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Artistul2007 din US (...@hotmail.com, IP: 64.135.101...)
2009-12-05 20:43
Chiar daca s-au despartit de ortodoxie miracolele au ramas in ortodoxie

Miracolul anual al Luminii Sfinte cand Lumina Sfanta vine din cer in ziua Pastelui ORTODOX si nu PROTESTANT. :
Miracolul intoarcerii raului Iordan
Cand IIsus s-a botezat, ca sa arate natura ca se supune lui Dumnezeu, raul Iordan s-a intors in sens invers si asta se intampla aproape anual , odata nu au dat voie autoritatile pentru botez si nici apa nu s-a mai intors , pe data botezului lui IIsus chiar si anul acesta.
All important moments in Bible for almost 2000 years are pointed by miracles that today happen in Orthodox Christianity.
1.The most important moment in Bible is Jesus resurrection proving him to be God and having power over death. The history say that Apostle Peter coming to the Holy Sepulcher and that he found a Light there. Over the Holy Sepulcher, the cave where Jesus body lied for some days a Church was built and in this Church , Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem, in the celebration of Jesus resurrection on Orthodox Easter sometime different of Protestant Easter date the, a miracle happens year by year, Holy Light is coming from the sky on the ceremony done by Patriarch of Jerusalem, Leader of First Church in the World. On one year Armenians asked the political leader to move orthodox people outside the Church, at that time Protestantism and the debates of today didn't exists, and the political leader agreed but said if the Holy Light will not come to you you need to eat some smelly things. So the Holy Light come to Orthodox Christians .This is history of Holy Light:
This is a movie about Holy Light in around 2000 and the priest on my Church saw it in reality and you can see it too.In the movie you can see Holy Light under middle gate in this:
2.When Jesus was baptised Jordan river moved backward to show that nature listens to God. Every year on Orthodox date of Jesus baptism when the Patriarch of First Church in the World does a ceremony, Jordan river moves backward from the time the Patriarch throws the cross in the water to the time cross is taken outside the water. Here is the movie and you can see water moving one direction and then cross moving the other way:
3.On Orthodox Date of Transfiguration a cloud comes to Mount Tabor.
4.Angels are present when priests give Food for Etrenal life to people in Orthodox Church, look in following movie at 2:38 and 2:40:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFA79d8859o&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Holy Christian Orthodox Miracles[/ame]
5.Orthodox Priests with Holy Spirit received at ordination, through prayer transform normal water in Holy Water changing molecular movement of molecules from Brownian to other movement and Water resists for years. Actually God is doing all these miracles.
6.Saint bodies stream myrrh
7.Prophets, miracle workers, people walking on water, levitation, seeing anywhere in Earth, apparitions after death and much much
8. At my grandpas death ceremony food started to grow by itself.
9. Holy Trinity , Jesus, Holy Mother of God is speaking today with many people in Orthodox World

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