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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2006-11-14 20:16
off topic: Rumsfeld acuzat de crime impotriva umanitatii

Amerloci: sa auzim numai de bine si la mai multzi.

An international grouping of lawyers has filed a lawsuit calling on German prosecutors to investigate outgoing US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for allegedly sanctioning torture.

The 220-page suit is being brought on behalf of 11 former Iraqi detainees of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad and one Saudi currently being held at the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The suit was filed to Germany's federal prosecutor Monika Harms at her offices in the western city of Karlsruhe, said Hannes Honecker, the secretary-general of the Germany-based Republican Attorneys' Association Tuesday.

German law allows the pursuit of warcrimes cases regardless of where they originate in the world.

ingineru din vancouver (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.232.97...)
2006-11-14 20:29
Re: off topic: Rumsfeld acuzat de crime impotriva umanitatii... whatever !

b.d. din israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.65.215...)
2006-11-14 20:50
daca tot suntem la...''off topic''...

Roxana (...@free.fr, IP: 82.238.120...)
2006-11-14 21:06
Re: off topic: Rumsfeld acuzat de crime impotriva umanitatii

california din http://ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.com, IP: 68.110.67...)
2006-11-14 21:33
Asta e rasuflata.

Si nici nu e de mirare. Dar, cum au inceput tot asa or sa si termine. Adica SINGURI. Poti sa intelegi ce vrei.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.138.40...)
2006-11-14 21:56
Re: off topic: Rumsfeld acuzat de crime impotriva umanitatii

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.254.193...)
2006-11-14 22:07
Re: Asta e rasuflata.

corbul pacii cu oo de aur din partidul pacii militar democratic si popular (...@rediffmail.com, IP: 24.201.106...)
2006-11-14 22:13
Re: Asta e rasuflata.

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.65.177...)
2006-11-14 22:41
Re: Asta e rasuflata.

california din http://ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.com, IP: 68.110.67...)
2006-11-14 22:45
Asta e rasuflata.

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