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  19:17, sambata, 6 iulie 2024
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ug (...@home.ro, IP: 194.126.177...)
2006-07-13 09:42
VA trebui sa va grabiti Dle Vosganian ...Somewhere already ...

After This
Whatever Capitalism's Fate, Somebody's Already Working on an Alternative
By David J. Rothkopf
washingtonpost.com [Sunday, January 20, 2002; Page B01]

Somewhere in the world today walks the next Marx. But he is not a communist, and he almost certainly is not an expatriate German slaving over his theories in the stacks of the British Library. Nonetheless, he or she will attempt to seize upon the trends behind today's headlines to shape a competitor to "American capitalism" that the disenfranchised in nations around the world can embrace......

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