credeti asa ceva ? Naivilor ! credeti ca mulahii din Teheran dau 2 cepe degerete pe amenintarile lui Bush ? Dupa tot ce s-a intamplat cu Iraqul, in ultimii ani si critica virulenta si neincetata asupra lui Bush si a americii Islamo fascistii din teheran stiu ca acum au mana libera de a construi arme nucleare. Va multumesc ca ma-ti educat in limba asta moderna europeana... Nu am stiut ca capitularea se numeste tact.....FIN.

cosor ion
2006-09-22 04:38:40

a tergiversa

inseamna in cazul Iranului a te compromite si ati fi frica.lucru pe care Iranul l-a sezizat la majoritatea tarilor europene si avind si sutinerea fatisa a Rusiei si Chinei,nustiu cum se va hotari sa asculte de TACTUL lui Chirac,sau sa-l sperie ameninatile lui Bush.cert este ca Bush ii va face surpriza,reducindu-l la O,de unul singur.

2006-09-22 09:57:35

casus beli

casus beli .
asa se califica afirmatiile presedintelui iranian la adresa israelului.
nu stiu si nici nu ma intereseaza ce studii (daca) are acest individ.
dar , in clipa cand a spus ca israelul trebuie sters de pe harta a creeat practic un casus beli (motiv , cauza de razboi).
dupa parerea mea si presedintele iranian si presedintele venezuelei provoaca enorme daune tarilor lor.
pacat de oamenii nevinovati din iran si din venezuela care vor plati oalele sparte de acesti doi inconstienti.

2006-09-22 16:36:07

Obrazul gros

U.S. `threatened' Pakistan after 9/11
Told they'd be bombed `back to the Stone Age'

Musharraf insulted by demand for co-operation
Sep. 22, 2006. 01:00 AM

WASHINGTON—Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says the United States threatened to bomb his country "back to the Stone Age" after the Sept. 11 attacks if he did not help America's war on terror.

The threat was delivered by Richard Armitage, then the deputy secretary of state, to Musharraf's intelligence director, the Pakistani leader told CBS-TV's 60 Minutes.

"The intelligence director told me that (Armitage) said, `Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age,''' Musharraf said in the interview to be shown Sunday on CBS.

It was insulting, Musharraf said.

"I think it was a very rude remark.''

Musharraf said he reacted responsibly. "One has to think and take actions in the interests of the nation and that is what I did."

According to 60 Minutes, Armitage disputed the language attributed to him but did not deny the message was a strong one. He could not be reached yesterday.

In a speech in January 2002, four months after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Musharraf clearly came down on the side of reform at home and opposition to Islamic fundamentalism.

To this day, Pakistan is considered a close ally of the United States in the struggle with militant groups.

Musharraf is scheduled to meet with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House today and then see Bush again next week in a three-way meeting with President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan.

With Taliban fighters still fighting in Afghanistan and statements by the Afghan government that Pakistan must do more to crack down on militants in its rugged border area, the issue is again a sensitive one between Islamabad and Washington.

Musharraf reacted with displeasure to comments by Bush on Wednesday that if he had firm intelligence that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan, he would issue the order to go into that country.

When Bush's remarks were put to Musharraf at a news conference at the United Nations, the Pakistani leader replied: "We wouldn't like to allow that. We'd like to do that ourselves."

The Pakistani president told 60 Minutes that Armitage's message was delivered with demands that he turn over Pakistan's border posts and bases for the U.S. military to use in the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Some were "ludicrous," he said, such as a demand he suppress domestic expression of support for terrorism against the United States.

"If somebody is expressing views, we cannot curb the expression of views," Musharraf said.

Associated Press, Reuters

2006-09-22 21:54:11

Re: Limba moderna...

Ce-i ala "islamo-fascism"? Poate raspunsul la sionazism vrei sa zici.

2006-09-22 21:57:40

Re: casus beli

N-a spus niciodata ca trebuie sters ceva de pe harta, asta-i interpretarea ticalosilor care cauta pretext in orice. Mai mult, omu a spus explicit ca Iranul nu e un pericol pentru nimeni. Daca vrei sa gasesti pretexte le gasesti. In fata ticalosiei bushistolmerte nu exista raspunsuri adecvate.

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