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2006-08-10 04:29:03

Re: To sobru... Vezi ca si inchinatorii lui Allah "vor sa faca lumea dupa cum vor ei" !

2006-08-10 04:29:16

Re: To sobru... Indienii americani in ce cred ?la cine se roaga si cum sunt inmormantazi....raspunde daca esti destept

2006-08-10 05:02:32

Re: Hezbulanii sint oameni care cauta fericirea.

2006-08-10 05:08:34

Re: faimosul Manifesto ptr Virgil Ciuca

2006-08-10 05:12:01

draga alamar,

Farimitza Lambru
2006-08-10 05:22:37

Re: Oriana...

Farimitza Lambru
2006-08-10 05:27:00


Farimitza Lambru
2006-08-10 05:31:38



Tariq Ramadan is a 42-year old Arab Islamic philosopher, born in Switzerland and teaching at the University of Fribourg. He was recently invited to Notre Dame University, in South Bend, as Henry B. Luce Professor of Religion, Conflict, and Peace Building, affiliated with the Catholic institution's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

However, his entry into the U.S. was made impossible when his visa, issued by the State Department, was revoked at the instance of the Department of Homeland Security.

The Ramadan case has touched off a significant debate in some circles. Academics who make it their business to attack the U.S. government over such matters have issued their typical condemnations; other public voices have alleged that Jewish pressure led to Ramadan's exclusion. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the most shrill and agitated of the secular advocacy groups for Middle Eastern radicals, issued an uncharacteristically mild set of cautionary declarations, describing its reaction to the decision as "deeply troubled," but then, with its customary arrogance, demanded an apology to Ramadan and offered to work with the DHS on a resolution of the issue, i.e. reissuance of the visa.

Both ADC and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the chief entity in the "Wahhabi lobby" which, with Saudi Arabian backing, stifles the intellectual life of American Muslims, while claiming to speak for no less than seven million of its coreligionists on these shores, had the rather considerable nerve to criticize Ramadan's visa cancellation as "censorship."

These outcomes were predictable. Neither the professional defenders of Islamist extremism in Middle East studies on campus, nor the well-heeled front groups for Arab radicals and Wahhabi reactionaries, will accept that a visit to the U.S. is not a right guaranteed to every foreigner.

Ramadan should not be admitted to the U.S. He has written extensively on the challenge of assimilating Islam in Europe, but has shown by his public statements there that he is not an Islamic moderate at all, but a man committed to quite radical postures. Even Hicham Chehab, news editor of the Beirut Daily Star, a newspaper obviously dedicated to Arab interests, was forced to admit early this month that "During the controversial visit to Britain last July by Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, himself accused of sanctioning suicide bombers, Ramadan defended Qardawi on the BBC television program 'Hard Talk.'"

Qaradawi, an Islamist bigot resident in Qatar, is more than "accused of sanctioning suicide bombers." He was recently compelled -- not for the first or, one may be certain, the last time -- to dissociate himself from one of his own fatwas acclaiming violence against U.S. and coalition troops in Iraq, by "clarifying" that he supports "resistance" but not kidnapping, hostage-taking, or slaying of civilian contractors. At the same time, he accused the U.S. of trying to "change the religion" of Muslims in the Middle East.

The Daily Star's Chehab also noted that on the BBC show professor Ramadan, for his part, "did use, like some Muslim clerics, a double language and failed to denounce Palestinian suicide bombings. While Ramadan condemned the killing of civilians, he also denied there was definite proof that Al-Qaeda was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001." An exponent of such views clearly should not be welcome in the U.S. on the third anniversary of those horrors, and in the aftermath of the latest terror atrocity, in Beslan, supported by the international Wahhabi cult.

Tariq Ramadan carefully employs a vocabulary advocating "reform" of Islam, which is music to the ears of ill-educated Westerners, and leads to such misfortunes as his invitation to Notre Dame. Sadly, however, his concept of "reform" in Islam does not encompass a repudiation of Qaradawi, who also defines himself as a "reformer" of the religion.

The second trap into which the defenders of Tariq Ramadan have fallen is perhaps better described as a slippery slope. That is, it has become noticeable of late that Westerners who allegedly seek dialogue with the Islamic world suffer a pronounced reluctance to locate, identify, and empower the real moderates among the Muslims. Rather, they seem to have accepted the false proposition that Islam is mainly extremist, and that dialogue with moderates means finding the least dangerous fundamentalists rather than those who have rejected radicalism altogether.

A September 3, 2004 article in the Jewish Forward, published in New York, reported on a new study of Jewish-Muslim relations in America. The author of the survey, Harvard graduate student Raquel Ukeles, argues that for Jews to eschew dialogue with "Muslim individuals and organizations who are or have been affiliated/in contact" with radical Islamist groups that endorse violence, including terrorism in Israel, "has led to a boycott of a more moderate Muslim through an unfair 'guilt by association.' "

In an even more surprising, if not shocking and demoralizing development, an extensive reportage by John Mintz and Douglas Farah was published in The Washington Post on September 11, 2004. Titled "In Search Of Friends Among The Foes," it outlined the linkages of ideological Islamists, leading a wide network of mosques, organizations, and businesses in the U.S., with the radical Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab world, a movement with which Tariq Ramadan has family ties, and which he has defended.

The article then, as indicated by its headline, disclosed that "some federal agents worry that the Muslim Brotherhood has dangerous links to terrorism. But some U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials believe its influence offers an opportunity for political engagement that could help isolate violent jihadists." Mintz and Farah, who are excellent reporters, quoted Graham E. Fuller, a former CIA official best described as someone who never met an Islamist he didn't like, and who is especially strident in his criticism of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

According to Fuller, the Brotherhood is "'the preeminent movement in the Muslim world... something we can work with.' Demonizing the Brotherhood 'would be foolhardy in the extreme,' he warned. Further along, the Post writers note that Fuller "warns against a litmus test for talking to Islamists -- such as eliminating those who embrace anti-Israel terrorism or make anti-American statements. 'There's hardly an Islamic group anywhere that hasn't done that,' he said."

In reality, Fuller, who consistently fosters the error of equating the Muslim global community with the Arab states, ignores the existence of numerous Islamic groups that embrace neither anti-Israel terrorism nor anti-Americanism, and which are located in such prominent places as French-speaking West Africa, Morocco, the Balkans, Turkey, Central Asia, India, and Indonesia. In most of these populous regions, the Muslim Brotherhood plays no role at all.

Lassitude about finding moderate Muslims in places like those enumerated here, and the willingness to accede to the lazy approach of accepting "the least radical" as moderates, also contributes to absurd incidents like the Tariq Ramadan fiasco. But the failure of Western politicians and intellectuals to learn enough about Islam to locate and assist the true moderates will come back to haunt America. Deliberate blindness to the Wahhabi threat in Saudi Arabia contributed to the impunity with which al-Qaida launched the suicide mission of September 11th. A similar accommodation to Islamic radicals who now disguise themselves as moderates will simply reinforce the sense that the populations of the Christian West are stupid, and may be fooled, swindled, and slaughtered.


Mos Grigore
2006-08-10 05:36:09

Re: To sobru... Vezi ca si inchinatorii lui Allah "vor sa faca lumea dupa cum vor ei" !

2006-08-10 05:39:24

Re: Fundamentalismul islamic...Ratacitul

Farimitza Lambru
2006-08-10 05:50:32

Re: aberatii fara sfirsit

La 2006-08-10 02:27:02, Sobru a scris:

> Crestinismul nu are legatura cu evreii decat din perspectiva istorica,
> nicidecum spirituala. Unde se termina religia voastra incepe
> Crestinismul. Se poate vorbi de o legatura si prin prisma faptului ca
> Iisus s-a intrupat in mijlocul ucigasilor lui, pentru a-si implini
> menirea. Cristos este pentru crestini FIUL lui Dumnezeu, nascut nu
> facut, deci nu e nici evreu nici altceva cum ai vrea tu.

Domnule, ca urasti evreii e treaba dumitale si a medicului. Nu ma bag ca pute. Dar nu te fa de bafta cu teologie din asta invatata pe la cafeneaua lui nea' Ahmed Shaorma din Ferentari. De unde mai scoateti aberatiile astea?

De natura DIVINA SI UMANA a lui Hristos ai auzit? Zici ca a fost "nascut" nu "facut". Cine l-a nascut atunci, doamna Sobru in sala de asteptare de-a doua din gara Ferentari?

Partea umana de unde venea? De Maica Domnului ai auzit? Ce era ea, "ucigasa" sau o mama evreica? In mijlocul ucigasilor lui? Maria Magdalena ce era, evreica sau ucigasa? Petru ce era, evreu sau ucigas?

"Nici o legatura spirituala?" Ai tinut vreodata Biblia (spre deosebire de coran, imi pare rau sa-ti dau vesti proaste, nu e tot aia) in mina? De Matei V, 17 ai auzit -- "Sa nu socotiti ca am venit sa stric legea sau proorocii; n-am venit sa stric, ci sa plinesc"? Care prooroci? Proorocul Omar? Legea lui Iorgovan?

Dar ce a spus pe cruce la sfirsit Hristos, in Matei stii? Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? De unde era asta stii? Din invataturile lui Sobru catre fiul sau Doro? Sau dintr-unul dintre psalmii cei mai emotionanti scrisi de David? David ce era, caracalean? Nici o legatura spirituala in teologia sobra, da??

Daca pe Hristos l-au omorit evreii si/sau l-au omorit romanii, ca se cam bat Evangheliile cap in cap, inseamna poate ca evreii de azi sint ucigasii lui Hristos *alaturi de francezi, spanioli si noi romanii*, ca doar cu totii de la Rim ne tragem?

In sfirsit, vad ca consideri continuitatea dintre evreii de acum doua mii de ani si de acum suficient de puternica cit sa-i acuzi ca sint ucigasii lui Hristos. Dar in acelasi timp nu e suficient de puternica incit sa-si revendice pamintul pe care au trait acum doua mii de ani. "Crima" nu s-a prescris dar dreptul de proprietate s-a prescris.

Cita ura e stiam deja, dar cita lipsa de minima rationalitate arata ca ura intuneca mintea, putina cit o are omul.

2006-08-10 06:18:36

Re: To sobru... Vezi ca si inchinatorii lui Allah "vor sa faca lumea dupa cum vor ei" !

Farimitza Lambru
2006-08-10 06:26:05

Re: Oriana...

> Ati ajuns sa promovati pe acest site toate ciurucurile.

Aha, adica Ramadan - despre care se stie destula informatie ca sa stim ca e mai rau decit un ciuruc - e o "valoare", promovata de d-ta, in timp ce Oriana promoveaza "ciurucuri". Mare ti-e gradina ta, Doamne.

Avem distractie pe forum: cucoane Chirita care ar fi perfecte, de nu le-ar lipsi hazul originalului.

2006-08-10 06:29:16

Re: draga padure, nu mai dormi in post ! Europa respinge ORICE religie !

Pentru informarea dumitale - "Tratatul Constitutional" a fost redactat cu mare grija, sa nu scape vreo aluzie la religie, Biserica Catolica etc.
Probabil - ca sa evite "observatiile" celor veniti mai recent in zona crestina !
"Observatii" care, dupa obiceiuri deja cunoscute, se materializeaza in incendii, morti, raniti etc.

La 2006-08-10 05:12:01, padure a scris:

> Ai pus punctul pe i, numai concluzia e strimba.da, crestinismul e o
> religie evreiasca, cu alte cuvinte a fost un act de
> "incultura" ca noi, romanii, sa adoptam o religie straina.
> Nu inteleg de ce te bate grija cu Jupiter si "alte
> zeitati". Religia "pagina" a fost unul din cele mai
> spectaculoase momente ale istoriei omenesti, care acum agonizeaza
> "crestin". Europa insa e pe cale sa redevina adevarata
> forta avuta in timpuri indoeuropene.Si asta numai prin respingerea
> unei religii straine: cea crestino-evreiasca. Roaga-te sa scapam de
> lucruri care nu ne apartin....
> > Dle sobru ,doresc sa te intreb ceva ?....Dle sobru ,dta esti crestin
> > sau materialist dialect ?...Ca daca esti crestin,am vesti proaste pt.
> > dta si alti membrii, sau fosti membrii ai Garzii de Fier...Multi
> > membrii ai acestei org. sant "crestini"...Eu o sa-ti fac o
> > mare revelatie.O dezvaluire care o sa te uimeasca...Dle sobru numele
> > asta de crestin vine de la un tamplar evreu,pe nume Cristos,care in
> > ebraica inseamna Mesia.....Acest evreu, a inceput o religie,care se
> > numeste Crestinism,dupa numele evreului mentionat mai sus....Dle
> > sobru,fara evrei nu ar exista crestinatatea.Eu regret foarte mult ca
> > sant nevoit sa-ti dezvalui aceste vesti triste...Dle sobru,fara acel
> > evreu astazi inca te rugai la Jupiter,sau la alte dietati...Totusi
> > dle sobru doresc sa stii, ca apreciez faptul ca nu ai scris din nou :
> > "Adica ?"....La revedere.
> >

2006-08-10 06:44:14

Re: Oriana...

2006-08-10 06:47:01

Re: Oriana...

2006-08-10 06:58:13

Articol amintind de "viziunile" lui Traian Ungureanu...

..., dar fara "flamboaianta" acestuia...
Absolut plicticos prin lipsa oricarei umbre de idee originala.
In schimb, Oriana sper sa fi fost multumuita. (O vad deja foarte activa, dar nu mai am timp sa ma uit ce scrie.)
Exista oameni care nu se pot simti bine decat daca se stiu "pe linie", aparand o anumita "cauza"...
Oare cand vom scapa de mostenirea gandirii tale, Vladimir Ilici?...

2006-08-10 06:58:52

acum citeva zile....

Citiva 15.000 de ciumeti, n'asa, strigau si afisau pa niste pancarte..Israel asasin.....
Oare de ce ?
M-am ginit si eu ca omu' hobosit de munca si m-am gindit ca daca i-ar vedea Wiesstzel ala i-ar acuza de antiseminte de floarea soarelui...
dar intrucit astia d'acilea nu cunosc pa unde curge Nilu si nici daca exista...cine draku sa-l cunosca pa galbeaza ala !

2006-08-10 07:09:21

Vai copii, este asa de palpitant, azi iar CNN va transmite live intensificarea atacurilor israeliene, mi-am

cumparat seminte si bere si deabia astept sa ma uit la transmisiunea live
a CNN ! Va fi si in culori !

2006-08-10 08:32:15

** Dead Men Walking! ** - Cum a fost fortat marele ziar New York Times sa-si ceara scuze dupa ce a fost prins...

...cu matza in sac !!

New York Times Busted in Hezbollah Photo Fraud!


evreu mandru din israel
2006-08-10 08:33:30

Re: Alt diletant... cica "Nu pune evreii in aceeasi oala cu crestinii"

2006-08-10 08:37:31

Crede si nu cerceta

Atit extremismul musulman cit si cel crestin se micsoreaza prin educatie sporita (ex. inchizitia ), largirea oizontului de cunoastere, intarirea puterii statului laic si democratie .
Polemicile pot fi infinite ( si gaunoase ) .

2006-08-10 08:38:26

Re: Articol amintind de "viziunile" lui Traian Ungureanu...

La 2006-08-10 06:58:13, moroianu a scris:

> ..., dar fara "flamboaianta" acestuia...
> Absolut plicticos prin lipsa oricarei umbre de idee originala.

Sincer sa fiu, mai plicticoasa este previzibilitatea negresita a replicilor (?) total secatuite de orice umbra de argument, care declara sententios ca articolul este "absolut plicticos" pur si simplu pentru ca comentatorul are opinii contrare si (sintem obligati sa deducem) mai putin informate.


2006-08-10 09:07:33

"Timeo hominem unium librium !"

2006-08-10 09:57:47

Re: Tariq ... Roxana ...

2006-08-10 10:04:39

Caroline Fourest

2006-08-10 10:17:36

"Timeo hominem unium librium !"

2006-08-10 10:18:52

bibliografie pentru G A

Ernst Nolte: "Razboiul civil european - 1917 - 1945, comunism versus nazism" - traducere Florin Constantiniu, se gaseste in orice librarie mare, la un pretz cam piparat, cca 300 mii lei. Citind-o, poate G A ar reusi sa inteleaga cam cum e cu ideologiile astea siameze, de tip actiune - reactiune - exact ca in fizica demult abandonata de G A, si ar vedea ca "modelul" se aplica foarte bine si binomului globalism - islamism. Iar pentru deplina luminare il poate citi pe Robert Kaplan cu a sa teorie a eticii pagane (adica anticrestine) - pagan ethics - recomandata de el ca model de comportare pe plan mondial a USA.

2006-08-10 10:25:28

Nu vad care e problema :

2006-08-10 10:48:56

unii cred ca "Muslim Brotherhood", ar fi un cous-cous de oaie...

The Muslim Brotherhood top secret "Project"

Statutul sectei wahhabito-nazista, descoperit de elvetieni in nov. 2001 si publicat de ziaristul elv. Sylvain Besson, prima data pe Le Temps, dupa care "Planul" a facut inconjurul lumii... pare ca n-a ajuns pe la kioskul lui Rexona ! Pas encore ...

Such a Document was recovered in a raid by SWISS Authorities in Nov. 2001, 2 months after the horror of 9/11.

Only through the work of an intrepid Swiss journalist, Sylvain BESSON of Le TEMPS, and his book published in Oct. 2005 in France,

"Le projet secret des Islamistes" (The Conquest of the West: The Islamists' Secret Project), has information regarding The Project finally been made PUBLIC.

What Western intelligence authorities know about The Project begins with the raid of a luxurious villa in CAMPIONE, Switzerland on November 7, 2001.

The TARGET of the raid was Youssef NADA, director of the Al-TAQWA Bank of LUGANO, who has had active association with the Muslim Brotherhood for more than 50 YEARS and who admitted to being one of the organization’s international leaders.

The Muslim Brotherhood, regarded as the OLDEST and one of the MOST important Islamist movements in the WORLD, was founded by Hasan al-BANNA in 1928 and dedicated to the credo:

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope".

The raid was conducted by SWISS LAW... US and SWISS investigators had been looking at Al-TAQ'A involvement in MONEY laundering and funding a WIDE range of Islamic TERRORIST groups, including Al-Qaeda, HAMAS (the Palestinian affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood), the Algerian GIA, and the Tunisian ENNAHDAH.

Included in the documents seized during the raid of Nada’s Swiss villa was a 14-page PLAN written in Arabic and dated Dec. 1, 1982, which outlines a 12-point STRATEGY

to "ESTABLISH an Islamic government ON EARTH" - identified as "The PROJECT".

According to testimony given to SWISS AUTHORITIES by Nada, the unsigned document was prepared by "Islamic researchers" associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

"Death of America! Death to Israel !" and

"Establish the global CALIPHATE !" ... approach to the "cultural invasion" of the West.

Calling for the utilization of various tactics, ranging from immigration, infiltration, surveillance, propaganda, protest, deception, political legitimacy and terrorism, The Project has served for more than 2 decades as the Muslim Brotherhood "MASTER PLAN".

TACTICS and TECHNIQUES are among the many recommendations made in The PROJECT:

- Networking and coordinating actions between likeminded Islamist organizations;

- Avoiding open alliances with known terrorist organizations and individuals to maintain the appearance of "moderation";

- Infiltrating and taking over existing Muslim organizations to realign them towards the Muslim Brotherhood’s collective goals;

- Using deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions, as long as it doesn’t conflict with shari’a law;

- Avoiding social conflicts with Westerners locally, nationally or globally, that might damage the long-term ability to expand the Islamist powerbase in the West or provoke a lash back against Muslims;

- Establishing financial networks to fund the work of conversion of the West, including the support of full-time administrators and workers;

- Conducting surveillance, obtaining data, and establishing collection and data storage capabilities;

- Putting into place a watchdog system for monitoring Western media to warn Muslims of "international plots fomented against them";

- Cultivating an Islamist intellectual community, including the establishment of think-tanks and advocacy groups, and publishing "academic" studies, to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movements;

- Developing a comprehensive 100-year plan to advance Islamist ideology throughout the world;

- Balancing international objectives with local flexibility;

- Building extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals so that contact with the movement for Muslims in the West is constant;

- Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions;

- Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam;

- Drafting Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation;

- Avoiding conflict within the Islamist movements on all levels, including the development of processes for conflict resolution;

- Instituting alliances with Western "progressive" organizations that share similar goals;

- Creating autonomous "security forces" to protect Muslims in the West;

- Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West "in a jihad frame of mind";

- Supporting jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support;

- Making the Palestinian cause a global wedge issue for Muslims;

Adopting the total liberation of Palestine from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as a keystone in the plan for global Islamic domination;

- Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them;

- Actively creating jihad terror cells within Palestine;

- Linking the terrorist activities in Palestine with the global terror movement;

- Collecting sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support jihad around the world;


2006-08-10 11:16:35

"frere Tariq"... Caroline Fourest & LIBANEZA Fiammetta Vener

2006-08-10 11:19:25

Re: to alamar..

1. Ca nu stii a scrie romaneste corect - vezi "membrii" de doua ori in loc de "MEMBRI", treaca-mearga, chair daca te-ai nascut intamplator pe la noi.
2. Problema este ca necrestin fiind insultzi inadmisibil crestinismul. Hai sa-ti explic poate retzii ceva din ceea ce credem noi, crestinii ( crezul ala din Niceea, daca ai auzit de asa ceva). Iisus este FIUL lui DUMNEZEU, nascut nu facut, cea de-a treia componenta a Sf Treimi alaturi de Tatal si Duhul Sfant. Iar "povestea" aparitiei sale a fost asa: poporul evreu a fost ALES de Tatal ca SA SE NASCA IN MIJLOCUL SAU MESIA, FIUL LUI DUMNEZEU, MANTUITORUL LUMII. Apropos, Messiah este cuvantul ebraic pentru Mesia, NU Christos care este grecesc, ma mir ca faci confuzie intre ebraica si greaca. O data nascut Mesia, poporul evreu si-a indeplinit misiunea incredintata de Tatal si si-a pierdut caracterul de ALES, devenind EGAL cu toate popoarele lumii, caci toti oamenii sunt dupa aparitia lui Christos FRATZI CA FII AI ACELUIASI TATA. Numai ca evreii NU L-au recunoscut pe Iisus ca Mesia si au cerut sa fie rastignit . Din acel moment (dupa Inviere, mai precis), iudaismul si crestinismul nu mai au in comun ABSOLUT NIMIC, decat ISTORIA - adica Vechiul Testament. Diferenta azi intre noi si voi, cea mai vizibila si care lamureste totul, este diferenta dintre legea talionului - ochi pentru ochi, dinte pentru dinte, mana penru mana, picior pentru picior - pe care o gasesti in primele doua carti ale Torei numite de noi Exodul si Deuteronomul si "poarta-te cu celalalt asa cum doresti sa se poarte si el cu tine" din Evanghelia Bunului Pastor rastignit de romani la cererea lui Ana si Caiapha pe Golgota.
La 2006-08-10 02:01:25, alamar a scris:

> Dle sobru ,doresc sa te intreb ceva ?....Dle sobru ,dta esti crestin
> sau materialist dialect ?...Ca daca esti crestin,am vesti proaste pt.
> dta si alti membrii, sau fosti membrii ai Garzii de Fier...Multi
> membrii ai acestei org. sant "crestini"...Eu o sa-ti fac o
> mare revelatie.O dezvaluire care o sa te uimeasca...Dle sobru numele
> asta de crestin vine de la un tamplar evreu,pe nume Cristos,care in
> ebraica inseamna Mesia.....Acest evreu, a inceput o religie,care se
> numeste Crestinism,dupa numele evreului mentionat mai sus....Dle
> sobru,fara evrei nu ar exista crestinatatea.Eu regret foarte mult ca
> sant nevoit sa-ti dezvalui aceste vesti triste...Dle sobru,fara acel
> evreu astazi inca te rugai la Jupiter,sau la alte dietati...Totusi
> dle sobru doresc sa stii, ca apreciez faptul ca nu ai scris din nou :
> "Adica ?"....La revedere.

2006-08-10 11:45:19

Philippe Val, dir. "Charlie Hebdo", alt promotor al Manifestului

Olga Khan
2006-08-10 11:55:22

Re: unii cred ca "Muslim Brotherhood", ar fi un cous-cous de oaie...

La 2006-08-10 10:48:56, Oriana a scris:

Vrei reteta de Cous-Cous de oaie ? poate de zile mai reci.

Salutari !


2006-08-10 12:06:48

Teroristii criminali prinsi pe cand complotau sa arunce in aer avioane civile in plin zbor Londra - N.Y. !!

British police say foil plot to bomb aircraft

By Adrian Croft
20 minutes ago

LONDON (Reuters) - British police thwarted on Thursday what they said was a plot to blow up aircraft in mid-flight between Britain and the United States and arrested more than 15 people.


Both countries stepped up security, causing severe delays at airports following the revelation of the plot, which a police source said was believed to involve a "liquid chemical" device.

"The police acting with the security service MI5 are investigating an alleged plot to bring down a number of aircraft through mid-flight explosions, causing a considerable loss of life," Interior Minister John Reid said.

cont. aici : http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060810/ts_nm/security_britain_dc_5

2006-08-10 12:08:30

to alamar..

2006-08-10 12:15:30

Re: ** Dead Men Walking! ** - Cum a fost fortat marele ziar New York Times sa-si ceara scuze dupa ce a fost prins...

2006-08-10 12:15:37

Olga, cous-cous de oaie...

evreu mandru din israel
2006-08-10 12:17:12

Atentie cu ce calatoriti spre vacanta...

British police thwart aircraft bomb plot

Authorities foiled terrorist plot to blow up several aircraft mid-flight between US, Britain using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, officials say Thursday; Heathrow airport closed to flights from Europe, Israel
Associated Press

British authorities thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up several aircraft mid-flight between the United States and Britain using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, officials said Thursday.

Britain's Home Secretary John Reid said the alleged plot was "significant" and that terrorists aimed to "bring down a number of aircraft through mid-flight explosions, causing a considerable loss of life."

Police arrested a number of people overnight in London after a major covert counterterrorism operation that had lasted several months, but did not immediately say how many.

The US government responded by raising its threat assessment to the highest level for commercial flights from Britain to the United States early Thursday.

"We believe that these arrests (in London) have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted," said US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Chertoff added in the statement there was no indication of current plots within the US.
Britain's national threat level was also raised to critical — a warning level that indicates the likelihood of an imminent terrorist attack. The threat rating was posted on the Web site of Britain's MI5 — the British domestic spy agency.
Heathrow airport, the busiest in Europe, was closed to most European flights Thursday morning following the heightened terrorist alert, officials said. The block on incoming traffic applied to flights of three hours or less, affecting most of the incoming traffic from Europe, an airport spokesman said on condition of anonymity in line with airport policy.
Congestion was building up rapidly at the airport as authorities enforced strict new regulations banning most hand baggage.

Passengers panic

Prime Minister Tony Blair, vacationing in the Caribbean, had briefed President Bush on the situation overnight, Blair's office said.

The British Department of Transport advised all passengers that they would not be permitted to carry any hand baggage on board any aircraft departing from any airport in the country. Passengers faced delays as tighter security was hastily enforced at the country's airports and additional measures were put in place for all flights.

"I'm terrified really, I'm really scared," said Sarah Challiner, 20, who was waiting to board a flight from Manchester's airport.

Hannah Pillinger, 24, seemed less concerned by the announcement. "Eight hours without an iPod, that's the most inconvenient thing," she said, waiting at the Manchester airport.

London's Heathrow airport was the departure point for a devastating terrorist attack on a Pan Am airplane on Dec. 21, 1988. The blast over Lockerbie, Scotland, killed all 259 people aboard Pan Am Flight 103 and 11 people on the ground.

2006-08-10 12:19:08

Re: ** Dead Men Walking! ** - Cum a fost fortat marele ziar New York Times sa-si ceara scuze dupa ce a fost prins...

Ghita Bizonu'
2006-08-10 12:31:49

Re: moarte arabilor ca e islamici!

2006-08-10 12:45:14

Domnul Andreescu...

Domnul Andreescu este foarte atent cu fundamentalismul islamic ( ar fi frumos ssi inteligent a nu mai faca egalitatea cu islamismul) dar se cam opreste aici. Eu l-as citi cu mai mare placere pe domnul in cauza daca ne-ar prezenta in egala masura si cu tot atit de mare patima informatii despre viziunea cercurilor de dreapta din israel cu privire la crearea statului Israel in granitele biblice ( e un curent care si-a gasit multi adepti iar extremistii au fost uneori si cooptati la guvernare) sau despre gindirea si actiunea in folosul crearii statului Albania mare ( care ar avea nevoie de ceva teritorii din serbia, muntenegru si parca ar gusta si de la greci)... sau sa scrie ceva despre extremistii secui din regiunea harghita-covasna... Domnul andreescu are foarte multe optiuni daca vrea sa aprofundeze ideea extremismului in lume... mai sunt bascii, nord-irlandezii din IRA, gherilele filipineze... ceva extremisti si prin chiana sunt. De cei din urma chiar ar fi interesant de scris caci se stie mai putin si domnul andreescu nu va mai avea atitia critici

2006-08-10 12:58:06

Bravissimi !!!

Asa imi placeti, dupa modelul forumurilor ns.


2006-08-10 12:59:03


2006-08-10 13:05:35

... nu mai inteleg nimic ...

... s-a schimbat responsabilul cu forumul Ziua ???
... unde e formatul ala simplu si clar ???

2006-08-10 13:07:27

Re: ** Dead Men ...! ** / Toni, ai grija cand te urci in avion ! Teroristii n-o sa te intrebe daca esti prieten sau..

2006-08-10 13:22:40


Fii atent esti pe cale sa fii lichidat....
90% din forumist ataca postarile tale radicale si naziste.......

Pazea ca multi te-au localizat in Ploiesti.........

2006-08-10 13:49:07

Pentru Sobru

Tu si felul tau puteti sa aveti oala voastra personala. Speram cu temperatura mai inalta.

Giculica zbanghiul-turbat
2006-08-10 14:05:51

Da titlul articolului exprima realitatea!

Din pacate asa e un nou totalitarism, cel radical!

2006-08-10 14:07:38

Re: Fundamentalismul islamic nu-i singurul pericol..

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