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cata2 din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 79.114.14...)
2010-01-11 22:16
Aid convoy led by George Galloway enters Gaza -un filmulet,fiecare il judeca cum vrea!

Seara buna la toti!

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.49...)
2010-01-11 22:51
Re: Aid convoy led by George Galloway enters Gaza -un filmulet,fiecare il judeca cum vrea!

La 2010-01-11 22:16:02, cata2 a scris:

> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2010/jan/07/aid-envoy-gaza-george-galloway.
> Seara buna la toti!
O seara buna cata 2

WORLDPRESSNETWORK :8 Jan 2010 ... expategghead Cairo declares George Galloway persona non grata

Fri, 08 Jan 2010

British MP George Galloway was officially deported from Cairo today (Friday), when Egyptian uniformed plain clothes police officers bundled him onto a London plane. Galloway had been trying to return to Rafah after news broke that seven of the Viva Palestina convoy members were said to be arrested.

Police – who at one point were numbered at 25 mainly plain clothes officers, refused him to return.
Several officers even followed Galloway to the toilet, rest room and a BA lounge.

Picture below is of one officer, presumed to be from Mukhabarat which was taken outside the BA lounge airside.
The incident began after George Galloway and his colleague Ron McKay arrived at the Rafah crossing from Gaza to Egypt. As soon as they emerged onto Egyptian soil both Men were forcibly pushed into a van, refused exit and told that they were leaving the country. They were then driven off in a police convoy.

Viva Palestina convoy of 550 people from 17 countries was attacked by Egyptian riot police and plain clothes intelligence officers in the early hours of Wednesday (6th January). 55 of the convoy members were injured and 7 were also arrested.

However Galloway and Turkish MP’s struck a deal with Egyptian authorities, part of this deal was that the 7 detainees were released without charge.

On the enforced drive to Cairo, news came through of the imminent arrest of the 7 but when Galloway demanded to return to Rafah, permission was repeatedly denied.

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