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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-12-06 12:08
Felicitari Miruna! Este a treia postare nu prima. Va rog sa postati!

Istoria are un mod al ei de a pastra numai vocile care s-au impotrivit Puterii. Istoria nu a inceput cu comunistii si capitalistii asa cum ar apare din intelegerea atitor cititori ai ziarului acesta. Bravo tie, iti vei asigura un loc printre cei justi si cei drepti, cei neinfricati si cei demni ai tuturor veacurilor! Bravo, bravo, de zeci de ori Bravo!!!!!! Amnesty International a declarat ieri ca "America is making a mockery of international law" si astazi Angela Merkel are presiunea poporului ei de a pune niste intrebari doamnei Rice. Colegii tai din presa germana nu se lasa nici ei.

Rice braces for grilling in Europe over secret prison row

AFP Photo

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was set to tell Washington's allies to fall into line as she began a four-nation tour that was expected to be dogged by questions over secret CIA prisons.

ABC News said late Monday the CIA moved 11 top Al-Qaeda suspects from two secret prisons in Eastern Europe to a new facility in the North African desert last month.

The move was done hurriedly to clear the prisons of suspects ahead of Rice's four-nation tour, current and former members of the Central Intelligence Agency told ABC.

The sources, who asked not to be identified, said that all but one of the Al-Qaeda suspects had been submitted to the harshest interrogation techniques allowed by the CIA.

They were held at one point on a former Soviet air base in one Eastern European country. Several of them were later move to a second Eastern European country.

The sources, ABC said, refused to name the two Eastern European nations as well as the facility in the North African desert where the suspects are now housed.

Rice was due to go on later Tuesday to Romania which plans to sign an accord allowing US military bases to be based on its territory.

Romania has been named by rights groups as a country that has allegedly hosted some of the secret CIA prisons.

Yet Romanian Foreign Minister Razvan Ungureanu denied the accusations, saying he was "tired of repeating that all Romanian officials who could have been involved in such an enterprise have denied such involvement".

Rice is also due to sign an accord on setting up US military bases in Romania.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 212.25.124...)
2005-12-06 12:31
Re: Felicitari Miruna! Este a treia postare nu prima. Va rog sa postati!

He, he, he... Cristiano, se pare ca te-ai ascuns ieri sub masa in legatura cu gulagurile americane si cu socialismul suedez. Cand nu itzi iese pasientza, taci malc.
La 2005-12-06 12:08:13, Cristiana a scris:

> Istoria are un mod al ei de a pastra numai vocile care s-au impotrivit
> Puterii. Istoria nu a inceput cu comunistii si capitalistii asa cum
> ar apare din intelegerea atitor cititori ai ziarului acesta. Bravo
> tie, iti vei asigura un loc printre cei justi si cei drepti, cei
> neinfricati si cei demni ai tuturor veacurilor! Bravo, bravo, de
> zeci de ori Bravo!!!!!! Amnesty International a declarat ieri ca
> "America is making a mockery of international law" si
> astazi Angela Merkel are presiunea poporului ei de a pune niste
> intrebari doamnei Rice. Colegii tai din presa germana nu se lasa nici
> ei.
> Rice braces for grilling in Europe over secret prison row
> AFP Photo
> US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was set to tell Washington's
> allies to fall into line as she began a four-nation tour that was
> expected to be dogged by questions over secret CIA prisons.
> ABC News said late Monday the CIA moved 11 top Al-Qaeda suspects from
> two secret prisons in Eastern Europe to a new facility in the North
> African desert last month.
> The move was done hurriedly to clear the prisons of suspects ahead of
> Rice's four-nation tour, current and former members of the Central
> Intelligence Agency told ABC.
> The sources, who asked not to be identified, said that all but one of
> the Al-Qaeda suspects had been submitted to the harshest
> interrogation techniques allowed by the CIA.
> They were held at one point on a former Soviet air base in one Eastern
> European country. Several of them were later move to a second Eastern
> European country.
> The sources, ABC said, refused to name the two Eastern European
> nations as well as the facility in the North African desert where the
> suspects are now housed.
> Rice was due to go on later Tuesday to Romania which plans to sign an
> accord allowing US military bases to be based on its territory.
> Romania has been named by rights groups as a country that has
> allegedly hosted some of the secret CIA prisons.
> Yet Romanian Foreign Minister Razvan Ungureanu denied the accusations,
> saying he was "tired of repeating that all Romanian officials who
> could have been involved in such an enterprise have denied such
> involvement".
> Rice is also due to sign an accord on setting up US military bases in
> Romania.

geo1111 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 130.126.24...)
2005-12-06 12:48

La 2005-12-

geo1111 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 130.126.24...)
2005-12-06 12:49

La 2005-12-06 12:31:36, roy a scris:

> He, he, he... Cristiano, se pare ca te-ai ascuns ieri sub masa in
> legatura cu gulagurile americane si cu socialismul suedez. Cand nu
> itzi iese pasientza, taci malc.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2005-12-06 12:08:13, Cristiana a scris:
> > Istoria are un mod al ei de a pastra numai vocile care s-au impotrivit
> > Puterii. Istoria nu a inceput cu comunistii si capitalistii asa cum
> > ar apare din intelegerea atitor cititori ai ziarului acesta. Bravo
> > tie, iti vei asigura un loc printre cei justi si cei drepti, cei
> > neinfricati si cei demni ai tuturor veacurilor! Bravo, bravo, de
> > zeci de ori Bravo!!!!!! Amnesty International a declarat ieri ca
> > "America is making a mockery of international law" si
> > astazi Angela Merkel are presiunea poporului ei de a pune niste
> > intrebari doamnei Rice. Colegii tai din presa germana nu se lasa nici
> > ei.
> >
> > Rice braces for grilling in Europe over secret prison row
> >
> > AFP Photo
> >
> > US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was set to tell Washington's
> > allies to fall into line as she began a four-nation tour that was
> > expected to be dogged by questions over secret CIA prisons.
> >
> > ABC News said late Monday the CIA moved 11 top Al-Qaeda suspects from
> > two secret prisons in Eastern Europe to a new facility in the North
> > African desert last month.
> >
> > The move was done hurriedly to clear the prisons of suspects ahead of
> > Rice's four-nation tour, current and former members of the Central
> > Intelligence Agency told ABC.
> >
> > The sources, who asked not to be identified, said that all but one of
> > the Al-Qaeda suspects had been submitted to the harshest
> > interrogation techniques allowed by the CIA.
> >
> > They were held at one point on a former Soviet air base in one Eastern
> > European country. Several of them were later move to a second Eastern
> > European country.
> >
> > The sources, ABC said, refused to name the two Eastern European
> > nations as well as the facility in the North African desert where the
> > suspects are now housed.
> >
> >
> > Rice was due to go on later Tuesday to Romania which plans to sign an
> > accord allowing US military bases to be based on its territory.
> >
> > Romania has been named by rights groups as a country that has
> > allegedly hosted some of the secret CIA prisons.
> >
> > Yet Romanian Foreign Minister Razvan Ungureanu denied the accusations,
> > saying he was "tired of repeating that all Romanian officials who
> > could have been involved in such an enterprise have denied such
> > involvement".
> >
> > Rice is also due to sign an accord on setting up US military bases in
> > Romania.
> >
> >

Katty din Växjö Suedia (...@home.com, IP: 57.67.17...)
2005-12-06 13:37
Re: Felicitari Miruna! Este a treia postare nu prima. Va rog sa postati!

La 2005-12-06 12:31:36, roy a scris:

> He, he, he... Cristiano, se pare ca te-ai ascuns ieri sub masa in
> legatura cu gulagurile americane si cu socialismul suedez. Cand nu
> itzi iese pasientza, taci malc.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Uite cine a ajuns sa plinga de mila nebunilor ca nu pot face copii.!!! Roy ! Dar de copiii aia care mor zilnic de foame, sint folositi la munci inca de la 4-5 anisori, de cei analfabeti , de aia care n-au un strop de apa potabila, de aia ce mor sau sint mutilati in razboaie , nu ti-e mila roy. ???
Pune mina pe carte si citeste istoria Suediei inainte ca sa te pronunti , ca sa vezi ce a facut social democratia pentru suedezi.

geo1111 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 130.126.24...)
2005-12-06 14:15


roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 83.130.123...)
2005-12-06 18:38
Re: Katza

Ho, ho, ho...... Te referi la laponi?

Sau te referi ca Suedia marea iubitoare de pace era acum vreo 2 ani al cincilea exportator de arme pe plan mondial?
La 2005-12-06 13:37:00, Katty a scris:

> La 2005-12-06 12:31:36, roy a scris:
> > He, he, he... Cristiano, se pare ca te-ai ascuns ieri sub masa in
> > legatura cu gulagurile americane si cu socialismul suedez. Cand nu
> > itzi iese pasientza, taci malc.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Uite cine a ajuns sa plinga de mila nebunilor ca nu pot face copii.!!!
> Roy ! Dar de copiii aia care mor zilnic de foame, sint folositi la
> munci inca de la 4-5 anisori, de cei analfabeti , de aia care n-au un
> strop de apa potabila, de aia ce mor sau sint mutilati in razboaie ,
> nu ti-e mila roy. ???
>  Pune mina pe carte si citeste istoria Suediei inainte ca sa te
> pronunti , ca sa vezi ce a facut social democratia pentru suedezi.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-12-06 20:45
Katza si Suedia "pacifica"... acum vreo 2 ani al 5 lea exportator de arme pe plan mondial?

pai ti-a raspuns duduia, uite :

"ca sa vezi ce a facut social democratia pentru suedezi":


La 2005-12-06 18:38:00, roy a scris:

> Ho, ho, ho...... Te referi la laponi?
> Sau te referi ca Suedia marea iubitoare de pace era acum vreo 2 ani al
> cincilea exportator de arme pe plan mondial?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Uite cine a ajuns sa plinga de mila nebunilor ca nu pot face copii.!!!
> > Roy ! Dar de copiii aia care mor zilnic de foame, sint folositi la
> > munci inca de la 4-5 anisori, de cei analfabeti , de aia care n-au un
> > strop de apa potabila, de aia ce mor sau sint mutilati in razboaie ,
> > nu ti-e mila roy. ???
> >  Pune mina pe carte si citeste istoria Suediei inainte ca sa te
> > pronunti ,

ca sa vezi ce a facut social democratia pentru suedezi.
> > 

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