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Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.58.85...)
2005-07-10 04:19
Orientul Mediu, Iluzia engleza: o Lume fara ayatollah

Medio Oriente, l’illusione di Londra: un mondo amico e senza ayatollah

A Peace to End All Peace
by David Fromkin
The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East

Winston's Folly: Imperialism and the Creation of Modern Iraq
by Christopher Catherwood
Last exit from Mesopotamia

Cairo - Hotel Semiramis, 12 martie 1921, Winston Churchill care nu izbutea sa faca diferenta intre suniti si siiti, ...
Imperiul Otoman a disparut de pe harta geografica.
Siaria Mare FRANTEI, Mesopotamia la ANGLIA ...
Cunostinte bune nu impiedica pe oameni politici (Winston Churchill atunci si Tony Blair astazi) sa faca "cate" o greseala ....
A gresi e UMAN, a persevera e DIABOLIC !

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.187.133...)
2005-07-10 04:48
Re: Orientul Mediu, Iluzia engleza: o Lume fara ayatollah

La 2005-07-10 04:19:54, Viviana a scris:

> A gresi e UMAN, a persevera e DIABOLIC !


Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.58.85...)
2005-07-10 04:58
Re: Orientul Mediu, Iluzia engleza: o Lume fara ayatollah

Si la cine crezi ca ma gandeam ?!

La 2005-07-10 04:48:15, Zen a scris:
> Vezi...Bush.

> La 2005-07-10 04:19:54, Viviana a scris:
> > A gresi e UMAN, a persevera e DIABOLIC !

Teroristu Pacifist din bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.125...)
2005-07-10 05:06
Re: Felicitari, Viviana! Combati bine,

dar nu esti atit de buna ca sa faci parte din "feuda" unui ayatollah; poate la vr-un usier, ceva - p-acolo. Oricum - felicitari!

La 2005-07-10 04:19:54, Viviana a scris:

> Medio Oriente, l’illusione di Londra: un mondo amico e senza
> ayatollah
> A Peace to End All Peace
> by David Fromkin
> The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle
> East
> http://www.buecher.de/verteiler.asp?site=/artikel.asp&wea=1100737&artikelnummer=000001505651
> http://bilder.buecher.de/produkte/000001505/000001505651n.jpg
> Winston's Folly: Imperialism and the Creation of Modern Iraq
> by Christopher Catherwood
> Last exit from Mesopotamia
> http://books.guardian.co.uk/reviews/history/0,6121,1360457,00.html
> http://www.horizonbooks.com.sg/Books/winston-folly.jpg
> Cairo - Hotel Semiramis, 12 martie 1921, Winston Churchill care nu
> izbutea sa faca diferenta intre suniti si siiti, ...
> Imperiul Otoman a disparut de pe harta geografica.
> Siaria Mare FRANTEI, Mesopotamia la ANGLIA ...
> Cunostinte bune nu impiedica pe oameni politici (Winston Churchill
> atunci si Tony Blair astazi) sa faca "cate" o greseala
> ....
> A gresi e UMAN, a persevera e DIABOLIC !

Teroristu Pacifist din bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.125...)
2005-07-10 05:07
Re: A repeta la nesfirsit aceeasi placa e ... placa stricata! NDC

La 2005-07-10 04:48:15, Zen a scris:

> La 2005-07-10 04:19:54, Viviana a scris:
> > A gresi e UMAN, a persevera e DIABOLIC !
> Vezi...Bush.

Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.58.85...)
2005-07-10 05:25
Cum se iese din acest "NOROI" ?!

The bloody trail from Downing Street to Washington
8 leaked British documents provide further evidence of aggression & other serious crimes by the US

By Nicolas J. S. Davies
Online Journal Contributing Writer


"The Crime of War: from Nuremberg to Fallujah"

Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.58.85...)
2005-07-10 05:43
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Harvest Of Pain And Sorrow
Editorial by Jason Miller

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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