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neamtu tiganu
2005-04-22 00:12:26

Sa-l lasam pa Basescu

Marele joc in care SUA si Rusia se gasesc pe pozitii antagonice in spatiul ex-sovietic.

Ce se poate intelege din acesta propozitie? Cum adica sunt pa pozitii antagoniste? Cum ar trebui sa fie, ar trebui oare rusii sa renunte la tot si sa zica "veniti bai americani", sa-i intimpine cu vodca si borsh?

Francezii astia nu pricep nimica. Da tare le place sa analizeze. Nu cumva l-au angajat pa Dan Pavel la Figaro.

Figaro sus, Figaro jos, ce pretentii sa ai de la un frizer!

George W. Bush
2005-04-22 00:40:44

Re: Sa-l lasam pa Basescu..

La 2005-04-22 00:12:26, neamtu tiganu a scris:

Francezii astia nu pricep nimica. Da tare le place sa analizeze. Nu
cumva l-au angajat pa Dan Pavel la Figaro.
Nu.Pa Pavel l-a angajat consilier Fecali,pardon,Becali,
speranta tuturor romanilor dapa tot mapamondu'.
Ura,ura,Fecali for president!

2005-04-22 01:19:46

Basescu ar trebui sa fie atent la dojeni !

"Presedintele (Traian Basescu, n.red.) confunda "alianta" cu "vasalitatea" in fata americanilor, considera jurnalul francez Le Figaro, intr-un articol publicat ieri despre nemultumirile Parisului fata de politica trans-atlantica promovata de Traian Basescu."

Basescu se cam comporta ca un vasal fata de USA. Sint convinsa ca nu la fel o sa reactioneze daca americanii

Le Figaro se teme de ranchiuna lui Basescu
"Cu ce se aseamana aceasta disputa? Noul presedinte roman va manifesta vreun soi de ranchiuna in privinta Frantei?" se intreaba in continuare Le Figaro. "In realitate, presedintele roman doreste sa isi transforme tara intr-o putere regionala si, dupa exemplul Poloniei, care, inainte de aderarea sa la

Pai este la moda acum ranchiuna impotriva Frantei si francezilo , se doar si pe forumulasta !

Pentru Basescu , aratarea ranchiunei pa tari din UE ne va face si mai uriti in Europa.

2005-04-22 02:21:53

La frantzuzu mofluz, cordialitatea cu SUA e "vasalitate" iar vasalitatea fatza de Frantza e "reflex european".

Ce ipocritzi nerushinatzi !!

2005-04-22 02:26:25

Producatoru de poshirca al frantzulu a inceput sa se ia la batae cu politzia: Vive la France!!

Southern French wine growers turn violent

Thursday 21st April, 2005 (UPI)

Wine growers in southern France, hit by falling consumption, competition from other nations and lots of production from northern France, are turning violent.

A demonstration which began peacefully in Narbonne by some 10,000 growers seeking more help from Paris and Brussels erupted into a clash with police, the Independent reported Thursday.

Some 50 young wine growers plus a handful of anarchists threw Molotov cocktails, stones and flares at riot police Wednesday.

The demonstrators were angry that, having cut their production, growers in northern regions boosted theirs, thus reducing wine prices across France. They also demanded a one-year moratorium on property taxes and social charges plus more aid, specifically for southerners.

Wine growers from southern France also want the European Union to double the amount of French wine it buys each year. The EU buys hundreds of millions of gallon of wine yearly for use in industry, thus helping prop up the price of wine.

Other factors hurting southern French wine makers are declining domestic consumption and competition from other nations' wine growers.

2005-04-22 02:29:58

Frantzujii lashi shi ipocritzi refuza sa opreasca genocidul din Africa

PE SCURT: SUA vrea ca NATO sa intervina in genocidul din Sudan - unde prietenii lui Cati, arabii, ucide zeci de mii de negri nevinovatzi numai pentru ca sint creshtini - cine se opune? FRANTZA.


U.S. at Odds with France on NATO Role in Darfur

By Mark John
VILNIUS (Reuters) - The United States urged NATO on Thursday to respond quickly to any request for help in the Darfur conflict, but France insisted the alliance could not be the "gendarme of the world."

Despite NATO hints it would be ready to help a 2,000-strong African Union mission struggling to monitor a shaky ceasefire in the region, the AU has so far not made any request for support.

But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who raised the conflict at wide-ranging NATO talks in Lithuania, said it should be ready to offer help with logistics and planning if asked.

"If there is a request, I would hope NATO would activate quickly ... We all have a responsibility to do what we can to alleviate the suffering in Darfur," she said.
However French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier disagreed that there was a role for NATO in Darfur and stressed that Africans should retain the lead in peace efforts.
"NATO does not have a calling to be the gendarme of the world," he told a news conference at the same meeting.
The AU troops are not mandated as peacekeepers and have limited powers to protect civilians in Darfur, a region the size of France in western Sudan. Survivors of militia attacks have demanded that peacekeepers be sent into the war-torn region.

Tens of thousands have been killed and more than 2 million uprooted by two years of fighting between non-Arab rebels and the Arab-dominated government. Khartoum denies accusations it is backing militias known as Janjaweed.


French officials see the European Union as better suited to helping in the region than NATO. The alliance's involvement would mean a further U.S. presence on a continent where former colonial power France is keen to retain strategic influence.

NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who has also mooted a role for the alliance in Darfur, stressed the aim was "not to have NATO boots on the ground" but to offer support.

"NATO has the most sophisticated planning machinery in the world," he told reporters.
The disagreement on Darfur came at NATO talks where France also rejected a U.S.-backed initiative to turn the alliance into a transatlantic forum for debate on broad strategic issues.

Washington backs proposals by de Hoop Scheffer to broaden the 26-member alliance's remit, seeing it as a way for its voice to be heard in European policy-making.
Rice on Wednesday described NATO as "the premier forum" for transatlantic political dialogue and said NATO allies should be able to use it to discuss any issue affecting them.
"We want to use NATO more, and more efficiently," she said.
But Barnier said key issues such as Iran's nuclear program were better dealt with elsewhere and stressed that the EU insisted on full autonomy over its own policy decisions.
"NATO is first and foremost a military organization," Barnier said, adding that other bodies such as the United Nations were better suited to dealing with issues like the nuclear programs of North Korea or Iran.

2005-04-22 03:02:51

Sa nu-ti lasi serviciul si sa devii analist politic !

> Basescu se cam comporta ca un vasal fata de USA. Sint convinsa ca nu
> la fel o sa reactioneze daca americanii

Basescu se comporta cum vrea !
De unde are dreptul politicienii francezi ( niste coacaze fara putere in Lume ) sa dicteze ce sa spuna?
Nu-i place economia socialista si asta e adevarul.
Era vorba de economie si e normal sa spuna ca este impresionat de performanta engleza. Ca lui Napoleon nu-i place, e treaba lui. Auzi tu pretentii !!! O tara agrara ca Franta nu suporta critici....

2005-04-22 03:12:13

Cine se scuza se acuza -- EU NEAGA ca i-ar mitui pe alega(r)tori ca sa se-mbete shi sa puna shtampila pe "Oui".

2005-04-22 03:14:14

Ipocritzii de frantzuji se zbat in contra tuturor ca China sa primeasca arme interzise - Vive la France !

France Not Softening on Push to Lift China Arms Embargo
By Patrick Goodenough
CNSNews.com International Editor
April 21, 2005

Pacific Rim Bureau (CNSNews.com) - The French government is pressing on with its campaign to end the European Union arms embargo on China, despite opposition from the U.S., Japan, European lawmakers, and human rights campaigners.

The E.U. recently began to back away from a plan to lift the 16-year-old ban by the middle of this year, prompted in part by unhappiness over a new Chinese law permitting the use of force to prevent Taiwan's breakaway.

An informal meeting of E.U. foreign ministers last Friday ended with representatives expressing doubts that the embargo could be lifted soon. (Poate ar trebui sa o trimita shi pe CATI in China, ca arma biologica nr. 1.)

Shortly beforehand, the European Parliament voted 431 to 85 in favor of a report urging the 25-member union not to lift the embargo. The report cited concerns about human rights as well as the "anti-secession" law allowing force against Taiwan.

But French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, who began a visit to Beijing on Thursday, made it clear that Paris would continue to press for the "unfair" embargo to end.

In an interview with the official Xinhua news agency, he said the E.U. was following only one "roadmap" on the issue - to reach consensus on lifting the ban during the first half of 2005, in line with a decision taken by E.U. heads of government last December.

Raffarin said the E.U. was convinced that China, as a responsible country and a large power, would continue to live in harmony with its neighbors and play a larger role in maintaining world peace and stability.

The embargo was imposed after China sent in the military to crush pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

In Europe, opposition to ending the sanctions is primarily driven by unease about continuing human rights abuses in China.

The U.S. and Japan have strong objections to a move that could result in China's rapidly-modernizing military being armed with advanced European weapons in the event of a future conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

Influential U.S. lawmakers have threatened to end defense cooperation with E.U. countries if the sanctions are removed.

Luxembourg holds the E.U. rotating presidency until June, when Britain takes over. The initial proposal called for ending the embargo before Luxembourg relinquishes the chair, as Britain is reluctant to tackle such a sensitive issue during its presidency.

Raffarin did not explain how France intended to get E.U. consensus before June, but he did say the decision "is to be taken between Europeans," and that efforts where underway to "reassure" the U.S.

U.S. undersecretary of state Nicholas Burns told lawmakers last week that the administration would shortly begin a "strategic dialogue" with the E.U., covering issues like the arms embargo.

Burns said the E.U. had not made a compelling case for ending the ban on weapons sales, and U.S. officials would use the dialogue to ensure the Europeans understood the dangers that lifting it would pose to regional security.

Proponents of ending the ban, led by France and Germany, argue that doing so would be more symbolic than practical, and would not lead to a significant surge in weapons sales to China.

Beijing characterizes the embargo as "discriminatory" and has been lobbying hard for its removal.

2005-04-22 03:18:11

Psihoza antiamericana - boala unei natzii care nu mai e in stare sa faca absolut NIMIC de una singura

A psychosis in the French soul

George Walden reviews The American Enemy by Philippe Roger.

Here is a tasty statistic: when the US went into Iraq a survey showed that America's popularity plunged everywhere - except in France. The French opposed the invasion vehemently, but the country was already so saturated in anti-Americanism that the index scarcely flickered. Which makes Philippe Roger, a professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, a brave and lonely man. His book is that seemingly impossible thing: an attack on French Americophobia written by a Frenchman. For, as he demonstrates in this scholarly yet highly entertaining work, the French allergy to all things American is a national psychosis which today tells us more about the condition of France than it does about the United States.

Something went awry in the French world view almost as soon as America was discovered. It seems amazing, but in the eyes of French naturalists of the 17th century the new continent was noteworthy chiefly for the piffling size of its flora and fauna, and for its moronic, feeble-spirited inhabitants. Perceived as small, wet and poisonous, America was a "lesser world" of which no good could ever come. Claims like these persisted into the 18th century, which was why Thomas Jefferson brought a seven-foot carcass of a moose to Paris.

Still, the French did not want to know. Alexis de Tocqueville's great work of qualified praise for American democracy, De la démocratie en Amérique, was printed in a mere 500 copies, and his reputation took a knock when he prophesied that the dispute over slavery would not lead to civil war. Although France followed the course of the conflict passionately, it was not from pro-black sentiment, but in the naked hope that it was a war from which America could never recover. From that day to this, when books about the decline and fall of America pour from French presses, the aspiration persists that somehow, sometime America can be wished away.

The psychosis, begun at the intellectual level, communicated itself to the nation. When the Americans unexpectedly beat the French at rugby in the 1924 Olympics in Paris, a mob tried to lynch the winning team. President Woodrow Wilson had his lynching at the hands of the French press earlier, at the Paris Peace Conference, when his idealistic approach to foreign affairs brought accusations of attempting to play God. Prohibition was to persuade some Frenchmen that puritanism had actually driven the Americans insane. Meanwhile, reports by distinguished French visitors to the US were always the same: no food, no books, no intellectual life, appallingly unfeminine women - and, most infuriating of all, no concierges.

Anti-Americanism increased in bitterness during the interwar years, in inverse proportion to French perceptions of their own national decline. The American role in liberating France earned a nod of appreciation - although obviously it had only come to Europe's aid to enslave her in debt - but with the domination of Marxism in postwar France it was soon back to the old game. Leftists argued that America was the true totalitarian country, more dangerous than the Nazis because of its pretence that its dictatorship didn't exist - the last trick of the devil himself, n'est-ce pas?

"Rabid animals" was Sartre's somewhat rabid phrase for Americans after the execution of the Rosenbergs (Communist spies whose treason has recently been confirmed). His solution was to "break all ties that bind us to America". This he did, refusing to go there, which proved useful, since he never had to justify his increasingly surreal claims about American Cold War atrocities to US audiences. The boycott by the intellectual Left had the effect of sealing France even more hermetically in her anti-American neuroses.

During the German occupation, when French anti-Semitic collaborators had no reason to disguise the real roots of their hatred, it had seemed that a ne plus ultra of crazed invective had been reached: it was then that America's addiction to jazz was explained by "the Negro character inherent in the Jewish race". It would be funny, except that similar obscenities continue to our day. Some are casual, such as a recent film review in Le Monde that, commenting on the ambition of the American film industry to dominate the planet with its images, concluded: "Goebbels said the same thing about German images in his day." And some are sick, like the huge sales of the French book alleging that the Americans had blown up the Twin Towers themselves. Sicker still was the admission by the philosopher Jean Baudrillard after 9/11 of "the prodigious jubilation in seeing this global superpower destroyed... Ultimately they [Muslims] were the ones who did it, but we were the ones who wanted it."

Clearly, French culture has suffered provocation. It would be silly to dismiss French complaints about the average American's astounding ignorance of Europe, the French contempt for the crassness of much American popular culture, and most recently the horrifying prospect of big American buyers forcing French vineyards to make their subtly variegated products taste more like that turgid, over-rich Californian grape-juice which passes for red wine. But France's real problem with America is that it exists, and to that there seems no solution.

The advent of President Bush has not improved things, although French antagonism remains constant, whoever is in charge in Washington - a malignant infatuation with the force of perverted love. The only thing that might mitigate the pain is if French artistic and intellectual life - her cinema, literature, architecture, science and universities - were to undergo a miraculous efflorescence, and America's were to wither, but for the moment things are tending in the opposite direction.

For all its amusing vignettes, Philippe Roger's message is sober, and a foreword asks an excellent question: how far is the demonising of America, not just in France but the world over, helping to convert a war of words into a more fearsome conflict?

The English rendering of Roger's book is sometimes awkward, but that is not unusual. French style and French concepts simply do not translate easily into English, and vice versa. Which of course is the problem, although after reading this book one's standard reaction - "Vive la différence" - is somewhat muted.

2005-04-22 03:26:19

Frantza ia partea dictatorilor criminali: pt Airbusuri vindute, Frantza tradeaza Taivanul democratic RUSHINE!!!!!

France Backs China on Taiwan

In Beijing, Raffarin supported a controversial stance on Taiwan

During a state visit to China, French Premier Raffarin threw SUPPORT behind a law allowing China to ATTACK TAIWAN and continued to push for a lift of the EU arms embargo.

At the outset of a three-day visit to China, French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said he supported Beijing's "anti-secession" law on Taiwan, and vowed to keep pushing for an end to an EU arms embargo that could open the door for Paris to sell weapons to the Asian giant.

Raffarin also signed or finalized major business deals with Beijing valued at around $3.2 billion (2.4 billion euros).

Appearing to put his government at odds with the European Union, Raffarin said at the outset of the three day visit that Paris had no objections to the anti-secession law.

"The anti-secession law is completely compatible with the position of France," he said in a joint press conference with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao (photo).

'Anachronistic' embargo

At the same time, he vowed that his government would continue to push for the lifting of what he called the "anachronistic" and "discriminatory" arms embargo against China. The embargo contradicts the current "strategic partnership" between the EU and China, he added.

During his visit to Beijing on Thursday, China Eastern Airlines and Shenzhen Airlines signed a deal with the European consortium Airbus to buy a total of 10 A319/A320 planes. And China Southern completed an agreement on its purchase of five A380 super jumbos.

The deals were signed between the carriers and the European consortium's vice-president, Philippe Delmas, who is in China accompanying Raffarin on his visit.

China's Airbus business

In talking to news agencies, Delmas said the deals were "not letters of intent, but firm contracts." China is responsible for one-sixth of Airbus's annual deliveries, he noted.

France has lobbied hard for Airbus sales in China, and its close political ties with Beijing appear to have helped smooth the way for the deals.

Ahead of the visit, Raffarin had stressed his commitment to push the EU to lift its 16-year-old EU arms embargo against China by the end of June. In an interview with China's Xinhua news agency Wednesday, Raffarin reiterated the EU's decision, taken at a summit in December, to work toward lifting the arms embargo by late June.

He added that the decision should be Europe's alone, and noted that Europe is working to convince Washington of its position.

"France continues to require the lifting of the embargo and does not see what could lead the European Council to change its position on the subject," Raffarin said Thursday in a joint press conference with Wen.

Potential growth

The airplane deals penned Thursday are estimated to be worth some $500 million to $600 million, Airbus said.

Some 20 other previously announced contracts were also finalized during the ceremony. Taken together, the value of the deals comes to around $3.2 billion, Delmas said.

"This is a very big market ... in the first four months of the year it grew by 40 percent over the same period last year," Delmas told news agencies.

2005-04-22 03:30:33

Francezii ar trebui s'o lase mai moale

Nu sunt pro-American si nici nu am sprijinit rezbelu din Irak pe care Americanii l'au inceput, dar pentru Romania alianta cu America era unica si este inca unica noastra alegere. Bine inteles ca pare a vasalitate. Cum sa nu fie vasalitate? Cand ati vazut voi un stat asa puternic precum America sa trateze la egal o tarisoara mica ca Romania?

Dar Europenii ce au fost de la Al doilea razboi mondial pana in 1991, cand tremuram de frica URSSului?

In fond Francezii care chiar sunt o putere in Europa nu ar trebui sa ne critice pe noi ca vrem si noi sa devenim o putere regionala in coltisorul nostru de continent. Realitatea e ca Frantzushii ar vrea ca sa le fim vasali lor si ai UE decat vasalii Americanilor. ASTA A ADEVARATA SUPARARE...

2005-04-22 03:32:34

Nou sondaj de opinie in Irac --- ciudat, irachienii NU striga "Vive la France" !!

New poll from Iraq

Our special correspondent and translator Haider Ajina wants you to know about a new opinion poll from Iraq. It was published in the April 18 edition of Iraqi Arabic newspaper "Almidhar".

778 Baghdadis were asked:

"Do you support the pull out of foreign troops?

"At once - 12.56%

"According to a future timetable - 81.80%

"Do not know - 5.64%

"Has the security situation improved since the start of the new government?

"Yes - 55%

"No - 35%

"No change - 10%"

Haider also writes:

"Most of us read, heard and saw the medias report of the April 9th demonstrations in Baghdad. Most of the U.S. media portrayed it as a massive anti American demonstration in the streets of Iraq.

I noticed, however, from Iraqi Arabic newspapers that most the demonstrations were against terrorism & calling for Saddam's trial & hanging (all these signs were in Arabic). I called my father in Baghdad to confirm this and he confirmed it.

It was then confirmed that Al Sadr had asked his followers to demonstrate for the withdrawal of foreign troops, he also said that this group was very small and almost insignificant compared to the rest who were calling for Saddam's trial & hanging and those against terrorism.

The Iraqi media reported the number like this 'about 200,000 demonstrators of which 8,000-10,000 were Al-Sadr & Sunni supporters' (strange bed fellows). He also said that when he listened to the Iraqi elected officials (on live T.V.) in the assembly, that every one (every one including those Sunnis initially opposed to the elections), every man and woman assembly member, reiterated the importance of foreign and specifically U.S. troops staying in Iraq till Iraq is ready to take over its own security. Most of them expressed their thanks for the troops being there and freeing Iraqis from Saddam. This I did not read, hear or see in any U.S. mainstream media outlet.

"These are the people Iraq elected, asking us to stay and thanking us. The poll shows only 12% want us to leave at once.

2005-04-22 03:35:13

Nainte ca Sh'Irac s-apara la TV, 53% votau contra - dupa ce Sh'Iracu a "aparat" constitutzia, numarul de NU a CRESCUT !!

Something astounding occurred last week at France, is the way it was put in a wire to us by one of our correspondents in Gaul, Michel Gurfinkiel. It seems that President Chirac went on television to defend the European Constitution. He was on for two hours and discussed the matter with what Mr. Gurfinkiel characterizes as all kinds of young people. Yet a day later, opposition to the constitution in France soared to 56% from 53%. This has sent the various elites into a continental lather in advance of France's referendum on the constitution, which is set for May 29. It seems the European Constitution won't go into effect unless all 25 nations of the European Union approve the document.

According to the Associated Press, despite the gain in the "no" camp, the latest poll results, which were published in the daily Le Parisien, showed that 59% of those questioned were generally in favor of a European Constitution. But the AP said the results suggested that Monsieur Chirac had failed to provide solid arguments for the document now on the table. It said that 55% of those questioned remained unconvinced that the proposed constitution would bring social advances. During the debate, the AP said, Monsieur Chirac had warned that if France failed to approve the constitution it would, "at least for a while ... stop existing politically inside this Europe."

Normally Americans would be tempted to treat all this with indifference, if we were to treat it at all, but it seems that the approaching referendum is not unrelated to America. According to the Economist magazine, the Socialist Party in France selected the following billboard slogan: "Yes to a strong Europe facing the USA," and the magazine quotes a deputy from Monsieur Chirac's own party as quipping that a good yes line might be, "A no vote to Europe is a yes to Bush." It has more than a little element of truth, owing to overlap between the factions pushing for the European Constitution and the factions opposing Mr. Bush's strategy in the war on terror, including the liberator of Iraq.

We have the sense that, while the proposed European Constitution allows for some independence among nations in foreign affairs, the constitution up for ratification would have made it, were it already in effect, much more difficult for America to have gotten the kind of support in the current war that it has received from, say, Poland or Italy or even pre-3/11 Spain - or, for that matter, Britain. It strikes us as being in America's interest to see the French vote "non" and for America and Britain to focus their energies on building the kind of American-Anglo condominium that was being talked of by Mrs. Thatcher after her famous speech at Bruges.

We say that well aware of the history of barbarism among the Europeans, whose lands are dotted with graveyards to those who died for the monarchies and bigotries that have gone on the march every few decades. We understand that the idea of a European union was animated partly by the hope of, finally, conquering the savage strain among the Europeans from which so many here in America barely escaped. But plowing through the nearly 200 pages of the European Constitution, one can't help but sense that the whole enterprise has become a contraption much like the United Nations, one that is, in the end, going to be a disappointment and a cover for a new round of mischief. If the French vote "non" the bet here is that it won't be only the French people who will sigh with relief.

2005-04-22 03:39:44

Politzia frantzuza bate copiii pentru ca protesteaza - Miron Cozma, eshti ashteptat in Frantza - Vive la France!!!

2005-04-22 03:41:32

Obez shi BEAT critza, Depardieu, "marele" actor frantzuz, se face de ris la televiziune - Vive la France !!!

Gérard Depardieu took his reputation as a bon viveur to the limit this week in an apparently drunken outburst on national television.

Giving what was arguably his best on-screen performance in some time, the 56-year-old appeared on this week's edition of the cultural talk show Ça balance à Paris to promote his new cookery book, Ma cuisine.

Apparently angered by a criticism of the book from fellow guest and journalist Martin Monestier, Depardieu launched into a vicious verbal attack, repeatedly calling Monestier "un abruti" (a prat). Monestier responded with good humour, saying, "You're quite right, it's good to get things off your chest. You can even use some other words if you like." Unfortunately, Depardieu was only too happy to take him up on the offer, adding that he was also a "tête de lard" (dickhead) just a few moments later.

Despite attempts by Michel Field, the show's visibly embarrassed presenter, to restore some order, Depardieu continued to slur his way through an incoherent verbal attack on critics. "I don't like critics. I like critics when they are right. When they are positive ... Or even negative ..."

At this point, as if noticing for the first time the presence of fellow guest Mazarine Pingeot, daughter of the former French president François Mitterrand, he proceeded to exclaim loudly, "Hello beautiful! I didn't see you there!" before extravagantly planting a kiss on her cheek.

After six long television minutes, the hurried arrival of the next guest, the patisserie chef Pierre Hermé, saved the day. Depardieu was invited to sample one of the delicious creations he had brought along, providing a welcome respite from his ramblings.

The actor is not the first celebrity to appear in an apparently drunken state on television: the singer Serge Gainsbourg shocked the nation by setting fire to a 500 franc note on screen.

Once the star of critically acclaimed films such as Jean de Florette (1986) and Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) and acknowledged as France's greatest living actor, these days Depardieu is known more for his commercial ventures. By his own admission it has been more than a decade since he made a film of any real merit, opting instead for more lucrative deals for parts such as Obélix in the Astérix movies or the camp, fur-loving French fashion designer in the Hollywood production of 101 Dalmations.

He also has two Paris restaurants, including L'Ecaille de la Fontaine, jointly owned with his partner, the actress Carole Bouquet.

2005-04-22 03:47:45

De ce n-are grija frantzuzu de reflexul LUI "european"? Acum le tzitziie "derieru" de soarta euroiulu

FRANKFURT (Reuters) -

The unspeakable is being whispered -- could the euro currency project fail?

In economic research reports and newspaper columns, European Central Bank watchers have begun to speculate on the fate of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) should French voters reject the European constitution next month.

"The euro at risk" was the headline of a Deutsche Bank report to its clients on Monday. "Its life expectancy may soon be regarded as finite," Financial Times columnist Wolfgang Munchau wrote the same day.

Supporters of the constitution say it is vital for ensuring that the European Union functions properly after the bloc's expansion last year. But opinion polls show a clear majority of French voters plan to reject it in a referendum on May 29.

The constitution needs backing from all 25 member states and some analysts say its failure could lead to a reversal of European political integration.

"The EU could disintegrate toward a free-trade zone," said WestLB Financial Markets on Tuesday. "Such developments would spell disaster for EMU and the ECB."

Certainly a collapse of the second biggest monetary bloc in the world remains a distant and unlikely prospect. Europe usually muddles through its crises.

Yet these rumblings are more than scare tactics. The euro is only six years old, and its launch contradicted economic theory. Skeptics argued that currency union cannot work without political union because unified fiscal and macroeconomic policies are needed to complement a single monetary policy.

The fear is they may be proved right.

The EU's answer was the Stability and Growth Pact, which provided a strict fiscal framework for monetary union, and the sweeping 10-year economic reforms of the Lisbon Agenda aimed at making Europe more competitive. But these struts to monetary union were weakened last month when EU leaders watered down the fiscal rules and delayed structural reforms.

That economic backsliding is compounded by a looming political crisis. If France, a founding member of the EU, were to vote no by a large majority on May 29, the Netherlands, another core EU member, may follow suit when it votes three days later, leading to a reversal of EU political integration. This is what unnerves analysts.

"That could lead to break up of EMU," said Eric Chaney, European economist at Morgan Stanley.
"It is a real risk," agreed Paul de Grauwe, international economics professor at Leuven University in Belgium and adviser to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.


The financial price to pay could be heavy, said Chaney and Deutsche Bank's chief European economist Thomas Mayer.

Merely the threat of postponing EU political integration would encourage investors to move capital out of the euro zone and to sell the euro currency. Long-term risk premia on sovereign debt, especially for heavily-indebted euro zone countries, would rise, they said.

The possibility of France leaving the EU and EMU breaking up is very low, Chaney said. But even a slight rise in a distant threat could have important consequences for financial markets.

"If the second biggest player in the EU were to take its chips out, the rationale for monetary union disintegrates. The euro would react quite quickly," he said.

For the European Central Bank, a falling currency and questions about EMU viability when money supply and credit growth is already very strong would worsen inflationary risks. The ECB would have to respond by raising interest rates to safeguard the euro, said Mayer.

Failure to do so "would almost certainly set the stage for a soft-currency, high-inflation EMU, which might break apart some time in the future," he said.


There is a more positive scenario. Far more likely, said Daniel Gros, director of the Center for Economic Policy in Brussels, is that a no vote creates a political crisis, which serves as a call to arms to save EMU.

"Politicians don't care about the Stability Pact. They don't care about the Lisbon Agenda. In fact they probably gain political points by beating up on it," he said.

"But the costs of abandoning EMU would be extremely serious and they would do everything in their power to prevent it. Their entire electorates would sit up and take notice."
Right now, though, political leaders have scant incentive to undertake the tough economic reforms needed to strengthen monetary union. The political costs are too high.

Voters are angry over proposals to overhaul generous welfare and pension programs and scrap job protection when unemployment is 8.9 percent in the euro zone and rising. With national output growth failing to top 2 percent over the past four years, there are few signs the job market will improve quickly.

A vicious cycle has set in. Weak growth begets government delays in enacting reforms that would reap economic rewards only in the longer term, which begets more economic stagnation. The political backlash mounts and the euro's one-size-fits all interest rate policy gets blamed. Euro zone-wide polls show ebbing support for the single currency.

By other measures, though, monetary union is a success. Inflation is low around 2 percent compared with levels three times that high in some countries in the 1990s. Interest rates are at record lows of 2 percent. The euro currency is strong and European foreign exchange crises are a thing of the past.

What's needed to make EMU truly work is to bring the macro economic policy in line with monetary policy. De Grauwe compares it to a half-completed construction project.

"When we entered monetary union, we entered a beautiful house but it had no roof. That was OK when the weather was fine. But when the weather is not fine, people want to move out."

2005-04-22 04:01:49

Sluga nevolnica

Din pacate asta e Basescu o sluga a americanilor , atitudine care provoaca scirba si dezgust. Asa crede el ca intareste prietenia dintre Romania si SUA? Lingind in mod scirbos bombeurile guvernului american? Ma indoiesc pentru ca in fata americanilor au valoare cei cu coloana vetebrala si care stiu sa fie demni in relatiile dintre tari. Atitudinea lingusitoare de slugarnicie neconditionata provoaca chiar si lui Bush greata , dar nu are ce face, e destept si ia ce i se pune pe tava fara sa dea nimic. Numai ca noi dupa turci, greci, rusi o luam in bot si de la americani care tot promit si nu fac nimic infara sa ne trimeta tinerii sa moara pentru ei. Ba mai mult au aparut pe la noi niste pirliti care au falimentat cu buna stiinta ARO si CS Resita si acum au si tupeul sa ceara despagubiri de sute de milioane de dolari dupa ce au lasat pe drumuri zeci de mii de oameni. Pentru asa ceva te-ai bagat sluga la americani Basescule? Sa-ti fie rusine sau poate o sa mai ai tupeul sa tipi din nou SA TRAITI BINE? Dar ai putintica rabdare ca iti vine si tie rindul sa platesti pentru toate timpeniile care le-ai facut.

2005-04-22 04:07:51

Re: Nou sondaj de opinie in Irac --- ciudat, irachienii NU striga "Vive la France" !!

La 2005-04-22 03:32:34, geo1111 a scris:

> New poll from Iraq
> Our special correspondent and translator Haider Ajina wants you to
> know about a new opinion poll from Iraq. It was published in the
> April 18 edition of Iraqi Arabic newspaper "Almidhar".
> 778 Baghdadis were asked:
> "Do you support the pull out of foreign troops?
> "At once - 12.56%
> "According to a future timetable - 81.80%
> "Do not know - 5.64%
> "Has the security situation improved since the start of the new
> government?
> "Yes - 55%
> "No - 35%
> "No change - 10%"
> Haider also writes:
> "Most of us read, heard and saw the medias report of the April
> 9th demonstrations in Baghdad. Most of the U.S. media portrayed it as
> a massive anti American demonstration in the streets of Iraq.
> I noticed, however, from Iraqi Arabic newspapers that most the
> demonstrations were against terrorism & calling for Saddam's
> trial & hanging (all these signs were in Arabic). I called my
> father in Baghdad to confirm this and he confirmed it.
> It was then confirmed that Al Sadr had asked his followers to
> demonstrate for the withdrawal of foreign troops, he also said that
> this group was very small and almost insignificant compared to the
> rest who were calling for Saddam's trial & hanging and those
> against terrorism.
> The Iraqi media reported the number like this 'about 200,000
> demonstrators of which 8,000-10,000 were Al-Sadr & Sunni
> supporters' (strange bed fellows). He also said that when he listened
> to the Iraqi elected officials (on live T.V.) in the assembly, that
> every one (every one including those Sunnis initially opposed to the
> elections), every man and woman assembly member, reiterated the
> importance of foreign and specifically U.S. troops staying in Iraq
> till Iraq is ready to take over its own security. Most of them
> expressed their thanks for the troops being there and freeing Iraqis
> from Saddam. This I did not read, hear or see in any U.S. mainstream
> media outlet.
> "These are the people Iraq elected, asking us to stay and
> thanking us. The poll shows only 12% want us to leave at once.
Si ce vrei bai sa spui ca striga Traiasca America? Hai ca esti stupid mon cher si nu uita ca daca nu era Franta pe care o tavalesti tu in noroi nu mai exista America ta de astazi pe care o ridici atit in slavi. Ca sa ajungi sa spui ca irakieni sunt fericiti de prezenta americanilor in Irak este ca si cum ai spune ca evreii se pupa cu palestinieni in plina strada. Zau stirnesti risul cu prostiile tale.

2005-04-22 04:14:00

Re: Sluga nevolnica

La 2005-04-22 04:01:49, Tyranosaurusrex a scris:

> Din pacate asta e Basescu o sluga a americanilor , atitudine care
> provoaca scirba si dezgust. Asa crede el ca intareste prietenia
> dintre Romania si SUA?

Mai citeste si mai documenteazate ! Basescu a spus ca nu ar vrea economie socialista ca cea a frantzei. De unde ai scos tu ca prin asta e supus US ? Potzi documenta ?
Supunerea cu pumnul in gura a francezilor e mai demna ?
El a spus ce crede . Sa minta ? Economia franceza este in recesiune de 20 ani ! Tu pe ce lume traiesti ?

2005-04-22 04:20:06

Re: Francezii ar trebui s'o lase mai moale

Realitatea e ca Frantzushii ar vrea
> ca sa le fim vasali lor si ai UE decat vasalii Americanilor. ASTA A
Politicienii vor Romania sa le fie ruda saraca.
Francezul de rind e comfuz in privinta Romaniei: unde este, care este capitala, nimeni nu stie macar un oras in Romania ( vazut cu ochii mei ) si mai stiu ca in romania sint hotzi de buzunare, hotzi de masini, cersetori.
Pe francez il doare-n spate de ale lui si nu de ce zice Basescu sau iliescu.
Politicienii sint surprinsi ca romanul nu e aplecat si cu pantalonii datzi in jos

2005-04-22 04:58:50


La 2005-04-22 04:14:00, traktorist a scris:

"Economia franceza este  in recesiune de 20 ani ! Tu pe ce lume traiesti ?"

Asa cam cum e-n America acum, nu !?. Si cum e de vreo patru ani incoace, aud !?. Nu-i asa "istetule".

P.S. Mai lasa dracu' tampeniile si aberatiiile cu care intoxici forumul. Ia-o catinel ca faci ulcer. Si ca sa te parafrazez..."hit the book, idiot"...Vad ca ceva tot ti-a intrat in tartacutza pe-aici. Numai ca o aplici unde nu trebuie. Unde trebuie ar fi propria oglinda, dimineatza, cand te speli. Daca te speli.

2005-04-22 05:06:39


La 2005-04-22 04:07:51, Tyranosaurusrex a scris:

"Si ce vrei bai sa spui ca striga Traiasca America? Hai ca esti stupid  mon cher si nu uita ca daca nu era Franta pe care o tavalesti tu in noroi nu mai exista America ta de astazi pe care o ridici atit in slavi. Ca sa ajungi sa spui ca irakieni sunt fericiti de prezenta americanilor in Irak este ca si cum ai spune ca evreii se pupa cu palestinieni in plina strada. Zau stirnesti risul cu prostiile tale.

Nu-i el de vina. E natura. Care cu unii n-a fost prea darnica. Stii povestea aia cu carul cu prosti.
Plus ca-n Haretz nu s-a publicat inca cati mor pe zi in Iraq. De ambele parti.
Dar, ma rog, probabil ca el citeste numai presa "libera" americana. Cu acuratetzea-i cunoscuta. A la Rupert Murdoch.

Hai sa traiesti!

2005-04-22 05:34:53


Figaro-n sus
figaro-n jos
Figaro baiat frumos ' !

Vasile Teodorovici
2005-04-22 05:55:15

Re: privatizari

La 2005-04-22 04:01:49, Tyranosaurusrex a scris:

> Ba mai mult au
> aparut pe la noi niste pirliti care au falimentat cu buna stiinta ARO
> si CS Resita si acum au si tupeul sa ceara despagubiri de sute de

Cazurile Aro si CSR sunt diferite intre ele.
Decizia in cazul combinatului de la Resita, re-nationalizat de guvernul Nastase in 2001, ar putea duce la alte procese privind "probleme" de privatizare aparute in timpul diverselor guverne FSN/FDSN/PDSR/PSD.

Olga Khan
2005-04-22 06:47:48

Re: Obez shi BEAT critza, Depardieu, "marele" actor frantzuz, se face de ris la televiziune - Vive la France !!!

La 2005-04-22 03:41:32, geo1111 a scris:

The actor is not the first celebrity to appear in an apparently drunken state on television: the singer Serge Gainsbourg shocked the nation by setting fire to a 500 franc note on screen.

Once the star of critically acclaimed films such as Jean de Florette (1986) and Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) and acknowledged as France's greatest living actor.

Eu numai beat am vazut pe Gaisbourg, poate exista inca cineva pe Planeta care l-a vazut si treaz ?!?!?!

Nimeni n-a spus pe vremea acea ca s-a facut de ras !!!
Era chiar foarte aplaudat si cu barba de 3 zile, camasa desfacuta, cravata atirna . .. .paharul si tigara nu lipseau insa niciodata si ori ce a spus era la mare inaltime.
Acum nu stiu daca l-ai vazut la tele cand traia inca sau numai postum ?

Ca si Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin sau Dudley Moore etc., mereu cu paharul in mana si erau cooooool si adorati de femei !!!

Si ce daca Depardieu a aparut ametit ??? i-au zis ceva la studio sau tu cher ami geo111, cauti nod in papura ca a fost criticat Basescu pentru una-alta. Nu trebuie sa faci o paralela imediat ca nici presedintii nu sint scutiti de greseli umane !!! N-ar fi corect daca nu s-ar vorbi si ceva in critica de el, nimeni nu este perfect !!!

Si cat de mult mi-au placut filmele lui Depardieu, chiar si Green Card !!!

J'aime aussi passionement France !!!

2005-04-22 07:46:38

Pentru geo1111

Vad ca esti tare prolific mai baiatule in a posta impotriva "frantujilor" n-are importanta ce numai sa fie contra. De la faptul ca Depardieu a fost ametit ca si cum actorii americani nu apar drogati si megastarul Michael Jackson nu ar fi judecat pentru pedofilie pina la ortot felul de prostii cu Airbusuri si altele. Te plateste cineva sa demonstrezi atita obtuzitate?
Ia zi stii cine a eliminat viza pentru romanii care se duc in Spatiul Schengen?
Stii cine iti cereviza daca vrei sa mergi la Washington?
Stii cine a refuzat sa preia fabrica Daewoo de la Craiova a carei licenta pentru Cielo expira in aceasta toamna?
Stii cine doteaza spitalele romanesti?
Stii cine a modernizat fabrica de la Colibasi si a infiintat un centru de kituri la Mioveni? Strategie prin care Dacia Logan se va distribui in toata lumea ?
Stii cine a raspuns ca isi aminteste de curcubeul de la Bucuresti la intrebarea directa daca intrevede un parteneriat cu Romania?
Stii cine a zis ca ridicarea vizelor pentru romanii care vor sa mearga in US este o treaba complicata?
In final realizezi cit de batut in cap te-ai dovedit a fi?

2005-04-22 08:00:45

Asa deci aici erati, la Barbierul din Sevillia.. asadar,

Si ? Ce mai cinta fi gar o:?)..

2005-04-22 08:20:54

Copiii sunt anarhisti apropiati ai unor organizatii de extrema stanga. Merita cateva bastoane. Democratie nu inseamna...

cosor ion
2005-04-22 08:42:36

Re: Francezii ar trebui s'o lase mai moale

La 2005-04-22 04:20:06, traktorist a scris:

>  Realitatea e ca Frantzushii ar vrea
> > ca sa le fim vasali lor si ai UE decat vasalii Americanilor. ASTA A
> > 
> > 
> > 
>  Politicienii vor Romania sa le fie ruda
> saraca.
> Francezul de rind e comfuz in privinta Romaniei: unde este,
>  care este capitala, nimeni nu stie macar un oras in
> Romania ( vazut cu ochii mei ) si mai stiu ca in romania
> sint hotzi de buzunare, hotzi de masini, cersetori.
> Pe francez il doare-n spate de ale lui si nu de ce zice
> Basescu sau iliescu.
> Politicienii sint surprinsi ca romanul nu e aplecat si cu
> pantalonii datzi in jos
de fapt frantujii asa au fost de cind lumea,cu doua fete si obisnuiti sa aiba in jurul lor capete plecate si funduri pregatite.nu mai tine si sa nu uite maharii din UE ca toate trec prin Marea Neagra, si ca Romania,este un fel de poarta la ora actuala.si inca ceva Bush ne trateaza cel putin oficial ca parteneri si prieteni,nu ca alti din UE,care ne dau lectii ca la gradinita

2005-04-22 09:18:07

Re: Nainte ca Sh'Irac s-apara la TV, 53% votau contra - dupa ce Sh'Iracu a "aparat" constitutzia, numarul de NU a CRESCUT !!


Guvernul francez in frunte cu Monsieur le president, ca sa convinga natziunea sa voteze in favoarea constitutziei europene, in loc sa explice avantajele acestei constitutzii (care probabil sant greu de explicat sau nu exista), prefera sa utilizeze o arma folosita frecvent de dictatori: bazarea pe sentimente natzionaliste contra altei natziuni.

"Votazti constitutzia, votatzi contra Americii!" - Cat se poate de rusinos pentru o democratzie occidentala.
La 2005-04-22 03:35:13, geo1111 a scris:

> Something astounding occurred last week at France, is the way it was
> put in a wire to us by one of our correspondents in Gaul, Michel
> Gurfinkiel. It seems that President Chirac went on television to
> defend the European Constitution. He was on for two hours and
> discussed the matter with what Mr. Gurfinkiel characterizes as all
> kinds of young people. Yet a day later, opposition to the
> constitution in France soared to 56% from 53%. This has sent the
> various elites into a continental lather in advance of France's
> referendum on the constitution, which is set for May 29. It seems the
> European Constitution won't go into effect unless all 25 nations of
> the European Union approve the document.
> According to the Associated Press, despite the gain in the
> "no" camp, the latest poll results, which were published in
> the daily Le Parisien, showed that 59% of those questioned were
> generally in favor of a European Constitution. But the AP said the
> results suggested that Monsieur Chirac had failed to provide solid
> arguments for the document now on the table. It said that 55% of
> those questioned remained unconvinced that the proposed constitution
> would bring social advances. During the debate, the AP said, Monsieur
> Chirac had warned that if France failed to approve the constitution it
> would, "at least for a while ... stop existing politically inside
> this Europe."
> Normally Americans would be tempted to treat all this with
> indifference, if we were to treat it at all, but it seems that the
> approaching referendum is not unrelated to America. According to the
> Economist magazine, the Socialist Party in France selected the
> following billboard slogan: "Yes to a strong Europe facing the
> USA," and the magazine quotes a deputy from Monsieur Chirac's
> own party as quipping that a good yes line might be, "A no vote
> to Europe is a yes to Bush." It has more than a little element
> of truth, owing to overlap between the factions pushing for the
> European Constitution and the factions opposing Mr. Bush's strategy
> in the war on terror, including the liberator of Iraq.
> We have the sense that, while the proposed European Constitution
> allows for some independence among nations in foreign affairs, the
> constitution up for ratification would have made it, were it already
> in effect, much more difficult for America to have gotten the kind of
> support in the current war that it has received from, say, Poland or
> Italy or even pre-3/11 Spain - or, for that matter, Britain. It
> strikes us as being in America's interest to see the French vote
> "non" and for America and Britain to focus their energies
> on building the kind of American-Anglo condominium that was being
> talked of by Mrs. Thatcher after her famous speech at Bruges.
> We say that well aware of the history of barbarism among the
> Europeans, whose lands are dotted with graveyards to those who died
> for the monarchies and bigotries that have gone on the march every
> few decades. We understand that the idea of a European union was
> animated partly by the hope of, finally, conquering the savage strain
> among the Europeans from which so many here in America barely escaped.
> But plowing through the nearly 200 pages of the European Constitution,
> one can't help but sense that the whole enterprise has become a
> contraption much like the United Nations, one that is, in the end,
> going to be a disappointment and a cover for a new round of mischief.
> If the French vote "non" the bet here is that it won't be
> only the French people who will sigh with relief.

2005-04-22 09:29:17

Re: Pentru geo1111

Chestiunea cu Depardieu publicata de geo mi se pare si mie cam nelalocul ei - pe cine intereseaza asta si ce demonstreaza asta?


articolul despre cum vinde guvernul francez Constitutzia Europeana alegatorilor este bine venit si am si comentat acolo.

Pe de alta parte, cand Romania are in coasta asa niste vecini simpaticii ca Ukraina si Rusia, intrebarea cea mai importanta nu este modernizarea fabricii de la Colibasi sau alte abtzibilduri de astea, ci cine o sa intervina sa ajute Romania in eventualitatea unei conflagratzii mondiale. Nu stiu daca Americanii o s-o faca, dar sant sigur ca n-o sa fie francezii.
La 2005-04-22 07:46:38, ml a scris:

> Vad ca esti tare prolific mai baiatule in a posta impotriva
> "frantujilor" n-are importanta ce numai sa fie contra. De
> la faptul ca Depardieu a fost ametit ca si cum actorii americani nu
> apar drogati si megastarul Michael Jackson nu ar fi judecat pentru
> pedofilie pina la ortot felul de prostii cu Airbusuri si altele. Te
> plateste cineva sa demonstrezi atita obtuzitate?
>  Ia zi stii cine a eliminat viza pentru romanii care se duc in
> Spatiul Schengen?
>  Stii cine iti cereviza daca vrei sa mergi la Washington?
>  Stii cine a refuzat sa preia fabrica Daewoo de la Craiova a carei
> licenta pentru Cielo expira in aceasta toamna?
>  Stii cine doteaza spitalele romanesti?
>  Stii cine a modernizat fabrica de la Colibasi si a infiintat un
> centru de kituri la Mioveni? Strategie prin care Dacia Logan se va
> distribui in toata lumea ?
>  Stii cine a raspuns ca isi aminteste de curcubeul de la Bucuresti
> la intrebarea directa daca intrevede un parteneriat cu Romania?
>  Stii cine a zis ca ridicarea vizelor pentru romanii care vor sa
> mearga in US este o treaba complicata?
>  In final realizezi cit de batut in cap te-ai dovedit a fi?

2005-04-22 09:38:43

Re: Zen

Nu prea intzeleg legatura logica intre tampenile cu care respectivul intoxica forumul (dupa parerea ta)


emiterea ideii ca poate nu se spala.

Foloseste-te de forfecica si nu de ferestrau cand itzi tai unghiile de la picioare. Daca tzi-le tai.
La 2005-04-22 04:58:50, Zen a scris:

> La 2005-04-22 04:14:00, traktorist a scris:
> "Economia franceza este  in recesiune de 20 ani ! Tu
> pe ce lume traiesti ?"
> Asa cam cum e-n America acum, nu !?. Si cum e de vreo patru ani
> incoace, aud !?. Nu-i asa "istetule".
> P.S. Mai lasa dracu' tampeniile si aberatiiile cu care intoxici
> forumul. Ia-o catinel ca faci ulcer. Si ca sa te
> parafrazez..."hit the book, idiot"...Vad ca ceva tot ti-a
> intrat in tartacutza pe-aici. Numai ca o aplici unde nu trebuie. Unde
> trebuie ar fi propria oglinda, dimineatza, cand te speli. Daca te
> speli.

2005-04-22 09:43:47


> > Basescu se cam comporta ca un vasal fata de USA. Sint convinsa ca nu
> > la fel o sa reactioneze daca americanii
> Basescu se comporta cum vrea !
> De unde are dreptul politicienii francezi ( niste coacaze
> fara putere in Lume ) sa dicteze ce sa spuna?
> Nu-i place economia socialista si asta e adevarul.
> Era vorba de economie si e normal sa spuna ca este
> impresionat de performanta engleza. Ca lui Napoleon nu-i
> place, e treaba lui. Auzi tu pretentii !!! O tara agrara ca
> Franta nu suporta critici....

Mai tractoristule , in UE o sa gasesti si tari cu economie liberala. Ce tot o dai tu cu Franta. Ce numai Franta este in UE ? Ai uitat ca pina acum un an in Spania era guvernare de dreapta cu prim ministru Aznar ? Si Portugalia a avut pina mai ieri guvernare liberala. Acum au venit la putere social democratii. Dar Olanda , Italia , Danemarca poti sa spui ca au guvernari socialiste ? Acum in Suedia sint la putere social - democratii si la viitoarele alegeri vor veni din nou liberalii. Anglia ii are acum la putere pe laburistii lui Blair si banuiesc ca vor pierde alegerile viitoare. UE are toata paleta de curente curente economice si politice asa ca nu are nevoie de a importa nimic de la voi.
Basescu o sa trebuiasca sa se adapteze la cerintele si creiteriile UE ca de acolo vor venii banii nu de la voi.

2005-04-22 09:51:00

Pentru ML / frantzuzu devine mai obez decit aia de care ride, inteligent ca broasca la bariera

2005-04-22 10:05:30

foarte bun articol

A citit integral articolul din Figaro. Jos palaria pentru profesionalism si obiectivitate. Un ton calm, sinteza frumoasa a situatiei fara nici o izmeneala isterica proprie presei romane.
Bineinteles ca Ziua l-a facut praf, cu citarile trunchiate si cam aproximative.
Bravo francezilor: presa lor nu esste doar libera ci si constienta.

2005-04-22 10:15:03

Re: moy Roy - Vive la France

La 2005-04-22 09:29:17, roy a scris:

> Chestiunea cu Depardieu publicata de geo mi se pare si mie cam
> nelalocul ei - pe cine intereseaza asta si ce demonstreaza asta?

Completeaza tabloul unei tzari decazute shi caraghioase sub orice aspect, in care principala grije a populatziei e sa moara de grija altuia (a americanului) ca prostu din proverb.

Dar mai tzii minte Royule cit s-au scremut tzatzele francofile ale forumulu cind a fost cazul acela cu un baiat nebun din America ce shi-a omorit colegii? Nu le place sa le spui ca se poate folosi procedeul shi altfel.

Dar la ditamai preshedintele Frantzei nu ii e rushine, neobrazatul (citat de BBC, nu Fox News!) sa atzitze populatzia frantzuzeasca nu numai impotriva americanilor ci shi impotriva britanicilor (vezi articolul BBC de mai jos) ?? Asta e "REFLEXUL EUROPEAN" de care vorbeshte?? Se comporta ca un natzionalist de bilci, un claun politic care va pieri pe limba lui, adica shi fara sa cishtige viitoarele alegeri shi cu reputatzia tzandari. ASTA II DA LECTZII LUI BASESCU AL NOSTRU?

President Jacques Chirac has taken part in a live TV debate in France to try to persuade its people to vote in favour of the proposed EU constitution.

Mr Chirac said the treaty was needed to keep the EU "strong and organised" and defend its interests against the power of the US or of India and China.

He was trying to jump-start a flagging Yes campaign in the referendum on the text due to be held on 29 May.

Recent opinion polls suggest a majority will vote No on the day.

Mr Chirac's critics accused him of being afraid to face serious interrogation, but he faced tough questions nonetheless from a hand-picked audience of 83 young people, hosted by popular talk show hosts rather than heavyweight political interviewers, says the BBC's Allan Little in Paris.

Mr Chirac warned a No vote against the new constitution - designed to streamline institutions to make decision-making easier in an enlarged union of 25 countries - would be a disaster for Europe.

The reality is that you would have 24 countries that voted yes and then the black sheep that blocked everything - France would be considerably weakened

It would halt the European project in its tracks, and pave the way to an unregulated, uncontrolled free-market world, dominated by the United States.

He said it would be in the interest of Anglo-Saxon countries or the US to stop "European construction" and that France would be weakened if it voted No.

Mr Chirac said there would be no room for renegotiation if France voted against the constitution, and that the country would be seen as "the black sheep" of Europe "that blocked everything".

The French president - who has staked his prestige on the constitution being approved - ruled out his resignation should voters reject the treaty.

He added that Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin's leadership was not at stake either.

"We are not asking a question about who governs us for the next five years," he said.

He agreed that the French seemed ill-informed on the issues.

Around half of respondents on the panel of people aged 18 to 30 taking part in the debate said they did not understand the text which they found too complex and that they would vote no as a result.

Many expressed worries about the new EU being too committed to free-market economics and threatening France's social model.

But Mr Chirac said the European treaty answered to "a logic that is indeed not liberal".

He urged France not to be afraid of the new text, stressing that public services remained protected by national governments and did not fall under the competence of the EU.

Mr Chirac said Europe was the world's first commercial power, the first exporting power, the first investing power, the first sporting power, the first in providing aid to developing countries - "a generous Europe".

On the question of Turkey, he said its possible entry into the EU was a separate issue from the new EU constitution.

"What is a problem is that today Turkey's values, traditions, lifestyle and the way it functions are incompatible with the values of Europe. That much is clear," he said.

All 25 EU nations must ratify the new treaty before it can take effect.

It has already been approved by Spain, Slovenia, Lithuania, Hungary and Italy, while Greece is expected to follow suit in a parliamentary vote on Friday.

However, French rejection would almost certainly kill off the treaty, correspondents say.

If France votes No, the damage to Mr Chirac's presidency would be significant - and the damage to France's standing in the EU would be incalculable, our correspondent says. ---BBC

2005-04-22 10:16:23

Geo dus cu pluta... fara vasle si fara cale de intoarcere

cu minimiul respect impus de o discutie civilizata: Geo,mai hombre, ktu chiar esti dus de tot cu pluta. dincolo de faptul ca nu-i incalzeste pe niciunul dintre comentatori faptul ca USa sau Franta sunt mai paroliste, TU DEPASESTI MASURA NORMALULUI SI TE ACUZ DE DEZINFORMARE INTENTIONATA. Asta cu obezii e prea de tot. Uita-te si tu cat de subtireli sunt francezii si mai ales frantuzoaicele. Ai fost vreodata la Paris vara sa vezi cum se mira francezii de obezi turisti si turiste care le invadeaza strazile din sua si UK?
La ei e vorba, tocmai, sa evitea ceea ce se intampla in sua de vreo 20 de ani si incearca sa evite eu evantual risc si care s-ar manifesta in 12-15 ani.
De ce nu putem pastra o minima obiectivitate?
Nimeni nu zice ca francezii ar vaea mai multe arme decat americanii. La fel nu poti spune ca obezitatea americana se poate compara cu savoi-vivre-ul francez.
Numai bine... si mai multa pace, sufleteascasi cerebrala.

2005-04-22 10:26:22

+ Greenspan dixit. si nu ar zice ca e rau daca ar fi bine.

La dérive des déficits risque de mettre l'économie américaine en danger de récession, a estimé hier Alan Greenspan. Le président de la Réserve fédérale américaine, qui témoignait devant une commission du Congrès, a expliqué : «Les projections indiquent clairement que le budget fédéral est sur une tendance intenable.» Et d'ajouter : «A moins d'un renversement de cette tendance, à un certain point, ces déficits vont entraîner une stagnation» de l'économie, «voire pire». Adoptant un ton nettement plus alarmiste que d'habitude, lui qui estimait en février que le problème était en voie de résolution, il a réclamé la mise en place de contrôles automatiques des dépenses publiques, rappelant implicitement que le président Bush s'est engagé à diminuer le déficit budgétaire de moitié avant 2009. 

2005-04-22 10:32:53

economii 'liberale'

schimbarile de guvern nu aduc modificari substantiale (tu, care traiesti in Suedia, ar trebui sa stii acest lucru). Nici in Europa si nici in SUA! Sistemul functioneaza ca d'aia e sistem. Numai in Romania, unde e haos , alternanta la guvernarea aduce tot felul de rasuciri si invartiri...

2005-04-22 10:47:57

Re: economii 'liberale'

La 2005-04-22 10:32:53, crassus a scris:

>  schimbarile de guvern nu aduc modificari substantiale (tu, care
> traiesti in Suedia, ar trebui sa stii acest lucru). Nici in Europa si
> nici in SUA! Sistemul functioneaza ca d'aia e sistem. Numai in
> Romania, unde e haos , alternanta la guvernarea aduce tot felul de
> rasuciri si invartiri...

Pai atunci nu crezi ca ar fi timpul sa punem capat haosului , invirtirilor si rasucirilor ?

2005-04-22 10:50:01

Before u kick an ass u have to kiss the ass

Asta trebuie sa faca Basescu cu politica externa trebuie sa i-a lectii de la Iliescu .

2005-04-22 10:55:53

Re: Geo


Eu cred ca natziunile se masoara prin evolutzia parametrilor economici, sociali, politici, militari, demografici, etc in decursul unei perioade de ani si decenii si nu prin actele cat or fi ele de decadente ale unor celebrities.

Impresia mea este ca Frantza nu merge bine: nu economic, nu social si nu demografic. Iar politic desi cauta sa dicteze tonul in Europa, tocmai largirea comunitatzii ii va diminua rolul. Militar mai au ceva putere dar nu comparabila cu nivelul American. Tehnologic, ultimile decenii au largit diferentza in mod zdrobitor.

Nu mi-e teama de aspiratziile franceze ca Europa (si prin ea Frantza) sa devina o supraputere. Ma tem insa ca Frantza ar putea incerca sa-si realizeze scopurile impingand Europa spre aliantze nesabuite cu Rusia, China sau tzari de alde Iran - si asta ar produce americanilor o bataie de cap foarte serioasa.

La 2005-04-22 10:15:03, geo1111 a scris:

> La 2005-04-22 09:29:17, roy a scris:
> > Chestiunea cu Depardieu publicata de geo mi se pare si mie cam
> > nelalocul ei - pe cine intereseaza asta si ce demonstreaza asta?
> Completeaza tabloul unei tzari decazute shi caraghioase sub orice
> aspect, in care principala grije a populatziei e sa moara de grija
> altuia (a americanului) ca prostu din proverb.
> Dar mai tzii minte Royule cit s-au scremut tzatzele francofile ale
> forumulu cind a fost cazul acela cu un baiat nebun din America ce
> shi-a omorit colegii? Nu le place sa le spui ca se poate folosi
> procedeul shi altfel.
> Dar la ditamai preshedintele Frantzei nu ii e rushine, neobrazatul
> (citat de BBC, nu Fox News!) sa atzitze populatzia frantzuzeasca nu
> numai impotriva americanilor ci shi impotriva britanicilor (vezi
> articolul BBC de mai jos) ?? Asta e "REFLEXUL EUROPEAN" de
> care vorbeshte?? Se comporta ca un natzionalist de bilci, un claun
> politic care va pieri pe limba lui, adica shi fara sa cishtige
> viitoarele alegeri shi cu reputatzia tzandari. ASTA II DA LECTZII LUI
> President Jacques Chirac has taken part in a live TV debate in France
> to try to persuade its people to vote in favour of the proposed EU
> constitution.
> Mr Chirac said the treaty was needed to keep the EU "strong and
> organised" and defend its interests against the power of the US
> or of India and China.
> He was trying to jump-start a flagging Yes campaign in the referendum
> on the text due to be held on 29 May.
> Recent opinion polls suggest a majority will vote No on the day.
> Mr Chirac's critics accused him of being afraid to face serious
> interrogation, but he faced tough questions nonetheless from a
> hand-picked audience of 83 young people, hosted by popular talk show
> hosts rather than heavyweight political interviewers, says the BBC's
> Allan Little in Paris.
> Mr Chirac warned a No vote against the new constitution - designed to
> streamline institutions to make decision-making easier in an enlarged
> union of 25 countries - would be a disaster for Europe.
> The reality is that you would have 24 countries that voted yes and
> then the black sheep that blocked everything - France would be
> considerably weakened
> It would halt the European project in its tracks, and pave the way to
> an unregulated, uncontrolled free-market world, dominated by the
> United States.
> He said it would be in the interest of Anglo-Saxon countries or the US
> to stop "European construction" and that France would be
> weakened if it voted No.
> Mr Chirac said there would be no room for renegotiation if France
> voted against the constitution, and that the country would be seen as
> "the black sheep" of Europe "that blocked
> everything".
> The French president - who has staked his prestige on the constitution
> being approved - ruled out his resignation should voters reject the
> treaty.
> He added that Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin's leadership was not
> at stake either.
> "We are not asking a question about who governs us for the next
> five years," he said.
> He agreed that the French seemed ill-informed on the issues.
> Around half of respondents on the panel of people aged 18 to 30 taking
> part in the debate said they did not understand the text which they
> found too complex and that they would vote no as a result.
> Many expressed worries about the new EU being too committed to
> free-market economics and threatening France's social model.
> But Mr Chirac said the European treaty answered to "a logic that
> is indeed not liberal".
> He urged France not to be afraid of the new text, stressing that
> public services remained protected by national governments and did
> not fall under the competence of the EU.
> Mr Chirac said Europe was the world's first commercial power, the
> first exporting power, the first investing power, the first sporting
> power, the first in providing aid to developing countries - "a
> generous Europe".
> On the question of Turkey, he said its possible entry into the EU was
> a separate issue from the new EU constitution.
> "What is a problem is that today Turkey's values, traditions,
> lifestyle and the way it functions are incompatible with the values
> of Europe. That much is clear," he said.
> All 25 EU nations must ratify the new treaty before it can take
> effect.
> It has already been approved by Spain, Slovenia, Lithuania, Hungary
> and Italy, while Greece is expected to follow suit in a parliamentary
> vote on Friday.
> However, French rejection would almost certainly kill off the treaty,
> correspondents say.
> If France votes No, the damage to Mr Chirac's presidency would be
> significant - and the damage to France's standing in the EU would be
> incalculable, our correspondent says. ---BBC

2005-04-22 11:02:10

Un fenomen natural

Societatea moderna nu a pus capat relatiilor feudale, ci doar le-a inlocuit pe acestea, care erau naturale, cu altele, pe baza pecuniara, dupa cum scria Oswald Spengler. Iar Arnold J. Toynbee arata acelasi lucru, cum "elitele creative" au fost inlocuite cu cele pur si simplu "dominante".

Cand cativa baroni se lupta intre ei, chiar daca nu pe fata, unul mai mic, daca are de ales, trebuie sa-l aleaga pe cel mai avantajos pentru el. Sigur, isi asuma si riscurile de rigoare.

Presedintele Basescu a ales bine si a continuat pe aceeasi linie.

Reactia franceza este cat se poate de naturala.

Sa vedem cum vor evolua lucrurile.

2005-04-22 11:10:42

Re: Francezii ar trebui s'o lase mai moale

La 2005-04-22 03:30:33, Duca a scris:

> Nu sunt pro-American si nici nu am sprijinit rezbelu din Irak pe care
> Americanii l'au inceput, dar pentru Romania alianta cu America era
> unica si este inca unica noastra alegere. Bine inteles ca pare a
> vasalitate. Cum sa nu fie vasalitate? Cand ati vazut voi un stat asa
> puternic precum America sa trateze la egal o tarisoara mica ca
> Romania?

Pai si atunci de ce sa nu ne bagam cu cei cu care putem discuta.? De ce este USA singura alegere a Romaniei ? Oare prin faptul ca am fost primiti in UE asta nu inseamna nimic ?

> Dar Europenii ce au fost de la Al doilea razboi mondial pana in 1991,
> cand tremuram de frica URSSului?

Mai lasati-o domnule cu razboiul al doilea. Rusii au devenit mare putere si datorita marilor cedari ale marilor puteri USA ,Anglia si Franta. USA a avut pina in decembrie 1941 relatii economice cu Hitler iar Bush Prescott si dupa aceea.De ce nu au declarat Franta si Anglia razboi lui Hitler atunci cind a atacat Polonia ?.DE ce au asteptat pina sa intre Stalin in razboi ? Oare Stalin si Hitler nu au dovedit ca sint de aceeasi factura ? Atunci Stalin ar fi fost prins de aceeasi parte a baricadei cu Hitler si nu ar mai fi vorbit de antifascism. Dar anglo-saxonilor le-a mers la inima sa invinga fascismul cu material american si cu singe rusesc. ! Din pacate nu au platit ei pretul acestei victorii ci noi astia din estul Europei !

> In fond Francezii care chiar sunt o putere in Europa nu ar trebui sa
> ne critice pe noi ca vrem si noi sa devenim o putere regionala in
> coltisorul nostru de continent. Realitatea e ca Frantzushii ar vrea
> ca sa le fim vasali lor si ai UE decat vasalii Americanilor. ASTA A

Nu ne critica domnule Franta. Ne arata doar ca am luat-o putin razna si nu ne vedem interesele.
Poti sa explici in ce fel vrea Franta sa devenim vasalul lor ? Pai ce numai Franta dicteaza in UE ? Depinde de noi si numai de noi sa nu devenim vasalul nimanui !

2005-04-22 11:15:44

ai gasit tu solutia !?

> Pai atunci nu crezi ca ar fi timpul sa punem capat haosului ,
> invirtirilor si rasucirilor ?
We are all eyes! si gata sa te urmam

gagiu dilo
2005-04-22 11:20:21

Re:Tare buna e tuica de Zalau. La tine se cunoaste. Apropo, ce naiba alt nume n-ai gasit. Acum suntem doi gagii pe aici.

La 2005-04-22 10:50:01, Gagiul a scris:

> Asta trebuie sa faca Basescu cu politica externa trebuie sa i-a lectii
> de la Iliescu .

2005-04-22 11:22:13

Re: Frantzujii lashi shi ipocritzi refuza sa opreasca genocidul din Africa

Asta au facut-o si in Rwanda.
La 2005-04-22 02:29:58, geo1111 a scris:

> PE SCURT: SUA vrea ca NATO sa intervina in genocidul din Sudan - unde
> prietenii lui Cati, arabii, ucide zeci de mii de negri nevinovatzi
> numai pentru ca sint creshtini - cine se opune? FRANTZA.
> U.S. at Odds with France on NATO Role in Darfur
> By Mark John
> VILNIUS (Reuters) - The United States urged NATO on Thursday to
> respond quickly to any request for help in the Darfur conflict, but
> France insisted the alliance could not be the "gendarme of the
> world."
> Despite NATO hints it would be ready to help a 2,000-strong African
> Union mission struggling to monitor a shaky ceasefire in the region,
> the AU has so far not made any request for support.
> But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who raised the conflict at
> wide-ranging NATO talks in Lithuania, said it should be ready to
> offer help with logistics and planning if asked.
> "If there is a request, I would hope NATO would activate quickly
> ... We all have a responsibility to do what we can to alleviate the
> suffering in Darfur," she said.
> However French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier disagreed that there
> was a role for NATO in Darfur and stressed that Africans should
> retain the lead in peace efforts.
> "NATO does not have a calling to be the gendarme of the
> world," he told a news conference at the same meeting.
> The AU troops are not mandated as peacekeepers and have limited powers
> to protect civilians in Darfur, a region the size of France in western
> Sudan. Survivors of militia attacks have demanded that peacekeepers be
> sent into the war-torn region.
> Tens of thousands have been killed and more than 2 million uprooted by
> two years of fighting between non-Arab rebels and the Arab-dominated
> government. Khartoum denies accusations it is backing militias known
> as Janjaweed.
> French officials see the European Union as better suited to helping in
> the region than NATO. The alliance's involvement would mean a further
> U.S. presence on a continent where former colonial power France is
> keen to retain strategic influence.
> NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who has also mooted a
> role for the alliance in Darfur, stressed the aim was "not to
> have NATO boots on the ground" but to offer support.
> "NATO has the most sophisticated planning machinery in the
> world," he told reporters.
> The disagreement on Darfur came at NATO talks where France also
> rejected a U.S.-backed initiative to turn the alliance into a
> transatlantic forum for debate on broad strategic issues.
> Washington backs proposals by de Hoop Scheffer to broaden the
> 26-member alliance's remit, seeing it as a way for its voice to be
> heard in European policy-making.
> Rice on Wednesday described NATO as "the premier forum" for
> transatlantic political dialogue and said NATO allies should be able
> to use it to discuss any issue affecting them.
> "We want to use NATO more, and more efficiently," she said.
> But Barnier said key issues such as Iran's nuclear program were better
> dealt with elsewhere and stressed that the EU insisted on full
> autonomy over its own policy decisions.
> "NATO is first and foremost a military organization,"
> Barnier said, adding that other bodies such as the United Nations
> were better suited to dealing with issues like the nuclear programs
> of North Korea or Iran.
> Reuters

2005-04-22 11:23:23

scurt comentariu la tema si off topic despre parintele Galeriu de miercuri

1. Ultimele paragrafe din articol dau cheia problemei: controlul Marii Negre. Chirac s-a aliat cu Turcia si Rusia in incercarea absolut normala pentru o putere mare (nu SUPER) de a avea un cuvant greu de spus in tranzitul petrolului. Numai ca si-a facut o socoteala gresita: Europa estica nu poate uita ce inseamna imperialismul rusesc iar noul papa Benedict XVI va ridica lumea catolica impotriva primirii Turciei in UE. Si nici la referendumul din mai Chirac s-ar putea sa nu isi impuna constitutia sa cu prea multe concesii masonice. Asa ca Polonia si Romanai joaca o carte istorica cu mari sanse - cel putin pe cateva decenii - sa castige.
2. Completari pentru Calugarul, Toni, Shadow, Cato in legatura cu parintele Galeriu si celelalte. Emisiunile Vorba lu' Dinescu au fost la inceputul lunii. Marchis a mai adaugat ceva: s-a intalnit recent cu Horia Nestorescu-Balcesti - istoricul oficial al masoneriei romanesti, care i-a spus ca are gata un dictionar de masoni romani intre care apar si 40 de prelati ortodocsi (morti si vii inteleg). Parintele Justin i-a recomandat sa verifice atent informatiile caci e vorba de o chestiune "delicata". Dinescu l-a intrebat: ce faci (se tutuiesc) cu un mason care iti intra in biserica? Marchis: am avut un caz cand omul m-a intrebat daca sa intre sau nu in masonerie si ce se intampla dupa ce ar intra; i-am spus ca nu-l pot opri sa intre in biserica dar nu il voi mai "servi" (spovedanie, impartasanie, etc). Avand-o pe nasha parintilor mei - si un fel de stramatusa - vecina ani de zile la modul usa in usa cu familia Galeriu cunosc multe din curtea de la Silvestru: pe coana Argentina, "Galeria" nepotelelor, pe popa Bordashiu care se zice ca l-a turnat pe parintele Calciu, l-am apucat si pe batranul popa Ilie Barbulescu, pe sora lui Nifon-Mihaitza azi la Targoviste, etc. Ma impresionau credincioasele de la Ploiesti care veneau la fostul lor preot de parohie dupa atatia ani sa gaseasca intelegere si un sfat bun. Galeriu avea darul Cuvantului - "care zideste" spunea el - totusi pe mine ma deranja putin impresia teatrala pe care o producea (mobilitatea ochilor si a expresiei fetei de exemplu). Marchis e mult mai firesc, mai aproape de interlocutor. Fiecare are stilul sau, evident, nu pot sa uit ca parintele Staniloaie in orice interviu pe care il da indiferent de subiect era intotdeauna Profesorul.
Despre Baconski jr: Carol pe care l-a adus de la Lisabona nu are mormantul in cimitir ci chiar in Catedrala alaturi de Ferdinand si Maria ( e totusi normal caci e cripta regala); in cimitirul calugarilor are o cripta- cavou Lupeasca, pazita practic zi si noapte de un gardian public. Juniorul lui Tolia a pornit tare la inceput - se puneau mari sperante in el ca posibil carturar de exceptie dar pana la urma a tras pe linia comoda a functiilor publice. Eu m-am referit la el ca teolog, care nu a produs nimic important in ce a scris, altfel mi-a placut albumul scos cu Bernea Roma Caput Mundi, caci au ales exact ce era esential din Cetatea Eterna. Cat despre Badilitza stiu sigur ca nu e mason, caci e un fel de nepot al parintelui Zosim Oancea - si se mandreste cu asta iar faptul ca Theodor Cazaban a acceptat sa scoata cu el acea carte foarte interesanta de interviuri e garantia cea mai solida, Cazaban neacceptand niciodata sa faca asa ceva cu un mason (prietenii stiu de ce, Cazaban povestind si acum cu mandrie de o anumita noapte de pe muntele Rarau in 1938). Intre Baconski si Badilitza distanta e enorma, Badilitza are toate sansele sa devina un mare carturar. Rasfoiesc cand am timp cele doua volume de Septuaginta aparute si ma delectez cu eruditele comentarii, dovada ca sunt un grup serios si valoros traducatorii. Caut inca editia de evanghelii apocrife - desi criticata de oficialii BOR - ca sa vad cum a tradus el Evanghelia lui Toma, pe care am vazut-o in original la Muzeul copt din Cairo, caci traducerile gasite pana acum sunt ridicole si nu prea comentate - o insiruire de verseturi gen Iisus a spus...

2005-04-22 11:24:29

Re: ai gasit tu solutia !?

La 2005-04-22 11:15:44, crassus a scris:

> > 
> > Pai atunci nu crezi ca ar fi timpul sa punem capat haosului ,
> > invirtirilor si rasucirilor ?
> > 
>  We are all eyes! si gata sa te urmam

Pe mine ? Eu sint chibit ca si tine ! Ce te deranjeaza ca mi-am dat si eu cu parerea ?

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