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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 72.89.200...)
2010-01-10 21:22
Iata si o veste buna: USA va purea retrage garantiile financiare acordate Israelui.

Din Jerusalem Post.

'We can manage without US guarantees'

Talkbacks for this article: 66
Article's topics: George Mitchell, Palestinians, Peace Negotiations,
Palestinian Authority

Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday said Israel was not planning to make use of US loan guarantees in the near future and has managed to raise funds without guarantees.

Steinitz: We don't US loan guarantees, but they're not in danger anyway

Steinitz was responding to remarks by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell on Thursday, who suggested that Washington could withdraw guarantees given to Israel in the event that peace talks with the Palestinians remained at an impasse.

The finance minister added that several months ago, the US and Israel agreed to extend the loan guarantees by another two years, until the end of 2011. Washington did not set any conditions for extending the guarantees, he said.

On Saturday night, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a statement in response to Mitchell's remarks, asserting that Israel has taken significant steps to propel the peace process forward while the Palestinian Authority refuses to renew peace talks.

* Diplomacy: Atmospheric change?

"It is the Palestinian Authority that needs to change its ways - certainly not the Israeli government," the PMO statement read.

In the Thursday interview, when asked by Charlie Rose on PBS: "You sit there and you say to Israel, look, if you don't do this, what?", Mitchell replied: "Under American law, the United States can withhold support on loan guarantees to Israel... There are others [options], and you have to keep open whatever options. But our view is that we think the way to approach this is to try to persuade the parties what is in their self-interest."

Mitchell said he believed negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians could be concluded within two years - provided that they resumed in the near future.

"We think that the negotiation should last no more than two years, once begun we think it can be done within that period of time. We hope the parties agree. Personally I think it can be done in a shorter period of time," Mitchell said. He added that the US was working to persuade both Israel and the Palestinians to agree to conditions which were in their best interests.

Antoine din Ne (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 89.203.143...)
2010-01-10 22:28
Re: Iata si o veste proasta pentru cocosatul

La 2010-01-10 21:22:11, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Din Jerusalem Post.
> 'We can manage without US guarantees'
> Talkbacks for this article: 66
> Article's topics: George Mitchell, Palestinians, Peace Negotiations,
> Palestinian Authority
> Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday said Israel was not planning
> to make use of US loan guarantees in the near future and has managed
> to raise funds without guarantees.
> Steinitz: We don't US loan guarantees, but they're not in danger
> anyway
> Steinitz was responding to remarks by US Middle East envoy George
> Mitchell on Thursday, who suggested that Washington could withdraw
> guarantees given to Israel in the event that peace talks with the
> Palestinians remained at an impasse.
> The finance minister added that several months ago, the US and Israel
> agreed to extend the loan guarantees by another two years, until the
> end of 2011. Washington did not set any conditions for extending the
> guarantees, he said.
> On Saturday night, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a
> statement in response to Mitchell's remarks, asserting that Israel
> has taken significant steps to propel the peace process forward while
> the Palestinian Authority refuses to renew peace talks.
> * Diplomacy: Atmospheric change?
> "It is the Palestinian Authority that needs to change its ways -
> certainly not the Israeli government," the PMO statement read.
> In the Thursday interview, when asked by Charlie Rose on PBS: "You sit
> there and you say to Israel, look, if you don't do this, what?",
> Mitchell replied: "Under American law, the United States can withhold
> support on loan guarantees to Israel... There are others [options],
> and you have to keep open whatever options. But our view is that we
> think the way to approach this is to try to persuade the parties what
> is in their self-interest."
> Mitchell said he believed negotiations between Israel and the
> Palestinians could be concluded within two years - provided that they
> resumed in the near future.
> "We think that the negotiation should last no more than two years,
> once begun we think it can be done within that period of time. We
> hope the parties agree. Personally I think it can be done in a
> shorter period of time," Mitchell said. He added that the US was
> working to persuade both Israel and the Palestinians to agree to
> conditions which were in their best interests.

nellu din Sharon City (...@012.net.il, IP: 77.127.49...)
2010-01-10 22:48
Re: Iata si o veste proasta pentru cocosatul

Una mai proasta pentru un Cocos "american" verde/portocaliu

Sistarea urmaririi judiciare impotriva societatii Blakwater



Societatea de securitate americana Blackwater a ajuns la un acord in o serie de urmariri judiciare federale care o acuza de recurgerea excesiva la forta impotriva irakienilor, informeaza AP.

Avocatul reclamantilor, Susan Burke, a cerut miercuri seara unui tribunal federal american sa-si inceteze urmaririle. Sapte proceduri fusesera angajate impotriva societatii private pentru comportament imprudent si activitati ilegale care au dus la moartea a numerosi irakieni.

Faptele care ii sunt reprosate - intre care o deschidere a focului la Bagdad in 2007, care a provocat moartea a 17 irakieni - au afectat relatiile intre Washington si Bagdad.

Societatea Blackwater - rebotezata ulterior Xe - s-a declarat "incantata" ca acordul a fost aprobat in cele din urma. "Aceasta permite noii conduceri a Xe sa mearga inainte, fara cheltuielile si dezagrementele unui proces in curs, prevazand totusi compensatii pentru familiile irakiene", a declarat societatea.

Termenii acordului nu au fost publicate, iar Blackwater a refuzat orice comentariu cu privire la acest subiect.

Acest acord constituie cea de a doua dezvoltare juridica importanta pentru societatea care se afla in colimatorul autoritatilor federale, parlamentare si civile. Saptamana trecuta, un judecator a anulat acuzatiile impotriva angajatilor Blackwater implicati in masacrul din 2007.

Printre alte fapte care i se reproseaza se afla uciderea in 2006 a unui agent de securitate irakian, cea a trei agenti ai Retelei de informare irakiene in februarie 2007 si o deschidere a focului care a provocat, dupa o saptamana, moartea a trei persoane in piata Nissour in Bagdad, potrivit avocatilor.

contraevreu-rus (...@aol.com, IP: 67.197.18...)
2010-01-11 00:47
Re: Iata si o veste buna: USA va purea retrage garantiile financiare acordate Israelui.

Ai uitat sa scri si raspunsul ministrului de finante ,sau asta e cam greu pentru un cocosat ca tine.Din partea mea simplu sa nu dea nici o garantie ,asta nu e donatie si Israelul cumpara seminte de dovleac cu 2,4 milirade de dolari,numai o singura companie inregistrata la Nasdaq sau la bursa din New York intoarce zilnic mai mult de dublu acestei sume,singura problema care voi cei care "iubiti" evreii si Israelul inca nu ati inteles este ca economia israeliana este in crestere azi cand cea din Romania si USA scade,asta ca sa-ti crape inima de ciuda.

La 2010-01-10 21:22:11, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Din Jerusalem Post.
> 'We can manage without US guarantees'
> Talkbacks for this article: 66
> Article's topics: George Mitchell, Palestinians, Peace Negotiations,
> Palestinian Authority
> Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday said Israel was not planning
> to make use of US loan guarantees in the near future and has managed
> to raise funds without guarantees.
> Steinitz: We don't US loan guarantees, but they're not in danger
> anyway
> Steinitz was responding to remarks by US Middle East envoy George
> Mitchell on Thursday, who suggested that Washington could withdraw
> guarantees given to Israel in the event that peace talks with the
> Palestinians remained at an impasse.
> The finance minister added that several months ago, the US and Israel
> agreed to extend the loan guarantees by another two years, until the
> end of 2011. Washington did not set any conditions for extending the
> guarantees, he said.
> On Saturday night, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a
> statement in response to Mitchell's remarks, asserting that Israel
> has taken significant steps to propel the peace process forward while
> the Palestinian Authority refuses to renew peace talks.
> * Diplomacy: Atmospheric change?
> "It is the Palestinian Authority that needs to change its ways -
> certainly not the Israeli government," the PMO statement read.
> In the Thursday interview, when asked by Charlie Rose on PBS: "You sit
> there and you say to Israel, look, if you don't do this, what?",
> Mitchell replied: "Under American law, the United States can withhold
> support on loan guarantees to Israel... There are others [options],
> and you have to keep open whatever options. But our view is that we
> think the way to approach this is to try to persuade the parties what
> is in their self-interest."
> Mitchell said he believed negotiations between Israel and the
> Palestinians could be concluded within two years - provided that they
> resumed in the near future.
> "We think that the negotiation should last no more than two years,
> once begun we think it can be done within that period of time. We
> hope the parties agree. Personally I think it can be done in a
> shorter period of time," Mitchell said. He added that the US was
> working to persuade both Israel and the Palestinians to agree to
> conditions which were in their best interests.

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