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dan toader
2005-06-14 02:38:07

toadere toate bune si frumoase la inceput. la sfarsit gresesti

zici tu ca poarta amprenta catolicismului tralala etcetera. nu mai e chiar asa. chirac cred eu ca e ultimul presedinte care place in modelul "ipocriziei necesare" (coana bernadette a devenit mai degraba piedica in pastrarea popularitatii). cred frantujii vor si ei presedinti care sa devina mai "aproape de ei, impreuna cu ei". nu mai iubesc asa mult biserica. de altfel, tipul familistului traditionalist e o reminiscenta si se mai pastreaza doar la (asa-zisa) dreapta. or sarkozy e pus pe fapte mari si rupt tipare. sa nu uitam ca sarkozy e primul politician care s-a afisat in campanie impreuna cu copiii. in universitatile mandarinilor nu se vede chestia asta dar nicu sarkozy o stie ca nu vine dintre ei si cunoaste terenul mai bine decat nativii snobi.

uita-te cu atentie si vezi ca din ce in ce mai mult se aude "chretien mais je ne suis pas pratiquant". m-a mirat teribil ca atat de multi oameni simt nevoia sa precizeze asa ceva. pe de alta parte au inceput sa se impuna antifamilistii deocamdata la stanga dar cu efecte de asemenea in dreapta. jack lang, bertrand delanoe,chiar si buffetiera cu gasca ei nu prea sunt atasati familiei.

donu' jac si rac beneficiaza de clementa traditionala a presei franceze dar si aici au inceput sa existe sincope. nu suporta ei pe americani dar daca aparura informatii despre amorurile figaroeistice, fiica anorexica si faptul ca vorbeste cu "vous" cu nevasta (in presa franceza) inseamna ca discretia ramasa de la mitterand incoace nu are cum sa mai tina mult in mass media si deci se apropie si importul de justitiarism de presa.

sarkozy le stie si le foloseste pe toate. simte schimbarile sociale, simte cresterea reticentelor fata de straini, simte ca dreapta franceza nu mai e dreapta ci centru, stie ca da bine sa se "umanizeze" prin mici certuri (fie ele si aranjate) in cuplu si asa mai departe. sarkozy vrea sa faca o minirevolutie si sa inlocuiasca tipul mitterand-vgd'e-chirac in care se incadreaza villepin.

sa vedem daca ii iese pasenta. norocul lui e ca pse trebuit sa excluda pe fabius nu numai datorita dorintei lui hollande cat mai ales dorintei pse sa fie sanctionat vinovatul blocarii proiectului UE. asa, daca aia se impung si se bat mai are o sansa. cu villepin incercand sa scada somajul presand anpe (tampenie care demonstreaza cat de aerian e) iarasi il vad pe sarkozy castigator. numai ca guvernarea ump s-ar putea sa se erodeze mai mult decat poate duce si sa vedem vreo nulitate ca hollande sau un tradator ca fabius drept presedinte.

singura mea parerea de rau e ca sarko nu e prea mare iubitor de romani.

Olga Khan
2005-06-14 04:47:42

Nicolas Sárközy

La 2005-06-14 02:38:07, dan toader a scris:

> singura mea parerea de rau e ca sárkö nu e prea mare iubitor de
> romani.


Yes he is, and he often mentions his ascendency. His father is Pál Nagy Sárközy, an aristocrat who fled Hungary in 1944. Nicolas speaks fluent Hungarian (although his father acquired French citizenship, he always considered himself as a Hungarian, and so taught the language to his children). Everyone in France is sure that Sárközy will one day become president. He was a very appreciated Budget Minister during 1993 / 1995 (in Mitterand's coalition govt), but was kicked out of the govt when Chirac came to power in 1995 (although they are both from the same political party, Chirac was afraid of Sárközy's ambitions and did not appreciate the fact that he supported Balladur's (prime minister of the time) candidacy against his). As Chirac's govt failed and lost the legislative elections of 1997, Chirac could not ignore the obvious, and had to bring Sárközy back into the govt when he won back the legislative elections of 2002, although many were surprised that he was not appointed prime minister. So this article is just one illustration of a very old rivalry.

Paul din Ohio
2005-06-14 06:34:28

Re: toadere toate bune si frumoase la inceput. la sfarsit gresesti. Deci

Un motiv in plus ca Romania sa aiba relatii strinse in privinta propriei securitati cu SUA.La 2005-06-14 02:38:07, dan toader a scris:

> > singura mea parerea de rau e ca sarko nu e prea mare iubitor de
> romani.

2005-06-14 10:42:16

Re: toadere toate bune si frumoase la inceput. la sfarsit gresesti

Nu ii mai plangeti de mila. Netrecut prin scoli inalte? Dar Sciences Po ce e?

dan toader
2005-06-14 12:50:38

1. andro, nu ii plang de mila. tipu' e chiar bun. 2. paulica, sarkozy e unicul atlantist

1. andro, sciences po nu e chiar ena de unde vin de obicei barosanii dreptei. la stanga domina filiera stiintifica. oricum, sarkozy stie foarte bine cum se face imagine. uita-te cat de multi care se orientasera catre fn au fost recuceriti de sarkozy. ceea ce e mai bine decat daca ar fi ramas electorat de extrema. acum au si ei pe cineva care sa ii reprezinte fara sa cada in tampeniile lui le pen.

2. paulica, sarkozy e atlantist. e singurul mare politician francez care proneaza atragerea usa in jocul intern al ue. asta e o chestie rar intalnita. mai mult, incearca sa adopte modelul de emigratie american, pe cote.

3. faptul ca e de origine maghiara (pentru carcotasi: sa stie ca are si niscai origine evreiasca) nu e atat de important. este drept ca da dovada de o anume intransigenta fata de emigranti si nici pe romani nu putem ca ii iubeste f. mult dar e mai mult o problema de context. nu cred ca poate fi pusa in discutie o eventuala "persecutare" a romaniei daca sarkozy ajunge presedinte pentru ca obiectivele lui de politica externa sunt in mare concordante cu ale noastre. daca si merkel ajunge cancelar la nemti s-ar putea sa creeze o europa sensibil deplasata la dreapta si implicit mai debirocratizata si cu mult mai flexibila economic.

La 2005-06-14 02:38:07, dan toader a scris:

> zici tu ca poarta amprenta catolicismului tralala etcetera. nu mai e
> chiar asa. chirac cred eu ca e ultimul presedinte care place in
> modelul "ipocriziei necesare" (coana bernadette a devenit
> mai degraba piedica in pastrarea popularitatii). cred frantujii vor
> si ei presedinti care sa devina mai "aproape de ei, impreuna cu
> ei". nu mai iubesc asa mult biserica. de altfel, tipul
> familistului traditionalist e o reminiscenta si se mai pastreaza doar
> la (asa-zisa) dreapta. or sarkozy e pus pe fapte mari si rupt tipare.
> sa nu uitam ca sarkozy e primul politician care s-a afisat in
> campanie impreuna cu copiii. in universitatile mandarinilor nu se
> vede chestia asta dar nicu sarkozy o stie ca nu vine dintre ei si
> cunoaste terenul mai bine decat nativii snobi.
> uita-te cu atentie si vezi ca din ce in ce mai mult se aude
> "chretien mais je ne suis pas pratiquant". m-a mirat
> teribil ca atat de multi oameni simt nevoia sa precizeze asa ceva. pe
> de alta parte au inceput sa se impuna antifamilistii deocamdata la
> stanga dar cu efecte de asemenea in dreapta. jack lang, bertrand
> delanoe,chiar si buffetiera cu gasca ei nu prea sunt atasati
> familiei.
> donu' jac si rac beneficiaza de clementa traditionala a presei
> franceze dar si aici au inceput sa existe sincope. nu suporta ei pe
> americani dar daca aparura informatii despre amorurile figaroeistice,
> fiica anorexica si faptul ca vorbeste cu "vous" cu nevasta
> (in presa franceza) inseamna ca discretia ramasa de la mitterand
> incoace nu are cum sa mai tina mult in mass media si deci se apropie
> si importul de justitiarism de presa.
> sarkozy le stie si le foloseste pe toate. simte schimbarile sociale,
> simte cresterea reticentelor fata de straini, simte ca dreapta
> franceza nu mai e dreapta ci centru, stie ca da bine sa se
> "umanizeze" prin mici certuri (fie ele si aranjate) in
> cuplu si asa mai departe. sarkozy vrea sa faca o minirevolutie si sa
> inlocuiasca tipul mitterand-vgd'e-chirac in care se incadreaza
> villepin.
> sa vedem daca ii iese pasenta. norocul lui e ca pse trebuit sa excluda
> pe fabius nu numai datorita dorintei lui hollande cat mai ales
> dorintei pse sa fie sanctionat vinovatul blocarii proiectului UE.
> asa, daca aia se impung si se bat mai are o sansa. cu villepin
> incercand sa scada somajul presand anpe (tampenie care demonstreaza
> cat de aerian e) iarasi il vad pe sarkozy castigator. numai ca
> guvernarea ump s-ar putea sa se erodeze mai mult decat poate duce si
> sa vedem vreo nulitate ca hollande sau un tradator ca fabius drept
> presedinte.
> singura mea parerea de rau e ca sarko nu e prea mare iubitor de
> romani.

2005-06-14 15:11:30

Dane, ceva statistici

1. 84,3% din cei de la ENA sunt de la sciences po
2. o fi atlantist Sarko, dar intai de toate e francez :-) si deci maaree iubitor de americani grasi si stupizi :-) .

La 2005-06-14 12:50:38, dan toader a scris:

> 1. andro, sciences po nu e chiar ena de unde vin de obicei barosanii
> dreptei. la stanga domina filiera stiintifica. oricum, sarkozy stie
> foarte bine cum se face imagine. uita-te cat de multi care se
> orientasera catre fn au fost recuceriti de sarkozy. ceea ce e mai
> bine decat daca ar fi ramas electorat de extrema. acum au si ei pe
> cineva care sa ii reprezinte fara sa cada in tampeniile lui le pen.
> 2. paulica, sarkozy e atlantist. e singurul mare politician francez
> care proneaza atragerea usa in jocul intern al ue. asta e o chestie
> rar intalnita. mai mult, incearca sa adopte modelul de emigratie
> american, pe cote.
> 3

Mos Grigore
2005-06-14 16:03:05

Ia uite Toaderica ce se poate intimpla daca-i vorba de ambitie (1)

Europe aerospace frets over U.S. contracts

By Aude Lagorce, MarketWatch
Last Update: 8:07 AM ET June 14, 2005

PARIS (MarketWatch) -- A legislative threat from the U.S. may put European firms in jeopardy of losing access to the most lucrative defense budget in the world -- the Pentagon's.

If the Senate clears a piece of legislation put forward by the House of Representatives, it would prevent foreign companies that benefit from government aid from bidding for U.S. contracts - and would effectively prevent EADS and BAE Systems from pursuing American work.

"Even though the U.S. budget is expected to plateau in the next few years, it's still where you want to be," said Gareth Evans, with AT Kearney's aerospace and defense practice.

EADS and BAE Systems, which respectively own 80% and 20% of Airbus, would be prevented from seeking U.S. contracts if the legislation were passed.

The legislation is designed to affect not just the biggest defense companies, the prime contractors as they're known, but also smaller players further down the industry's food chain as well joint-venture partners.

The changes would also hit Thales SA. The major shareholders in Thales are the French state, telecommunications-equipment maker Alcatel, and Dassault Aviation.

However, passage of the legislation is no sure thing.
"I don't think for a second that the Senate will approve it," said Doug McVitie of consultancy Arran Aerospace.

The bill was resurrected to keep EADS out of a lucrative Boeing tanker refueling contract. Now that EADS has announced it will partner with Northrop Grumman to bid on the contract, the legislation is likely to be dropped.

The U.S. budget is all the more important with no near-term prospects for a unified European defense budget, especially after the recent rejections of the European constitution in France and the Netherlands.
As a result, European aerospace firms are likely to step up their offensive for coveted Pentagon spending.

"The lack of a unified defense budget is certainly a problem," said Alex Dorrian, chief executive of Thales U.K., the division of Thales SA, and executive vice president for international operations at the Paris Air Show. "If we can find a way to cooperate more in research and development, then it's for the greater good of the industry."

The U.S. defense market is the largest in the world, with a budget of around $400 billion that's projected to grow to around $500 billion in the next five years. It dwarfs that of Europe, which reached $38.4 billion in the U.K. in 2004, $29.5 billion in France and $24 billion in Germany.
Different methods

Different European countries go about chasing Pentagon contracts in various ways.

The British, especially BAE Systems PLC , like to go out and acquire profitable American defense contractors. BAE spent $800 million in 2004 to buy five U.S. defense companies, the largest of which was DigitalNet, an IT group, for $616 million

In March, BAE's North America division announced its latest purchase: the more than $4 billion acquisition of United Defense Industries
"It gives them market access and more scale, which usually helps boost the share price," said Evans.

The strategy, however, has a major drawback: it doesn't allow the European owner to repatriate technology. "It gets to the point where a European company that owns a U.S. firm won't be allowed to sit in on some tech meetings"" said Evans.

Thales' Dorrian agrees that buying U.S. companies can be tricky. The move doesn't allow the buyer to justify synergies based on the repatriation of technology to Europe. In addition, the acquired company must stay in the U.S., employ a mainly U.S. management team and generally maintain its U.S.-centric identity.

Partly for those reasons, European companies generally prefer the joint-venture option. French engine maker Snecma SA, a unit of Safran, works with
General Electric Co. to make engines for Boeing.

Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland, owned by Finmeccanica SpA, partnered with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Bell Helicopter and went on to win the contract for a new fleet of "Marine One" helicopters for the U.S. president.

Thales regularly works with U.S. firms like Northrop Grumman and Boeing to bid for contracts. "You can't be credible in the U.S. unless you have a partnership with a big U.S. firm," Dorrian said.

Only last week, on the eve of the Paris Air Show, European defense giant EADS confirmed that theory by teaming up with Northrop Grumman Corp. in a bid to break Boeing's monopoly on supplying aerial-refueling planes to the U.S. military.

Asia alternative?

In the face of this potential tightening of rules across the Atlantic, European contractors are increasingly turning to Asia as an alternative market.

Indeed, the battle for market share will heat up in Asia, consultancy AT Kearney said in a recent study on the aerospace and defense industry.
The potential of the Asian market is in evidence here at the air show in Le Bourget, signaled by the larger exhibition areas the region occupies this year. Asia's demographic boom means its transportation needs will skyrocket in the next few years. China, for example, is expected to order 1,000 planes over the next decade.

Of the nine aircraft orders that J.P. Morgan believes may be placed at the Paris Air Show, five will likely be from Asian carriers and three from the Middle East. These two regions already represent 40% of Boeing's and Airbus' backlog, despite comprising only 20% of all aircraft in service.
On the defense side, however, the situation is trickier. The weapon arms embargo imposed by the European Union upon on China, in particular, is something European companies would be eager to see lifted.


Mos Grigore
2005-06-14 16:03:46

Ia uite Toaderica ce se poate intimpla daca-i vorba de ambitie (2)

They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The geopolitical consequences of such a decision must also be carefully thought through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and defense practice of AT Kearney.

If the Senate clears a piece of legislation put forward by the House of Representatives, it would prevent foreign companies that benefit from government aid from bidding for U.S. contracts - and would effectively prevent EADS and BAE Systems from pursuing American work.

"Even though the U.S. budget is expected to plateau in the next few years, it's still where you want to be," said Gareth Evans, with AT Kearney's aerospace and defense practice.

EADS and BAE Systems, which respectively own 80% and 20% of Airbus, would be prevented from seeking U.S. contracts if the legislation were passed.

The legislation is designed to affect not just the biggest defense companies, the prime contractors as they're known, but also smaller players further down the industry's food chain as well joint-venture partners.

The changes would also hit Thales SA. The major shareholders in Thales are the French state, telecommunications-equipment maker Alcatel, and Dassault Aviation.

However, passage of the legislation is no sure thing.
"I don't think for a second that the Senate will approve it," said Doug McVitie of consultancy Arran Aerospace.

The bill was resurrected to keep EADS out of a lucrative Boeing tanker refueling contract. Now that EADS has announced it will partner with Northrop Grumman to bid on the contract, the legislation is likely to be dropped.

The U.S. budget is all the more important with no near-term prospects for a unified European defense budget, especially after the recent rejections of the European constitution in France and the Netherlands.
As a result, European aerospace firms are likely to step up their offensive for coveted Pentagon spending.

"The lack of a unified defense budget is certainly a problem," said Alex Dorrian, chief executive of Thales U.K., the division of Thales SA, and executive vice president for international operations at the Paris Air Show. "If we can find a way to cooperate more in research and development, then it's for the greater good of the industry."

The U.S. defense market is the largest in the world, with a budget of around $400 billion that's projected to grow to around $500 billion in the next five years. It dwarfs that of Europe, which reached $38.4 billion in the U.K. in 2004, $29.5 billion in France and $24 billion in Germany.

Different methods

Different European countries go about chasing Pentagon contracts in various ways.

The British, especially BAE Systems PLC (TICKER:BAE) (TICKER:UK:BA) , like to go out and acquire profitable American defense contractors. BAE spent $800 million in 2004 to buy five U.S. defense companies, the largest of which was DigitalNet, an IT group, for $616 million

In March, BAE's North America division announced its latest purchase: the more than $4 billion acquisition of United Defense Industries
"It gives them market access and more scale, which usually helps boost the share price," said Evans.

The strategy, however, has a major drawback: it doesn't allow the European owner to repatriate technology. "It gets to the point where a European company that owns a U.S. firm won't be allowed to sit in on some tech meetings"" said Evans.
Thales' Dorrian agrees that buying U.S. companies can be tricky. The move doesn't allow the buyer to justify synergies based on the repatriation of technology to Europe. In addition, the acquired company must stay in the U.S., employ a mainly U.S. management team and generally maintain its U.S.-centric identity.

Partly for those reasons, European companies generally prefer the joint-venture option. French engine maker Snecma SA, a unit of Safran , works with General Electric Co. to make engines for Boeing.

Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland, owned by Finmeccanica SpA , partnered with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Bell Helicopter and went on to win the contract for a new fleet of "Marine One" helicopters for the U.S. president.

Thales regularly works with U.S. firms like Northrop Grumman and Boeing to bid for contracts. "You can't be credible in the U.S. unless you have a partnership with a big U.S. firm," Dorrian said.

Only last week, on the eve of the Paris Air Show, European defense giant EADS confirmed that theory by teaming up with Northrop Grumman Corp. in a bid to break Boeing's monopoly on supplying aerial-refueling planes to the U.S. military.

Asia alternative?

In the face of this potential tightening of rules across the Atlantic, European contractors are increasingly turning to Asia as an alternative market.

Indeed, the battle for market share will heat up in Asia, consultancy AT Kearney said in a recent study on the aerospace and defense industry.
The potential of the Asian market is in evidence here at the air show in Le Bourget, signaled by the larger exhibition areas the region occupies this year. Asia's demographic boom means its transportation needs will skyrocket in the next few years. China, for example, is expected to order 1,000 planes over the next decade.

Of the nine aircraft orders that J.P. Morgan believes may be placed at the Paris Air Show, five will likely be from Asian carriers and three from the Middle East. These two regions already represent 40% of Boeing's and Airbus' backlog, despite comprising only 20% of all aircraft in service.
On the defense side, however, the situation is trickier. The weapon arms embargo imposed by the European Union upon on China, in particular, is something European companies would be eager to see lifted.

"They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The geopolitical consequences of such a decision must also be carefully thought through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and defense practice of AT Kearney.

dan toader
2005-06-14 16:15:21

dondaila frate, e mai complicat decat crezi. si nu tine de cifre. parrainage-ul e treaba destul de complicata.

crede-ma pe cuvant odata. pana am inceput sa dibui cum merge la ei mi-a trebuit ceva vreme.
paleologu stie bine care e sistemul si l-a incadrat corect pe sarkozy in alta caruta(filiera). a tinut cont de toata filiera si nu de o alianta de conjunctura intre doua scoli. asta dovedeste ca in ciuda greselilor pe care le mai face paleologu cunoaste poate cel mai bine (de la noi din tara) sistemul frantuzesc de "evolution politique".

La 2005-06-14 15:11:30, dondaila a scris:

>  1. 84,3% din cei de la ENA sunt de la sciences po
>  2. o fi atlantist Sarko, dar intai de toate e francez :-) si deci
> maaree iubitor de americani grasi si stupizi :-) .
> La 2005-06-14 12:50:38, dan toader a scris:
> > 1. andro, sciences po nu e chiar ena de unde vin de obicei barosanii
> > dreptei. la stanga domina filiera stiintifica. oricum, sarkozy stie
> > foarte bine cum se face imagine. uita-te cat de multi care se
> > orientasera catre fn au fost recuceriti de sarkozy. ceea ce e mai
> > bine decat daca ar fi ramas electorat de extrema. acum au si ei pe
> > cineva care sa ii reprezinte fara sa cada in tampeniile lui le pen.
> > 
> > 2. paulica, sarkozy e atlantist. e singurul mare politician francez
> > care proneaza atragerea usa in jocul intern al ue. asta e o chestie
> > rar intalnita. mai mult, incearca sa adopte modelul de emigratie
> > american, pe cote.
> > 
> > 3

dan toader
2005-06-14 16:17:52

ziua buna Mos Grigore. Am citit si eu despre razboiuldintre airbus si boeing. e prematur sa imi fac o parere.

deci e normal sa nu prea inteleg unde bati dumneata. fii te rog mai explicit.

toate cele bune.

La 2005-06-14 16:03:46, Mos Grigore a scris:

> They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The geopolitical
> consequences of such a decision must also be carefully thought
> through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and defense
> practice of AT Kearney.
> If the Senate clears a piece of legislation put forward by the House
> of Representatives, it would prevent foreign companies that benefit
> from government aid from bidding for U.S. contracts - and would
> effectively prevent EADS and BAE Systems from pursuing American
> work.
> "Even though the U.S. budget is expected to plateau in the next
> few years, it's still where you want to be," said Gareth Evans,
> with AT Kearney's aerospace and defense practice.
> EADS and BAE Systems, which respectively own 80% and 20% of Airbus,
> would be prevented from seeking U.S. contracts if the legislation
> were passed.
> The legislation is designed to affect not just the biggest defense
> companies, the prime contractors as they're known, but also smaller
> players further down the industry's food chain as well joint-venture
> partners.
> The changes would also hit Thales SA. The major shareholders in Thales
> are the French state, telecommunications-equipment maker Alcatel, and
> Dassault Aviation.
> However, passage of the legislation is no sure thing.
> "I don't think for a second that the Senate will approve
> it," said Doug McVitie of consultancy Arran Aerospace.
> The bill was resurrected to keep EADS out of a lucrative Boeing tanker
> refueling contract. Now that EADS has announced it will partner with
> Northrop Grumman to bid on the contract, the legislation is likely to
> be dropped.
> The U.S. budget is all the more important with no near-term prospects
> for a unified European defense budget, especially after the recent
> rejections of the European constitution in France and the
> Netherlands.
> As a result, European aerospace firms are likely to step up their
> offensive for coveted Pentagon spending.
> "The lack of a unified defense budget is certainly a
> problem," said Alex Dorrian, chief executive of Thales U.K., the
> division of Thales SA, and executive vice president for international
> operations at the Paris Air Show. "If we can find a way to
> cooperate more in research and development, then it's for the greater
> good of the industry."
> The U.S. defense market is the largest in the world, with a budget of
> around $400 billion that's projected to grow to around $500 billion
> in the next five years. It dwarfs that of Europe, which reached $38.4
> billion in the U.K. in 2004, $29.5 billion in France and $24 billion
> in Germany.
> Different methods
> Different European countries go about chasing Pentagon contracts in
> various ways.
> The British, especially BAE Systems PLC (TICKER:BAE) (TICKER:UK:BA) ,
> like to go out and acquire profitable American defense contractors.
> BAE spent $800 million in 2004 to buy five U.S. defense companies,
> the largest of which was DigitalNet, an IT group, for $616 million
> In March, BAE's North America division announced its latest purchase:
> the more than $4 billion acquisition of United Defense Industries
> "It gives them market access and more scale, which usually helps
> boost the share price," said Evans.
> The strategy, however, has a major drawback: it doesn't allow the
> European owner to repatriate technology. "It gets to the point
> where a European company that owns a U.S. firm won't be allowed to
> sit in on some tech meetings"" said Evans.
> Thales' Dorrian agrees that buying U.S. companies can be tricky. The
> move doesn't allow the buyer to justify synergies based on the
> repatriation of technology to Europe. In addition, the acquired
> company must stay in the U.S., employ a mainly U.S. management team
> and generally maintain its U.S.-centric identity.
> Partly for those reasons, European companies generally prefer the
> joint-venture option. French engine maker Snecma SA, a unit of Safran
> , works with General Electric Co. to make engines for Boeing.
> Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland, owned by Finmeccanica SpA ,
> partnered with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Bell Helicopter and went on
> to win the contract for a new fleet of "Marine One"
> helicopters for the U.S. president.
> Thales regularly works with U.S. firms like Northrop Grumman and
> Boeing to bid for contracts. "You can't be credible in the U.S.
> unless you have a partnership with a big U.S. firm," Dorrian
> said.
> Only last week, on the eve of the Paris Air Show, European defense
> giant EADS confirmed that theory by teaming up with Northrop Grumman
> Corp. in a bid to break Boeing's monopoly on supplying
> aerial-refueling planes to the U.S. military.
> Asia alternative?
> In the face of this potential tightening of rules across the Atlantic,
> European contractors are increasingly turning to Asia as an
> alternative market.
> Indeed, the battle for market share will heat up in Asia, consultancy
> AT Kearney said in a recent study on the aerospace and defense
> industry.
> The potential of the Asian market is in evidence here at the air show
> in Le Bourget, signaled by the larger exhibition areas the region
> occupies this year. Asia's demographic boom means its transportation
> needs will skyrocket in the next few years. China, for example, is
> expected to order 1,000 planes over the next decade.
> Of the nine aircraft orders that J.P. Morgan believes may be placed at
> the Paris Air Show, five will likely be from Asian carriers and three
> from the Middle East. These two regions already represent 40% of
> Boeing's and Airbus' backlog, despite comprising only 20% of all
> aircraft in service.
> On the defense side, however, the situation is trickier. The weapon
> arms embargo imposed by the European Union upon on China, in
> particular, is something European companies would be eager to see
> lifted.
> "They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The
> geopolitical consequences of such a decision must also be carefully
> thought through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and
> defense practice of AT Kearney.

Paul din Ohio
2005-06-14 17:02:10

Re: ziua buna Mos Grigore. Am citit si eu despre razboiuldintre airbus si boeing. Cred ca arata cauza

"atlanticismului" unor europeni : economia, bat-o vina.In plus, "atlanticistii" isi dau seama ca Europa nu poate sa cheltuiasca atit cit ar fi necesar pentru aparare si deci tot America trebuie sa plateasca pentru ei. Dar pentru asta, trebue sa te declari "atlanticist". Adica "sa-l pupi in bot si sa-i papi tot". Eu cred ca oricit de "atlanticist" s-ar declara Sarkozy, Franta va ramine tot anti americana si cu o politica dubioasa in Est.Deci Romania trebuie sa fie atenta.La 2005-06-14 16:17:52, dan toader a scris:

> deci e normal sa nu prea inteleg unde bati dumneata. fii te rog mai
> explicit.
> toate cele bune.
> La 2005-06-14 16:03:46, Mos Grigore a scris:
> > They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The geopolitical
> > consequences of such a decision must also be carefully thought
> > through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and defense
> > practice of AT Kearney.
> > 
> > If the Senate clears a piece of legislation put forward by the House
> > of Representatives, it would prevent foreign companies that benefit
> > from government aid from bidding for U.S. contracts - and would
> > effectively prevent EADS and BAE Systems from pursuing American
> > work.
> > 
> > "Even though the U.S. budget is expected to plateau in the next
> > few years, it's still where you want to be," said Gareth Evans,
> > with AT Kearney's aerospace and defense practice.
> > 
> > EADS and BAE Systems, which respectively own 80% and 20% of Airbus,
> > would be prevented from seeking U.S. contracts if the legislation
> > were passed.
> > 
> > The legislation is designed to affect not just the biggest defense
> > companies, the prime contractors as they're known, but also smaller
> > players further down the industry's food chain as well joint-venture
> > partners.
> > 
> > The changes would also hit Thales SA. The major shareholders in Thales
> > are the French state, telecommunications-equipment maker Alcatel, and
> > Dassault Aviation.
> > 
> > However, passage of the legislation is no sure thing.
> > "I don't think for a second that the Senate will approve
> > it," said Doug McVitie of consultancy Arran Aerospace.
> > 
> > The bill was resurrected to keep EADS out of a lucrative Boeing tanker
> > refueling contract. Now that EADS has announced it will partner with
> > Northrop Grumman to bid on the contract, the legislation is likely to
> > be dropped.
> > 
> > The U.S. budget is all the more important with no near-term prospects
> > for a unified European defense budget, especially after the recent
> > rejections of the European constitution in France and the
> > Netherlands.
> > As a result, European aerospace firms are likely to step up their
> > offensive for coveted Pentagon spending.
> > 
> > "The lack of a unified defense budget is certainly a
> > problem," said Alex Dorrian, chief executive of Thales U.K., the
> > division of Thales SA, and executive vice president for international
> > operations at the Paris Air Show. "If we can find a way to
> > cooperate more in research and development, then it's for the greater
> > good of the industry."
> > 
> > The U.S. defense market is the largest in the world, with a budget of
> > around $400 billion that's projected to grow to around $500 billion
> > in the next five years. It dwarfs that of Europe, which reached $38.4
> > billion in the U.K. in 2004, $29.5 billion in France and $24 billion
> > in Germany.
> > 
> > Different methods
> > 
> > Different European countries go about chasing Pentagon contracts in
> > various ways.
> > 
> > The British, especially BAE Systems PLC (TICKER:BAE) (TICKER:UK:BA) ,
> > like to go out and acquire profitable American defense contractors.
> > BAE spent $800 million in 2004 to buy five U.S. defense companies,
> > the largest of which was DigitalNet, an IT group, for $616 million
> > 
> > In March, BAE's North America division announced its latest purchase:
> > the more than $4 billion acquisition of United Defense Industries
> > "It gives them market access and more scale, which usually helps
> > boost the share price," said Evans.
> > 
> > The strategy, however, has a major drawback: it doesn't allow the
> > European owner to repatriate technology. "It gets to the point
> > where a European company that owns a U.S. firm won't be allowed to
> > sit in on some tech meetings"" said Evans.
> > Thales' Dorrian agrees that buying U.S. companies can be tricky. The
> > move doesn't allow the buyer to justify synergies based on the
> > repatriation of technology to Europe. In addition, the acquired
> > company must stay in the U.S., employ a mainly U.S. management team
> > and generally maintain its U.S.-centric identity.
> > 
> > Partly for those reasons, European companies generally prefer the
> > joint-venture option. French engine maker Snecma SA, a unit of Safran
> > , works with General Electric Co. to make engines for Boeing.
> > 
> > Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland, owned by Finmeccanica SpA ,
> > partnered with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Bell Helicopter and went on
> > to win the contract for a new fleet of "Marine One"
> > helicopters for the U.S. president.
> > 
> > Thales regularly works with U.S. firms like Northrop Grumman and
> > Boeing to bid for contracts. "You can't be credible in the U.S.
> > unless you have a partnership with a big U.S. firm," Dorrian
> > said.
> > 
> > Only last week, on the eve of the Paris Air Show, European defense
> > giant EADS confirmed that theory by teaming up with Northrop Grumman
> > Corp. in a bid to break Boeing's monopoly on supplying
> > aerial-refueling planes to the U.S. military.
> > 
> > Asia alternative?
> > 
> > In the face of this potential tightening of rules across the Atlantic,
> > European contractors are increasingly turning to Asia as an
> > alternative market.
> > 
> > Indeed, the battle for market share will heat up in Asia, consultancy
> > AT Kearney said in a recent study on the aerospace and defense
> > industry.
> > The potential of the Asian market is in evidence here at the air show
> > in Le Bourget, signaled by the larger exhibition areas the region
> > occupies this year. Asia's demographic boom means its transportation
> > needs will skyrocket in the next few years. China, for example, is
> > expected to order 1,000 planes over the next decade.
> > 
> > Of the nine aircraft orders that J.P. Morgan believes may be placed at
> > the Paris Air Show, five will likely be from Asian carriers and three
> > from the Middle East. These two regions already represent 40% of
> > Boeing's and Airbus' backlog, despite comprising only 20% of all
> > aircraft in service.
> > On the defense side, however, the situation is trickier. The weapon
> > arms embargo imposed by the European Union upon on China, in
> > particular, is something European companies would be eager to see
> > lifted.
> > 
> > "They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The
> > geopolitical consequences of such a decision must also be carefully
> > thought through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and
> > defense practice of AT Kearney.
> > 
> > 
> > 

dan toader
2005-06-14 17:45:13

paule, la ora asta ue plateste tot ce inseamna alea 10 de intrara. america ioc. asta o fi motivul.

0 dolari. in schimb are o influenta politica similara cu a celor care platesc contributii la bugetul de extindere. plusuri si minusuri. romania trebuie sa fie la fel de prudenta cu usa nu doar cu germania sau franta.

eu zic ca ar trebui lasat la o parte obsesia cu franta fiindca desi nu e pro-americana cei care decid in est sunt nemtii. ei spun ce si cum e plata.

vedem. deocamdata nu e nimic decis decat ca basescu a angajat tara in trena americii, miscare deocamdata castigatoare.

La 2005-06-14 17:02:10, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> "atlanticismului" unor europeni : economia, bat-o vina.In
> plus, "atlanticistii" isi dau seama ca Europa nu poate sa
> cheltuiasca atit cit ar fi necesar pentru aparare si deci tot America
> trebuie sa plateasca pentru ei. Dar pentru asta, trebue sa te declari
> "atlanticist". Adica "sa-l pupi in bot si sa-i papi
> tot". Eu cred ca oricit de "atlanticist" s-ar declara
> Sarkozy, Franta va ramine tot anti americana si cu o politica
> dubioasa in Est.Deci Romania trebuie sa fie atenta.La 2005-06-14
> 16:17:52, dan toader a scris:
> > deci e normal sa nu prea inteleg unde bati dumneata. fii te rog mai
> > explicit.
> > 
> > toate cele bune.
> > 
> > La 2005-06-14 16:03:46, Mos Grigore a scris:
> > 
> > > They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The geopolitical
> > > consequences of such a decision must also be carefully thought
> > > through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and defense
> > > practice of AT Kearney.
> > > 
> > > If the Senate clears a piece of legislation put forward by the House
> > > of Representatives, it would prevent foreign companies that benefit
> > > from government aid from bidding for U.S. contracts - and would
> > > effectively prevent EADS and BAE Systems from pursuing American
> > > work.
> > > 
> > > "Even though the U.S. budget is expected to plateau in the next
> > > few years, it's still where you want to be," said Gareth Evans,
> > > with AT Kearney's aerospace and defense practice.
> > > 
> > > EADS and BAE Systems, which respectively own 80% and 20% of Airbus,
> > > would be prevented from seeking U.S. contracts if the legislation
> > > were passed.
> > > 
> > > The legislation is designed to affect not just the biggest defense
> > > companies, the prime contractors as they're known, but also smaller
> > > players further down the industry's food chain as well joint-venture
> > > partners.
> > > 
> > > The changes would also hit Thales SA. The major shareholders in Thales
> > > are the French state, telecommunications-equipment maker Alcatel, and
> > > Dassault Aviation.
> > > 
> > > However, passage of the legislation is no sure thing.
> > > "I don't think for a second that the Senate will approve
> > > it," said Doug McVitie of consultancy Arran Aerospace.
> > > 
> > > The bill was resurrected to keep EADS out of a lucrative Boeing tanker
> > > refueling contract. Now that EADS has announced it will partner with
> > > Northrop Grumman to bid on the contract, the legislation is likely to
> > > be dropped.
> > > 
> > > The U.S. budget is all the more important with no near-term prospects
> > > for a unified European defense budget, especially after the recent
> > > rejections of the European constitution in France and the
> > > Netherlands.
> > > As a result, European aerospace firms are likely to step up their
> > > offensive for coveted Pentagon spending.
> > > 
> > > "The lack of a unified defense budget is certainly a
> > > problem," said Alex Dorrian, chief executive of Thales U.K., the
> > > division of Thales SA, and executive vice president for international
> > > operations at the Paris Air Show. "If we can find a way to
> > > cooperate more in research and development, then it's for the greater
> > > good of the industry."
> > > 
> > > The U.S. defense market is the largest in the world, with a budget of
> > > around $400 billion that's projected to grow to around $500 billion
> > > in the next five years. It dwarfs that of Europe, which reached $38.4
> > > billion in the U.K. in 2004, $29.5 billion in France and $24 billion
> > > in Germany.
> > > 
> > > Different methods
> > > 
> > > Different European countries go about chasing Pentagon contracts in
> > > various ways.
> > > 
> > > The British, especially BAE Systems PLC (TICKER:BAE) (TICKER:UK:BA) ,
> > > like to go out and acquire profitable American defense contractors.
> > > BAE spent $800 million in 2004 to buy five U.S. defense companies,
> > > the largest of which was DigitalNet, an IT group, for $616 million
> > > 
> > > In March, BAE's North America division announced its latest purchase:
> > > the more than $4 billion acquisition of United Defense Industries
> > > "It gives them market access and more scale, which usually helps
> > > boost the share price," said Evans.
> > > 
> > > The strategy, however, has a major drawback: it doesn't allow the
> > > European owner to repatriate technology. "It gets to the point
> > > where a European company that owns a U.S. firm won't be allowed to
> > > sit in on some tech meetings"" said Evans.
> > > Thales' Dorrian agrees that buying U.S. companies can be tricky. The
> > > move doesn't allow the buyer to justify synergies based on the
> > > repatriation of technology to Europe. In addition, the acquired
> > > company must stay in the U.S., employ a mainly U.S. management team
> > > and generally maintain its U.S.-centric identity.
> > > 
> > > Partly for those reasons, European companies generally prefer the
> > > joint-venture option. French engine maker Snecma SA, a unit of Safran
> > > , works with General Electric Co. to make engines for Boeing.
> > > 
> > > Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland, owned by Finmeccanica SpA ,
> > > partnered with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Bell Helicopter and went on
> > > to win the contract for a new fleet of "Marine One"
> > > helicopters for the U.S. president.
> > > 
> > > Thales regularly works with U.S. firms like Northrop Grumman and
> > > Boeing to bid for contracts. "You can't be credible in the U.S.
> > > unless you have a partnership with a big U.S. firm," Dorrian
> > > said.
> > > 
> > > Only last week, on the eve of the Paris Air Show, European defense
> > > giant EADS confirmed that theory by teaming up with Northrop Grumman
> > > Corp. in a bid to break Boeing's monopoly on supplying
> > > aerial-refueling planes to the U.S. military.
> > > 
> > > Asia alternative?
> > > 
> > > In the face of this potential tightening of rules across the Atlantic,
> > > European contractors are increasingly turning to Asia as an
> > > alternative market.
> > > 
> > > Indeed, the battle for market share will heat up in Asia, consultancy
> > > AT Kearney said in a recent study on the aerospace and defense
> > > industry.
> > > The potential of the Asian market is in evidence here at the air show
> > > in Le Bourget, signaled by the larger exhibition areas the region
> > > occupies this year. Asia's demographic boom means its transportation
> > > needs will skyrocket in the next few years. China, for example, is
> > > expected to order 1,000 planes over the next decade.
> > > 
> > > Of the nine aircraft orders that J.P. Morgan believes may be placed at
> > > the Paris Air Show, five will likely be from Asian carriers and three
> > > from the Middle East. These two regions already represent 40% of
> > > Boeing's and Airbus' backlog, despite comprising only 20% of all
> > > aircraft in service.
> > > On the defense side, however, the situation is trickier. The weapon
> > > arms embargo imposed by the European Union upon on China, in
> > > particular, is something European companies would be eager to see
> > > lifted.
> > > 
> > > "They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The
> > > geopolitical consequences of such a decision must also be carefully
> > > thought through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and
> > > defense practice of AT Kearney.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 

Paul din Ohio
2005-06-14 18:00:19

Re: paule, la ora asta ue plateste tot ce inseamna alea 10 de intrara. america ioc. asta o fi motivul.

O plati Europa ceva, dar cine plateste "abonamentele" la Ruhr Gas si la Gas de France?La 2005-06-14 17:45:13, dan toader a scris:

> 0 dolari. in schimb are o influenta politica similara cu a celor care
> platesc contributii la bugetul de extindere. plusuri si minusuri.
> romania trebuie sa fie la fel de prudenta cu usa nu doar cu germania
> sau franta.
> eu zic ca ar trebui lasat la o parte obsesia cu franta fiindca desi nu
> e pro-americana cei care decid in est sunt nemtii. ei spun ce si cum e
> plata.
> vedem. deocamdata nu e nimic decis decat ca basescu a angajat tara in
> trena americii, miscare deocamdata castigatoare.
> La 2005-06-14 17:02:10, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > "atlanticismului" unor europeni : economia, bat-o vina.In
> > plus, "atlanticistii" isi dau seama ca Europa nu poate sa
> > cheltuiasca atit cit ar fi necesar pentru aparare si deci tot America
> > trebuie sa plateasca pentru ei. Dar pentru asta, trebue sa te declari
> > "atlanticist". Adica "sa-l pupi in bot si sa-i papi
> > tot". Eu cred ca oricit de "atlanticist" s-ar declara
> > Sarkozy, Franta va ramine tot anti americana si cu o politica
> > dubioasa in Est.Deci Romania trebuie sa fie atenta.La 2005-06-14
> > 16:17:52, dan toader a scris:
> > 
> > > deci e normal sa nu prea inteleg unde bati dumneata. fii te rog mai
> > > explicit.
> > > 
> > > toate cele bune.
> > > 

2005-06-14 18:42:12

Grandes ecoles

Sciences Po e scoala buna, dar nu e nici ENA, nici Normale Sup, nici Polytechnique. Ca tot normalianul care se respecta, Pale Jr. n-are mare simpatie pentru ENA, de-aia ii place, presupun, ca Sarkozy nu e enarc.

La 2005-06-14 12:50:38, dan toader a scris:

> 1. andro, sciences po nu e chiar ena de unde vin de obicei barosanii
> dreptei. la stanga domina filiera stiintifica. oricum, sarkozy stie
> foarte bine cum se face imagine. uita-te cat de multi care se
> orientasera catre fn au fost recuceriti de sarkozy. ceea ce e mai
> bine decat daca ar fi ramas electorat de extrema. acum au si ei pe
> cineva care sa ii reprezinte fara sa cada in tampeniile lui le pen.
> 2. paulica, sarkozy e atlantist. e singurul mare politician francez
> care proneaza atragerea usa in jocul intern al ue. asta e o chestie
> rar intalnita. mai mult, incearca sa adopte modelul de emigratie
> american, pe cote.
> 3. faptul ca e de origine maghiara (pentru carcotasi: sa stie ca are
> si niscai origine evreiasca) nu e atat de important. este drept ca da
> dovada de o anume intransigenta fata de emigranti si nici pe romani nu
> putem ca ii iubeste f. mult dar e mai mult o problema de context. nu
> cred ca poate fi pusa in discutie o eventuala "persecutare"
> a romaniei daca sarkozy ajunge presedinte pentru ca obiectivele lui de
> politica externa sunt in mare concordante cu ale noastre. daca si
> merkel ajunge cancelar la nemti s-ar putea sa creeze o europa
> sensibil deplasata la dreapta si implicit mai debirocratizata si cu
> mult mai flexibila economic.
> La 2005-06-14 02:38:07, dan toader a scris:
> > zici tu ca poarta amprenta catolicismului tralala etcetera. nu mai e
> > chiar asa. chirac cred eu ca e ultimul presedinte care place in
> > modelul "ipocriziei necesare" (coana bernadette a devenit
> > mai degraba piedica in pastrarea popularitatii). cred frantujii vor
> > si ei presedinti care sa devina mai "aproape de ei, impreuna cu
> > ei". nu mai iubesc asa mult biserica. de altfel, tipul
> > familistului traditionalist e o reminiscenta si se mai pastreaza doar
> > la (asa-zisa) dreapta. or sarkozy e pus pe fapte mari si rupt tipare.
> > sa nu uitam ca sarkozy e primul politician care s-a afisat in
> > campanie impreuna cu copiii. in universitatile mandarinilor nu se
> > vede chestia asta dar nicu sarkozy o stie ca nu vine dintre ei si
> > cunoaste terenul mai bine decat nativii snobi.
> > 
> > uita-te cu atentie si vezi ca din ce in ce mai mult se aude
> > "chretien mais je ne suis pas pratiquant". m-a mirat
> > teribil ca atat de multi oameni simt nevoia sa precizeze asa ceva. pe
> > de alta parte au inceput sa se impuna antifamilistii deocamdata la
> > stanga dar cu efecte de asemenea in dreapta. jack lang, bertrand
> > delanoe,chiar si buffetiera cu gasca ei nu prea sunt atasati
> > familiei.
> > 
> > donu' jac si rac beneficiaza de clementa traditionala a presei
> > franceze dar si aici au inceput sa existe sincope. nu suporta ei pe
> > americani dar daca aparura informatii despre amorurile figaroeistice,
> > fiica anorexica si faptul ca vorbeste cu "vous" cu nevasta
> > (in presa franceza) inseamna ca discretia ramasa de la mitterand
> > incoace nu are cum sa mai tina mult in mass media si deci se apropie
> > si importul de justitiarism de presa.
> > 
> > sarkozy le stie si le foloseste pe toate. simte schimbarile sociale,
> > simte cresterea reticentelor fata de straini, simte ca dreapta
> > franceza nu mai e dreapta ci centru, stie ca da bine sa se
> > "umanizeze" prin mici certuri (fie ele si aranjate) in
> > cuplu si asa mai departe. sarkozy vrea sa faca o minirevolutie si sa
> > inlocuiasca tipul mitterand-vgd'e-chirac in care se incadreaza
> > villepin.
> > 
> > sa vedem daca ii iese pasenta. norocul lui e ca pse trebuit sa excluda
> > pe fabius nu numai datorita dorintei lui hollande cat mai ales
> > dorintei pse sa fie sanctionat vinovatul blocarii proiectului UE.
> > asa, daca aia se impung si se bat mai are o sansa. cu villepin
> > incercand sa scada somajul presand anpe (tampenie care demonstreaza
> > cat de aerian e) iarasi il vad pe sarkozy castigator. numai ca
> > guvernarea ump s-ar putea sa se erodeze mai mult decat poate duce si
> > sa vedem vreo nulitate ca hollande sau un tradator ca fabius drept
> > presedinte.
> > 
> > singura mea parerea de rau e ca sarko nu e prea mare iubitor de
> > romani.
> > 

2005-06-14 18:57:41

Re: paule, la ora asta ue plateste tot ce inseamna alea 10 de intrara. america ioc. asta o fi motivul.

> O plati Europa ceva, dar cine plateste "abonamentele" la
> Ruhr Gas si la Gas de France?La 2005-06-14 17:45:13, dan toader a

Acel "ceva" este cu mult mai mare decat "nimic". Atat ruhr gas cat si gas de France sunt societati si nu "tari". Prost nu e ala care cere ci cel care da. Cum o dai nu iti iese. Astept sa ma anunti cand apar "investitiile americane" in Romania pana atunci te poti lauda cu noble ventures si cam atat.

Paul din Ohio
2005-06-14 22:00:32

Re: paule, la ora asta ue plateste tot ce inseamna alea 10 de intrara. america ioc. asta o fi motivul.

Shadow, romanii o duc din ce in ce mai au.Din pacate acel ceva se duce in buzunarele mafiotilor locali si ale afaceristilor europeni.In al doilea rind, Gas de France este o companie de stat si deci Franta, cind "da" ceva Romaniei, de fapt subsidizeaza companii de stat franceze, cu bani platiti de toti europenii.
P.S. Cred ca stii cum s-au soldat incercarile timide ale investitorilor americani in Romania. Pentru o companie americana exista legi drastice impotriva darii de mita si deci a incurajarii coruptiei in tarile in care opereaza..La 2005-06-14 18:57:41, Shadow a scris:

> > O plati Europa ceva, dar cine plateste "abonamentele" la
> > Ruhr Gas si la Gas de France?La 2005-06-14 17:45:13, dan toader a
> Acel "ceva" este cu mult mai mare decat "nimic".
> Atat ruhr gas cat si gas de France sunt societati si nu
> "tari". Prost nu e ala care cere ci cel care da. Cum o dai
> nu iti iese. Astept sa ma anunti cand apar "investitiile
> americane" in Romania pana atunci te poti lauda cu noble
> ventures si cam atat.

Teroristu Pacifist
2005-06-14 22:02:08

Re: Paul

Romania ESTE atenta - vezi chestia cu axa pentru care s-au stricat atitea taste pe forumul asta!

La 2005-06-14 17:02:10, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> "atlanticismului" unor europeni : economia, bat-o vina.In
> plus, "atlanticistii" isi dau seama ca Europa nu poate sa
> cheltuiasca atit cit ar fi necesar pentru aparare si deci tot America
> trebuie sa plateasca pentru ei. Dar pentru asta, trebue sa te declari
> "atlanticist". Adica "sa-l pupi in bot si sa-i papi
> tot". Eu cred ca oricit de "atlanticist" s-ar declara
> Sarkozy, Franta va ramine tot anti americana si cu o politica
> dubioasa in Est.Deci Romania trebuie sa fie atenta.La 2005-06-14
> 16:17:52, dan toader a scris:
> > deci e normal sa nu prea inteleg unde bati dumneata. fii te rog mai
> > explicit.
> >
> > toate cele bune.
> >
> > La 2005-06-14 16:03:46, Mos Grigore a scris:
> >
> > > They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The geopolitical
> > > consequences of such a decision must also be carefully thought
> > > through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and defense
> > > practice of AT Kearney.
> > >
> > > If the Senate clears a piece of legislation put forward by the House
> > > of Representatives, it would prevent foreign companies that benefit
> > > from government aid from bidding for U.S. contracts - and would
> > > effectively prevent EADS and BAE Systems from pursuing American
> > > work.
> > >
> > > "Even though the U.S. budget is expected to plateau in the next
> > > few years, it's still where you want to be," said Gareth Evans,
> > > with AT Kearney's aerospace and defense practice.
> > >
> > > EADS and BAE Systems, which respectively own 80% and 20% of Airbus,
> > > would be prevented from seeking U.S. contracts if the legislation
> > > were passed.
> > >
> > > The legislation is designed to affect not just the biggest defense
> > > companies, the prime contractors as they're known, but also smaller
> > > players further down the industry's food chain as well joint-venture
> > > partners.
> > >
> > > The changes would also hit Thales SA. The major shareholders in Thales
> > > are the French state, telecommunications-equipment maker Alcatel, and
> > > Dassault Aviation.
> > >
> > > However, passage of the legislation is no sure thing.
> > > "I don't think for a second that the Senate will approve
> > > it," said Doug McVitie of consultancy Arran Aerospace.
> > >
> > > The bill was resurrected to keep EADS out of a lucrative Boeing tanker
> > > refueling contract. Now that EADS has announced it will partner with
> > > Northrop Grumman to bid on the contract, the legislation is likely to
> > > be dropped.
> > >
> > > The U.S. budget is all the more important with no near-term prospects
> > > for a unified European defense budget, especially after the recent
> > > rejections of the European constitution in France and the
> > > Netherlands.
> > > As a result, European aerospace firms are likely to step up their
> > > offensive for coveted Pentagon spending.
> > >
> > > "The lack of a unified defense budget is certainly a
> > > problem," said Alex Dorrian, chief executive of Thales U.K., the
> > > division of Thales SA, and executive vice president for international
> > > operations at the Paris Air Show. "If we can find a way to
> > > cooperate more in research and development, then it's for the greater
> > > good of the industry."
> > >
> > > The U.S. defense market is the largest in the world, with a budget of
> > > around $400 billion that's projected to grow to around $500 billion
> > > in the next five years. It dwarfs that of Europe, which reached $38.4
> > > billion in the U.K. in 2004, $29.5 billion in France and $24 billion
> > > in Germany.
> > >
> > > Different methods
> > >
> > > Different European countries go about chasing Pentagon contracts in
> > > various ways.
> > >
> > > The British, especially BAE Systems PLC (TICKER:BAE) (TICKER:UK:BA) ,
> > > like to go out and acquire profitable American defense contractors.
> > > BAE spent $800 million in 2004 to buy five U.S. defense companies,
> > > the largest of which was DigitalNet, an IT group, for $616 million
> > >
> > > In March, BAE's North America division announced its latest purchase:
> > > the more than $4 billion acquisition of United Defense Industries
> > > "It gives them market access and more scale, which usually helps
> > > boost the share price," said Evans.
> > >
> > > The strategy, however, has a major drawback: it doesn't allow the
> > > European owner to repatriate technology. "It gets to the point
> > > where a European company that owns a U.S. firm won't be allowed to
> > > sit in on some tech meetings"" said Evans.
> > > Thales' Dorrian agrees that buying U.S. companies can be tricky. The
> > > move doesn't allow the buyer to justify synergies based on the
> > > repatriation of technology to Europe. In addition, the acquired
> > > company must stay in the U.S., employ a mainly U.S. management team
> > > and generally maintain its U.S.-centric identity.
> > >
> > > Partly for those reasons, European companies generally prefer the
> > > joint-venture option. French engine maker Snecma SA, a unit of Safran
> > > , works with General Electric Co. to make engines for Boeing.
> > >
> > > Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland, owned by Finmeccanica SpA ,
> > > partnered with Lockheed Martin Corp. and Bell Helicopter and went on
> > > to win the contract for a new fleet of "Marine One"
> > > helicopters for the U.S. president.
> > >
> > > Thales regularly works with U.S. firms like Northrop Grumman and
> > > Boeing to bid for contracts. "You can't be credible in the U.S.
> > > unless you have a partnership with a big U.S. firm," Dorrian
> > > said.
> > >
> > > Only last week, on the eve of the Paris Air Show, European defense
> > > giant EADS confirmed that theory by teaming up with Northrop Grumman
> > > Corp. in a bid to break Boeing's monopoly on supplying
> > > aerial-refueling planes to the U.S. military.
> > >
> > > Asia alternative?
> > >
> > > In the face of this potential tightening of rules across the Atlantic,
> > > European contractors are increasingly turning to Asia as an
> > > alternative market.
> > >
> > > Indeed, the battle for market share will heat up in Asia, consultancy
> > > AT Kearney said in a recent study on the aerospace and defense
> > > industry.
> > > The potential of the Asian market is in evidence here at the air show
> > > in Le Bourget, signaled by the larger exhibition areas the region
> > > occupies this year. Asia's demographic boom means its transportation
> > > needs will skyrocket in the next few years. China, for example, is
> > > expected to order 1,000 planes over the next decade.
> > >
> > > Of the nine aircraft orders that J.P. Morgan believes may be placed at
> > > the Paris Air Show, five will likely be from Asian carriers and three
> > > from the Middle East. These two regions already represent 40% of
> > > Boeing's and Airbus' backlog, despite comprising only 20% of all
> > > aircraft in service.
> > > On the defense side, however, the situation is trickier. The weapon
> > > arms embargo imposed by the European Union upon on China, in
> > > particular, is something European companies would be eager to see
> > > lifted.
> > >
> > > "They can't unilaterally decide to lift the embargo. The
> > > geopolitical consequences of such a decision must also be carefully
> > > thought through," said Eric Bernardini, with the aerospace and
> > > defense practice of AT Kearney.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Teroristu Pacifist
2005-06-14 22:05:51

Re: Dane - nu stiu inca daca este cistigatoare,

dar este (deja) clar ca este inteligenta: sah la UE!

Sorry - am sters din comentariile anterioare pentru ca erau cam lungi.

La 2005-06-14 17:45:13, dan toader a scris:

> 0 dolari. in schimb are o influenta politica similara cu a celor care
> platesc contributii la bugetul de extindere. plusuri si minusuri.
> romania trebuie sa fie la fel de prudenta cu usa nu doar cu germania
> sau franta.
> eu zic ca ar trebui lasat la o parte obsesia cu franta fiindca desi nu
> e pro-americana cei care decid in est sunt nemtii. ei spun ce si cum e
> plata.
> vedem. deocamdata nu e nimic decis decat ca basescu a angajat tara in
> trena americii, miscare deocamdata castigatoare.

Paul din Ohio
2005-06-14 22:17:46

Re: paule, la ora asta ue plateste tot ce inseamna alea 10 de intrara. america ioc. asta o fi motivul.P.S.

Acelas lucru este valabil si pentru Germania si Austria ( Petrom). La 2005-06-14 22:00:32, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Shadow, romanii o duc din ce in ce mai au.Din pacate acel ceva se duce
> in buzunarele mafiotilor locali si ale afaceristilor europeni.In al
> doilea rind, Gas de France este o companie de stat si deci Franta,
> cind "da" ceva Romaniei, de fapt subsidizeaza companii de
> stat franceze, cu bani platiti de toti europenii.
> P.S. Cred ca stii cum s-au soldat incercarile timide ale
> investitorilor americani in Romania. Pentru o companie americana
> exista legi drastice impotriva darii de mita si deci a incurajarii
> coruptiei in tarile in care opereaza..La 2005-06-14 18:57:41, Shadow
> a scris:
> > > O plati Europa ceva, dar cine plateste "abonamentele" la
> > > Ruhr Gas si la Gas de France?La 2005-06-14 17:45:13, dan toader a
> > 
> > Acel "ceva" este cu mult mai mare decat "nimic".
> > Atat ruhr gas cat si gas de France sunt societati si nu
> > "tari". Prost nu e ala care cere ci cel care da. Cum o dai
> > nu iti iese. Astept sa ma anunti cand apar "investitiile
> > americane" in Romania pana atunci te poti lauda cu noble
> > ventures si cam atat.
> > 
> > 

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