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Tudor Vlad (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.90.219...)
2004-01-28 18:11
Intrebarea de 110 puncte de mai jos (pagina urmatoare) adresata d-lui Tit-Liviu

Intrebarea [Agios]:

Cum iti explici dumneata [d-le Tit-Liviu] ca alegatorii evrei democrati din statul New-Hampshire si-au dat voturile lui Kerry, si nu lui Liebermann (stire CNN de azi dimineata)?

Raspuns [Tudor Vlad]:

Pentru ca si Kerry, ca si Liebermann, este tot evreu. Din "Boston Globe Online":
Here the story takes a turn. For the past 15 years or so, Kerry says, he knew his paternal grandmother was probably Jewish, and he also knew the Kerrys came from the former Austrian empire. But he said he did not know, until informed by the Globe earlier this year, that his grandfather was a Czech Jew named Fritz Kohn who changed his name to Frederick Kerry to escape a violent strain of anti-Semitism. According to a story passed down to at least one family member, Kohn and his siblings randomly dropped a pencil on a map of Europe, spotted Ireland's County Kerry, and adopted the name. Kohn and his wife, Ida Lowe, who was born Jewish in Budapest, changed their name to Kerry, were baptized as Catholics in 1902, and immigrated to the United States in 1905.
( http://www.boston.com/globe/nation/packages/kerry/061503.shtml )

Ce mai ziceti, d-le Tit-Liviu? Il mai sustineti pe John Kerry? Pe ce ca e evreu, mai e si ungur :-)

LupulDacic din Sarmizegetusa (...@hotmail.com, IP: 128.163.248...)
2004-01-28 18:20
Re: Libermann nu este Evreu, Libermann este un fatarnic, d'aia nu l-au votat Evreii.

Zice ca e Evreu religios da este de acord cu genocidul copiilor nenascuti si cu sodomia.

La 2004-01-28 18:11:05, Tudor Vlad a scris:

> Intrebarea [Agios]:
> Cum iti explici dumneata [d-le Tit-Liviu] ca alegatorii evrei
> democrati din statul New-Hampshire si-au dat voturile lui Kerry, si
> nu lui Liebermann (stire CNN de azi dimineata)?
> Raspuns [Tudor Vlad]:
> Pentru ca si Kerry, ca si Liebermann, este tot evreu. Din "Boston
> Globe Online":
> .......................................................................................................................
> Here the story takes a turn. For the past 15 years or so, Kerry says,
> he knew his paternal grandmother was probably Jewish, and he also
> knew the Kerrys came from the former Austrian empire. But he said he
> did not know, until informed by the Globe earlier this year, that his
> grandfather was a Czech Jew named Fritz Kohn who changed his name to
> Frederick Kerry to escape a violent strain of anti-Semitism.
> According to a story passed down to at least one family member, Kohn
> and his siblings randomly dropped a pencil on a map of Europe,
> spotted Ireland's County Kerry, and adopted the name. Kohn and his
> wife, Ida Lowe, who was born Jewish in Budapest, changed their name
> to Kerry, were baptized as Catholics in 1902, and immigrated to the
> United States in 1905.
> ..................................................................................................................
> ( http://www.boston.com/globe/nation/packages/kerry/061503.shtml )
> Ce mai ziceti, d-le Tit-Liviu? Il mai sustineti pe John Kerry? Pe ce
> ca e evreu, mai e si ungur :-)

Tit-Liviu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.90.125...)
2004-01-28 18:49
Re: Intrebarea de 110 puncte de mai jos (pagina urmatoare) adresata d-lui Tit-Liviu

La 2004-01-28 18:11:05, Tudor Vlad a scris:

"Here the story takes a turn. For the past 15 years or so, Kerry says, he knew his paternal grandmother was probably Jewish, and he also knew the Kerrys came from the former Austrian empire. But he said he did not know, until informed by the Globe earlier this year, that his grandfather was a Czech Jew named Fritz Kohn who changed his name to Frederick Kerry to escape a violent strain of anti-Semitism. According to a story passed down to at least one family member, Kohn and his siblings randomly dropped a pencil on a map of Europe, spotted Ireland's County Kerry, and adopted the name. Kohn and his wife, Ida Lowe, who was born Jewish in Budapest, changed their name to Kerry, were baptized as Catholics in 1902, and immigrated to the United States.''
"But on Nov. 23, 1921, Frederick Kerry walked into the washroom of Boston's Copley Plaza Hotel, pulled out a handgun, and shot himself in the head. Just days earlier he had filed a will revealing that his debts nearly equaled his assets. Six-year-old Richard Kerry was left without a father, though enough family money was available to send Richard to Yale University and Harvard Law School.
During an extended trip to Europe in 1937, Richard Kerry took a sculpture class in the French coastal town of St. Brieuc. Kerry was a dashing figure, the sort of man who later would sail a 35-foot ketch across the Atlantic. He quickly caught the attention of the wealthy Forbes family, led by Massachusetts expatriate and Harvard law graduate James Grant Forbes. Forbes's wife was Margaret Winthrop, a descendant of the Winthrops who had helped establish Massachusetts."

Am mai scris. Multi Europeni s'au dat Iudei incepanad cu 1933 si pana'n ziua de azi, sa scape de nazisti, fascisti, comunisti...etc. si sa vina'n America.
In timp, multi Iudei s'au "crestinat"(dar niciodata islamizat) ca sa'si pastreze viata, unii, sau bogatiile, majoritatea. Exista chiar tendinta iudaica de a insinua ca multe personalitati istorice,ar fi avut si un inaintas Iudeu, asa cum exista si Iudei care refuza sa'si recunoasca ascendenta...

In 1902 in Imperiul Austro-Ungar, Iudeii erau clasa stapanitoare. Nu exista anti-Iudaism in 1902 in Austria...
Daca povestea din 'Globe' este adevarata, inseamna ca John Kerry este de fapt fiul unor Cehi insurat cu o Americanca Englezoaica(Forbes-Winthrop). Nu pare isteric, arogant, nervos si nici violent. Prin urmare nu este tipul Iudeului contemporan Sionisto-Nazist...

jan dinu din Portland, USA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 68.137.33...)
2004-01-28 18:56
Re: Intrebarea de 110 puncte de mai jos (pagina urmatoare) adresata d-lui Tit-Liviu

Bey,PUTZA & GAGAUTZA...prea provocator esti pe aici
TU si camaradul tau VADIM TUDOR...parsivilor ...in HAITA ..!!

Jan Dinu

La 2004-01-28 18:49:43, Tit-Liviu a scris:

> La 2004-01-28 18:11:05, Tudor Vlad a scris:
>  "Here the story takes a turn. For the past 15 years or so,
> Kerry says, he knew his paternal grandmother was probably Jewish, and
> he also knew the Kerrys came from the former Austrian empire. But he
> said he did not know, until informed by the Globe earlier this year,
> that his grandfather was a Czech Jew named Fritz Kohn who changed his
> name to Frederick Kerry to escape a violent strain of anti-Semitism.
> According to a story passed down to at least one family member, Kohn
> and his siblings randomly dropped a pencil on a map of Europe,
> spotted Ireland's County Kerry, and adopted the name. Kohn and his
> wife, Ida Lowe, who was born Jewish in Budapest, changed their name
> to Kerry, were baptized as Catholics in 1902, and immigrated to the
> United States.''
>  "But on Nov. 23, 1921, Frederick Kerry walked into the washroom
> of Boston's Copley Plaza Hotel, pulled out a handgun, and shot
> himself in the head. Just days earlier he had filed a will revealing
> that his debts nearly equaled his assets. Six-year-old Richard Kerry
> was left without a father, though enough family money was available
> to send Richard to Yale University and Harvard Law School.
> During an extended trip to Europe in 1937, Richard Kerry took a
> sculpture class in the French coastal town of St. Brieuc. Kerry was a
> dashing figure, the sort of man who later would sail a 35-foot ketch
> across the Atlantic. He quickly caught the attention of the wealthy
> Forbes family, led by Massachusetts expatriate and Harvard law
> graduate James Grant Forbes. Forbes's wife was Margaret Winthrop, a
> descendant of the Winthrops who had helped establish
> Massachusetts."
> Am mai scris. Multi Europeni s'au dat Iudei incepanad cu 1933 si
> pana'n ziua de azi, sa scape de nazisti, fascisti, comunisti...etc.
> si sa vina'n America.
>  In timp, multi Iudei s'au "crestinat"(dar niciodata
> islamizat) ca sa'si pastreze viata, unii, sau bogatiile, majoritatea.
> Exista chiar tendinta iudaica de a insinua ca multe personalitati
> istorice,ar fi avut si un inaintas Iudeu, asa cum exista si Iudei
> care refuza sa'si recunoasca ascendenta...
>  In 1902 in Imperiul Austro-Ungar, Iudeii erau clasa stapanitoare. Nu
> exista anti-Iudaism in 1902 in Austria...
>  Daca povestea din 'Globe' este adevarata, inseamna ca John Kerry este
> de fapt fiul unor Cehi insurat cu o Americanca
> Englezoaica(Forbes-Winthrop). Nu pare isteric, arogant, nervos si
> nici violent. Prin urmare nu este tipul Iudeului contemporan
> Sionisto-Nazist...

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