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Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.56.77...)
2005-07-01 19:15
Putin, Jintao sign declaration on World Order in 21st Century ... Nu mi se par preocupati de implozia populatiei ruse !

MOSCOW, July 1 (RIA Novosti) - The Kremlin talks between Vladimir Putin and Hu Jintao ended with a joint declaration between Russia and China on the world order in the 21st century.

The document, in particular, said: "The world is living through historic changes today. The establishment of a new world order promises to be a long and complicated process."

The document also said that each nation should address its internal affairs independently, and international affairs through dialogue and consultations based on multilateral collective approaches. The international community should also abandon confrontational and blocking strategies, an aspiration for monopoly and domination in international affairs, and give up attempts to divide countries into the leaders and the led.

The document said that Russia and China saw reform of the United Nations as a way "to consolidate its central role in international affairs, to make it more effective, and to increase its ability to respond to new threats and challenges."

The document also said, "Globalization is developing in an unbalanced way and widens the gap between developed nations and regions, and the rest of the world."

Russia and China also agreed that any efforts to cause a split between sovereign countries and fuel ethnic conflicts were unacceptable.

The two countries urged the international community to pool its efforts to set up a new security architecture based on trust, mutual advantage, equality and interaction. In political terms, this security architecture should be based on the general norms of international relations, and on mutually advantageous cooperation and joint economic prosperity.

Russia and China also called for peaceful space exploration, the prevention of an arms race in space, and the development of a corresponding international and legal framework to this end.

Both countries said they believed it was essential for the new security architecture to foster international cooperation and seek ways of depriving terrorists of financing and public support, to eradicate terrorist ideology and extremism promoting violence, racial, ethnic, and religious conflicts. Double standards are unacceptable here, and violations of human rights committed by terrorists and terrorist organizations should be categorically condemned by all members of the international community, the document said.


geek-a-contra din lume (...@hotmail.com, IP: 63.239.35...)
2005-07-01 19:34
Re: "The world is living through historic changes today.." hi, hi, hi...

... si cind n-a mai trecut lumea prin vremuri istorice in ultimele 3-4 secole?

La 2005-07-01 19:15:34, Viviana a scris:

>  MOSCOW, July 1 (RIA Novosti) - The Kremlin talks between Vladimir
> Putin and Hu Jintao ended with a joint declaration between Russia and
> China on the world order in the 21st century.
> The document, in particular, said: "The world is living through
> historic changes today. The establishment of a new world order
> promises to be a long and complicated process."
> The document also said that each nation should address its internal
> affairs independently, and international affairs through dialogue and
> consultations based on multilateral collective approaches. The
> international community should also abandon confrontational and
> blocking strategies, an aspiration for monopoly and domination in
> international affairs, and give up attempts to divide countries into
> the leaders and the led.
> The document said that Russia and China saw reform of the United
> Nations as a way "to consolidate its central role in
> international affairs, to make it more effective, and to increase its
> ability to respond to new threats and challenges."
> The document also said, "Globalization is developing in an
> unbalanced way and widens the gap between developed nations and
> regions, and the rest of the world."
> Russia and China also agreed that any efforts to cause a split between
> sovereign countries and fuel ethnic conflicts were unacceptable.
> The two countries urged the international community to pool its
> efforts to set up a new security architecture based on trust, mutual
> advantage, equality and interaction. In political terms, this
> security architecture should be based on the general norms of
> international relations, and on mutually advantageous cooperation and
> joint economic prosperity.
> Russia and China also called for peaceful space exploration, the
> prevention of an arms race in space, and the development of a
> corresponding international and legal framework to this end.
> Both countries said they believed it was essential for the new
> security architecture to foster international cooperation and seek
> ways of depriving terrorists of financing and public support, to
> eradicate terrorist ideology and extremism promoting violence,
> racial, ethnic, and religious conflicts. Double standards are
> unacceptable here, and violations of human rights committed by
> terrorists and terrorist organizations should be categorically
> condemned by all members of the international community, the document
> said.
> http://en.rian.ru/russia/20050701/40829568.html

Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.56.77...)
2005-07-01 20:00
Re: "The world is living through historic changes today.." hi, hi, hi...

Cred ca primi care au ras au fost Rusi si Chinezi!
Nu e cazual referimentul la un anumit document Neocons!

La 2005-07-01 19:34:19, geek-a-contra a scris:
> ... si cind n-a mai trecut lumea prin vremuri istorice in ultimele 3-4
> secole?

Viviana (...@hotmail.it, IP: 82.56.77...)
2005-07-01 20:18
Cum e mica Lumea! Mica, mica ...

Cum e mica Lumea! Mica, mica ...

Teroristu Pacifist din bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.125...)
2005-07-02 01:20
Re: Mai Viviana, tu chiar nu crezi

ca a murit KGB-ul ?!
Nici eu - dar stiu ca FSB continua cu aceiasi agenti ...
Las-o balta !!!

La 2005-07-01 19:15:34, Viviana a scris:

> MOSCOW, July 1 (RIA Novosti) - The Kremlin talks between Vladimir
> Putin and Hu Jintao ended with a joint declaration between Russia and
> China on the world order in the 21st century.
> The document, in particular, said: "The world is living through
> historic changes today. The establishment of a new world order
> promises to be a long and complicated process."
> The document also said that each nation should address its internal
> affairs independently, and international affairs through dialogue and
> consultations based on multilateral collective approaches. The
> international community should also abandon confrontational and
> blocking strategies, an aspiration for monopoly and domination in
> international affairs, and give up attempts to divide countries into
> the leaders and the led.
> The document said that Russia and China saw reform of the United
> Nations as a way "to consolidate its central role in
> international affairs, to make it more effective, and to increase its
> ability to respond to new threats and challenges."
> The document also said, "Globalization is developing in an
> unbalanced way and widens the gap between developed nations and
> regions, and the rest of the world."
> Russia and China also agreed that any efforts to cause a split between
> sovereign countries and fuel ethnic conflicts were unacceptable.
> The two countries urged the international community to pool its
> efforts to set up a new security architecture based on trust, mutual
> advantage, equality and interaction. In political terms, this
> security architecture should be based on the general norms of
> international relations, and on mutually advantageous cooperation and
> joint economic prosperity.
> Russia and China also called for peaceful space exploration, the
> prevention of an arms race in space, and the development of a
> corresponding international and legal framework to this end.
> Both countries said they believed it was essential for the new
> security architecture to foster international cooperation and seek
> ways of depriving terrorists of financing and public support, to
> eradicate terrorist ideology and extremism promoting violence,
> racial, ethnic, and religious conflicts. Double standards are
> unacceptable here, and violations of human rights committed by
> terrorists and terrorist organizations should be categorically
> condemned by all members of the international community, the document
> said.
> http://en.rian.ru/russia/20050701/40829568.html

Teroristu Pacifist din bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.125...)
2005-07-02 01:38
Re:Chiar ca e mica, daca stai pe forum ... NDC

La 2005-07-01 20:18:41, Viviana a scris:

> Cum e mica Lumea! Mica, mica ...
> http://www.ziua.net/f.php?year=2005&thread=16544&id=79812&ziua=4ef52f28d41f8358d340496dceff1e92

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