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  12:17, joi, 4 iulie 2024
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Conan___the___Barbarian din Ghermanistan (...@operamail.com, IP: 195.3.192...)
2010-01-21 02:45
Cu ce elemente o fi infiltrata justitia din USA, modelul occidentat de Democracy?...

Vad ca Guantanamo-Bay TOT ACOLO-i la un an de la promisiunea ca va fi inchis KZ-ul.

Crimes Against Humanity
Complaint Filed Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al
International Arrest Warrants Requested


According to today’s Wall Street Journal, the military has dispatched officials to accompany lawmakers on dozens of trips abroad – and shower them with "thousands of dollars worth of alcohol, food and other amenities." In doing so, the Journal reports [2], the "military exploits its official escort role on these trips to foster relationships with lawmakers who approve departmental budgets and top appointments. The disclosures also underscore the military's pervasive pursuit of congressional access."

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