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2006-05-23 00:02:15

EU, Romania, Bulgaria: Can't Say No


In its latest monitoring report on Romania and Bulgaria, the European Commission did not, as had long been expected, confirm that the European Union's next 2 members would join on 1 January 2007;
instead, it gave the two countries a few more months to shape up before a final verdict is reached.
In practice, the 16 May Report is a "yes" with only minor qualifications.

Few observers now doubt that the two countries will indeed be invited, probably in October, to join the EU next January, unless they fail abysmally in dealing with the tasks (6 for Bulgaria, 4 for Romania) the commission put on their to-do list.

At first glance, this looks very much like the EU's classic approach to tough questions, which is to fudge.

But in this case, the commission was right to fudge-it had hardly any other option. Consider the unappealing choices before the decision makers in Brussels:
give the go-ahead for a 2007 entry to both countries, ADMIT Romania and delay Bulgaria, or delay BOTH countries.

The first option (...)
The second option- giving Romania the green light and delaying Bulgaria- would have run up against the EU's own procedures.

At the time the accession treaties were drafted, Romania was considered the MORE problematic of the two, and the safeguard clause the union inserted into the country's accession treaty (giving the EU the right to delay accession by one year) could be activated by a simple majority of EU member states.


Restul art. la

2006-05-23 08:07:07

Taierea conductei de gaze din Rusia

la asta se gandeste Moscova, dar inca nu o spune pe de-a dreptul ,
o spune mai incolo prin octombrie ...brrrrr cand ma gandesc ...
iarna polara ...nu avem fauna polara dar ...o vom avea !

2006-05-23 10:02:13

La iarna porumbeilor sa va vad !

o sa vreti si in Siberia dar numai gaze sa fie !

2006-05-23 11:40:16

Re: si ce daca..

luam de la sirbi. ca asa a aranjat codrutul de la industrie

Slaven Nevski
2006-05-23 13:46:11

Re: si ce daca..

La cit de prieteni suntem cu sirbii din 1999 incoace, o sa tot primim...

alegatorul turmentat
2006-05-23 19:15:02

Sa va fie rusine!!!

Da cine va credeti voi? Aveti tupeul sa puneti conditii. Romania ar trebuii sa ceara despagubiri Rusiei pentru daune morale si matriale in urma acupatiei comuniste.
Probabil asa nu ar mai vorbii cind nu trebuie. Nu este treaba Rusiei ce face Romania atita timp cit nu intra pe teritoriul tarii asteia mari si nerusinate. Personal m-am saturat sa aud de ei. Nici nu inteleg ce cauta Rusia la conducerea acestei organizatii. Nu este de ajuns ca o avem in "coasta"?????
Nu mai scapa Roamania de Rusia. Mai ales dupa tot raul facut???

2006-05-23 22:09:42

Rusia vrea sa-si ieie niste masuri!

Eventual sa cospire mai bine "Spionii KGB", S-AU SA-SI DESCHIDA ALTE RETELE DE SPIONAJ! De la Gripa Aviara , se va trece eventual la "Buba Neagra"(Antrax), ca "iradierea este invechita", iar "Ricina", au utilizato Bulgarii cu succes in "Umbrela bulgara", si Romanii in Spitalele de Psihiatrie ca sa caute "Antidotul"!

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