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Impartial (...@aker.ro, IP: 85.204.149...)
2005-11-28 13:49
Pearl Harbour - pt. Mos Grigore

"Negotiations seeking a peaceful settlement went on in Washington, but both sides seem to have decided that war was inevitable. On November 25, 1941, though continuing the discussions, the Japanese dispatched aircraft carriers eastward toward Hawaii and began massing troops on the Malayan border. American military leaders, expecting a Japanese attack on Malaya, gave only general warnings to U.S. forces in Pearl Harbor. Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and Gen. Walter C. Short, in command on Oahu, took few precautions; there was no effective air patrol, and neither ships nor planes were safely dispersed."

cu alte cuvinte: "du-te-ncolo, vino-ncoace, stai ghinisor, nu-mi da pace"

Sursa: http://www.answers.com/topic/attack-on-pearl-harbor

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-11-28 17:08
Re: Pearl Harbour - pt. Mos Grigore

La 2005-11-28 13:49:06, Impartial a scris:

> "Negotiations seeking a peaceful settlement went on in
> Washington, but both sides seem to have decided that war was
> inevitable. On November 25, 1941, though continuing the discussions,
> the Japanese dispatched aircraft carriers eastward toward Hawaii and
> began massing troops on the Malayan border. American military
> leaders, expecting a Japanese attack on Malaya, gave only general
> warnings to U.S. forces in Pearl Harbor. Adm. Husband E. Kimmel and
> Gen. Walter C. Short, in command on Oahu, took few precautions; there
> was no effective air patrol, and neither ships nor planes were safely
> dispersed."
> cu alte cuvinte: "du-te-ncolo, vino-ncoace, stai ghinisor, nu-mi
> da pace"
> Sursa: http://www.answers.com/topic/attack-on-pearl-harbor

Concluzia lui West era ca desi erau semne destule, nu au fost luate in considerare din, incompetenta, neglijenta si ce mai vrei, dar n-a fost nimic premeditat. A saptea zi dupa scriptura (Monday morning quarterback) toti sint destepti! 

La fel si cu Iraqul s-au gasit priectile cu gaze de lupta dar mult mai putine decit se asteptau etc. Desi toate serviciile de informatii (FR si DE included) au avut aceleasi concluzii.

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