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amica (, IP: 69.157.185...)
2006-04-15 22:04
Doi neoconsi celebri: Richard N. Perle si William Kristoll

« Rumsfeld's admirers, though, characterized the complaining generals as malcontents unhappy with the secretary's attempts to restructure the armed forces for the 21st century. “Look, he's trying to change an institution that is very set in its ways, and that's not easy,” said Richard N. Perle, former chairman of the Defense Policy Board. “You've got some disgruntled former officers. It's no big deal.”

» Longtime Rumsfeld critics said the generals were speaking from genuine concern. “They really are acting out of patriotism,” said William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard. “This is not fun for them. They're reluctant to step forward in this way, and for good reason. . . . But I believe they're doing it because they believe that Rumsfeld is endangering the course of U.S. foreign policy.” »

Cu toate ca lobbystii aia care au muncit pentru Lockheed Martin trebuiesc si ei rasplatiti cumva, umbla vorba prin targ ca F22 Raptor va fi anul asta la pret bun, cu reducere. USAF ramane prietena cu Donald, ca daca ies jocurile o sa ia mai mult de 183 de bucati. Si daca e ok cu seful, USAF obtine si exclusivitate pe noul front.

CONU (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.45.143...)
2006-04-15 23:23
Madame "amica" din North Bay,....

Maldini din http://cafeneaua.3xforum.ro/ (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.99.187...)
2006-04-16 00:07
Re: Amica !

amica din tara crinului (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 69.157.185...)
2006-04-16 00:29
Re: Madame "amica" din North Bay,....

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