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Comentarii: 132, forum ACTIV

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2006-09-19 11:43:17

Re: Agentul de influentza Ratzinger ?

Crezi ca este un illuminat, ca si alti predecesori bavarezi (Adam Weishaupt)?

2006-09-19 11:53:06

Re: diferente- multumesc maxim

2006-09-19 12:24:08

Re: Agentul de influentza Ratzinger ?

2006-09-19 12:44:07

seherezada - problema grava..

....la care evitzi sa raspunzi este: a pus Ratzinger in pericol direct viatza milioanelor de crestini din lumea musulmana? Si e intamplator ca majoritatea acestora este, in capul lui Ratzinger, "eretica"? Ia sa te vad ce raspunzi.

2006-09-19 12:47:50


Bine observat, bun comentariu.

2006-09-19 12:51:05

Re: Agentul de influentza Ratzinger ?

2006-09-19 12:56:26

Re: In Suedia nu s-a intimplat nimic special

2006-09-19 13:01:23

Din pristolul de la Roma sa dau calului ovaz

Eminescu, cred ca a sintetizat foarte bine tendintele expansioniste islamice, punind in gura lui Baiazid Fulgerul aceste cuvinte. Lasind la o parte efectul negativ asupra istoriei umanitatii ce l-a avut caderea Constantinopolelui si a ce mai ramasese din imperiul bizantin.Sute de ani de progres pierdute.Sigur n-am mai fi avut sarmale si ciorba de burta.e greu sa cintaresti in balanta.

2006-09-19 13:07:05

Re: Lucius linisteste-te, nu va fi niciun razbel. Nu inca

cat despre faptul ca ateu fiind pui islamul deasupra crestinatatii este o chestie de interpretare personala, dar sa devii tu insuti agent de influenta este cam mult pentru un diplomat ca dvs.Va sugerez sa cititi mai cu atentie spusele papei si sa imi explicatii reactiile VIOLENTE ale strazii arabe la CITATUL papei si sa justificati aceste violente.fara raspuns din partea dvs consider ca nu aveti replica.

2006-09-19 13:26:13

Re: In Suedia nu s-a intimplat nimic special

2006-09-19 13:52:57

Re: Agentul de influentza Ratzinger ?- maxim

2006-09-19 14:02:44


Fii ceva mai subtil cu propaganda anti-araba ca sa potzi convinge pe cineva. Reactziile strazii au fost preponderent in tzari ca INDIA, PAKISTAN, INDONEZIA care cu regret te anuntz ca nu prea sunt arabe. Iar explicatzia este simpla: la oamenii acestia sentimentul religios chiar este COMPONENTA DE BAZA A VIETZII LOR, nu ca la altzii banii si consumismul de tot felul, inclusiv drogurile. Asa ca era normal sa reactzioneze cand insasi ESENTZA VIETZII LOR este in viziunea lor ponegrita. Fiecare cu valorile lui. Dar spre deosebire de neoconsii de pe malul Potomacului si al Mediteranei estice astia chiar isi dau viatza proprie pentru apararea valorilor lor (asa cum le intzeleg ei, desigur) - o data cu cea a dushmanilor, pe cand ailaltzi isi omoara doar dushmanii de la cat mai mare departare ca sa nu-si riste pielea. Drama de azi a omenirii e ca "dushmanii" sunt in majoritate si pentru unii si pentru altzii OAMENI NEVINOVATZI. Asa ca mecanismul sinuciderilor impreuna cu dushmanii trebuie intzeles intai ca sa poata sa i se gaseasca remediile si nu inflamat mai rau cum face Ratzinger.

2006-09-19 14:12:27

mos martin... iesi din padure

De unde si pina unde Berlusca pretin cu Nastase, erau premiers, e normal ca au avut relatii... mai bine ti-ai vedea de pretinii calai africani si arabi cu care se tot incurca Chiracaille pe la tine, nu mai umbla cu vrajeli, ca scot dosarul negru de nu mai scoti capul de rusine !

La 2006-09-19 10:04:08, Mos Martin a scris:

> Asta zic si eu dictatura, Oriana: care roman nu si-ar dori-o la
> el acasa?...
> PS Dar de procesele de coruptie ale lui Berlusconi, (acest bun prieten si camarad de idei al lui Adrian Nastase) chiar n-ai auzit nimic?

> Asta primavara cand am fost eu in Italia imediat dupa alegeri,
> parca se vorbea ceva. Cresterea economica era apropae zero, somajul si deficitul in floare, invatamantul superior abia mai respira... iar tu o tii cu "Frodi"! (Ca si cum daca un om ca B. vorbeste de fraude, inseamna ca au si fost!)

Il tuo fedele amico, mihnea


fedele come Patrocle.... acum ies la iveala minciunile, dovada ca ptiu, numai in doua luni, hopla', toate bune, tot ce au trancanit la alegeri erau doar gogoshi... potlogariile lui Frodi sunt pe toate gardurile, de la IRI, Alfa Romeo, Telecom Serbia, etc... a vandut tot ce a putut, pe trei lulele trei surcele, nu mai zic de trasnaile ce le-a facut in UE... intreaba si pe shadow, ca el stie cine e autorul dezastrului italian, ANTE Berlusconi !

2006-09-19 14:20:09

Re: Din pristolul de la Roma sa dau calului ovaz-sute de ani de progres

2006-09-19 14:28:24

Tovarasul Papa trebuia sa nu se exprima asa fata de tovarasul Mohamed

si despre tovarasii musulmani !
Unde este tovarasi solidaritatea ?
Care este punctul de vedere a tovarasilor popi ?

2006-09-19 14:36:44

In sfarsit, o reactie demna a EU!!!

Brussels defends Pope's freedom of expression
18.09.2006 - 17:31 CET | By Lucia Kubosova
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has said it was wrong to pick out quotes from the pope's controversial speech in which a link between Islam and violence was suggested and deliberately taking them out of context.

Speaking to journalists on Monday (18 September), commission spokesman Johannes Laitenberger said that the commission would not "clarify or interpret" the speech which has sparked furore across Muslim world, as Brussels considers it "a theological contribution to a theological debate."

But he added that "in the commission's view, any reaction must be based on what was actually said and not on quotes being taken out of context. And even less on quotes being deliberately taken out of context."

"And generally speaking, I can also say that reactions which are disproportionate and which are tantamount to rejecting freedom of speech are unacceptable and let me conclude with this: freedom of speech is a cornerstone of the EU's order as is the freedom and respect of all religions and beliefs, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or laicism," he continued.

Mai mult la: http://euobserver.com/9/22438/?rk=1

Giuseppe Cocos
2006-09-19 15:31:37

Mai bine tacea din gura....

mai este si neamtz pe deasupra si comentariul a fost facut in Germania ...

2006-09-19 15:35:20


2006-09-19 15:36:52

Lucidus - problema grava ...

este ca tu, ditamai intelectualul, te faci ca nu vezi diferenta intre :

(A) declaratia Papei R. ... brilliant emisa, si ca miscare de shah (un citat de`acu 800 de ani), si ca moment (taman inaintea vizitei in Turcia, pe care o asteapta toata musulmanimea intelectuala) ... si

(B) prostia de ex. a unor editori ignoranti in ale culturii si tabuurilor islamului (i.e. imaginea profetului, nu ca avea o bomba pe turban) ...

In cazul (B) al caricaturilor daneze, ... si intelectualii musulmani, si conducatorii politici si cei spirituali, de la cei mai de sus, ... pina la ... micutii imami, au avut de ce sa se lege si si-au combinat fortele manipulatoare pentru a organiza si instiga multimea ignoranta a credinciosilor la acea dezlantuire violenta care ``... vine, vine, vine, ... calca totul in picioare ...``

Tu chiar vezi acelasi lucru in cazul (A), unde papa Ratzinger a prezentat ceea ce a urmarit in mod ``constient`` sa spuna, intr-o forma ce nu poate fi considerata drept blasfemie ... e drept ca au avut loc niste actiuni sporadice, din cauza prostilor de imami, care au crezut ca (A)=(B), ... insa au fost opriti imediat de: intelectualii , conducatorii politici si cei spirituali ai islamului, care NU au de data asta de ce sa se lege, plus ca nu vor sa rateze vizita papei.

Raspunsul la intrebarea ta este: NU !
... felul inteligent in care Papa Ratzinger a emis declaratia, NU a pus << in pericol direct viatza milioanelor de crestini din lumea musulmana>>, si unul din motive este ca ``organizatorii`` musulmani vor opri astfel de actiuni

Daca nu ma crezi, citeste mai jos citeva exemple:

1. <<A leading Australian Muslim leader, Dr Ameer Ali, on Tuesday said Australian Muslims must accept the Pope`s apology and move on.
Dr Ali dismissed ``calls to action`` by some Muslim scholars in response to the Pope's comments. He said that would simply validate those who accuse Australia`s Muslim community of being over-sensitive.

``I don`t know why Cardinal Pell wants to continue with this controversy when the Pope himself has apologised and he has closed the chapter, `` Dr Ali said outside a national security seminar in Canberra.. ``We should accept the apology and that`s it, it`s gone.``>>

2. <<There are Muslims who felt the pope had indeed apologized. ``The pope has apologized, and that`s enough, so let`s calm down,`` said Hasyim Muzadi, head of Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Ulama. ``If we remain furious, then the pope will be proved correct.``
Even Turkey`s senior Muslim cleric, Ali Bardakoglu, who had been among the severest of the critics of the pope, said the pope`s expression of sadness is a sign that he would work for world peace.>>

3. << The head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a banned group but still the largest Islamic movement in that country, said the outrage was justified, but predicted it would subside quickly.
``Our relations with Christians should remain good, civilized and cooperative,`` Mohammed Mahdi Akef told The Associated Press in Cairo.
Germany`s Central Council of Muslims welcomed the pope`s comments Sunday as ``the most important step to calm the protest`` and urged the Vatican to seek discussion with Muslim representatives to avoid lasting damage.

In Damascus, Syria, lawmaker Mohammad Habash said the pope offered a ``clarification and not (an) apology.`` But Habash also called for ``calm and dialogue.``


La 2006-09-19 12:44:07, lucid a scris:

> ....la care evitzi sa raspunzi este: a pus Ratzinger in pericol direct
> viatza milioanelor de crestini din lumea musulmana? Si e intamplator
> ca majoritatea acestora este, in capul lui Ratzinger,
> "eretica"? Ia sa te vad ce raspunzi.

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 15:38:55

Re: diferente- multumesc maxim

2006-09-19 15:40:01

Lucidule, m-ai convins ca esti total obnubilat ! cat de curand vei fi si abulic

2006-09-19 15:47:59

"Man of peace... to see you, yr. holiness..."

"Man of peace... to see you, yr. hiliness..."


Ia uite ce cearcane are bietul Ratzinger... cu ce citeste din qur'an !

La 2006-09-19 14:02:44, lucid a scris:

Asa ca mecanismul sinuciderilor impreuna cu dushmanii trebuie intzeles intai ca sa poata sa i se gaseasca remediile

si nu inflamat mai rau cum face Ratzinger.
Intre presupusul si speculativul "infamant" - si realitatea criminala a jihadului, nu mai pot fi dubii, in capul unuia cu mintile intregi...

E i INFAMIE jihadul criminal !!!

2006-09-19 15:53:21

Re: Seherezada

De acord cu tine, desi cine-l contrazice pe "Lucid" isi pierde vremea, caci intotdeauna sustine niste ineptii - acum a devenit admirator al islamului.

Mos Martin
2006-09-19 15:56:16

Tin minte c-am citit in ProSport un titlu interesant legat de Gigi Becali: Berlusconi din Pipera

2006-09-19 15:59:49

de cand i-am vazut pantofii maro Gucci - comanda speciala ???

Mai intai ca nu-s de Gucci, e etichetta din tinuta de Papa sa poarte acel tip de pantof, de culoare roscata, unde ati vazut voi negri si la Wojtyla ?, care sunt facuti la comanda, la fel ca si tot ce imbraca Papa, de ateliere artizanale:

de o viata, nu de ieri !

Ai impresia ca mullahii si tot cardul de urlatori nu merg cu papuci italieni ? Cu banii pe care-i invart ei ? Astept detalii despre ce chilotzi poarta Papa, ia zi-mi, ca-s taaaare curioasa !

ps. de cand cine poarta papuci Gucci este negativ, tu mergi cu shoshoni de cauciuc ???

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 16:01:15

Re: Mai bine taceai din gura!....

2006-09-19 16:03:32

Re: Lucius, Lucius

de acord cu nearabii fiind printre cei mai violenti. Nu ti se pare trist totusi ca viata acestora este redusa la sentimentul religios, va citez " o componenta de baza a vietzii lor", ca traiesc in obscurantism religios in plin secol XXI, vezi tatuca Marx " Religia este opiu pentru popoare".Daca esentza vietii lor sunt "idealurile " talibane , reintoarcerea la secolul mahomedan, Allah sa aiba mila de ei.Apoi nu ti se pare ciudat ca acesti oameni nevinovati in curata lor traire religioasa, n-ar fi avut habar de spusele papei de nu ar fi fost provocati, stirniti si manevrati, ca si in episodul caricatruilor daneze de IMAMI?Si inca o intrebare.Accepta islamul orice fel de critica prin dialog.sau reactia va fi ca pina acum de ridiacre a sabiei si amenintari cu moartea? Nu ati justificat de altfel in raspunsul dvs moartea nevinovatilor (maicuta catolica din somalia ) de exemplu.Astept in continuare.

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 16:04:02

Evidence ruled sufficient in penis pump case


The female airport security guard held the small, black, squeezable rubber object she'd just plucked out of Mardin Amin's backpack, and eyed it suspiciously.

Standing next to his mother, an embarrassed Amin whispered out of one corner of his mouth that it was a "pump" -- as in a penis pump. The guard misunderstood the Iraqi man and thought she heard the word "bomb," Amin's attorney told a Cook County judge Wednesday.

"He told her it's a pump," attorney Eileen O'Neill-Burke said as a cluster of burly, snickering police officers watched the court proceedings. "He's standing with his mother. Of course he's not going to shout this out."

But after listening to the female guard testify she heard Amin "clearly" say the word bomb during the Aug. 16 incident at O'Hare Airport, Judge Gerald Winiecki decided there was enough evidence for the case to move forward. Amin, 29, is charged with felony disorderly conduct and faces up to three years in prison if convicted.

Hid it from mom

Prosecutors say Amin, who was on his way to Turkey with his mother and two small children last week, twice told security officials that he was carrying a bomb. Only later did he admit he had initially lied about the rubber object's true function because he didn't want his mother to know he was carrying a penis pump, prosecutors say.

After Wednesday's hearing, a mostly jovial Amin said airport security officials never gave him an opportunity to explain the misunderstanding. And he said he would never utter the word "bomb" while going through security.

'Half of America' uses it

"Come on -- what do you think?" said Amin, who lives in Skokie and works for a janitorial service.

Amin may not want his mother to know he has a penis pump, but he said he doesn't consider it an unusual device to own.

"It's normal," he said. "Half of America they use it."

Amin is due back in court Sept. 13.


Copyright &copy; The Sun-Times Company
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

2006-09-19 16:05:04

a avut Manuel Paleologu dreptate?

Daca ma uit la reactiile AlQaida, sau cele din Irak, Iran.., zau ca bietul imparat bizantin a avut dreptate.

Daca ma uit la reactiile Turciei (critica masurata) sau la lipsa reactiilor din Arabia Saudita. Emirate.., si daca ma uit la reactiile din Indonezia (cateva mii de oameni la o populatie de jde' milioane), as zice ca imparatul nu a avut intru totul dreptate.

Discursul Papei a fost (inca o) hartie turnesol, in care se poate vedea cate feluri diferite de credinta islamica sunt.


2006-09-19 16:07:08

Re: O completare... dragii mosului!...katty

>Ce ar fi daca Papa, ar fi manifestat obiectivitate si ar fi vorbit si de >violenta si crimele crestinilor prin Lumea Noua sau cele impotriva unor >minoritati de pe teritoriile proprii?

Ca sa vezi de ce nu a fost obiectiv? Biserica catolica si-a recunoscut de multa vreme erorile si "crimele" infaptuite in numele ei chiar si in Lumea Noua. Trebuia sa "re re re recunoasca"? Sa se "repete"? Eu cred ca a fost foarte obiectiv spunand clar "comunicare" si nu "extremism".
Ca sa te parafrazez " Ce ar fi daca Katty ar lectura integral discursul papei inainte de a se "manifesta" prin comentarii"?

>Exista oare grup religionar care sa poata spune cu mana pe inima ca >nu a comis crime dea lungul istoriei.???

Nu insa sa vezi chestie ca unii "INCA" nu s-au oprit. Continua. Si asta fara ca liderii religiosi ai religiei in numele careia comit crime sa spuna ceva. Asta tot referitor la prezumtia de "obiectivitate" ridicata de dta mai devreme fata de Papa.

>Grav cind istoria este folosita pentru a invrajbi si nu pentru a se analiza >greselile trecutului pentru a nu mai fi comise in viitor !!!!

Citeste ce a spus Papa si vorbeste apoi in cunostinta de cauza. Istoria e istorie si nu ai cum sa o schimbi decat daca vrei sa o rescrii in timp ce textul Papei numai invrajbitor n-a fost.

2006-09-19 16:07:09

alta trasnaie !... mai este si neamtz pe deasupra si comentariul a fost facut in Germania

Este neamt, dar care traieste de o VIATA la Roma, unde a predat la Univ. si a scris carti foarte apreciate, e un expert de istorie, filosofie si teolog rafinat, onest.

Mai bine taci tu, cand habar nu ai de valoarea unui om.
Ratzinger e ideologul a tot ce a facut Wojtyla, consilierul sau spiritual cel mai de incredere.

PAPA A SPUS UN ADEVAR ce-l avem toti sub nas, jihadul este criminal si nu are nimic de-a face cu invocatiile mincinoase la allah ori de cate ori bestiile mascate asasineaza DELIBERAT lume absolut INOCENTA !

Ziua greseste enorm ca nu publica traducerea textului incriminat, ca sunt multi care clampanesc paralel, habar nu au despre ce e vorba.

La 2006-09-19 15:31:37, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> mai este si neamtz pe deasupra si comentariul a fost facut in Germania
> ...

2006-09-19 16:11:15

mos mirtzoaga

La 2006-09-19 15:56:16, Mos Martin a scris:
martoaga asta jigarita si cu potcoave cazute numita Berlusca

Mitzoaga esti tu, care trancanesti fara sa stii despre cine vorbesti, si n-am chef sa-ti limpezesc preconceptiile, iti zic un singur lucru: una ca mine poate vota si sustine un om cu epitetele mizerabile ce mi le torni tu aici ca la gunoi ?

Documenteaza-te serios si apoi vorbim, nu din auzite de la detractorii lui comunisti.
Vi s-a lipit de creier comunismul, nu mai reusiti sa va lepadati, asta e prabliema !

2006-09-19 16:12:37

Re: Pe cand si o revolutie din asta in Italia ? ca sa vezi ce a inteles rachela

2006-09-19 16:16:26

Atunci cand Mafia Comunista o va dori sa o aiba ! ndc

De la Togliatti incoace, nimic nou sub soare, oricione a incercat sa indrepte lucrurile, a fost inecat in procese dirijate de PCI prin Toghe Rosse comuniste, un stat in stat, si n-am chef sa mai intru in detalii, ca m-apuca si greata !

La 2006-09-19 08:01:26, ionion a scris:

> La 2006-09-19 07:01:07, Raquel a scris:
> > Vad ca dreapta europeana a luat modelul sud-american de a face
> > revolutii in tarile in care sunt guverne de stanga. Mai ramane sa
> > instaleze si niste junte militare in locul guvernelor democratice
> > alese prin vot.

2006-09-19 16:22:27

a avut Manuel Paleologu dreptate?

In textul tradus peste tot e scris ca imparatul bizantin a redactat o conversatie avuta cu un persian, un om de mare cultura.

Bineinteles ca a avut, nici nu mai sunt dubii, o zic ei clar, cu gura lor, nu se vede ? Mergi si vezi filmatele lor de propaganda, pe memri tv, pe you tube, nu mai zic de ce se urla prin moschei, ii asmuteste pe tembeli ca sa ucida, si cand ies, asta si fac.

De ajung sa ucida pina si pe o maicuta de 80 de ani, in Somalia, pe la spate, exact cum le-a ordonat imamul... ce mai vrei ?

Chestia e dirijata de umma ce conteaza, cu toti seihii din tarile ce conteaza, coincidenta, iar apare acel dement egyptean Qaradawi... acelas care a declansat bordelul danez.

La 2006-09-19 16:05:04, George-Felix a scris:

> Daca ma uit la reactiile AlQaida, sau cele din Irak, Iran.., zau
> ca bietul imparat bizantin a avut dreptate.
> Daca ma uit la reactiile Turciei (critica masurata) sau la lipsa
> reactiilor din Arabia Saudita. Emirate.., si daca ma uit la reactiile din Indonezia (cateva mii de oameni la o populatie de jde' milioane),
> as zice ca imparatul nu a avut intru totul dreptate.
> Discursul Papei a fost (inca o) hartie turnesol, in care se
> poate vedea cate feluri diferite de credinta islamica sunt.
> Felix

2006-09-19 16:27:58

Re: alta trasnaie !... "jihad criminal" :)))))

Pai cu celelalte razboaie cum ramane: alea sant umane? :)))) Bine, bine, daca ne gandim la Liban...asta da, a fost foarte "uman"...nu!?

La 2006-09-19 16:07:09, Oriana a scris:

"PAPA A SPUS UN ADEVAR ce-l avem toti sub nas, jihadul este criminal ..."

2006-09-19 16:28:41

Evidence ruled sufficient in penis pump case... equivocul e si lingvistic !

Consoana "p" ei nu o pronunta ca noi, ci cu "b".
Imi aduc aminte de colegi care ziceau "baine", in loc de paine, carne de "borc" si nu de porc.

La 2006-09-19 16:04:02, Mos Grigore a scris:


> "He told her it's a pump," attorney Eileen O'Neill-Burke said as a cluster of burly, snickering police officers watched the court proceedings.
"He's standing with his mother. Of course he's not going to shout this out."
> But after listening to the female guard testify she heard Amin "clearly" say the word bomb during the Aug. 16 incident at O'Hare Airport, Judge Gerald Winiecki decided there was enough evidence for the case to move forward.

Amin, 29, is charged with felony disorderly conduct and faces up to three years in prison if convicted.
> Hid it from mom

Prosecutors say Amin, who was on his way to Turkey with his mother and two small children last week, twice told security officials that he was carrying a bomb.

Only later did he admit he had initially lied about the rubber object's true function because he didn't want his mother to know he was carrying a penis pump, prosecutors say.

After Wednesday's hearing, a mostly jovial Amin said airport security officials never gave him an opportunity to explain the misunderstanding.

And he said he would never utter the word "bomb" while going through security.
> 'Half of America' uses it

"Come on -- what do you think?" said Amin, who lives in Skokie and works for a janitorial service.
> Amin may not want his mother to know he has a penis pump, but he said
> he doesn't consider it an unusual device to own.
> "It's normal," he said. "Half of America they use it."
> Amin is due back in court Sept. 13.

2006-09-19 16:38:10

freedom and respect of all religions and beliefs, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or laicism

Meglio tardi che mai, n'asha ?

Ieri primarul comunist de la Roma s-a grabit sa apara pe Aljavrazira sa le eSplice tontilor textul expus de Papa... istorie, filosofie... conceptii prea elevate pt. caprarii care dau foc la steaguri germane si la paiatze caraghioase cu Papa, cu gura minjita de sange: ce bestii !

Problema e diapazonul care a dat "la" ca sa se faca asa niste porcarii pe contul lui Ratzinger. Multi sunt si analfabeti, sigur nici nu-si cunosc istoria... ca doar se stie la ce se rezuma scolile lor.

La 2006-09-19 14:36:44, achile a scris:

Brussels defends Pope's freedom of expression
18.09.2006 - 17:31 CET | By Lucia Kubosova

> EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has said

it was wrong to pick out quotes from the pope's controversial speech in which a link between Islam and violence was suggested

and deliberately taking them out of context.

the commission would not "clarify or interpret" the speech

which has sparked furore across Muslim world,

as Brussels considers it "a theological contribution to a theological debate."

: freedom of speech is a cornerstone of the EU's order as is

the ,
freedom and respect of all religions and beliefs,

be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or laicism

Mai mult la: http://euobserver.com/9/22438/?rk=1

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 16:39:33

Vine anul nou evreesc - scandal la Chicago!

Jewish leaders: Overturning foie gras ban could anger God

September 19, 2006

BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter

Just in time for the High Holy Days, a pair of prominent Jewish leaders are putting the City Council's two Jewish aldermen on notice: They risk incurring the wrath of God if they push to repeal Chicago's foie gras ban.

"Beyond the Kosher dietary laws, God has told us to do what is 'good and proper in the eyes of God,'" Rabbi Asher Lopatin of Anshe Sholom B'Nail Israel Congregation wrote to Aldermen Burton F. Natarus (42nd) and Bernard Stone (50th).

"The cruelty inflicted on animals in the production of foie gras is unspeakable. It is undeniably disgusting in the eyes of God and in the eyes of any civilized person."

Jana Kohl, former director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, accused Natarus and Stone of reneging on a "vow" made personally to Kohl to support the foie gras ban as a statement against animal cruelty.

In an angry letter to the two political cohorts, Kohl promised to do "everything in my power to defeat your misguided efforts."

"As the only two Jewish members of the Council, it's particularly shameful and disgraceful of you to turn your back on our cherished concept of 'tikun olam,' namely our obligation to make our world a better, more compassionate place," wrote Kohl, whose grandfather founded Kohl department stores.

'I don't get intimidated'

Stone reacted with signature sarcasm to the pressure he is receiving from Jewish leaders just four days before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year that kicks off the 10 Days of Atonement.

Referring to Kohl, he said, "She threatened my Jewish heritage. She obviously doesn't understand that Jews only know chopped liver. They don't know foie gras."

Turning serious, Stone categorically denied that he had promised Kohl he would stand behind a foie gras ban approved by the City Council on April 26 by a vote of 48 to 1.

"I indicated that I found it repugnant that they were torturing animals. I still find that repugnant. But it now becomes a question of the credibility of the City Council," he said.

Asked whether he intended to back off, Stone said, "You know me better than that. I don't get intimidated that easy."

Natarus could not be reached for comment.

Next for Daley: A repeal

The Illinois Restaurant Association and a coalition of chefs have filed a lawsuit that seeks to overturn a foie gras ban that has made sarcastic headlines around the world.

The proposed repealer was quietly filed with the city clerk's office four weeks ago.

Last week, Daley said a repeal was the next item on his legislative agenda.

In a telephone interview Monday, Kohl argued that Judeo-Christian ethics and precepts mandate that animals raised and slaughtered for food and clothing be treated humanely.

Foie gras is produced by force-feeding geese and ducks.

"It's the only food item that can only be raised by torturing an animal," Kohl said.


Copyright &copy; The Sun-Times Company
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

2006-09-19 16:42:22

NU "acum a devenit admirator al islamului."

La 2006-09-19 15:53:21, Raquel a scris:

> De acord cu tine, desi cine-l contrazice pe "Lucid" isi
> pierde vremea, caci intotdeauna sustine niste ineptii -

acum a devenit admirator al islamului.

Nu acum, ci dintotdeauna e cu islamul, fara nici sa aiba bunul simt sa si-l studieze, vorbeste doar ca sa se afle-n treaba, am remarcat ca nu cunoaste nici terminologia, nici naravurile, niente, zero !

2006-09-19 16:42:47

Re: diferente- multumesc maxim- nu stiu mosule

2006-09-19 16:48:59

Re: O completare... dragii mosului!...katty

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 16:53:10

Al-Qaida to pope: Islam will prevail

September 19, 2006


CAIRO, Egypt -- Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran's supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff's remarks on Islam.

Protests broke out in South Asia and Indonesia, with angry Muslims saying Benedict's statement of regret a day earlier did not go far enough.

In southern Iraq, demonstrators carrying black flags burned an effigy of the pope.


The radical Muslims in Iraq who spoke out Monday hope to conquer the world. If successful, they said they would:

""Spill the liquor." Islam forbids drinking alcohol.

""Impose the 'jizya' tax." Non-Muslims would have to pay this head tax, though those who convert would be exempt. The tax has not been imposed in Muslim nations in about 100 years, though Islamic militant groups have tried to force non-Muslims to pay it on a local level in some countries.

""The only thing acceptable is a conversion or the sword." This means non-Muslims would have to convert to Islam or be killed.


Islamic leaders around the world issued more condemnations of the pope's comments, but some moderates in the Middle East appeared to be trying to put a damper on the outrage, fearing it could spiral into attacks on Christians in the region.

Trying to defuse anger

On Sunday, Benedict said he was ''deeply sorry'' over any hurt caused by his comments made in a speech last week in which he quoted a medieval text characterizing some of the Prophet Muhammad's teachings as ''evil and inhuman'' and calling Islam a religion spread by the sword.

Benedict said the remarks came from a text that didn't reflect his own opinion, but he did not retract what he said.

The Vatican on Monday sought to defuse the anger, ordering papal representatives around the world to meet with leaders of Muslim countries to explain the pope's point of view.

Roman Catholic leaders stepped forward to defend the pontiff. At an Italian bishops' conference, Cardinal Camillo Ruini underlined the bishops' ''total closeness and solidarity to the pope'' and said they deplored interpretations of the pope's comments, ''which attribute to the Holy Father ...errors that he has not committed and aim at attacking his person and his ministry.''

Few in the Islamic world were satisfied by Benedict's statement of regret.

War against Islam?

''The pope's words have caused a deep wound in the hearts of Muslims that won't heal for a long time, and then only after a clear apology to Muslims,'' Egypt's religious affairs minister, Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, wrote.

An influential Egyptian cleric, Sheik Youssef al-Qaradawi, called for protests after weekly prayers on Friday, but maintained they should be peaceful.

Extremists said the pope's comments proved that the West was in a war against Islam.

Al-Qaida in Iraq said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as ''the worshipper of the cross'' saying ''you and the West are doomed as you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere. ... We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose the 'jizya' tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion or the sword.''

Another Iraqi extremist group, Ansar al-Sunna, challenged ''sleeping Muslims'' to prove their manhood by doing something other than ''issuing statements or holding demonstrations.''

'Attacks and protests'

''If the stupid pig is prancing with his blasphemies in his house,'' the group said in a Web statement, referring to the pope, ''then let him wait for the day coming soon when the armies of the religion of right knock on the walls of Rome.''

In Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used the comments to call for protests against the United States. He argued that while the pope may have been deceived into making his remarks, the words give the West an ''excuse for suppressing Muslims'' by depicting them as terrorists.

''Those who benefit from the pope's comments and drive their own arrogant policies should be targeted with attacks and protests,'' he said, referring to the United States.


Murdered nun's final words: 'I forgive, I forgive'

NAIROBI, Kenya -- Sister Leonella, a nun who devoted her life to helping the sick in Africa, used to joke there was a bullet with her name engraved on it in Somalia. When the bullet came, she used her last breaths to forgive those responsible.

''I forgive, I forgive,'' she whispered in her native Italian just before she died Sunday, the Rev. Maloba Wesonga said at the nun's memorial mass in Nairobi on Monday.

Sister Leonella's slaying raised fears that she and other foreigners killed in Somalia recently are victims of growing Islamic radicalism in the Horn of Africa country, where a hard-line Muslim militia has been expanding its reach.

'Like an execution'

The shooting was not a random attack and could have been linked to the Muslim anger over remarks by Pope Benedict XVI, said Willy Huber, regional head of the Austrian-financed hospital where the Roman Catholic nun worked.

Several Somalis who witnessed Sunday's attack by two gunmen also speculated the killing was related to the pope. But Abdurahman Mohamed Farah, deputy leader of the Islamic militia, disputed that, blaming it instead on Somali warlords.

The nun was the latest victim in a wave of slayings of both foreign workers and moderate Somali intellectuals that has coincided with the rise of the Islamic radicals.

Sister Leonella was shot as she left S.O.S. hospital in Mogadishu. Her bodyguard also was slain. The two were walking the 30 feet from the hospital to the nun's home.

"She had no chance,'' Huber said. "It was like an execution."


Copyright &copy; The Sun-Times Company
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

2006-09-19 16:54:07

cica... In Suedia nu s-a intimplat nimic special, siiigur, ce ziaristi mincinosi, dom'le !

VorbEsti ca sa dai din gura la fel ca "pretena" ta Oriana !!!

Iar ai inceput cu prostiile tale. Roy da din gura, dar conecteaza creierul, tu ce conectezi ??

cica... In Suedia nu s-a intimplat nimic special, siiigur, ce ziaristi mincinosi, dom'le !
"Alla ska med. Sa enkelt ar det. !", asta era motto, cu o rabla de masina veche, plina full de imigranti, atat de plina de statea cu fundul in jos.

Sigur ca raman tanti, pt. o gagautza ce pretinde sa-mi dea mie lectii de politica... sta de cateva zile un dosar luuuuuun luuuung cu tot ce misca in Suedia, pe puncte, acus iti dau adresa.... si vine o cascata sa zica asa o trasnaie, mah du-te mah d'acilea ca te fugaresc.
Pune mina pe ceeee ? Pe carte. Imediat, ca sa ti-o dau in cap, tocmai tu care nu citesti nici macar ziarele, mah, da' ai tupeu ?
Schimba-ti batistutza, ca inca-ti mai curge nasul de oftica !

Asta este situl, si tipul e unul din Scandinavia, mai expert decat tine, Baron Bodissay, citeste-ti bine toata povestea si cand ai terminat, vino si posteaza, hai capito bambina ?

www.gatesofvienna.com................Swedish Surprise


The unemployment is highest among the young (6.2% for age group 20-34). With rising age, the unemployment declines. 0.9% are unemployed for more than 6 months a year.

...the total unemployment is 394,000 corresponding to 7.4% of the 20-64 age group &#8212; among men 8.4%, and among women 6.4%.

The Swedish Nomenklatura....
Persons with foreign background...
The Education Fraud...

Vezi si asta, tot scandinav

Nu e nevoie de bazaconii de la tine, ziarele-s pline cu toate amanuntele, de vreo saptamana
la capitolul titanic - welfare Suedia.

La 2006-09-19 10:03:05, Katty a scris:

> Ramai tanti Oriana ...

Pe linga tine sunt doamna Oriana, s-avem pardon.

2006-09-19 16:55:56

Cum sa te mai ia cineva in serios ?

La 2006-09-19 14:28:24, ionion a scris:

> si despre tovarasii musulmani !
> Unde este tovarasi solidaritatea ?
> Care este punctul de vedere a tovarasilor popi ?

E pe toate ziarele, fa un mic efort si... deschide-le !

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 17:06:47

Ce a zis de fapt PAPA? Ca cam multi cintaretzi dupa ureche!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-19 17:12:36

pina si Foucauld o spusese... inainte de a fi asasinat de musulmani

2006-09-19 17:23:24

Halooo, comentatori dupa ureche , se aude ???

Mos Grigore
2006-09-19 17:30:08

Discursul Papei gata digerat.........................


Adrian v.D.
2006-09-19 17:35:44

De cate ori ne-au declarat razboi acesti fanatici?

Ori ca suntem ateisti,liberi cugetatori sau crestini,antiamericani,sau revolutionari marxisti,indiferent ce si cum suntem,islamistii fascisti ne-au mai declarat inca o data razboi.Europa doarme ca atunci cand nazistii germani ocupau Cehoslovacia si Austria.....Ministrii de atunci spuneau ca Hitler este un om al pacii(!!)Si acum incearca unii sa ne linisteasca.Mi-a duc aminte ca am citit despre un general japonez,care cunostea puterea fantastica a USA si care a spus,atunci cand au atacat pe americani"Am trezit din somn un urias!"Eu sunt convins ca acesti fanatici,care oricum sunt orbiti de ceva rau,habar nu au de puterea USA.
Sa-i fereasca Domnul,daca se trezesc americanii....

Un comunist german(Gisy)a spus azi,in Parlamentul german,ca Israel este de decenii "forta militara in regiune "si..."..tot nu-i pace",dar a recunoscut ca daca ceilalti vecini ai Israelului ar fi fost mai puternici,militar,"statul Israel n-ar mai fi existat de mult".....Dar dupa cum am spus:nu conteaza daca suntem comunisti sau nu.Tavalugul islamic nu doreste decat o distrugere a intregii lumi nemusulmane.Si o convertire a celor care scapa.....Dar acesti inapoiati nu cunosc puterea Crucii.Ei,prapaditii timpului modern,doresc sa distruga Crucea?Si antiamericanii ce spun?
Le cauta inca scuze,in ceasul al doisprezecelea?

Caricaturile,Papa,Theo van Gogh,noi oare cand ne trezim?Cu toata autocenzura noastra,niciodata nu le vom face pe plac!Ce face UE?Cenzureaza si pe Papa?

Adrian D.

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