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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 213.22.126...)
2006-04-19 19:55
Arogantu: Jesus and economics

Published on Friday, July 29, 2005 by CommonDreams.org
Ye Shall Know the Truth: Profits of the New World Order
by Karen Horst Cobb

The cry of many Christians today is a cry to return to the teachings of the Bible and to have a society which is righteous. I am in total support of a righteous society and have tried to imagine what it would be like. One of the first changes we would need to make is at the foundation, our banking system. Exodus 22 says that if you lend money to poor people you can not extort money from them in the form of interest. In Proverbs 28:8 the message is very clear, He says that getting rich by charging interest is wrong and that God will take his wealth and give it to the poor. Psalms 15 says that Yahweh will dwell with those who are righteous and do not charge interest on their loans. In Deuteronomy 15 it describes how all debts are forgiven every 7 years in the year of Jubilee. There are 22 times in the Old Testament which speak of the sin of charging interest on a loan. The sweat of one's brow is to be the measure of one's wage.
Jesus talked almost constantly about power and wealth and how the righteous are to relate to the poor. He explained that you can not serve God and mammon because you will love one and hate the other (Matthew 6:24. He made it clear that it will be very hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19: 23-24). Then there is the prayer which he taught us to pray where we ask for our debts to be forgiven in the same way we have forgiven other’s debts (Matthew 6:12). The recent issue of the ten commandments being displayed in court rooms was interesting but as Jesus said there is no law against the fruits of the spirit of Christ which are Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. I doubt anyone would object to any member of our government living out the ten commandments and no one would ever legislate against the first and greatest commandment which is to love the lord your god with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
I am surprised that so many Christians who are fighting to keep the commandments on the wall are not fighting as hard to have them implemented. It takes a lot of searching to find scriptures which relate to homosexuality and abortion but one can hardly turn a page without reading about how to be a blessing to those in need. Today’s rich young rulers preach about the advantages of usury and exploitation. While they give lip service to moral issues they are preaching from the prophets of the free market. Upon reading about their social views, it seems that Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman are the messianic visionaries who they believe will redeem the world. Self interest and compound interest are the way to salvation according to them. From Friedman, Pastor Ted says he learned that everything, including spirituality, can be understood as a commodity. And unregulated trade, he concluded, was the key to achieving worldly freedom. Is spirituality a commodity to be bought or traded? I thought that God’s love was free and his grace is unmerited favor.
What ever happened to the words and example of Jesus? How can these Christians belong to the CNP and the CFR and secret societies all of which are dedicated to wealth and power. The Christian leaders of today live in multimillion dollar homes, have questionable financial dealings in other countries and extort money from the well meaning people who watch their television programs. They preach the “name it and claim it “gospel of exponential growth and reciprocity to itching ears. They explain to their followers that if they are righteous, God will reward them with riches. Interestingly many gurus of the new age movement also promise wealth and power as evidence that the “Universe” is on their side. Both are proponents of the new religion of privatization.
As a prominent preacher of privatization, William Garvey, stated “non-profit organizations and the private sector might render the cumbersome machinery of representative government obsolete.“ This is what he wrote to Ronald Reagan as he expressed his gratitude for turning the public lands over to ranchers. This letter was published in a media promotion for an international conference on Family choice and Educational vouchers . The speakers for this were all members of the Council of National Policy (CNP) - James Dobson, Tim LaHaye, Phyllis Schlafly and Milton Friedman and then secretary of education William Bennett. The brochure promoted the conference as “Where the Future Begins.“
From many other sources and membership lists it is clear that the neo-Christians who are driving our national policies are championing privatization both here and abroad. These same people are all in lock step with the Zionist movement. They preach that they know the meaning of The Revelation and preach a very literal ideology of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem and the return of Christ for his church. Current events are slammed into the revelation mosaic often by manipulation. Recently Arthur Blessett, who carried 12 ft cross around the globe has just completed his mission with his last countries being Iraq and North Korea. Upon completion he carved a small cross from it and sent it into space so that one more prophesy can be fulfilled…“and the sign of the son of man shall be over all nations.” (you can go to his website and see when you are under the sign of the cross and read about how he led George Bush to Christ in Midland TX in the 70‘s) Indecently there is not one word about helping the poor or not dropping bombs which kill families, but plenty about a $1000 a plate fundraiser he attended so he could reconnect with George W. Bush.
God will not be mocked! His ways are not our ways! (Isaiah 55:8) we can not manipulate him into returning by fulfilling the prophesies ourselves at the direction of political think tanks. It seems that the free-market Christians are seeking to hire the masons to complete the temple. The bulldozers will crush whomever gets in the way. The water from Babylon will soon be surging through the privatized pipelines through Iran and Syria right into the promised land. The land, the air, the water and the labor will be in the hands of the ruling elite. The rich will determine how much uranium and radiation is enough. The rich will determine how gray the sky can be. The rich will determine who gets water and the rich will be the ones to discover the magical wage which allows for a laborer's maximum productivity just this side of starvation.
Let it not be followers of Christ who usher in these abuses. How far will the charlatans go to deceive. Perhaps they will project a hologram of Christ returning in the clouds to rally the Christian soldiers. Certainly the technology exists. In the last days we are told that many will be deceived. (II Tim. 3:13) There will be signs and wonders and they will do miracles in the name of Christ, but the love of Christ is not in them. I suspect many Christians are being used by the powers and principalities in high places to obtain massive resources for the rulers of an empire. So while the neo-Christians talk about decorations in our courthouses, the sexual identity of cartoon characters, and preach the good news of the free market. Let us pray that Christ will tarry until the church is no longer holding the banner of privatization and riding the beast of the free-market into the New World Order.
Now is the day for repentance.
Karen Horst Cobb wrote No Longer a Christian and No Longer a Christian - Part II published by CommonDreams.org in the fall of 2004. She is a mother and a grandmother, and with God’s grace, tries to follow the example of Christ as she speaks Christ’s message to the world that there is no Government Issue Jesus (GI-Joe Jesus. ) contact: cairnhcobb@msn.com

Arogantu' din Cornu Tartasestilor (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.83...)
2006-04-19 20:02
Re: Cristiana - Sorry - no offence ...

Nu sint un pasionat al domeniului, Cristiana. Sa nu ma intelegi gresit, eu doar tangential am intervenit pe alte subiecte decit chestiunea din titlul articolului.
Numai bine !

PS Am sters textul fiindca devenise mai lung decit maximul acceptat.

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2006-04-19 20:04
Re: Arogantu: Jesus and economics

Superb ! Multumsc pentru postare !

neamtu tiganu din nemtia (...@aol.com, IP: 195.93.60...)
2006-04-19 20:40
Re: Misto

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