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Maldini din Magyarország. Paolo Maldini FC Steaua Bucuresti Gheorghe Hagi (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.98.130...)
2004-12-26 12:08
Stiri aparute in presa despre Laura Andresan

Atamild (...@t-online.de, IP: 84.135.142...)
2004-12-26 13:39
-Fiecare cu ce-l doare !

La 2004-12-26 12:08:05, Maldini a scris: Ce text lung!
Asa deci, Boxing Day
''In many English countries, the day after Christmans is called Boxing Day. The word has nothing to do with sparring matches between family membres or the return of unwanted gifts to shops. It comes from Britisch costum that started in the Middle Ages around 800 years ago. Churches provided alms boxes in which people placed money. The contents of the boxes were distributed to the destitute on the day after Christmans.And servants who had to work on Christmans to make the holiday run smoothly were allowed to take leave on 26 December and visit their families. Their employes gave each a box containing gifts and bonuses. The custom of giving gifts or money to those who provide service,e.g. the postal staff, continues today...''
Cam atit despre aceasta Zi,
O zi frumoasa!

Maldini din Magyarország. Paolo Maldini FC Steaua Bucuresti Gheorghe Hagi (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.98.130...)
2004-12-26 14:10
Re: -Fiecare cu ce-l doare !

Este interesant ce-ai scris.
Matilda sa ai o zi buna !

La 2004-12-26 13:39:50, Atamild a scris:

> La 2004-12-26 12:08:05, Maldini a scris: Ce text lung!
> Asa deci, Boxing Day
> ''In many English countries, the day after Christmans is called Boxing
> Day. The word has nothing to do with sparring matches between family
> membres or the return of unwanted gifts to shops. It comes from
> Britisch costum that started in the Middle Ages around 800 years ago.
> Churches provided alms boxes in which people placed money. The
> contents of the boxes were distributed to the destitute on the day
> after Christmans.And servants who had to work on Christmans to make
> the holiday run smoothly were allowed to take leave on 26 December
> and visit their families. Their employes gave each a box containing
> gifts and bonuses. The custom of giving gifts or money to those who
> provide service,e.g. the postal staff, continues today...''
> Cam atit despre aceasta Zi,
> O zi frumoasa!
> Matilda

Maldini din Magyarország. Paolo Maldini FC Steaua Bucuresti Gheorghe Hagi (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.98.130...)
2004-12-26 14:20
Stiri aparute in presa despre Laura Andresan Sfarsit !

Omul cu pesedeaua foarte moale din Orasul cu zambila cea mai tare (...@yahoo.com, IP: 216.239.65...)
2004-12-26 14:58
Salut Maldini! Ce faci, stai la colt sa-i tragi un cap primului care trece cu bata pe acolo?

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