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Nihilescu din dincolo (...@whoever.com, IP: 205.250.204...)
2006-12-13 01:03
Gremania si catolicismul

Desigur, Germania nu este "foarte catolica", asa cum scrie autoarea articolului, dar nici foarte protestanta nu este, asa cum pretind o multime de forumisti. A nu se uita ca actualul Papa este totusi german (si catolic! :o).
Ca sa va lamuriti cum sta treaba cu religia la nemti:

Main article: Religion in Germany
Martin Luther, Father of the Protestant Reformation and reformer of the German language, 1529Germany is the home of the Reformation, began by Martin Luther in the early 16th century. Today, Protestants (concentrated in the north and east) comprise about 31% of the population and Roman Catholics (concentrated in the south and west) also 31%. The current Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in Bavaria. In total, more than 55 million people officially belong to a Christian denomination.

Non-religious people (including atheists and agnostics (especially in the former GDR)), amount to a total of 28.5% of the population (23.5 million).[40]

Approximately three million Muslims[41] (predominantly from Turkey and some from the former Yugoslavia) live in Germany. Most are Sunnis and Alevites from Turkey but there are a small number of Shiites.[42] (See also: Islam in Germany)

Today's Germany has Western Europe's third-largest Jewish population.[43] In 2004, twice as many Jews from former Soviet republics settled in Germany as in Israel, bringing the total Jewish population to more than 200,000, compared to 30,000 prior to German reunification. Jews have a strong voice in German public life through the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (Central Council of Jews in Germany). Important cities with significant Jewish populations include Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.86.218...)
2006-12-13 01:21
Re: Gremania si catolicismul

unii au rezultate putin diferite:

Norris and Inglehart (2004) found that 31% of West Germans do not believe in God.

According to Greeley (2003), 35% of West Germans do not believe in God, but only 11% self-identify as “atheist.”

According to Froese (2001), 35% of West Germans are either atheist or agnostic.

According to Greeley (2003), 75% of East Germans do not believe in God, with 51% self-identifying as “atheist.”

According to Pollack (2002), 74% of East Germans and 38% of West Germans do not believe in God.

According to Shand (1998), 42% of West Germans and 72% of East Germans are either atheist or agnostic.


La 2006-12-13 01:03:35, Nihilescu a scris:

> Desigur, Germania nu este "foarte catolica", asa cum scrie autoarea
> articolului, dar nici foarte protestanta nu este, asa cum pretind o
> multime de forumisti. A nu se uita ca actualul Papa este totusi german
> (si catolic! :o).
> Ca sa va lamuriti cum sta treaba cu religia la nemti:
> Religion
> Main article: Religion in Germany
> Martin Luther, Father of the Protestant Reformation and reformer of
> the German language, 1529Germany is the home of the Reformation, began
> by Martin Luther in the early 16th century. Today, Protestants
> (concentrated in the north and east) comprise about 31% of the
> population and Roman Catholics (concentrated in the south and west)
> also 31%. The current Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in
> Bavaria. In total, more than 55 million people officially belong to a
> Christian denomination.
> Non-religious people (including atheists and agnostics (especially in
> the former GDR)), amount to a total of 28.5% of the population (23.5
> million).[40]
> Approximately three million Muslims[41] (predominantly from Turkey and
> some from the former Yugoslavia) live in Germany. Most are Sunnis and
> Alevites from Turkey but there are a small number of Shiites.[42] (See
> also: Islam in Germany)
> Today's Germany has Western Europe's third-largest Jewish
> population.[43] In 2004, twice as many Jews from former Soviet
> republics settled in Germany as in Israel, bringing the total Jewish
> population to more than 200,000, compared to 30,000 prior to German
> reunification. Jews have a strong voice in German public life through
> the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (Central Council of Jews in
> Germany). Important cities with significant Jewish populations include
> Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.

Degringoladeanu din putzul gandirii (...@yeayea.com, IP: 205.250.204...)
2006-12-13 01:27
Re: Gremania si catolicismul

Da, ar fi bine ca, in numele ortodoxismului, "unii" sa se mai documenteze inainte de a tranti cu mucii-n fasole, nu de alta, dar daca tot ii trantesc, macar s-o faca cu eleganta si in cunostinta de cauza...

La 2006-12-13 01:03:35, Nihilescu a scris:

> Desigur, Germania nu este "foarte catolica", asa cum scrie autoarea
> articolului, dar nici foarte protestanta nu este, asa cum pretind o
> multime de forumisti. A nu se uita ca actualul Papa este totusi german
> (si catolic! :o).
> Ca sa va lamuriti cum sta treaba cu religia la nemti:
> Religion
> Main article: Religion in Germany
> Martin Luther, Father of the Protestant Reformation and reformer of
> the German language, 1529Germany is the home of the Reformation, began
> by Martin Luther in the early 16th century. Today, Protestants
> (concentrated in the north and east) comprise about 31% of the
> population and Roman Catholics (concentrated in the south and west)
> also 31%. The current Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in
> Bavaria. In total, more than 55 million people officially belong to a
> Christian denomination.
> Non-religious people (including atheists and agnostics (especially in
> the former GDR)), amount to a total of 28.5% of the population (23.5
> million).[40]
> Approximately three million Muslims[41] (predominantly from Turkey and
> some from the former Yugoslavia) live in Germany. Most are Sunnis and
> Alevites from Turkey but there are a small number of Shiites.[42] (See
> also: Islam in Germany)
> Today's Germany has Western Europe's third-largest Jewish
> population.[43] In 2004, twice as many Jews from former Soviet
> republics settled in Germany as in Israel, bringing the total Jewish
> population to more than 200,000, compared to 30,000 prior to German
> reunification. Jews have a strong voice in German public life through
> the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (Central Council of Jews in
> Germany). Important cities with significant Jewish populations include
> Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.

ingineru din vancouver (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.232.97...)
2006-12-13 01:41
Re: Gremania si catolicismul... totdeauna m-am intrebat ce-o fi in capul alora...

... care spun ca nu cred in Dumnezeu (de nici un fel), dar nu se considera nici atei. Probabil ca nu mare lucru... :-)

Cat priveste statisticile unora sau altora, foarte interesante !
Se vede bine influenta socialismului victorios, acolo unde a fost cazul... :-)

La 2006-12-13 01:03:35, Nihilescu a scris:

> Desigur, Germania nu este "foarte catolica", asa cum scrie autoarea
> articolului, dar nici foarte protestanta nu este, asa cum pretind o
> multime de forumisti. A nu se uita ca actualul Papa este totusi german
> (si catolic! :o).
> Ca sa va lamuriti cum sta treaba cu religia la nemti:
> Religion
> Main article: Religion in Germany
> Martin Luther, Father of the Protestant Reformation and reformer of
> the German language, 1529Germany is the home of the Reformation, began
> by Martin Luther in the early 16th century. Today, Protestants
> (concentrated in the north and east) comprise about 31% of the
> population and Roman Catholics (concentrated in the south and west)
> also 31%. The current Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in
> Bavaria. In total, more than 55 million people officially belong to a
> Christian denomination.
> Non-religious people (including atheists and agnostics (especially in
> the former GDR)), amount to a total of 28.5% of the population (23.5
> million).[40]
> Approximately three million Muslims[41] (predominantly from Turkey and
> some from the former Yugoslavia) live in Germany. Most are Sunnis and
> Alevites from Turkey but there are a small number of Shiites.[42] (See
> also: Islam in Germany)
> Today's Germany has Western Europe's third-largest Jewish
> population.[43] In 2004, twice as many Jews from former Soviet
> republics settled in Germany as in Israel, bringing the total Jewish
> population to more than 200,000, compared to 30,000 prior to German
> reunification. Jews have a strong voice in German public life through
> the Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland (Central Council of Jews in
> Germany). Important cities with significant Jewish populations include
> Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich.

neamtu tiganu din nemtia (...@aol.com, IP: 172.180.28...)
2006-12-13 01:46
Re: Acturus..

La 2006-12-13 01:21:27, Arcturus a scris:

> unii au rezultate putin diferite:
> Norris and Inglehart (2004) found that 31% of West Germans do not
> believe in God.
Io cred numai in statisticile pe care le-am masluit singur... da dincolo de statistici si de credinta in Dumnezeu, sarbatoarea de Craciun ie tinuta si de multi atei.

Craciunu si-a pierdut un pic din semnificatia religioasa ( de fapt daca am inteles de la specialisti ie tare incurcata treaba cu data nasterii lu Isus si mai ales cu Mos Craciun, respectiv sau/si Mos Niculaie) si ie o sarbatoare a familiei, a impacarii, a copiilor. Multi musulmani au probleme sa le explice copiilor de ce iei nu primesc cadouri cum primesc ceilalti colegi, de ce iei (copii musulmani) nu se pot bucura de un brad impodobit, de ce nu participa la multimea de serbari cu subiect Craciun.

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.86.218...)
2006-12-13 02:25
Re: Acturus..

La 2006-12-13 01:46:56, neamtu tiganu a scris:
> --------------------------------
> Io cred numai in statisticile pe care le-am masluit singur... da
> dincolo de statistici si de credinta in Dumnezeu, sarbatoarea de
> Craciun ie tinuta si de multi atei.

O fi. Si ce daca? Cui nu ii convine un concediu si niste bani in plus la sfarsit de an?

> Craciunu si-a pierdut un pic din semnificatia religioasa ( de fapt
> daca am inteles de la specialisti ie tare incurcata treaba cu data
> nasterii lu Isus si mai ales cu Mos Craciun, respectiv sau/si Mos
> Niculaie) si ie o sarbatoare a familiei, a impacarii, a copiilor.
> Multi musulmani au probleme sa le explice copiilor de ce iei nu
> primesc cadouri cum primesc ceilalti colegi, de ce iei (copii
> musulmani) nu se pot bucura de un brad impodobit, de ce nu participa
> la multimea de serbari cu subiect Craciun.

Io ce sa le fac daca is grei de cap si nu sunt in stare sa le explice copiilor ce se intampla? Asta nu inseamna absolut nimic. Evreii sarbatoresc altceva in perioada asta, unii sarbatoresc sfarsitul anului, faptul ca toata lumea are concediu in acelasi timp si se pot reuni familiile. Plus ca mos Craciun si bradul impodobit nu prea au nimic de-a face cu crestinismul si nasterea lui Iisus ...

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