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Davidescu vasile din Bicaz (...@k.ro, IP: 86.107.250...)
2006-12-16 23:25
The president condemns in on behalf of Romaniei Communism as the criminal system

How condemn the communism.
Tardily effects of political persecutions from camps, psychiatric asilum and deportations

Monday Presedintele Romaniei, dl. Traian Basescu, on the strength of a consistent stiintifical researches shall condemn the Roumanian communism, as on a criminal agent, unprescriptibil.
We want to argu, all on bases of stiintifical studies that the communist political persecutions challenged sickness don't merely in before but, is demonstrated the persistenxe of tardily sufrenses, after longtime from the disparition of this dictatorial regime.
This post is inspirated from my work monographic PSIHIATRIA SOCIALA VOL. II, And he wants to justify scientifically the right law the persecutedsecutati to a hole rehabilitation and just today.
The ancian deportees and persecuted presents just after tens zears from communism breackdown many symptoms,syndroms,many complains and even diseases.

Considered as 85% from anciens political persecuted complained of asthenia the physics and psyshicstheir permanence pusee, and in 78% from cases present hiperemotivitY brands, irritability, explozivity, explosive affectivity.
Baruk speak about Psihalergie, caracterizated from hypersensibility to noise, emotional explosions and frecvently appear the disturbances of memory( 78%), caracterizated through grievous keepsakes of the live events in of the detention, in contrast with hipomnezia gived for recently, dystractibilitate.
Else I describe to prisoners politics and another disturbances psyches as the:
slumbery with nightmarei, sleeplessness( weight fell asleep, asthenia to get up.
Disfory of property of the fear, psychic agitation, feelings of despair but convincingly as the the life don't the maul has the sense.

One underlines apparition of a paroxysmal states of unpleasant hipermnezie , with reliving in the present of a frame states of old umiliations to were submissive.
Psychosomatic which to old prisoners is a great problem. Very frecvently the psychosomatic symptoms the by-pathes and unspecific the gift nice and frecvently, caning the duke sometimes to diagnostic of the true vegetative distortions.
Another in same situation can individualized sindroame pihosomatice well conturate
(asthma, colitis,ulcers,diabetes etc.
Structurally having originally denutritia or the persistent traumatisms from camps, presebce of a complaints neurotrope diseases as the the typhus, carential feeding
(chiefly vitaminic). The Phenomenon is extremely intense to the time,especially for long-time prisoners. To these the severity of the syndrome is very big proportionaly, with the degree of maltreatment of his physics with the severity weight loss.
Were proven through perturbations ofale exam of EEG( in 40% from cases) or modifications of PEG.
I described this in frame the phenomena of senescenta precociously arterial, cerebral atrophies, the clinical phenomena be specific the syndrome psihoorganic or the insanity presenile. Yet the of a reality organic were different interpretata sometimes with doubtful, reason for which her size is variable from an author to other( between 9% to the 90%).
Very many cases of organicity is very discreet. To 460 cases of deported examinees in period 1955-60 is remarked, 37 epileptics, 4 facial neuralgias, 4 parkinsonians, a lateral sclerosis amiotrofica, siringomielia, a cranial neoplasm.
Appear also affective infantilism, anxiety, the absence sensibility and the mood, pytiatic behaviors .
Like states appeared to young, chiefly in The Eastern Europe( between 5-17 years) carry and they missed the family and they and they hid the identity, circulated thus from place in these young place, missed the possibility of accommodation after fall of the communism.
The same chronic syndrome which reagent burn appears with a frequencies of 10%
(chiefly to persecutatii from Romania). Is here the word of persons of simply social origin socio , of the age broom, carry bore a life familiala, frequently thea are the single survivals.
To these individuals appear intens depression , with low of vital tonus, apathy, the lack of the initiative, notion of futility.

The syndrom which deportees burn be most frecvently and ordinary of deportees and political persecuted received differently names( the campus of concentration, deportees syndroms etc). Syndrom burn be else frecvently to young and is carachterized through mnesic disturbances , affective disturbances( anxiety, irritability).
Across 10 among subjects burn this presence of the syndrome, in while in another situation it appears as be specific to the majority of old political persecutions. Sindromular appears and to across 15 years after liberation and can take at least 3 forms:
Marked with the impossibility of the effort brain worker, anxiety, the sleeplessness;
Motor troubles with neurastenic phenomena with predominance chiefly in the morning;
Vegetatively with outpourings cardio, digestive;
Outwards these sindroame somehow specify else described to old deportees, states schizofreniforme, PMD, obsessional neuroses, Phobias, hysterically, frequently been and syndroams of neurovegetativ distonia.
Sinistrozes or nevrosis of the rent appears seldom and is ascribable of a legitimate desires of reavenge of theeir persecutors.

From one of excelsior is can easily he detached the conclusion as the the sufferings of politics persecuted in camps and prisons, deportees don't is finished along with their liberation, but continued still decades sequence.in-sequence, sometimes the disturbances be irreversible the in their entire all life.
This is a reason for condemn the communist genocidal and to consider the communist crimes as the inprescriptibile.

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.64.182...)
2006-12-17 00:19
D-le Davidescu, ati folosit cumva traducerea auto-web ? sau

or the text below is your own idea ?
Great sense of humor, one would say !!!

La 2006-12-16 23:25:24, Davidescu vasile a scris:

> How condemn the communism.
> Tardily effects of political persecutions from camps, psychiatric
> asilum and deportations
> Monday Presedintele Romaniei, dl. Traian Basescu, on the strength of
> a consistent stiintifical researches shall condemn the Roumanian
> communism, as on a criminal agent, unprescriptibil.
> We want to argu, all on bases of stiintifical studies that the
> communist political persecutions challenged sickness don't merely in
> before but, is demonstrated the persistenxe of tardily sufrenses,
> after longtime from the disparition of this dictatorial regime.
> This post is inspirated from my work monographic PSIHIATRIA SOCIALA
> VOL. II, And he wants to justify scientifically the right law the
> persecutedsecutati to a hole rehabilitation and just today.
> The ancian deportees and persecuted presents just after tens zears
> from communism breackdown many symptoms,syndroms,many complains and
> even diseases.
> Considered as 85% from anciens political persecuted complained of
> asthenia the physics and psyshicstheir permanence pusee, and in 78%
> from cases present hiperemotivitY brands, irritability, explozivity,
> explosive affectivity.
> Baruk speak about Psihalergie, caracterizated from hypersensibility
> to noise, emotional explosions and frecvently appear the disturbances
> of memory( 78%), caracterizated through grievous keepsakes of the live
> events in of the detention, in contrast with hipomnezia gived for
> recently, dystractibilitate.
> Else I describe to prisoners politics and another disturbances
> psyches as the:
> slumbery with nightmarei, sleeplessness( weight fell asleep, asthenia
> to get up.
> Disfory of property of the fear, psychic agitation, feelings of
> despair but convincingly as the the life don't the maul has the
> sense.
> One underlines apparition of a paroxysmal states of unpleasant
> hipermnezie , with reliving in the present of a frame states of old
> umiliations to were submissive.
> Psychosomatic which to old prisoners is a great problem. Very
> frecvently the psychosomatic symptoms the by-pathes and unspecific
> the gift nice and frecvently, caning the duke sometimes to diagnostic
> of the true vegetative distortions.
> Another in same situation can individualized sindroame pihosomatice
> well conturate
> (asthma, colitis,ulcers,diabetes etc.
> Structurally having originally denutritia or the persistent
> traumatisms from camps, presebce of a complaints neurotrope diseases
> as the the typhus, carential feeding
> (chiefly vitaminic). The Phenomenon is extremely intense to the
> time,especially for long-time prisoners. To these the severity of the
> syndrome is very big proportionaly, with the degree of maltreatment
> of his physics with the severity weight loss.
> Were proven through perturbations ofale exam of EEG( in 40% from
> cases) or modifications of PEG.
> I described this in frame the phenomena of senescenta precociously
> arterial, cerebral atrophies, the clinical phenomena be specific the
> syndrome psihoorganic or the insanity presenile. Yet the of a reality
> organic were different interpretata sometimes with doubtful, reason
> for which her size is variable from an author to other( between 9% to
> the 90%).
> Very many cases of organicity is very discreet. To 460 cases of
> deported examinees in period 1955-60 is remarked, 37 epileptics, 4
> facial neuralgias, 4 parkinsonians, a lateral sclerosis amiotrofica,
> siringomielia, a cranial neoplasm.
> Appear also affective infantilism, anxiety, the absence sensibility
> and the mood, pytiatic behaviors .
> Like states appeared to young, chiefly in The Eastern Europe( between
> 5-17 years) carry and they missed the family and they and they hid the
> identity, circulated thus from place in these young place, missed the
> possibility of accommodation after fall of the communism.
> The same chronic syndrome which reagent burn appears with a
> frequencies of 10%
> (chiefly to persecutatii from Romania). Is here the word of persons of
> simply social origin socio , of the age broom, carry bore a life
> familiala, frequently thea are the single survivals.
> To these individuals appear intens depression , with low of vital
> tonus, apathy, the lack of the initiative, notion of futility.
> The syndrom which deportees burn be most frecvently and ordinary of
> deportees and political persecuted received differently names( the
> campus of concentration, deportees syndroms etc). Syndrom burn be else
> frecvently to young and is carachterized through mnesic disturbances
> , affective disturbances( anxiety, irritability).
> Across 10 among subjects burn this presence of the syndrome, in while
> in another situation it appears as be specific to the majority of old
> political persecutions. Sindromular appears and to across 15 years
> after liberation and can take at least 3 forms:
> Marked with the impossibility of the effort brain worker, anxiety,
> the sleeplessness;
> Motor troubles with neurastenic phenomena with predominance
> chiefly in the morning;
> Vegetatively with outpourings cardio, digestive;
> Outwards these sindroame somehow specify else described to old
> deportees, states schizofreniforme, PMD, obsessional neuroses,
> Phobias, hysterically, frequently been and syndroams of neurovegetativ
> distonia.
> Sinistrozes or nevrosis of the rent appears seldom and is ascribable
> of a legitimate desires of reavenge of theeir persecutors.
> From one of excelsior is can easily he detached the conclusion as the
> the sufferings of politics persecuted in camps and prisons, deportees
> don't is finished along with their liberation, but continued still
> decades sequence.in-sequence, sometimes the disturbances be
> irreversible the in their entire all life.
> This is a reason for condemn the communist genocidal and to consider
> the communist crimes as the inprescriptibile.

Phil din Philadelphia, US of A (...@msn.com, IP: 68.162.66...)
2006-12-17 00:38
Re: The president condemns in on behalf of Romaniei Communism as the criminal system

La 2006-12-16 23:25:24, Davidescu vasile a scris:

Hauzi bre, invatza engleza, da bine si pe urma scrie poliloghia asta corect, adica scarpina varza asta si aranjeaz-o corect ca si cind o pui la murat in butoi, ca altfel nu are sens si nu se acreste. mai invatza engleza!

lil (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 194.158.104...)
2006-12-17 04:35
Re: The president condemns in on behalf of Romaniei Communism as the criminal system

La 2006-12-17 00:38:08, Phil a scris:

> Hauzi bre, invatza engleza, da bine si pe urma scrie poliloghia asta
> corect, adica scarpina varza asta si aranjeaz-o corect ca si cind o
> pui la murat in butoi, ca altfel nu are sens si nu se acreste. mai
> invatza engleza!

Problema nu e numai de limba....

Davidescu vasile din Bicaz (...@k.ro, IP: 86.107.250...)
2006-12-17 09:40
Re: The president condemns in on behalf of Romaniei Communism as the criminal system

lil (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 194.158.98...)
2006-12-17 18:41
Re: The president condemns in on behalf of Romaniei Communism as the criminal system

La 2006-12-17 09:40:25, Davidescu vasile a scris:

Mai bine nu va suparati aiurea si cititi ce v-am raspuns la celalalt post.

ps: nu mai amestecati politica, pe mine politica din tara nu ma prea intereseaza

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