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anonymous din No Man's Land (...@gmail.com, IP: 68.149.200...)
2006-07-19 23:59
ocupatia israeliana in Siria

De ce nu se retrage Israel din Golan Heights? Violeaza legile internationale, acealeasi legi pe care vrea sale vada in aplicare atunci cand e vorba despre rezolutia 1559?

ethnic cleansing?

About 90% (147,000) of the Golan's inhabitants, mainly Druze Arabs and Circassians, fled or were expelled by Israeli forces during the Six Days War.

For Syria the occupied Golan is more than simply 1,250 square kilometers of land. Before 1967, according to Madhat Saleh Al-Saleh, member of parliament, there were 249 Arab villages there. After the Israelis occupied the area, 244 of those villages were destroyed and the 147,000 inhabitants forced to leave. Only five Syrian villages still remain in the part of Golan that Israel occupies. These villages, in the mountainous north of Golan, were spared because U.N. forces arrived before they could be destroyed.

The displaced Golanis and their families now number about 500,000, most still living together in the places where their Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps were set up around Syria. The Israelis built 42 Jewish settlements in the area they occupied.

barbu din israel (...@bezeqint.net, IP: 88.153.245...)
2006-07-20 00:17
Re: ocupatia israeliana in Siria

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.51...)
2006-07-20 00:28
Re: ocupatia israeliana in Siria

Itic Strul, dezertor din Israel (...@hotmail.co.il, IP: 199.203.116...)
2006-07-20 00:43
Re: ocupatia israeliana in Siria

mad2000 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 69.205.170...)
2006-07-20 00:48
De ce nu se retrage

Pentru ca sirienii au folosit ca punct de atac terorist Golan Heights, atacuri impotriva Israelului bineinteles.

Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.34.48...)
2006-07-20 02:04
punct de atac terorist Golan Heights

Cred ca ,toate punctele unde traiesc arabii.......sunt "teroriste" !! Se termina si mandatul lui Bush(daca intre timp nu i se intampla ceva) ,si mai vorbim dupa aceea !!

La 2006-07-20 00:48:53, mad2000 a scris:

> Pentru ca sirienii au folosit ca punct de atac terorist Golan Heights,
> atacuri impotriva Israelului bineinteles.

Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.34.48...)
2006-07-20 02:12
citatele din presa nu fac doi bani cand esti in autobuzul care sare in aer

Saracele victime sangeroase, s-au compus volume intregi de scuze la adresa voastra,a criminalilor mereu.....victimizatzi !! Daca holocaustul nu l-a vazut nimeni, dar suntem obligatzi prin legi ....sa va credem ,genocidul din Liban e televizat,si statistica mortzilor si a daunelor vorbeste de la sine !!

La 2006-07-20 00:17:53, barbu a scris:

> La 2006-07-19 23:59:55, anonymous a scris:
> > De ce nu se retrage Israel din Golan Heights? Violeaza legile
> > internationale, acealeasi legi pe care vrea sale vada in aplicare
> > atunci cand e vorba despre rezolutia 1559?
> >
> > ethnic cleansing?
> >
> > About 90% (147,000) of the Golan's inhabitants, mainly Druze Arabs and
> > Circassians, fled or were expelled by Israeli forces during the Six
> > Days War.
> >
> > For Syria the occupied Golan is more than simply 1,250 square
> > kilometers of land. Before 1967, according to Madhat Saleh Al-Saleh,
> > member of parliament, there were 249 Arab villages there. After the
> > Israelis occupied the area, 244 of those villages were destroyed and
> > the 147,000 inhabitants forced to leave. Only five Syrian villages
> > still remain in the part of Golan that Israel occupies. These
> > villages, in the mountainous north of Golan, were spared because U.N.
> > forces arrived before they could be destroyed.
> >
> > The displaced Golanis and their families now number about 500,000,
> > most still living together in the places where their Internally
> > Displaced Persons (IDP) camps were set up around Syria. The Israelis
> > built 42 Jewish settlements in the area they occupied.
> >
> >
> >
> cand ai sa traiesti 3 luni in Israel ai sa intelegi......
> citatele din presa nu fac doi bani cand esti in autobuzul care sare in
> aer

Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.34.48...)
2006-07-20 02:15
Materialul asta pute a propaganda siriana.

Si propaganda voastra a ce.....pute ???

La 2006-07-20 00:43:52, Itic Strul, dezertor a scris:

> 1. cind dai un citat, se cheama fair play sa publici si sursa
> (link-ul). Materialul asta pute a propaganda siriana.
> 2. au fost multe tentative in anii '90 de a se reglementa situatia,
> dar toate tratativele au esuat datorita inflexibilitatii lui Asad Sr.
> care nu a vrut sa lase mostenire o pace cu Israelul. Altfel si fiu-sau
> si toata hunta din Damasc trebuiau sa-si caute alte cariere...
> 3. O fi facut si o fi dres Israelul, dar cit esti de al dracului, in
> nici sase zile nu este fizic posibil sa "cureti" 1250 km2
> trimitind la "plimbare" 147000 de locuitori.
> La 2006-07-19 23:59:55, anonymous a scris:
> > De ce nu se retrage Israel din Golan Heights? Violeaza legile
> > internationale, acealeasi legi pe care vrea sale vada in aplicare
> > atunci cand e vorba despre rezolutia 1559?
> >
> > ethnic cleansing?
> >
> > About 90% (147,000) of the Golan's inhabitants, mainly Druze Arabs and
> > Circassians, fled or were expelled by Israeli forces during the Six
> > Days War.
> >
> > For Syria the occupied Golan is more than simply 1,250 square
> > kilometers of land. Before 1967, according to Madhat Saleh Al-Saleh,
> > member of parliament, there were 249 Arab villages there. After the
> > Israelis occupied the area, 244 of those villages were destroyed and
> > the 147,000 inhabitants forced to leave. Only five Syrian villages
> > still remain in the part of Golan that Israel occupies. These
> > villages, in the mountainous north of Golan, were spared because U.N.
> > forces arrived before they could be destroyed.
> >
> > The displaced Golanis and their families now number about 500,000,
> > most still living together in the places where their Internally
> > Displaced Persons (IDP) camps were set up around Syria. The Israelis
> > built 42 Jewish settlements in the area they occupied.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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