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geo1111 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 130.126.130...)
2004-11-05 05:10
Califurnalule diurn, taciturn shi califurn,

> Se pare ca divergentele cresc in loc sa scada....
Nu ne bagam! F.F. !!!!


Bine ziseshi, mey. Ca parca ce ne trebui noua sa ne virim cu de-a sila in borshu lu frantzuzu. El cu-ale lui, noi romanashii cu necazurili noastre. Imi place ca ieshti discret ca californitate shi ca conportoment. Asha ca io zic sa nu mai discutam de Freantza deloc ca ne perdem vremea shi energia calorica ca creer. FF ! (Pe Miruna am vre noi, da o tzine conu Roscha lu Stanescu pentru famelia lui, shi potzi sa-l comdamni?) Asha ca ramine cum am vorbit: despre Freantza, nimic.

Bush triumph stirs up French bile

PARIS, Nov 4 (AFP) - While French officialdom and media are playing it straight over US President George W. Bush's re-election, the public is making its stupefaction known through cafe criticism and acerbic blogs.

Overwhelmingly, the opinions expressed were ones of dismay that Bush would be in power for another four years, with many predicting worsening transatlantic relations, particularly for France.

Anti-American feelings were also running high with the realisation that the majority of US voters backed Bush.

"It was all a manipulation," a young waiter, who gave his first name as Matthieu, said Thursday as he tended tables in a city cafe.

Around him, and in other cafes and restaurants, the French seethed as they took in the news. Conversations were liberally sprinkled with

insults as to the intelligence of Bush and the US electorate.

"I'm fundamentally hostile to Mr Bush's re-election. It's only going to increase the belligerence the United States shows on an international level, and increase European anti-Americanism," a 41-year-old teacher, Lysa Adjas, said.

The results showed the United States was "dominated by a religious culture," she said.

French television threw up various talking heads, almost all of whom agreed that a continuing Bush presidency was a Bad Thing, while newspapers hoped the second term would improve Paris-Washington ties frayed over the Iraq war.

On French Internet sites, the topic took a decidedly sharp tone.

In an online forum hosted by the left-leaning Liberation newspaper, a contributor nicknamed Vigie Pirate, wrote "the American people are in the majority morons. I feel sorry for the minority and good luck for the coming four years."

Another, Ab_pas_dacc, noted that, unlike in the last US election, Bush had the popular vote on his side. He concluded: "The situation is worse than I thought!"

On another blog (bix.enix.or . . .), Raf wrote that French friends living in the United States were shellshocked at the new Bush mandate. "To wake up with the same mess as they day before .... that will be nothing compared to, in four years' time, eight years of a Bush administration," he quoted one as saying.

geo1111 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 130.126.130...)
2004-11-05 05:21
Re: Califurnalule diurn, taciturn shi califurn, ...............................................................FF!!

Mey, parca tze-am zis: nimica despre Freantza. Da vad ca nu te lashi. Chear nu intzeleseshi ca tze-am spus cu frumosu?!? Iote ca acuma moare shi Arafatu, sireacu. (Dashtept fuse sa mearga la doftoroii din Freantza, ca aia il omora shi daca era sanatos shi nu pi-ZZZ-dos. Auzishi ma de agenturili straine ale amerloculu, atit Siaei Sialui cit shi Efbiai? (Efbi ai mah? Am-shi-efbi-shi-efsi, sa traitzi, shi biai toata noaptea ca se facu tzuica de pruna shi zaibaru e cacalau.) Iote ca agenturili inregestrara ca banda de spionaj shi casetofon ultima covorbire alu Arafatu inainte de a-shi da rahatu, cashi duhu de buhuhu:

Chirac: Monsieur le President, how do you feel?

Arafat: Allah hu Akbar! Who are you, fuckin infidel?

Chirac: Don't you remember me? I am your buddy, Jacques, You said once that my ass was better than Deana's. . .

Arafat: So what do you want, sucker?

Chirac: Monsieur le President, you know that we have here in France the best medical treatment, specially for older people, but there is a problem with you medical insurance. It seems that Blue Cross and Blue Balls of Gaza does not cover AIDS/HIV cases.

Arafat: So what do you want, infidel dog?

Chirac: Monsieur le President, we know that you are a shrewd investor, and you did well in the stock market, so we wonder if you would like to chip in a couple of millions to help defray the expenses of your treatment.

Arafat: Shu hadda "defray"? (reaching for his gun holster, which is empty) are you making fun of me, you infidel son of sixty whores? (This particular idiom sounds better in Arabic)

Chirac (losing patience): Listen, you faggot scum. We have your wife here, Madam Suha, and if you don't tell us where the loot is, we'll have our bravest man, Inspector Clouseau, rape her brutally in front of you. I have enough worries, what with meine liebe Freunde Georg WWW Busch in power and all?

Arafat: WTF cares? besides, the bitch might enjoy it. Now, do you know where I can get a couple of young boys to read the Koran with me?

Chirac: Sacre bleu! (ordering Col. Sharmoutier: "Kill the scum now")

<big final fart . . . next minute, 72 virgins sigh audibly from above>

CONU (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.185.178...)
2004-11-05 05:29
Mai geo,.... Francezi ( aia care au mai ramas ),...sunt cum sunt... Ailalti " Importatzii " acolo-i buba...FF

La 2004-11-05 05:10:23, geo1111 a scris:

>&nbsp;> Se pare ca divergentele cresc in loc sa scada....
>&nbsp;Nu ne bagam! F.F. !!!!
>&nbsp;Bine ziseshi, mey. Ca parca ce ne trebui noua sa ne virim cu de-a sila
>&nbsp;in borshu lu frantzuzu. El cu-ale lui, noi romanashii cu necazurili
>&nbsp;noastre. Imi place ca ieshti discret ca californitate shi ca
>&nbsp;conportoment. Asha ca io zic sa nu mai discutam de Freantza deloc ca
>&nbsp;ne perdem vremea shi energia calorica ca creer. FF ! (Pe Miruna am
>&nbsp;vre noi, da o tzine conu Roscha lu Stanescu pentru famelia lui, shi
>&nbsp;potzi sa-l comdamni?) Asha ca ramine cum am vorbit: despre Freantza,
>&nbsp;Bush triumph stirs up French bile
>&nbsp;PARIS, Nov 4 (AFP) - While French officialdom and media are playing it
>&nbsp;straight over US President George W. Bush's re-election, the public is
>&nbsp;making its stupefaction known through cafe criticism and acerbic
>&nbsp;Overwhelmingly, the opinions expressed were ones of dismay that Bush
>&nbsp;would be in power for another four years, with many predicting
>&nbsp;worsening transatlantic relations, particularly for France.
>&nbsp;Anti-American feelings were also running high with the realisation
>&nbsp;that the majority of US voters backed Bush.
>&nbsp;"It was all a manipulation," a young waiter, who gave his
>&nbsp;first name as Matthieu, said Thursday as he tended tables in a city
>&nbsp;Around him, and in other cafes and restaurants, the French seethed as
>&nbsp;they took in the news. Conversations were liberally sprinkled with
>&nbsp;insults as to the intelligence of Bush and the US electorate.
>&nbsp;"I'm fundamentally hostile to Mr Bush's re-election. It's only
>&nbsp;going to increase the belligerence the United States shows on an
>&nbsp;international level, and increase European anti-Americanism," a
>&nbsp;41-year-old teacher, Lysa Adjas, said.
>&nbsp;The results showed the United States was "dominated by a
>&nbsp;religious culture," she said.
>&nbsp;French television threw up various talking heads, almost all of whom
>&nbsp;agreed that a continuing Bush presidency was a Bad Thing, while
>&nbsp;newspapers hoped the second term would improve Paris-Washington ties
>&nbsp;frayed over the Iraq war.
>&nbsp;On French Internet sites, the topic took a decidedly sharp tone.
>&nbsp;In an online forum hosted by the left-leaning Liberation newspaper, a
>&nbsp;contributor nicknamed Vigie Pirate, wrote "the American people
>&nbsp;are in the majority morons. I feel sorry for the minority and good
>&nbsp;luck for the coming four years."
>&nbsp;Another, Ab_pas_dacc, noted that, unlike in the last US election, Bush
>&nbsp;had the popular vote on his side. He concluded: "The situation is
>&nbsp;worse than I thought!"
>&nbsp;On another blog (bix.enix.or . . .), Raf wrote that French friends
>&nbsp;living in the United States were shellshocked at the new Bush
>&nbsp;mandate. "To wake up with the same mess as they day before ....
>&nbsp;that will be nothing compared to, in four years' time, eight years of
>&nbsp;a Bush administration," he quoted one as saying.

california din cualalumpur (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.69.140...)
2004-11-05 06:43
Lasa-ma ca m-am suparat !

Imi mai lipseste o calitate, din cele doua ale Deanei frantzokanei, nuuuu?
Vezi ca m-ai prins la momentu' sensibil...F.F si inca fro cativa!

La 2004-11-05 05:10:23, geo1111 a scris:

>&nbsp;> Se pare ca divergentele cresc in loc sa scada....
>&nbsp;Nu ne bagam! F.F. !!!!
>&nbsp;Bine ziseshi, mey. Ca parca ce ne trebui noua sa ne virim cu de-a sila
>&nbsp;in borshu lu frantzuzu. El cu-ale lui, noi romanashii cu necazurili
>&nbsp;noastre. Imi place ca ieshti discret ca californitate shi ca
>&nbsp;conportoment. Asha ca io zic sa nu mai discutam de Freantza deloc ca
>&nbsp;ne perdem vremea shi energia calorica ca creer. FF ! (Pe Miruna am
>&nbsp;vre noi, da o tzine conu Roscha lu Stanescu pentru famelia lui, shi
>&nbsp;potzi sa-l comdamni?) Asha ca ramine cum am vorbit: despre Freantza,
>&nbsp;Bush triumph stirs up French bile
>&nbsp;PARIS, Nov 4 (AFP) - While French officialdom and media are playing it
>&nbsp;straight over US President George W. Bush's re-election, the public is
>&nbsp;making its stupefaction known through cafe criticism and acerbic
>&nbsp;Overwhelmingly, the opinions expressed were ones of dismay that Bush
>&nbsp;would be in power for another four years, with many predicting
>&nbsp;worsening transatlantic relations, particularly for France.
>&nbsp;Anti-American feelings were also running high with the realisation
>&nbsp;that the majority of US voters backed Bush.
>&nbsp;"It was all a manipulation," a young waiter, who gave his
>&nbsp;first name as Matthieu, said Thursday as he tended tables in a city
>&nbsp;Around him, and in other cafes and restaurants, the French seethed as
>&nbsp;they took in the news. Conversations were liberally sprinkled with
>&nbsp;insults as to the intelligence of Bush and the US electorate.
>&nbsp;"I'm fundamentally hostile to Mr Bush's re-election. It's only
>&nbsp;going to increase the belligerence the United States shows on an
>&nbsp;international level, and increase European anti-Americanism," a
>&nbsp;41-year-old teacher, Lysa Adjas, said.
>&nbsp;The results showed the United States was "dominated by a
>&nbsp;religious culture," she said.
>&nbsp;French television threw up various talking heads, almost all of whom
>&nbsp;agreed that a continuing Bush presidency was a Bad Thing, while
>&nbsp;newspapers hoped the second term would improve Paris-Washington ties
>&nbsp;frayed over the Iraq war.
>&nbsp;On French Internet sites, the topic took a decidedly sharp tone.
>&nbsp;In an online forum hosted by the left-leaning Liberation newspaper, a
>&nbsp;contributor nicknamed Vigie Pirate, wrote "the American people
>&nbsp;are in the majority morons. I feel sorry for the minority and good
>&nbsp;luck for the coming four years."
>&nbsp;Another, Ab_pas_dacc, noted that, unlike in the last US election, Bush
>&nbsp;had the popular vote on his side. He concluded: "The situation is
>&nbsp;worse than I thought!"
>&nbsp;On another blog (bix.enix.or . . .), Raf wrote that French friends
>&nbsp;living in the United States were shellshocked at the new Bush
>&nbsp;mandate. "To wake up with the same mess as they day before ....
>&nbsp;that will be nothing compared to, in four years' time, eight years of
>&nbsp;a Bush administration," he quoted one as saying.

Denver din VA (...@aol.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2004-11-05 07:48
Mesaj privat pentru Geo. Pulimea: va rog sa va abtineti de la comentarii!

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