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Ancutza Hazu din Along Zambezi (...@seductive.com, IP: 24.203.7...)
2006-03-10 14:13
Cearta dintre Meka si Medyna

Islam instructs Muslims to kill non- Muslims. Following are the contradictions between Muhammad's tolerant teachings in Mecca (610-623 AD) and his harsh teachings in Medina (623-633 AD).

* Mecca is the town in Arabia where Muhammad began his campaign (610-623 AD) to gain followers to his Christian heresy, Ebionism. At that time, because he had no power, he took no action against people who chose not to follow him.
* Medina is the city in Arabia where Muhammad moved after his mother's tribe offered him military support. In Medina (623-633 AD), he and his mother's tribe waged wars to force people to follow them or be killed. In the Koran, one can clearly see the difference in Muhammad's tolerant teachings in Mecca and his harsh teachings in Medina. Today, Muslims, instructed by the Koran, continue to wage wars wherever they have political power to force people into Islam.

In MECCA, Muhammad said that Muslims and others will get into paradise. "The believers (Muslims), Jews, Christians, Sabians and whoever believes in Allah and in the Judgement Day and does good works will receive their reward from their Lord." (Koran 2:62; 5:69)

In MEDINA, Muhammad said that only Muslims will get into paradise. "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Judgement Day, or forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and his messenger (Muhammad), or do not believe in the religion of truth (Islam) among the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) until they pay extortion with willing submission and feel themselves subdued." (K 9:29)

In MECCA, Muhammad taught freedom of religion. "Religion is not forced." (K 2:256) "I (Muhammad) can have my religion and you (Jews and Christians) can have your religion." (K 109:6)

In MEDINA, Muhammad forced people into Islam. "If anyone chooses a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted." (K 3:85) "Fight them (non-Muslims) until there is no apostasy and the only religion accepted is the religion of Allah (Islam)." (K 2:193)

In MECCA, Muhammad taught Muslims to leave people alone if they do not accept Islam. "If they become Muslims they are guided rightly. If they did not accept Islam, you (Muhammad) are only to share the message." (K 3:19)

In MEDINA, Muhammad instructed Muslims to kill people if they do not accept Islam. "If they do not accept Islam, seize them and kill them wherever you find them." (K 4:89)

In MECCA, Muhammad taught Muslims not to force people into Islam. "You (Muslims) are not responsible to guide them to the right way (Islam) but Allah guides whom he pleases." (K 2:272) "If it had been your Lord's will, all people on earth would have believed [in Islam]. Are you (Muhammad) forcing people to become believers (Muslims)! No one can believe except by the will of Allah." (K 10:99-100) "[Muhammad], your duty is to share the message. It is our part (Allah) to call them to account." (K 13:40) "If it had been Allah's will, they would not have become infidels. We (Allah) did not send you (Muhammad) to monitor their actions or judge their affairs." (K 6:107)

In MEDINA, Muhammad asked Muslims to kill people if they do not accept Islam. "O prophet (Muhammad), incite the believers (Muslims) to fight." (K 8:65) "Fight them until there will be no apostasy and the religion becomes Allah's religion (Islam)." (K 8:39) "Kill the infidels (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, seize them and lie in wait to ambush them. If they repent (convert to Islam) and give alms let them go." (K 9:5) "Fight the infidels (non-Muslims) and the hypocrites (people who claim they are Muslims) and be harsh to them. Hell is their fate" (K 9:73) "I (Allah) will terrorize the hearts of the infidels (non-Muslims). Behead them and cut all their finger-tips because they did not believe in Allah and his messenger (Muhammad). If anyone does not believe in Allah and his messenger, Allah has severe punishment." (K 8:12)

In MECCA, Muhammad put no rules regarding the destination of prayer, then he chose Mecca. "The East and West belong to Allah. Allah's face is wherever you turn." (K 2:115)

In MEDINA, at first Muhammad asked Muslims to face Jerusalem when they pray. After he failed to drag Jews, Muhammad got mad at Jews and switched his destination to Mecca again. "When you pray, face the sacred Mosque (Caaba in Mecca). Turn your faces toward it wherever you are." (K 2:150)

When early Muslims raised concerns regarding killing non-Muslims, Muhammad encouraged them to fight and carry out Jihad (terrorism) for the sake of Allah. He claimed that Muslims who die for Allah would be rewarded in paradise with big breasted white virgins. (K 78:33) The Massacre of Qurayza, a Jewish Tribe in Arabia: Muhammad attacked the Jewish tribe of Qurayza and ordered the men to be killed, the women and children to be taken as slaves, and their possessions to be divided among Muslims. In one day, Muslims, instructed by Muhammad, beheaded eight hundred Jewish men raping their wives and daughters. Muhammad took Rayhana, one of these women, as a concubine. [see the Biography of Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq] Al-Mawardi, an Iraqi Muslim scholar died 1058 AD, wrote regarding infidel prisoners of Jihad campaigns: "Regarding the captives, the prince [local leader of any Jihad group) has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four options:

1.To behead them;
2. To enslave them and apply the laws of slavery;
3. To ransom them in exchange for goods or prisoners;
4. To show favor to them and pardon them.
'When you [Muslims] encounter infidels, behead them." (K 47:4)" [Abu'l-Hasan Al-Mawardi, "El-Ahkam El-Sultaniyyah" (The Laws of Islamic Government), translated by Dr. Assad Allah Yate, London, Taha Publishers Ltd., 1996, p. 192]

For centuries, from Morocco to India, Jihad (terrorism) campaigns waged by Muslims against infidel Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, Buddhists and Hindus, were punctuated by massacres, including mass throat slitting and beheading. In Egypt, Copts (Christians of Egypt) are facing daily severe persecution. Muslims tell Christians in Egypt, "Being Christians (infidels), you do not have the right to live". They ask Copts to chose one of three options: to convert to Islam or to pay extortion or to be killed. Beheading and slaying non-Muslims by Muslims have occurred worldwide; Jews and Christians in Indonesia, Egypt, Sudan, Philippines, and Nigeria; Hindu priests and "unveiled" Hindu women in Kashmir; Daniel Pearl, Wall Street Journal Reporter, beheaded in Pakistan in 2003; Nicholas Berg, 26 year-old Jewish American, kidnapped while in Iraq in 2004 seeking business for his Pennsylvania Communication Company, who was shown on a video tape beheaded by Musab al-Zarqawi, the terrorist leader who was the masked person shown decapitating Berg with a large knife.

We should not be surprised that these horrible practices of Jihad violence are accompanied by ritual beheading and slaying non-Muslims as the Koran instructs Muslims (K 47:4; 8:12,13). In fact, such horrible acts are approved by the Koran, the book of Islam, and Muslim scholars. This is the true face of Islam which Muhammad taught in Medina (623-633 AD) just right before he died in 633 AD. In fact this is why Muhammad died after being poisoned by Zainab Bint El-Hareth, a Jewish slave that Muhammad had taken after he attacked Quraiza, a Jewish village in Arabia, and beheaded all the men (Eight Hundred men), including her father, brother and husband. [Biography of Muhammad by Bin Hisham]

pilula1 (...@yahoo.de, IP: 84.177.182...)
2006-03-10 14:31
Re: Cearta dintre Meka si Medyna/Ancutzo

La 2006-03-10 14:13:13, Ancutza Hazu a scris:

fa bine si tradu-ne si noua, ca asa n-are Hazu!

George-Felix (...@yahoo.com, IP: 132.195.96...)
2006-03-10 18:13
Re: Cearta dintre Meka si Medyna

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