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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-12-13 17:22
Bush pierde controlul: recapitulare

Published on Monday, December 12, 2005 by the Minneapolis Star Tribune (Minnesota)

by Susan Lenfestey

As this administration bungles from one disaster to another, our president urges us not to look back at how we were bamboozled into this holy hell of a war, but to look ahead to the plan for victory -- as if there were one.

And we are urged to be more moderate in our criticism, more civil in our discourse. But that presumes that we have a moderate and civil government, and anyone with one eye open knows we don't. Consider just some of the news of recent days:

• In the Dec. 5 issue of the New Yorker, Seymour Hersh, the most tenacious war reporter of our generation, writes about the little-covered air war in Iraq. Unlike the Vietnam War, in which the military gave daily accounts of the air strikes, there is no such reporting in this war.

The story broke that the U.S. military had been paying "journalists" -- in fact military operatives and an American public relations firm -- to write articles favorable to the U.S. mission in Iraq and place them in Iraqi newspapers as if they were independent news stories. Let's see, secret American gulags in countries known for their squishy laws on, um -- interrogation, the disgrace of Abu Ghraib and our administration's refusal to disavow torture, and now this mockery of a free press. No wonder President Bush can't seem to wipe the smirk off his face when he says he's bringing democracy to Iraq.

• A memo leaked to the Washington Post revealed the heavy-handed politicizing of the Justice Department under Attorneys General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales.
• Members of the former 9/11 Commission issued a report card that gave the Bush administration and Congress a string of F's for their efforts to protect the nation from another terror attack. "Many obvious steps that the American people assume have been completed have not been," said Thomas H. Kean, the commission's chair and Republican former governor of New Jersey. "Our leadership is distracted." Politics and pork have trumped national security, leaving chemical plants unsecured and first-responders unable to communicate with each other but police dogs wearing Kevlar vests.

Bush has failed at every turn and now seems incapable of grasping the enormity of the crisis he's brought down on our country. He should be declared a disaster, but that would bring in FEMA.

While it's true that the Democratic leadership should remain civil and do a better job of spelling out a constructive agenda, the rest of us, especially the media, cannot afford to be moderate, or polite.

Susan Lenfestey is a Minneapolis writer.

© 2005 Star Tribune

Pinkie din Franta (...@voila.fr, IP: 84.100.231...)
2005-12-13 17:57
Re: recapitulare


serios-glumetul din tara desteptilor-prosti (...@yahoo.co.uk, IP: 195.160.204...)
2005-12-13 18:15
Re: Bush pierde controlul: recapitulare // Nu ti mai da bre mare ca sti limbghi strainii, pariez ca nu sti cie limba

iaste aceia a tiextului matalii da mai jos, zau bre !!!! La 2005-12-13 17:22:13, Cristiana a scris:

> Published on Monday, December 12, 2005 by the Minneapolis Star Tribune
> (Minnesota)
> by Susan Lenfestey
> As this administration bungles from one disaster to another, our
> president urges us not to look back at how we were bamboozled into
> this holy hell of a war, but to look ahead to the plan for victory --
> as if there were one.
> And we are urged to be more moderate in our criticism, more civil in
> our discourse. But that presumes that we have a moderate and civil
> government, and anyone with one eye open knows we don't. Consider
> just some of the news of recent days:
>  • In the Dec. 5 issue of the New Yorker, Seymour Hersh,
> the most tenacious war reporter of our generation, writes about the
> little-covered air war in Iraq. Unlike the Vietnam War, in which the
> military gave daily accounts of the air strikes, there is no such
> reporting in this war.
> The story broke that the U.S. military had been paying
> "journalists" -- in fact military operatives and an
> American public relations firm -- to write articles favorable to the
> U.S. mission in Iraq and place them in Iraqi newspapers as if they
> were independent news stories. Let's see, secret American gulags in
> countries known for their squishy laws on, um -- interrogation, the
> disgrace of Abu Ghraib and our administration's refusal to disavow
> torture, and now this mockery of a free press. No wonder President
> Bush can't seem to wipe the smirk off his face when he says he's
> bringing democracy to Iraq.
>  • A memo leaked to the Washington Post revealed the
> heavy-handed politicizing of the Justice Department under Attorneys
> General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales.
>  • Members of the former 9/11 Commission issued a report
> card that gave the Bush administration and Congress a string of F's
> for their efforts to protect the nation from another terror attack.
> "Many obvious steps that the American people assume have been
> completed have not been," said Thomas H. Kean, the commission's
> chair and Republican former governor of New Jersey. "Our
> leadership is distracted." Politics and pork have trumped
> national security, leaving chemical plants unsecured and
> first-responders unable to communicate with each other but police
> dogs wearing Kevlar vests.
> Bush has failed at every turn and now seems incapable of grasping the
> enormity of the crisis he's brought down on our country. He should be
> declared a disaster, but that would bring in FEMA.
> While it's true that the Democratic leadership should remain civil and
> do a better job of spelling out a constructive agenda, the rest of us,
> especially the media, cannot afford to be moderate, or polite.
> Susan Lenfestey is a Minneapolis writer.
> © 2005 Star Tribune

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 83.130.123...)
2005-12-13 18:15
Re: Altcineva si-a pierdut controlul

Tu tzi-ai pierdut de mult controlul cu articolele astea. Obsesia ta lucreaza ore suplimentare.

La 2005-12-13 17:22:13, Cristiana a scris:

> Published on Monday, December 12, 2005 by the Minneapolis Star Tribune
> (Minnesota)
> by Susan Lenfestey
> As this administration bungles from one disaster to another, our
> president urges us not to look back at how we were bamboozled into
> this holy hell of a war, but to look ahead to the plan for victory --
> as if there were one.
> And we are urged to be more moderate in our criticism, more civil in
> our discourse. But that presumes that we have a moderate and civil
> government, and anyone with one eye open knows we don't. Consider
> just some of the news of recent days:
>  • In the Dec. 5 issue of the New Yorker, Seymour Hersh,
> the most tenacious war reporter of our generation, writes about the
> little-covered air war in Iraq. Unlike the Vietnam War, in which the
> military gave daily accounts of the air strikes, there is no such
> reporting in this war.
> The story broke that the U.S. military had been paying
> "journalists" -- in fact military operatives and an
> American public relations firm -- to write articles favorable to the
> U.S. mission in Iraq and place them in Iraqi newspapers as if they
> were independent news stories. Let's see, secret American gulags in
> countries known for their squishy laws on, um -- interrogation, the
> disgrace of Abu Ghraib and our administration's refusal to disavow
> torture, and now this mockery of a free press. No wonder President
> Bush can't seem to wipe the smirk off his face when he says he's
> bringing democracy to Iraq.
>  • A memo leaked to the Washington Post revealed the
> heavy-handed politicizing of the Justice Department under Attorneys
> General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales.
>  • Members of the former 9/11 Commission issued a report
> card that gave the Bush administration and Congress a string of F's
> for their efforts to protect the nation from another terror attack.
> "Many obvious steps that the American people assume have been
> completed have not been," said Thomas H. Kean, the commission's
> chair and Republican former governor of New Jersey. "Our
> leadership is distracted." Politics and pork have trumped
> national security, leaving chemical plants unsecured and
> first-responders unable to communicate with each other but police
> dogs wearing Kevlar vests.
> Bush has failed at every turn and now seems incapable of grasping the
> enormity of the crisis he's brought down on our country. He should be
> declared a disaster, but that would bring in FEMA.
> While it's true that the Democratic leadership should remain civil and
> do a better job of spelling out a constructive agenda, the rest of us,
> especially the media, cannot afford to be moderate, or polite.
> Susan Lenfestey is a Minneapolis writer.
> © 2005 Star Tribune

Europeanul (...@k.ro, IP: 84.183.169...)
2005-12-13 18:38
Re: Altcineva si-a pierdut controlul

cateva date relevante


Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-12-13 18:56
Re: Se numeste lipsa de educatzie...

Sa ne bombardatzi cu o propaganda de extrema stinga (progresisti, luptatori pentru drepturi civile, etc), in realitate diverse grupuscule cu tendinte spre stinga ... stingii. In fata cititorilor informatzi, credibilitatea lor este zero. Probabil ca o faceti doar ca sa va auto-convingetzi.

In replica, ar trebui sa colectez si eu articole de la FOX, MSNBC, Mew York Post, Toronto Sun si alte agentii/ publicatzii cu adevarat serioase, aflate insa la dreapta... centrului si sa va asasinez cu ele. Nu o fac din respect pentru participantii care intra pe Forum sa schimbe idei si argumente, nu sa deverseze propaganda.

La 2005-12-13 18:38:40, Europeanul a scris:

> cateva date relevante
> http://action.aclu.org/torturefoia/released/102405/
> http://www.aclu.org/torturefoia/

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-12-13 19:05
Bai Dimbovitza! Tu stii ce e aia ACLU? Tocmai cu asta TE-AI GASIT?

De ce nu te ocupi tu mai departe cu biografia TRIBUNULUI si te bagi unde habar NU AI?

La 2005-12-13 18:38:40, Europeanul a scris:

> cateva date relevante
> http://action.aclu.org/torturefoia/released/102405/
> http://www.aclu.org/torturefoia/

Farimitza Lambru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 66.98.152...)
2005-12-13 21:17
Re: recapitulare / Pinkie

"L'idiot du village?"

As minti sa zic ca sint surprins de ce publicatii citesti.

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