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  09:22, sambata, 6 iulie 2024
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Umorul Negru (...@gmail.com, IP: 65.24.58...)
2004-11-13 09:34
Uite ce-a zis Kundera:

"Central Europe as a family of small nationshas its own vision of the world, a vision based on a deep distrust of history. History, that goddess of Hegel and Marx, that incarnation of reason that judges us and arbitrates our fate - that is the history of conquerors. The people of "

Umorul Negru (...@gmail.com, IP: 65.24.58...)
2004-11-13 09:37
Re: Uite ce-a zis Kundera:

"Central Europe as a family of small nations has its own vision of the world, a vision based on a deep distrust of history. History, that goddess of Hegel and Marx, that incarnation of reason that judges us and arbitrates our fate - that is the history of conquerors. The people of Central Europe are not conquerors. They cannot be separated from European history; they cannot exist outside it.; but they represent the wrong side of history; they are its victims and outsiders."

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