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geek-a-contra din lume (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.2.200...)
2004-11-13 15:58
romania isi asuma trecutul. ei, lasa-o sa-si asume ce vrea....

pe mine ma intereseaza mai mult prezentul si cu mult mai mult viitorul.
da' pin' la coada kkia problema? zi ca ei si fa ca tine. cit timp nu cer bani....

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.187.133...)
2004-11-13 16:00
Re: romania isi asuma trecutul. ei, lasa-o sa-si asume ce vrea....

La 2004-11-13 15:58:29, geek-a-contra a scris:

"...cit timp nu cer bani...."

Pai asta o sa urmeze. Nu te-ai obisnuit cu scenariu?

geek-a-contra din lume (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.2.200...)
2004-11-13 16:07
Re: aha, acu' am inteles....

in Ro nu a fost holocaust nu fiindca nu a fost holocaust ci numai ca sa nu se ceara despagubiri....

La 2004-11-13 16:00:38, Zen a scris:

> La 2004-11-13 15:58:29, geek-a-contra a scris:
> "...cit timp nu cer bani...."
> Pai asta o sa urmeze. Nu te-ai obisnuit cu scenariu?

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.156...)
2004-11-13 16:11
Re: aha, acu' am inteles.....sper ca te a inteles zen..ndc

La 2004-11-13 16:07:17, geek-a-contra a scris:

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.156...)
2004-11-13 16:14
geek am o intrebare

Evrei au "dreptul" sa ceara retrocedarea avutului confiscat /furat de autoritatile romane sau acest drept e pastrat numai pt "goim"?

geek-a-contra din lume (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.2.200...)
2004-11-13 16:19
Re: nevere, ori...

... nu ai tinere de minte ori nu ai ce face si cauti saminta de scadal....

am scris de citeva ori, si nu o voi mai face inca o data mai mult decit acum: evreii sint indreptatiti la retrocedarea bunurilor confiscate in aceeasi masura in care sint indreptatiti si romanii, si germanii, si ungurii, si italienii, si oricine altcineva care a fost pagubit in urma unor acte cosiderate a fi nelegale.

clar? acu du-te si fa o plimbare. poate te mai calmezi

La 2004-11-13 16:14:27, neverul again a scris:

> Evrei au "dreptul" sa ceara retrocedarea avutului confiscat
> /furat de autoritatile romane sau acest drept e pastrat numai pt
> "goim"?

Serban Suru din Bucuresti (...@k.ro, IP: 82.208.178...)
2004-11-13 16:25
Re: romania isi asuma trecutul. ei, lasa-o sa-si asume ce vrea....

CER BANI: 10-12 MILIARDE DE DOLARI DREPT DESPAGUBIRI. Vezi comentariul meu de mai sus.

La 2004-11-13 15:58:29, geek-a-contra a scris:

> pe mine ma intereseaza mai mult prezentul si cu mult mai mult
> viitorul.
> da' pin' la coada kkia problema? zi ca ei si fa ca tine. cit timp nu
> cer bani....

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.156...)
2004-11-13 16:31
hai surule da linkul unde afirma scrisele tale...ndc

La 2004-11-13 16:25:40, Serban Suru a scris:

> meu de mai sus.
> La 2004-11-13 15:58:29, geek-a-contra a scris:
> > pe mine ma intereseaza mai mult prezentul si cu mult mai mult
> > viitorul.
> > da' pin' la coada kkia problema? zi ca ei si fa ca tine. cit timp nu
> > cer bani....
> > 
> > 

Serban Suru din Bucuresti (...@k.ro, IP: 82.208.178...)
2004-11-13 16:42
Re: hai surule da linkul unde afirma scrisele tale...ndc

Catre nevreul again:
Lasat, renuntati, la "ndc" in mesajele pe cale le transmiteti si daca doriti o convorbire cu mine nu mai folositi apelative de genul "surule".

La 2004-11-13 16:31:35, neverul again a scris:

> La 2004-11-13 16:25:40, Serban Suru a scris:
> > meu de mai sus.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > La 2004-11-13 15:58:29, geek-a-contra a scris:
> > 
> > > pe mine ma intereseaza mai mult prezentul si cu mult mai mult
> > > viitorul.
> > > da' pin' la coada kkia problema? zi ca ei si fa ca tine. cit timp nu
> > > cer bani....
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.156...)
2004-11-13 16:54
dl Serban Suru

Fiti amabil si scrieti unde ..la care link apare informatia care scrieti legat de 12 miliarde de USD care dupa scrisele dvs Israel ar cere drept dezpagubiri..asa e mai bine?..ma intereseaza mult

Serban Suru din Bucuresti (...@k.ro, IP: 82.208.178...)
2004-11-13 17:01
Re: dl Serban Suru

Pentru cele 10 miliarde am dat deja raspunsul mai sus. Pentru 12 miliarde deocamdata sursa este confidentiala.

La 2004-11-13 16:54:40, neverul again a scris:

> Fiti amabil si scrieti unde ..la care link apare informatia care
> scrieti legat de 12 miliarde de USD care dupa scrisele dvs Israel ar
> cere drept dezpagubiri..asa e mai bine?..ma intereseaza mult

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.156...)
2004-11-13 17:08
Re: dl Serban Suru

La 2004-11-13 17:01:07, Serban Suru a scris:

> Pentru cele 10 miliarde am dat deja raspunsul mai sus. Pentru 12
> miliarde deocamdata sursa este confidentiala.

Ce faceti dvs este ca bateti joc de inteligenta oamenilor ..sint convins ca Israelul n-a cerut nici un ban de la guv roman eventual a fost vorba de retrocedari de proprietati care apartinau evreilor si au fost confiscatate de statul roman .
Suma exprimata de dvs se refera la aprecierea valorii proprietatilor confiscate si dupa pararea mea e f. exagerata ..dar pararea mea n-are importanta

Serban Suru din Bucuresti (...@k.ro, IP: 82.208.178...)
2004-11-13 17:23
Re: dl Serban Suru

parazitii_mereu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.161.110...)
2004-11-13 17:27
Re: dl Serban Suru

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.156...)
2004-11-13 17:47
Re: dl Serban Suru

uitati ce scrie site-ul ziarul Haaretz despre subiect..banii dezpagubirii pensii etc nici nu sint amintite ..poate e fructul oprit din imaginatia bogata a ziaristului din "jurnalu"

Study: Up to 380,000 Jews killed in Romanian Holocaust

By Grig Davidovitz, Haaretz Correspondent

Last Update: 13/11/2004 17:29

"The number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust in territories controlled by Romania has not been finally determined. Nevertheless, the commission concludes that between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian and Ukrainian Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in territories under Romanian control," according to a wide-reaching 400-page report submitted Thursday to Romanian President Ion Iliescu by an international commission set up to investigate the Romanian Holocaust.

The commission is just one step, which some are calling the most important, in a process of improvement of relations between Romania, Israel and the Jewish world. This comes in the wake of a decline over the past year after the Romanian government declared that "there was no Holocaust inside Romania's borders" and when Iliescu said in an interview with Haaretz "the Holocaust was not unique to the Jews."

His remarks instigated furious responses from Israel and from around the world. Under immense pressure, Romania agreed to create an international committee to investigate the fate of its Jews and Gypsies.

Iliescu now sounds different.

"The creation of the commission was a necessary step. The report presents objective and scientific information," Iliescu said Thursday, promising to adopt all recommendations made by the commission.

The commission, established in October 2003 by Iliescu, is made up of 32 historians and public figures from the United States, Romania, Israel, Germany and France. The commission is headed by Professor Elie Wiesel.

It is not a coincidence that the report does not pinpoint the exact number of Jews killed by Romania during the Holocaust.

"There was serious disagreement over the numbers," said a source close to the commission. The differences in the numbers were also the result of differences in interests.

Romanian historians came with findings supporting lower numbers while Israeli historians provided data indicated that close to 400,000 were murdered.

Commission members decided in the end not to make a decision regarding the exact number of murdered Romanian Jews.

"We are aware of the tremendous responsibility," the report said. "The commission decided not to release a figure on the number of Jews killed in Romania and in the territories under its control. The commission decided to quote the range of figures as they appear in the research, with the hope that future research will determine the exact number of victims. Nevertheless, it is possible that there will never be a clear statistical picture of the number of Romanian Holocaust victims."

The report said that "between 45,000 and 60,000 Jews were killed in Bessarabia and in Bukovina by Romanian and German forces. Between 105,000 and 120,000 Jews died during forced deportation to Transnistria. Between 115,000 and 180,000 Jews were killed in Transnistria and at least 15,000 Jews were murdered in a pogrom in Iasi and as a result of other events."

Gypsy deaths were also discussed by the report. "Between 11,000 and 25,000 Gypsies deported to Transnistria died. Entire communities vanished never to return."

The report places unmistakable blame on the Romania's Holocaust-era Antonescu regime for the crimes.

"The orders issued by Antonescu facilitated death sentences for the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina," the report read. "Romania is responsible for the murder of more Jews than any other nation during the Holocaust, aside from Germany. Romania carried out genocide against the Jewish nation. The fact that some of Romania's Jews survived does not change this reality."

Related Links

* Romania observes its first Holocaust Memorial Day

parazitii_mereu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.161.110...)
2004-11-13 17:53
Re: dl Serban Suru

Dar zice cå se angajeazå så facå ce o så decidå comisia....deci...dacå decide ?
Asta ar fi una....
Dacå nu demult Iliescu nici nu vroia så audå de chestia cu stabilirea holocaustului, considerind chestiunea anormalå...ce anume l-a determinat atit de repede så fie de acord ?

La 2004-11-13 17:47:06, neverul again a scris:

> uitati ce scrie site-ul ziarul Haaretz despre subiect..banii
> dezpagubirii pensii etc nici nu sint amintite ..poate e fructul oprit
> din imaginatia bogata a ziaristului din "jurnalu"
> Study: Up to 380,000 Jews killed in Romanian Holocaust
> By Grig Davidovitz, Haaretz Correspondent
> Last Update: 13/11/2004 17:29
> "The number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust in territories
> controlled by Romania has not been finally determined. Nevertheless,
> the commission concludes that between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian
> and Ukrainian Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in
> territories under Romanian control," according to a
> wide-reaching 400-page report submitted Thursday to Romanian
> President Ion Iliescu by an international commission set up to
> investigate the Romanian Holocaust.
> The commission is just one step, which some are calling the most
> important, in a process of improvement of relations between Romania,
> Israel and the Jewish world. This comes in the wake of a decline over
> the past year after the Romanian government declared that "there
> was no Holocaust inside Romania's borders" and when Iliescu said
> in an interview with Haaretz "the Holocaust was not unique to the
> Jews."
> His remarks instigated furious responses from Israel and from around
> the world. Under immense pressure, Romania agreed to create an
> international committee to investigate the fate of its Jews and
> Gypsies.
> Iliescu now sounds different.
> "The creation of the commission was a necessary step. The report
> presents objective and scientific information," Iliescu said
> Thursday, promising to adopt all recommendations made by the
> commission.
> The commission, established in October 2003 by Iliescu, is made up of
> 32 historians and public figures from the United States, Romania,
> Israel, Germany and France. The commission is headed by Professor
> Elie Wiesel.
> It is not a coincidence that the report does not pinpoint the exact
> number of Jews killed by Romania during the Holocaust.
> "There was serious disagreement over the numbers," said a
> source close to the commission. The differences in the numbers were
> also the result of differences in interests.
> Romanian historians came with findings supporting lower numbers while
> Israeli historians provided data indicated that close to 400,000 were
> murdered.
> Commission members decided in the end not to make a decision regarding
> the exact number of murdered Romanian Jews.
> "We are aware of the tremendous responsibility," the report
> said. "The commission decided not to release a figure on the
> number of Jews killed in Romania and in the territories under its
> control. The commission decided to quote the range of figures as they
> appear in the research, with the hope that future research will
> determine the exact number of victims. Nevertheless, it is possible
> that there will never be a clear statistical picture of the number of
> Romanian Holocaust victims."
> The report said that "between 45,000 and 60,000 Jews were killed
> in Bessarabia and in Bukovina by Romanian and German forces. Between
> 105,000 and 120,000 Jews died during forced deportation to
> Transnistria. Between 115,000 and 180,000 Jews were killed in
> Transnistria and at least 15,000 Jews were murdered in a pogrom in
> Iasi and as a result of other events."
> Gypsy deaths were also discussed by the report. "Between 11,000
> and 25,000 Gypsies deported to Transnistria died. Entire communities
> vanished never to return."
> The report places unmistakable blame on the Romania's Holocaust-era
> Antonescu regime for the crimes.
> "The orders issued by Antonescu facilitated death sentences for
> the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina," the report read.
> "Romania is responsible for the murder of more Jews than any
> other nation during the Holocaust, aside from Germany. Romania
> carried out genocide against the Jewish nation. The fact that some of
> Romania's Jews survived does not change this reality."
> Related Links
> * Romania observes its first Holocaust Memorial Day

parazitii_mereu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.161.110...)
2004-11-13 17:56
Re: dl Serban Suru

"The orders issued by Antonescu facilitated death sentences for
> the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina," the report read.
> "Romania is responsible for the murder of more Jews than any
> other nation during the Holocaust, aside from Germany.

Deci noi sintem cei mai råi dupå nemti ? Zice Haretz ?

La 2004-11-13 17:53:30, parazitii_mereu a scris:

> Dar zice cå se angajeazå så facå ce o så
> decidå comisia....deci...dacå decide ?
> Asta ar fi una....
> Dacå nu demult Iliescu nici nu vroia så audå de
> chestia cu stabilirea holocaustului, considerind chestiunea
> anormalå...ce anume l-a determinat atit de repede så fie
> de acord ?
> La 2004-11-13 17:47:06, neverul again a scris:
> > uitati ce scrie site-ul ziarul Haaretz despre subiect..banii
> > dezpagubirii pensii etc nici nu sint amintite ..poate e fructul oprit
> > din imaginatia bogata a ziaristului din "jurnalu"
> >
> >
> >
> > Study: Up to 380,000 Jews killed in Romanian Holocaust
> >
> >
> > By Grig Davidovitz, Haaretz Correspondent
> >
> > Last Update: 13/11/2004 17:29
> >
> >
> >
> > "The number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust in territories
> > controlled by Romania has not been finally determined. Nevertheless,
> > the commission concludes that between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian
> > and Ukrainian Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in
> > territories under Romanian control," according to a
> > wide-reaching 400-page report submitted Thursday to Romanian
> > President Ion Iliescu by an international commission set up to
> > investigate the Romanian Holocaust.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The commission is just one step, which some are calling the most
> > important, in a process of improvement of relations between Romania,
> > Israel and the Jewish world. This comes in the wake of a decline over
> > the past year after the Romanian government declared that "there
> > was no Holocaust inside Romania's borders" and when Iliescu said
> > in an interview with Haaretz "the Holocaust was not unique to the
> > Jews."
> >
> > His remarks instigated furious responses from Israel and from around
> > the world. Under immense pressure, Romania agreed to create an
> > international committee to investigate the fate of its Jews and
> > Gypsies.
> >
> > Iliescu now sounds different.
> >
> > "The creation of the commission was a necessary step. The report
> > presents objective and scientific information," Iliescu said
> > Thursday, promising to adopt all recommendations made by the
> > commission.
> >
> > The commission, established in October 2003 by Iliescu, is made up of
> > 32 historians and public figures from the United States, Romania,
> > Israel, Germany and France. The commission is headed by Professor
> > Elie Wiesel.
> >
> > It is not a coincidence that the report does not pinpoint the exact
> > number of Jews killed by Romania during the Holocaust.
> >
> > "There was serious disagreement over the numbers," said a
> > source close to the commission. The differences in the numbers were
> > also the result of differences in interests.
> >
> > Romanian historians came with findings supporting lower numbers while
> > Israeli historians provided data indicated that close to 400,000 were
> > murdered.
> >
> > Commission members decided in the end not to make a decision regarding
> > the exact number of murdered Romanian Jews.
> >
> > "We are aware of the tremendous responsibility," the report
> > said. "The commission decided not to release a figure on the
> > number of Jews killed in Romania and in the territories under its
> > control. The commission decided to quote the range of figures as they
> > appear in the research, with the hope that future research will
> > determine the exact number of victims. Nevertheless, it is possible
> > that there will never be a clear statistical picture of the number of
> > Romanian Holocaust victims."
> >
> > The report said that "between 45,000 and 60,000 Jews were killed
> > in Bessarabia and in Bukovina by Romanian and German forces. Between
> > 105,000 and 120,000 Jews died during forced deportation to
> > Transnistria. Between 115,000 and 180,000 Jews were killed in
> > Transnistria and at least 15,000 Jews were murdered in a pogrom in
> > Iasi and as a result of other events."
> >
> > Gypsy deaths were also discussed by the report. "Between 11,000
> > and 25,000 Gypsies deported to Transnistria died. Entire communities
> > vanished never to return."
> >
> > The report places unmistakable blame on the Romania's Holocaust-era
> > Antonescu regime for the crimes.
> >
> > "The orders issued by Antonescu facilitated death sentences for
> > the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina," the report read.
> > "Romania is responsible for the murder of more Jews than any
> > other nation during the Holocaust, aside from Germany. Romania
> > carried out genocide against the Jewish nation. The fact that some of
> > Romania's Jews survived does not change this reality."
> >
> >
> >
> > Related Links
> >
> >
> > * Romania observes its first Holocaust Memorial Day
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Serban Suru din Bucuresti (...@k.ro, IP: 82.208.178...)
2004-11-13 18:10
Re: dl Serban Suru

Nu este obligatoriu ca cei de la Haaretz sa stie despre despagubiri sau Iliescu la conferinta de joi sa pomeneasca despre ele. Nici la conferinta de vineri, tinuta de Oisteanu impreuna cu multi evrei din Comisie, in amfiteatrul "Odobescu " de la Facultatea de Litere din Buc. nu s-a pomenit nimic despre despagubiri dar asta nu indseamna ca nu exista pretentia. Ma indoiesc ca un ziarist si-ar putea pemite sa citeze in fals pe Ion Iliescu, taman intr-o asemenea problema, iar Presedintia sa nu se sesizeze si cu atat mai putin liderii evrei din Romania si de aiurea sa nu faca nici o observatie si nici un protest.

La 2004-11-13 17:47:06, neverul again a scris:

> uitati ce scrie site-ul ziarul Haaretz despre subiect..banii
> dezpagubirii pensii etc nici nu sint amintite ..poate e fructul oprit
> din imaginatia bogata a ziaristului din "jurnalu"
> Study: Up to 380,000 Jews killed in Romanian Holocaust
> By Grig Davidovitz, Haaretz Correspondent
> Last Update: 13/11/2004 17:29
> "The number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust in territories
> controlled by Romania has not been finally determined. Nevertheless,
> the commission concludes that between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian
> and Ukrainian Jews were murdered or died during the Holocaust in
> territories under Romanian control," according to a
> wide-reaching 400-page report submitted Thursday to Romanian
> President Ion Iliescu by an international commission set up to
> investigate the Romanian Holocaust.
> The commission is just one step, which some are calling the most
> important, in a process of improvement of relations between Romania,
> Israel and the Jewish world. This comes in the wake of a decline over
> the past year after the Romanian government declared that "there
> was no Holocaust inside Romania's borders" and when Iliescu said
> in an interview with Haaretz "the Holocaust was not unique to the
> Jews."
> His remarks instigated furious responses from Israel and from around
> the world. Under immense pressure, Romania agreed to create an
> international committee to investigate the fate of its Jews and
> Gypsies.
> Iliescu now sounds different.
> "The creation of the commission was a necessary step. The report
> presents objective and scientific information," Iliescu said
> Thursday, promising to adopt all recommendations made by the
> commission.
> The commission, established in October 2003 by Iliescu, is made up of
> 32 historians and public figures from the United States, Romania,
> Israel, Germany and France. The commission is headed by Professor
> Elie Wiesel.
> It is not a coincidence that the report does not pinpoint the exact
> number of Jews killed by Romania during the Holocaust.
> "There was serious disagreement over the numbers," said a
> source close to the commission. The differences in the numbers were
> also the result of differences in interests.
> Romanian historians came with findings supporting lower numbers while
> Israeli historians provided data indicated that close to 400,000 were
> murdered.
> Commission members decided in the end not to make a decision regarding
> the exact number of murdered Romanian Jews.
> "We are aware of the tremendous responsibility," the report
> said. "The commission decided not to release a figure on the
> number of Jews killed in Romania and in the territories under its
> control. The commission decided to quote the range of figures as they
> appear in the research, with the hope that future research will
> determine the exact number of victims. Nevertheless, it is possible
> that there will never be a clear statistical picture of the number of
> Romanian Holocaust victims."
> The report said that "between 45,000 and 60,000 Jews were killed
> in Bessarabia and in Bukovina by Romanian and German forces. Between
> 105,000 and 120,000 Jews died during forced deportation to
> Transnistria. Between 115,000 and 180,000 Jews were killed in
> Transnistria and at least 15,000 Jews were murdered in a pogrom in
> Iasi and as a result of other events."
> Gypsy deaths were also discussed by the report. "Between 11,000
> and 25,000 Gypsies deported to Transnistria died. Entire communities
> vanished never to return."
> The report places unmistakable blame on the Romania's Holocaust-era
> Antonescu regime for the crimes.
> "The orders issued by Antonescu facilitated death sentences for
> the Jews of Bessarabia and Bukovina," the report read.
> "Romania is responsible for the murder of more Jews than any
> other nation during the Holocaust, aside from Germany. Romania
> carried out genocide against the Jewish nation. The fact that some of
> Romania's Jews survived does not change this reality."
> Related Links
> * Romania observes its first Holocaust Memorial Day

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