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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 213.22.126...)
2006-05-29 14:04
Cannes 2006; Apropos de lectiile istoriei in legatura cu ocupanti si ocupati.......

Un artist bun si cu constiinta foloseste intotdeauna lectiile istoriei pentru a pune o oglinda in fata contemporaneitatii.

Loach film wins top Cannes prize
Ken Loach
Loach was one of two British directors competing for the prize
British director Ken Loach's The Wind That Shakes The Barley has won the Palme d'Or - the top prize at the Cannes film festival.

The film, about Ireland's struggle for independence, beat 19 others to the prestigious prize.

Loach, 69, has said the film, which describes the early days of the IRA in the 1920s from an Irish perspective, is also a critique of the US-led invasion of Iraq.

"Maybe if we tell the truth about the past, maybe we tell the truth about the present," he said as he accepted the award.

"In the end this is a story we couldn't avoid," Loach says.

The film recounts the early days of the Irish Republican Army in the 1920s and the struggle for independence from Britain.

It is unashamedly one-eyed, told entirely from the perspective of the Irish who turn to armed struggle after witnessing countless acts of brutality by British soldiers, who are seen to be indiscriminately violent.

Modern relevance

For Loach and regular writing partner Paul Laverty the film exemplifies the struggle for freedom from occupation that has occurred again and again through history.

"The British, unfortunately and illegally, have an army of occupation in Iraq."

Loach calls the war in Iraq "illegal and indefensible".

A scene from the movie
The movie was filmed on location in Cork
Passionate, intense and determined, Loach is one of Britain's most respected directors.

Laverty says the film is also about how empires re-write their history.

"When I was at school I learned nothing about the underbelly of the British Empire and that is not an accident."

"If we were given an objective history, I don't think people would have accepted the lies over Iraq."

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.252.166...)
2006-05-29 15:24
Re: Cannes 2006; Apropos de lectiile istoriei in legatura cu ocupanti si ocupati.......

Arogantu' din Zambaccian cu Girofar (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.83...)
2006-05-29 16:28
Re: A propos de armamentul IRA

Imi place foarte mult cum Loach, cu un film ce reflecta punctul de vedere IRA din anii '20, ajunge sa critice "invazia" Irakului.
Daca ar fi privit mai obiectiv istoria IRA - ar fi descoperit si oarece sprijin logistic primit de IRA din strainatate ...
Dar nu se facea - n'asha ?! - sa-si dea Mr. Loach cu stingu-ntre picioare !

La 2006-05-29 14:04:25, Cristiana a scris:

> Un artist bun si cu constiinta foloseste intotdeauna lectiile istoriei
> pentru a pune o oglinda in fata contemporaneitatii.
> Loach film wins top Cannes prize
> Ken Loach
> Loach was one of two British directors competing for the prize
> British director Ken Loach's The Wind That Shakes The Barley has won
> the Palme d'Or - the top prize at the Cannes film festival.
> The film, about Ireland's struggle for independence, beat 19 others to
> the prestigious prize.
> Loach, 69, has said the film, which describes the early days of the
> IRA in the 1920s from an Irish perspective, is also a critique of the
> US-led invasion of Iraq.
> "Maybe if we tell the truth about the past, maybe we tell the
> truth about the present," he said as he accepted the award.
> "In the end this is a story we couldn't avoid," Loach says.
> The film recounts the early days of the Irish Republican Army in the
> 1920s and the struggle for independence from Britain.
> It is unashamedly one-eyed, told entirely from the perspective of the
> Irish who turn to armed struggle after witnessing countless acts of
> brutality by British soldiers, who are seen to be indiscriminately
> violent.
> Modern relevance
> For Loach and regular writing partner Paul Laverty the film
> exemplifies the struggle for freedom from occupation that has
> occurred again and again through history.
> "The British, unfortunately and illegally, have an army of
> occupation in Iraq."
> Loach calls the war in Iraq "illegal and indefensible".
> A scene from the movie
> The movie was filmed on location in Cork
> Passionate, intense and determined, Loach is one of Britain's most
> respected directors.
> Laverty says the film is also about how empires re-write their
> history.
> "When I was at school I learned nothing about the underbelly of
> the British Empire and that is not an accident."
> "If we were given an objective history, I don't think people
> would have accepted the lies over Iraq."

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