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Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.45.171...)
2006-03-12 08:27
The Iran Bourse

On March 20 the Iran Bourse will formally open and allow countries to break to US monopoly on oil purchases in petrodollars. The central banks across Europe and Asia will trade in part of their stockpiles of greenbacks for euros, and dollars will come flooding back to the homeland. $3 trillion of American cash and securities are owned by people or institutions outside of the United States. If just a small portion of them pour back into the US, Depression will follow.

Is the impending war with Iraq merely an effort to shore up the debt-ridden greenback? (which is now underwritten by $8.2 trillion in debt)

If not, then how do we explain the Federal Reserve’s surprise announcement that it would stop releasing the M-3 in late March, 2006 coinciding with the opening of the bourse? (The M-3 provides the aggregate statistics on US dollars around the world)

Don’t you think the American people would like to know when the central banks begin tossing their stockpiles of greenbacks overboard?

And won’t this “weakening of the dollar” curtail Washington’s ability to print unlimited amounts of money to fund a powerful standing army and provide lavish tax cuts to the wealthy?

The Iran bourse is a direct threat to the present economic system of extorting labor and resources from the developing world for worthless paper.

The Bush administration will do everything in its power to defend that system.

Berkshire-Hathaway chief, Warren Buffet recently noted, “Right now, the rest of the world owns $3 trillion more of us than we own of them. In my view, it will create political turmoil at some point. …Pretty soon, I think there will be a big adjustment.”

“Political turmoil”?"big adjustment”?…”Pretty soon, I think”? ‘nuff said.

Pinkie din Franta (...@voila.fr, IP: 84.98.32...)
2006-03-12 16:53
Re: The Iran Bourse


Europeanul (...@k.ro, IP: 145.253.3...)
2006-03-12 18:46
Re: The Iran Bourse

Pinkie din Franta (...@voila.fr, IP: 84.100.231...)
2006-03-12 18:55
Re: Ba deloc !

De unde le scoti ???

Venezuela ce interes particular ar avea
sa vinda pe dolari ???


Rusia ???

Majoritatea tarilor pe care le precizezi ar trece
la euro fara nici o durere de cap !

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2006-03-12 22:06
Re: Ba deloc !

Europeanul (...@k.ro, IP: 84.183.199...)
2006-03-12 22:15
Re: Ba deloc !

Te rog sa nu ma intelegi gresit, eu am spus ca va depinde f mult si de alti factori.....printre care se afla si "credibilitatea dolarului" !!


(P.S. ptr cei care nu sint in domeniul economiei: indicatorul M3 reprezinta nr dolarilor in circulatie! )

La 2006-03-12 18:55:59, Pinkie a scris:

> De unde le scoti ???
> Venezuela ce interes particular ar avea
> sa vinda pe dolari ???
> http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-uslatin10mar10,0,2226304.story?coll=la-home-headlines
> Rusia ???
> Majoritatea tarilor pe care le precizezi ar trece
> la euro fara nici o durere de cap !

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