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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 213.22.126...)
2006-04-19 12:47
Raquel: Subiect pentru Saptamina Mare, Iisus Christos

He knew that
in the soul of one who is ignorant there is always room for a great
idea. But he could not stand stupid people, especially those who
are made stupid by education: people who are full of opinions not
one of which they even understand, a peculiarly modern type, summed
up by Christ when he describes it as the type of one who has the
key of knowledge, cannot use it himself, and does not allow other
people to use it, though it may be made to open the gate of God's
Kingdom. His chief war was against the Philistines. That is the
war every child of light has to wage. Philistinism was the note of
the age and community in which he lived. In their heavy
inaccessibility to ideas, their dull respectability, their tedious
orthodoxy, their worship of vulgar success, their entire
preoccupation with the gross materialistic side of life, and their
ridiculous estimate of themselves and their importance, the Jews of
Jerusalem in Christ's day were the exact counterpart of the British
Philistine of our own. Christ mocked at the 'whited sepulchre' of
respectability, and fixed that phrase for ever. He treated worldly
success as a thing absolutely to be despised. He saw nothing in it
at all. He looked on wealth as an encumbrance to a man. He would
not hear of life being sacrificed to any system of thought or
morals. He pointed out that forms and ceremonies were made for
man, not man for forms and ceremonies. He took sabbatarianism as a
type of the things that should be set at nought. The cold
philanthropies, the ostentatious public charities, the tedious
formalisms so dear to the middle-class mind, he exposed with utter
and relentless scorn. To us, what is termed orthodoxy is merely a
facile unintelligent acquiescence; but to them, and in their hands,
it was a terrible and paralysing tyranny. Christ swept it aside.
He showed that the spirit alone was of value. He took a keen
pleasure in pointing out to them that though they were always
reading the law and the prophets, they had not really the smallest
idea of what either of them meant. In opposition to their tithing
of each separate day into the fixed routine of prescribed duties,
as they tithe mint and rue, he preached the enormous importance of
living completely for the moment.

Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 213.22.126...)
2006-04-19 12:56
Re: Raquel: Subiect pentru Saptamina Mare, Iisus Christos

La 2006-04-19 12:47:59, Cristiana a scris:

Ideea centrala a intregului paragraf de mai sus: sacralitatea vietii!

"He would not hear of life being sacrificed to any system of thought or

Orice sistem care concepe luarea de viata in numele a oricarui principiu este in esenta un sistem criminal! Pentru Christos nu exista criminal malefic si criminal benefic. Toate crimele, el le socoteste egale! Toate apetiturile care duc la crime, asemenea. Pe Christos nu-l intereseaza daca apetiturile le numim comuniste, fasciste sau neoliberale.

Paste Fericit tuturora, intru reflexie si intelegere a esentei acestei religii care ne aduna an de an laolalta insetati de lumina si in cautare de intelepciune si adevar.

Raquel (...@hotmail.com, IP: 86.105.93...)
2006-04-19 12:56
Re: Raquel: Subiect pentru Saptamina Mare, Iisus Christos

Multumesc, Cristiana. As fi preferat insa o traducere. Nu ai indicat sursa.

Raquel (...@hotmail.com, IP: 86.105.93...)
2006-04-19 13:56
Re: Raquel: Subiect pentru Saptamina Mare, Iisus Christos

Mi-ai raspuns inainte de a posta eu. Ai dreptate in privinta crimelor facute in numele unor idealuri, indiferent cum s-ar numi ele, cat si in privinta crimei in general. Eu una sunt si impotriva pedepsei cu moartea, caruia nu-i gasesc justificare in absolut nici o circumstanta. S-au comis atatea erori judiciare, incat ma ingrozeste numai gandul la bietii nevinovati care au platit niste vini imaginare.
Paste fericit si tie, sanatate si bucurie in Domnul !

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