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Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-08-09 16:29
In prezent sunt active 10 grupuri secular - religioase, capabile sa...


There are now 10 religious and secular terrorist groups that are capable of using suicide terrorism as a tactic against their governments and/or foreign governments.

They are:

- the Islam Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and
- the PALESTINIAN Islamic Jihad of the Israeli "occupied territories"

- HIZBULLAH of Lebanon;

Hizbullah, responsible for suicide bombing the US Marine Corps barracks and the headquarters of the French paratroopers in Lebanon in 1983, is fighting to oust the Israelis from southern Lebanon.

Hizbullah is supported by IRAN, a steadfast state sponsor.
Today, Hizbullah is also a political party


- Hizbullah and PRO-SYRIAN groups in Lebanon, Kuwait and Argentina : 52 ATTACKS

- the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) and Gamaya Islamiya (Islamic Group - IG) of Egypt;
- the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) of Algeria;
- Barbar Khalsa International (BKI) of India;
- the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) of Sri Lanka;
- the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) of Turkey; and
- the Osama bin Laden network (Al Quaida) of Afghanistan.

There were also 4 PRO-SYRIAN, Lebanese and Syrian political parties engaged in suicide terrorism in the 1980s, but they are currently inactive in the terrorist front.
These groups staged around 25 suicide attacks in Lebanon.

As more than one group claimed some of the attacks, perhaps to diffuse the threat to the group, it is difficult to identify the group responsible.

The groups engaged in suicide operations in Lebanon alongside Hizbullah were:

- the Natzersit Socialist Party of Syria;
- the Syrian Nationalist Party;
- the Lebanese Communist Party; and
- the Baath Party of Lebanon.

Deci, punctul de pornire este un exasperat nationalism, manipulat ad artem de clerul atotputernic in orice tara islamica.

Gogu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 65.213.63...)
2006-08-09 21:58
Bravo Oriana Re: In prezent sunt active 10 grupuri secular - religioase, capabile sa...

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-08-09 22:54
In prezent sunt active 10 grupuri secular - religioase, capabile sa...

Gogu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 65.213.63...)
2006-08-09 23:37
Sorry madam, n-avem calorifere in California

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-08-09 23:46
Sorry madam,avem conditionatoare in California, brrrr....

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